There’s some great news for supporters of The Sarkeesian Effect, the seemingly random collection of badly filmed interviews with assorted people who dislike Anita Sarkeesian that is allegedly being edited into a film of some kind!
In a new video, Jordan Owen — the hairier of the two Sarkeesian Effect impresarios — has announced an amazing new opt-out opportunity for the alleged film’s backers to donate money to him and his pal (then enemy, then pal again) Davis Aurini.
Owen reports that, even though they’re supposedly already done filming their alleged film, the two have somehow managed to work out a way to do some more filming “that we didn’t think that we’d be able to do but it’s really going to tie the movie together,” much like the non-big Lebowski’s famously peed-on rug, I guess.
Now, Owen won’t provide any details — which, he suggests, might have something vaguely to do with the Honey Badgers’ recent escapade in Calgary? — but apparently it is a quite exciting filming opportunity and it somehow requires another month’s worth of funding for the alleged film, and unless the project’s backers specifically opt out by the end of the month they’re going to get charged for it!
It’s all very ethical.
In the video, Owen also invites supporters to check out the amazingly professional web site they have up for their amazing film at TheSarkeesianEffect.com. I would also highly recommend that you check it out; it is in every way up to the exacting standards the two are known for.
And before I forget, I’d like to mention some great news for fans of the unintentional comedy that the Sarkeesian Effect duo provide almost every time they open their mouths.
A couple of Sarkeesian Effect mockers — Andrew Todd from badassdigest.com and @kav_p from Twitter — have come into the possession of puppets that, as Kav P puts it, look “startlingly similar” to the Sarkeesian Effect duo. They plan to produce a series of short videos starring said puppets.
Here’s the theme song for the series, which they call MRAsterpiece Theater. You may notice that despite costing nothing to anyone but the two people who made it, this video somehow manages to look and sound a lot more professional than anything the actual Sarkeesian Effect dudes have produced so far.
Citation please?
Examples for the second and third ones, please, so we can better under how you define ‘playing the victim card’.
I wonder if trolls will stop posting if I post fan art I find? Sonic fan art?
Sure, it’s technically against the Geneva Conventions and yes, there will be casualties on our side, but I think trolls will think twice if they don’t want to see pictures of Sonic heavily pregnant having sex with Tails who is also pregnant and both have been eaten by Dr. Robotnik.
4th troll is just going to ignore all the problems myself and Brooked pointed out with the study and attribute it to my hurt fee fees. What a shock. A misogynist would rather call us hysterical then ever engage our points.
Since Jackie posted a Pinhead pic, I guess we could talk about the impending Hellraiser remake. I’m actually optimistic, mostly because Clive Barker is supposedly making it. Some light CGI could improve things, although I’m hoping for mostly practical effects. When it comes to horror, too much CGI takes away the scary.
The Audition remake on the other hand…
Ah, gators always have the most annoying ‘ heads I win, tails you lose’ logic.
Either “women gamers are so rare that it makes no sense to try to change the toxic culture of a huge number of games”, or, “alright, fine, women do play games but since they already buy games we clearly don’t need to change anything because they’re already fine with it! I totally know a girl gamer who is totally cool and never complains about harassment or objectification because all she wants to do is ‘ shut up and play!’ no, really! Honest to god!”
I’m not that big of a Hellraiser fan and just thinking of it being remade really chaffs me. Most of the horror in the movie is about the grotesque and sex (I prefer more psychological than gross-out stuff), but the effects were amazing. Next you’re gonna be telling me they’re remaking American Werewolf in London.
They’re remaking everything, so probably.
They would probably just make it a straight up horror which makes me sad. It was a scary movie first but had lots of dark humor. I really should watch it again soon.
@ 4th
When you see and short article reporting on study it usually nothing more than a layman journalist badly summarizing a press release. Young reported that “on the whole, 2.5 percent of the tweets sent to the men but fewer than 1 percent of those sent to women were classified as abusive”. She doesn’t examine how they classify language as abusive. I’ve already outlined that there is no violent language on their list such as the word “rape”, it’s mostly sexual language, including many benign ones such as “sex” and “lmfao”.
