#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women evil SJWs FemRAs FeMRAsplaining honey badgers hypocrisy I am making a joke irony alert misandry misogyny MRA playing the victim shut up shut up shut up YouTube

We Hunted the Mammoth responds to 4 1/2 Hours of Honey Badger Videos About #CalgaryExpo


(Not an actual video; do not click.)
(Not an actual video; do not click.)

The Honey Badger Brigade — the (mostly) all-gal A Voice for Men spinoff group that got booted from the Calgary Expo yesterday — would like everyone to know that they refuse to see themselves as victims, you know, like feminists.

Indeed, they are so devoted to not seeing themselves as victims that they and their allies at A Voice for Men have put out roughly 4 1/2 hours of videos about their expulsion since yesterday, including three videos that are longer than an hour each. No, really: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (I’m not including the two additional videos by Mundane Matt that AVFM has posted on its site.)

We here at We Hunted the Mammoth would like to respond to these videos with a video of our own:

Technically speaking, this video isn’t ours. We just found it on YouTube. But it is ten hours long, more than twice the length of the Honey Badger videos so far. So I think we win?


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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Oh, and apparently the Expo is partially publicly funded apparently, so the Honey Badgers think they have a shot at suing them for kicking them out.

Who Knows (@ShiraMK)
9 years ago

Here’s my contribution of long-ass videos.

9 years ago

The MRA sayng they refuse to see themselves as victims. WOW. Just. WOW. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. They have the biggest victim complex of all.

9 years ago

WOW. The MRA “refuse to see themselves as victims.” just. WOW. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. Hypocrites.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Here’s my favorite long youtube video.

9 years ago

Jeez they have no sense of irony. Ok, so you’re not a victim. In that case, do you want to take responsibility for what you did? Because, you know, that’s the opposite of being a victim?

9 years ago

Ooooh, I LOVE Invader Zim!

9 years ago

“Banned for not damselling” — and there they go, damselling on their own booooooring “show” for hours on end afterwards.

Space lepers, indeed.

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

Also Invader Zim related, 10-hour Doom Song!

9 years ago

@Orion a panel entitled Women into Comics is not going to be about men’s representation.

@Paradoxical intention Thank you for providing that reply. Very informative.

9 years ago

Did anyone else notice that at the beginning of Dean Esmay’s utube video there is a picture of a hand holding the sacred “red pill”. This pill is Docusate, which is a stool softener. How appropriate.

9 years ago

Phew! Thank goodness. What a relief!

When I saw the heading I thought David was going to tell us that he’d watched a few hours of their shitty ramblings.

So we don’t need to organise express delivery of a super large barrel of hugs, booze and chocolate as emergency relief.

Hoosier X
Hoosier X
9 years ago

They aren’t ever victims. The people being mean to them are the victims!

They aren’t ever outraged. It’s the people who are making them so angry that they have to harass them and send them death threats that are outraged!

They aren’t shrill. They aren’t drama queens. They aren’t hysterical. It’s always the people they disagree with!

Despite all evidence to the contrary.

The Dark Avenger
9 years ago

Invader Zim was Admiral Nimitz, compared to these great strategists.

If you’re not preaching to the choir, KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Little video clips to get something across quickly is what they need to do. After a few minutes people are going to do something more productive like watch this instead:

9 years ago


Oh, you’re right. I looked back at the other thread. First I straight misread “representation of women” as “representation of men” somehow, then got confused because apparently the panelists *did* end up talking about men when the Honey Badgers brought it up.

Derailment successful, I guess.

9 years ago


Did anyone else notice that at the beginning of Dean Esmay’s utube video there is a picture of a hand holding the sacred “red pill”. This pill is Docusate, which is a stool softener. How appropriate.

Okay, legit laughing my head off right now. 😀 😀 😀

9 years ago

Ugh that first video. Near the end, she tells a horrible story about how she took a shop class in high school and all the boys excluded her, taunted her, and spat on her for being a girl in a shop class. But she won’t blame them or societal sexism, apparently, and other women who have been treated the same way (to greater or lesser degrees) who do blame them and speak up about changing this are, apparently, the bad guys.

9 years ago

Oldie but a goldie.

9 years ago

23mins, 11seconds as I type. Damn but I love this song.

To beat David’s record, do I have to be ‘Actively’ listening – sitting in a lotus in a room painted neutral colours, musing steadily for 10 hours straight on what, exactly, is love? Or can I be doing other stuff? Because I’ve had ‘Buttons’ by the Pussycat Dolls on repeat for two days before as general background muzak, and It didn’t get old.

9 years ago

Even if they were calling themselves “Victims,” they wouldn’t be, because this whole shitshow was planned by them. Getting thrown out was exactly what they wanted. You can’t be a “Victim” for pulling off a plan, no matter how stupid the plan was.


9 years ago

No video here, just a tasty bit of satirical misandry.

9 years ago


It’s alright. I cannot deny that I have misread things myself.

Did anyone else notice that at the beginning of Dean Esmay’s utube video there is a picture of a hand holding the sacred “red pill”. This pill is Docusate, which is a stool softener. How appropriate.

How did I miss this? That is hilarious. 🙂

9 years ago

I don’t know if the length of the video does it, but the WHTM one definitely wins in terms of not being half as tedious.

9 years ago

Close to 2 hours on repeat now. Don’t know what to say about the video though.

9 years ago