The Honey Badger Brigade — the (mostly) all-gal A Voice for Men spinoff group that got booted from the Calgary Expo yesterday — would like everyone to know that they refuse to see themselves as victims, you know, like feminists.
Indeed, they are so devoted to not seeing themselves as victims that they and their allies at A Voice for Men have put out roughly 4 1/2 hours of videos about their expulsion since yesterday, including three videos that are longer than an hour each. No, really: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (I’m not including the two additional videos by Mundane Matt that AVFM has posted on its site.)
We here at We Hunted the Mammoth would like to respond to these videos with a video of our own:
Technically speaking, this video isn’t ours. We just found it on YouTube. But it is ten hours long, more than twice the length of the Honey Badger videos so far. So I think we win?
Yeah, we all would wish they’d shut up about it and quit trying to make it look like the whole world is out to get them.
Because of course there could never be an actual, you know, reason to see oneself as a victim.
Not that being kicked out of a con for being a rape-joke-selling misogynist is it, but…
Especially when they obviously *do* see themselves as being victimized, or would at least like everyone else to see them like that.
Re that “what is love” video, I like this one better:
HBers: UGH, feminists are out to paint themselves as victims! Of “rape” and “harassment” and “violence” that obviously doesn’t exist! That’s why I hate feminists and feminism so much!
HBers: CalgaryExpo kicked us out of their convention for lying to them and disrupting a panel! They’re so cruel to us even though we’re female nerds and we paid so much money to go! They’re anti-anti-censorship!
I much prefer this 10 hour loop.
How about a content notice next time?
Hearing that song reminds me that i can remember when it was a hot new dance track … and that reminds me that I’m old.
*grooves to the sound*
Got kicked out? (Out out out?)
Of a convention,
A convention
I know why the MRAs were there
So they can get kicked and say “no fair”
So they can be seen as victims.
A waste of time
Victimhood (hood hood hood?)
That’s just so stupid,
So stupid,
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, uh,
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, uh.
Oh, MRA what can you do
To show how males are victims too?
Go against a conventions rules
And make a fuss.
(And this is a really hard song to make a parody with whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, uh.)
MRA complaints about “professional victimhood” are expressions of jealousy that someone other than themselves is getting sympathy and attention.
This video is more epic https://youtu.be/8ZcmTl_1ER8
Sort of. Technically.
“We’re not victims like those evil feminists! No no no, we’ve just been unfairly targeted by an external group that has caused us harm (by kicking us out of their con).
No no, we’re not victims. We’re martyrs!”
I’ve been listening to “what is love” since I put up this post. 43 minutes so far. Anyone want to try to beat that?
This is hilarious. I’m not sure why but this hit me really funny. Watching Will Ferrell’s head doing the same thing over and over and seeing Karen Straughan’s head there instead is making me laugh and laugh.
Uh oh, my door-slamming neighbor just slammed his door extra hard. He must not like Haddaway. Just think, I could leave in the morning and leave this on all day for him! 10 hours worth! Not sure anybody deserves that though, not even him.
Somewhat off topic: this kind of thing is why, while I can totally understand why some survivors of sexual assault or child abuse and such might reject the term “victims”, to some extent the whole idea of “refusing to paint myself as a victim” makes me a little uncomfortable. I feel like it almost implies there’s something wrong with being a “victim” at all, when all a “victim” is is “someone who had a bad thing happen to them.” I think on some level it comes across as judgmental when people like the Honey Badgers go “I refuse to portray myself as a victim!” Like they’re somehow better than all those people who dared to “let” other people do horrible things to them.
Okay, this incoherent rambling went on way too long. Anyway.
Sheezus. 1.5 hours is already wayyyyyyyy excessive to devote to a single incident. 4.5 hours? Do they talk real real slow? Do they have multiple people repeating the same damned script over and over again? I couldn’t talk for 4.5 hours on the same damned incident (not even a topic, like “gold diggers” or something, A SINGLE INCIDENT) if I fucking tried.
I’m the winner!
I’ve listened to four minutes of it and am now certain that I never need to hear another second of it ever again.
Shorter Honey Badgers: Rape doesn’t exist! Also it’s funny! Why are all you feminists whining about rape? No, we’re NOT whining, because we’re not VICTIMS, like you…we’re just gonna rattle on about how Calgary Expo fucked us over until everyone is snoring under the table. And then we’re gonna giggle about them getting raped, because rape doesn’t exist. Also, it’s funny!
Saints’ Row has forever ruined (?) Halloway for me, David. I can’t listen to it without needing to pilot a spaceship.
LOL! David that is golden, but I don’t think I will try to beat you record. 🙂
Oh no, they won’t say their victims. They will just go on for 4 hours about how they were unjustly kicked out of the con; thus, making sure everyone else says their victims for them.
They showed their true colors again-that they do not care about about men’s representation in media. They just wanted to derail the women’s panel, so they would not talk about women’s representation.
If they really cared, all they had to do was fill out an application for a panel on that topic, and I’m pretty sure the convention would have been receptive to the idea. My husband has been on quite a few panels, and it is pretty easy to find space for a lot of topics. The honey badgers just don’t care and hating on women doesn’t count, so they have no place there.
I go to panels for a specific topic, and I’m sure the attendees were probably pissed at the topic not being covered because of Karen’s derailment.
I think this possibly makes more sense.
It’s only three hours, not four and a half or ten, but it probably makes more sense than the Honey Badgers’ and affiliated responses.
It was actually a panel on men’s representation they disrupted, not one on women’s representation. Taking them seriously when they ask “what about the men?” earns no points if you still refuse to hate women.
@Orion: The panel was called Women Into Comics, so I don’t think it was about that.
However, the panel did start to talk about it after the Badgers brought it up, and did spark some good discussion on the topic, even though it was started in bad faith.
According to the audio that Tieman and Gerard recorded, they just kind of sat back and grumbled about how they weren’t rising to the bait and most of their stuff was off-topic, and some of the people who listened said it sounded “canned” and “rehearsed”.
Also, Gerard has a press release posted on the Honey Badger site. (Link through donotlink.com.)
And The Mary Sue has some more updates:
Proof that the Honey Badgers set up their booth under a false name so they wouldn’t be preemptively rejected:
Honey Badger Radio on YouTube uploaded Tieman’s new video called “Banned for not Damselling”. (And it’s only ten minutes! Shock of shocks!)
And all the other edits are videos that our (not so) dear venny has already posted in the other thread.