LINK: Demos categorized tweets as offensive if they contained one or more of the abusive words included in Google’s search language filter: https://gist.github.com/jamiew/1112488
Young also briefly mentions of an earlier Demos study, saying “in an earlier Demos analysis, women on Twitter were almost as likely as men to use “gendered” derogatory language”.
The report itself says under ‘key findings’, “women are as almost as likely as men to use the terms ‘slut’ and ‘whore’ on Twitter”. It also says under ‘key findings’, “between 26 December 2013 and 9 February 2014 there were around 100 thousand instances of the word ‘rape’ used in English from UK – based Twitter accounts. We estimate around 12 percent appeared to be threatening”.
You know what it doesn’t say under key findings? That men tweet the word “rape” more than women, even though there’s a graph showing it. They also don’t provide the gender break down of the senders of tweets considered threats or abusive containing “slut”, “whore” or “rape”.
The Daily Beast article is poor source when the studies it references are available and can be directly evaluated.
As you pointed out, adding either a male or female character to a game takes a lot of effort if its id going to mesh nicely with the environments and without glitches.
Interesting fact: The amount of work is the same for both. So the question isn’t why they don’t add more female characters, but why we don’t have more games that introduces them since they are making a character anyway.
Since you have a lot more control over the side characters they are a lot easier to create, so why aren’t there more competent, non sexualized female support characters, especially in those places where the gender of the character doesn’t matter?
Also, now when we have a lot of people wanting more, better, and stronger female characters in games, is that not just the market asking for change, witch the clearly non sexist games industry would be happy to give?
(Note: Remember Me, a game made to appeal to allot of people and with a female lead. The developers had to specifically request a focus group that included women, since the standard from the PR firms were to just ask boys.)
You state that the issue is more between hardcore and casual markets. Have there been a serious attempt to see if women are interested in “hardcore” games? Ten years ago, Every body new that only young people were into gaming, and the only market were the “hardcore” one. Then the Wii changed that. Could that be the case here to?
The so called “Hardcore” games not bothering with male or female
(Note: This was in a professional tournament so everybody involved were “hardcore”)
Discussion about gender and game mechanics
(Note: The episode is written by James Portnow)
(Note: At Uni, when we had professional game developers over, EVERYONE of them recommended extra credits as a good place to get ideas on how to make better games)
Finishing Thoughts:
There are more ways to be seen as a hostile environment than to be killing or doing harm to someone, as previously mentioned, where a the great female characters (, that aren’t sexualized just because, who are persons in their own right, who exists beyond just as plot device, that are in hardcore games)?
And why is it wrong to ask for more games that deliver on those points?
To help you out I will give you one character, a main even, Sheppard.
(Note: First designs noted Sheppard as female, Marketing changed it later)
@4th troll, if you’re still around. Have another teal dear
Apparently you care enough to reply.
No, plenty of women WERE interested in video games. If you’ve got proof that somehow women were not interested in video games, be my guest and show it. But I have a feeling that this is just a bullshit assumption that exists in your mind.
Ah yes, the classic rationalization of “well they are probably off playing Candy Crush which doesn’t count due to my arbitrary elitist definition of a real game”. Um, do you realize how many women play Pokemon? A.K.A a turn-based JRPG with a competitive scene. You’ll also notice that Pokemon actually has a half-way decent split of male/female characters as well as some very strong women who are NOT heavily sexualized (Cynthia). HUH, WHAT A COINCIDENCE.
Correct, except I never said “lots of video games give you the choice to be violent against women”. Nice try at a straw man. What I did say was many games were (and still are) overtly hostile to women.
