This discussion on the Red Pill Subreddit is possibly the Red-Pilliest Red Pill discussion I’ve ever seen:
(I had to break the screenshot into three parts, hence the weirdness with the lines.)
In case anyone is wondering: these guys, in addition to being horrible people and probable pedos, are also completely wrong factually. A CDC survey found that men aged 25-44 reported they’d had a median of 6.1 lifetime sexual partners; women reported 3.6. Another CDC survey found that only 9% of women aged 15-44 had more than 15 sexual partners in their lifetime, as compared to 22% for men. Less than 2% of women had more than 5 sexual partners in the last year, as compared to 3.9% of men.
The differences between the numbers for men and women may, in part, be the result of different ideas about what constitutes sex. Men, given to padding the number of partners they’ve had, are more likely to count oral sex and handjobs as sex than women, who are more inclined to want to minimize their number. But even if we assume all the women are lying, their “real” numbers aren’t likely to be any higher than those of their male peers, which are likely exaggerated a bit.
Obviously having a lot of sexual partners is no crime. It’s just a bit weird how obsessed these guys are with women’s “number,” and how prone they are to wildly exaggerate what this “number” is. Combine this with their endless discussions of what they see as the mass “cuckolding” of men by sexually insatiable women and it almost seems like they’ve got some sort of unacknowledged fetish going on here.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, in itself; the problem is that their paranoid fantasies about hypersexual women provide them with an excuse for, well, being the douchebags that they are.
H/T — r/thebluepill
First, stipulate a perfectly spherical MRA.
There was a moderately obscure SF series a few decades back, originally by Jacqueline Lichtenberg(IIRC). The Sime/Gen series was set in a future where humanity had split into two mutant strains, one of which produced a biophysical energy (selyn), the other of which needs it to survive. Unfortunately, the transfer process kills the Gen in the process. Since every Sime needs to absorb selyn every month, there needs to be a LOT of Gens. The Gens, understandably, object. The big transformation in society happens when a Sime and Gen discover how to effect the transfer without killing the donor. Some Simes find this a repulsive idea, and violently oppose the change, but are eventually overwhelmed and rendered irrelevant by it. I’m not sure what exactly made all this come to mind.
@proxieme – Holy cats, Sage Gerard was at a ComicCon? The Honey Badgers must have a had a full-time security detail assigned to keep him from spiriting away any of the cosplayers for a hugs+poetry session.
“Ahh, yes, the Thousend-Cock Stare”
Is it this look? I couldn’t help thinking of this when I read that bit.
These guys are beyond pathetic.
Proxieme, thanks for that link. Oh, the Honey Badgers got kicked out by the jackbooted thugs of Canada! I did like the quote of the Badgers describing some panel members as ‘donning the ball gowns of victimhood’. No doubt embellished with the lace of misandry and the seed pearls of hypergamy.
First ever comment here, so I’m going to say obvious things, but I can’t understand how these guys don’t see rabid insecurity as the source of all this.
If you are upset because your partner has had more partners than you, that’s down to your insecurity.
If you are anxious because your partner may have had better sex with someone else, that’s down to your insecurity.
If you are dismissing as “ruined” any 23-year-old person who has not committed any heinous crime, that’s down to your insecurity.
If you decide stigma and hatred is a good way to punish 23-year-old humans who are guilty of nothing apart from living life and having experiences, you are seriously insecure and dealing with it in a totally dysfunctional way. Talk to someone.
I read the article, and thank goodness. GWW and Sage Gerard were the two names that jumped out at me, and that alone told me all I needed to know about that.
Oh, and the tweets at the bottom of the page trying to paint the Honey Badgers like victims of CalgaryCon’s evildoing were laughable. Especially the guy who was like “You’re brutalizing women by kicking them out!”
No, they were asked to leave for being rude and derailing other people’s panels. If they wanted to talk about topics like how men are portrayed in comics/games/movies, they could have signed up to start their own panel instead of trying to derail everyone else’s.
And, when you think about it, that’s one of my biggest beefs with the MRM. Y’all could easily go off and start your own discussions and actually do some activism to help out the men you’re so “concerned” about, but you’re so focused on how much you hate feminists and what they have to say that you’d rather spend all your time de-railing them and trying to rustle their jimmies instead of doing something good for your cause.
Thanks for the maths help y’all. Hope I made some nerds happy with that. 🙂
Also kind of relieved to see that the formula wasn’t that simple after all (maybe it was to a maths boffin but not to someone like me. Seriously, anything beyond the basics is like trying to read Ancient Greek).