There are MANY ways of being “overtly hostile to women”. The example I listed is creating a sequence that depicts violence against women to paint a world as gritty and “tough”. Examples include: Saboteur, GTA V, Dragon Age, Watch Dogs, Bioshock.
Each of those games contains a scene where a female ‘character’ is killed off or harmed for NO OTHER REASON than to make the world look gritty. THIS is hostile towards women.
Um, that’s because the vast majority of human characters are male. “total number of male characters killed” vs “total number of female characters killed” is a uselss piece of data that completely missing the point. (for example, it doesn’t address HOW characters are killed off. Male characters usually don’t go down without a fight, female characters are more likely to be portrayed as “helpless” and “innocent”)
Correct, women don’t even get to be cannon fodder. They are too often portrayed as helpless and die without even fighting. This is actually a great example of sexism in video games, thank you for pointing it out.
Um, no, girls ALSO gravitated to video games in large numbers. They then gravitated AWAY due to the vast amount of content that was very obviously aimed at boys. And you think I’m going ballistic? That’s adorable. Keep projecting, I’m having far too much fun over here .
Um, nobody is “implying developers are sex for not complying with their demands”, they are being called sexist because they created a scene in the game that is blatantly sexist. You act like being called out for sexism is the worst offence possible. Why is it such a bad thing? Plenty of people are sexist without even realizing it. Being sexist =/= being a horrible person.
Also NOBODY IS CALLING THE FANS SEXIST FOR PLAYING SEXIST GAMES. Nobody is, in fact, demanding anything from the fans. The fact that you feel targeted when video games get accused of being sexist just shows that you’re taking things way too personally.
You, by the way, ARE being sexist, because you’re making completely unfounded assumptions about women. Speaking of which….
Well those fans need to shut the fuck up about their sexist assumption that women are casual gamers and that men are automatically hardcore. There are PLENTY of women who enjoy “hardcore” games.
I’m a guy who recognized toxic masculinity for what it is. BTW That makes me immune to your pathetic attacks at my gender. FYI “I can’t even” is a diminutive of “what is this; I can’t even” which comes from fucking 4chan.
Plenty of games are capable of having female protagonists and still be sexist. One example is the Soul Calibur series… Oh hey! You even mentioned it for me! How nice of you.
They wouldn’t have to go through the work if they had ALREADY DESIGNED THE GAME with a female character to begin with.
The fact that you think this could be solved by ‘just throwing in some female skins’ shows how little you understand about the problem of sexism in video games.
Um, it seems like her debunking didn’t go along with YOUR world view. Also, the fact that you’re not addressing any of her (or Brooked)’s points is quite telling…
No, it’s completely ridiculous that a game dev received death threats because he nerfed a particular overpowered gun. Glad we are in agreement.
I see, so making critical analysis of video games = whining. That’s flawed logic. Also, where did Anita say “MALES ARE THE ENEMY”? It seems more like some members of one gender FEEL targeted even though they have NO REASON to be.
So what if they didn’t do those things, as I mentioned? Sorry, but you can’t just rationalize away the behavior of those assholes on the internet. Again, they are reacting as if they have personally been attacked even though NOBODY HAS DONE SO.
Also I love the thinly-veiled victim blaming you’re doing. Somehow it’s the fault of critics that assholes can’t take criticizm of their precious video games without throwing a tantrum.
No, actually a bunch of feminists criticizing (or, as you call it, ‘whining’) is and always has been the only thing that’s contributed to change.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margret Mead
Shit, Pokemon is one of the most hardcore games I’ve ever played (and I’ve played a lot of games =P). From type tables, movesets and teambuilding to EVs, IVs and Hidden Powers… I recently finished a breeding project that took four months to get right.
Cutesy =/= Casual.
The metagame, THE METAGAME.
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Isn’t it crazy? I thought I knew everything about Pokémon (I was young and had caught all 151 Pokémon) then I discovered those hidden stats like a fish discovering the ocean! what’s your project?
Yeah, Whitney and her Milktank taught me that one! XD