They want women who are inexperienced and so can’t compare them to former lovers; they resent women who are sleeping around but not with THEM–
In addition, I bet they secretly envy these women of their imaginings, the ones who are having all this sexytime. (Don’t they believe “girls can get it anytime they want it”?)
This makes my head hurt. This is just pure willful ignorance. These redpill guys are purposefully rejecting reality in order to hold onto their contempt of women and girls.
Of course, it’s not about reality. It’s about the contempt of women and girls. And (ewwwww) wanting to justify creeping on teenage girls.
These guys are assholes.
Re: the quote about “miles of dick”
I remember seeing some random dude on reddit try to do math. It didn’t turn out too well. Basically, he figured that every single penetration of PiV constituted a penis-length worth of dick that woman has had inside her. He then went on to estimate how many penetrations are involved in an average bout of intercourse paired with average penis length.
Yeah… that’s what they mean by “miles of dick.” Every single penetration adds up to devalue a woman.
The stupid, it burns.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
Because the other had more miles of shoe over it than I walk in a year,
And that’s just nasty. I mean, all that rubber decaying in the sun?
The stench of god-knows-how-many miles of sweaty feet?
In all honesty I don’t think these guys sincerely see the world the way they purport to. I think most of them really want to love someone, and be loved, and are deep down very sincere and anxious about that, and utterly terrified that it may not happen. Because it doesn’t happen for everyone — that’s just how life goes. They can’t cope maturely with their terror, so they express all this seriously neurotic, bitter sour grapes about the whole thing. It’s all a frantic pre-emptive defence.
“I won’t even care if it doesn’t happen because it sucks anyway! (But please let it happen!)”
@reymohammed What did I even just read?
@kirby Your poetry soothes my soul.
@Mamotheers I’ve been a lurker for a while and even posted once or twice but it seems polite to actually introduce myself.
Hi Aura!
Welcome Clara and Aura. Click on the scented candle on the right side of the screen for a welcome package!
Hi Aura! I love your icon! It’s from Contrast, right?
Hello, Clara and Aura! (I’m kind of new too.)
Now, why is 23 such a turn-off point, so to speak? It’s not a multiple of 5, and it doesn’t mark the drinking age of any country I’m aware of. Perhaps it’s 10 years after the average period-having person starts menstruating, and you can’t have periods for 10 years without being old?
All I know is that, for some reason, I couldn’t ever remember the mishmash of consonants that went into the name “Nietzsche” before I was 23. Now I can. Does being able to spell German philosophers’ names without spellcheck make me ruined somehow?
@epitome of incomprehensibility I think they arrived at 23 as the age at which women are ruined because that is the age of a typical undergrad graduate. And according to their twisted world view, women in college are having orgies left and right.
@Jaygee: I’ve got a Bachelor’s degree and I’m still waiting on my orgies.
(Though, a friend of mine managed to hook me up with a lovely lady to be friends with benefits with a day ago and I’m super excited because she seems to be into me as well! *squee*)
Sorry, “Happy potential future fun” doesn’t fall under the the “hedonistic, orgiastic debauchery what debases and corrodes your vixenly humanity, you wanton hussy” metric. You’re still short one government sanctioned orgy. I suggest contacting your resident advisor.
Welcome clara and aura. My feminist friend Katie salutes you.
Good luck with that lovely lady, Paradoxical Intention, hope you have a great time and really hit it off.
I almost spit tea all over my keyboard, Fibbi! How very dare you!
@Spindrift: Thanks! : D We’ve already said to each other that we’re interested and want to get our respective freaks on, but the only issue is that we live very far apart. ; u ; So, I have to wait to schedule some time that she can take off of work/school and I can take off so we can meet each other at our mutual friend’s place (who also lives very far from me).
Hey! I’ve been lurking here for a while and decided to comment, because there is something I really don’t get here:
Why are these dudes angry that women are willing to have casual sex? I’m mean wouldn’t that make their “game” easier? After all it is the red pillers who always talk about relationships like they’re on some kind of marketplace. So even they should get, that if women are not willing to have sex before marriage or with more than one partner, it should be significantly more difficult for them to find someone willing to sleep with them. Especially since the red pill mission statement seems to be sleep with as many women as possible without committing to a relationship.
Let’s not even go into that their whole premise is twisted and wrong. Even if their ideas on how the world works were right, by their own logic it would never work, that all women are pure chaste beings of virtue while the men sleep around as much as they possible can.