This discussion on the Red Pill Subreddit is possibly the Red-Pilliest Red Pill discussion I’ve ever seen:
(I had to break the screenshot into three parts, hence the weirdness with the lines.)
In case anyone is wondering: these guys, in addition to being horrible people and probable pedos, are also completely wrong factually. A CDC survey found that men aged 25-44 reported they’d had a median of 6.1 lifetime sexual partners; women reported 3.6. Another CDC survey found that only 9% of women aged 15-44 had more than 15 sexual partners in their lifetime, as compared to 22% for men. Less than 2% of women had more than 5 sexual partners in the last year, as compared to 3.9% of men.
The differences between the numbers for men and women may, in part, be the result of different ideas about what constitutes sex. Men, given to padding the number of partners they’ve had, are more likely to count oral sex and handjobs as sex than women, who are more inclined to want to minimize their number. But even if we assume all the women are lying, their “real” numbers aren’t likely to be any higher than those of their male peers, which are likely exaggerated a bit.
Obviously having a lot of sexual partners is no crime. It’s just a bit weird how obsessed these guys are with women’s “number,” and how prone they are to wildly exaggerate what this “number” is. Combine this with their endless discussions of what they see as the mass “cuckolding” of men by sexually insatiable women and it almost seems like they’ve got some sort of unacknowledged fetish going on here.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, in itself; the problem is that their paranoid fantasies about hypersexual women provide them with an excuse for, well, being the douchebags that they are.
H/T — r/thebluepill
Im sure these guys will look hot when they turn 40….not.
That explains quite a bit.
I also didn’t consistently have vaginal orgasms (which are way different than clitoral orgasms for me) until I was in my 30s (nearly mid-30s, actually) – prior to relatively recently, they were like glorious, melty unicorns. Now they’re an almost daily thing.
I’m not sure if it’s my age/the process of aging (maybe), the fact that I’ve had 3 children (whatever else you can say about childbirth, I came away from each experience with more working knowledge of my body, so I suppose that’s in the realm of possibility), my comfort level with my awesome husband / our steadily building ability to rock the other’s world (very plausible), or a combination of all of the above (most likely), but I’ve got to say that I <3 where sex is going as the years pass.
Huzzah for being irredeemably ruined in the eyes of Red Pillars/PUAs/assorted douchebags!
Should be careful here – *an inexperienced partner in your own age group.
autosoma said:
I’m glad to hear that she’s doing better.
I hope that you’re holding up as well.
Virtual hugs if you’d like them.
As a few others have said before, it smacks of *real* misandry to think that contact with men is vile enough to “sully the purity” of women/girls…
…that, or they’re projecting their own wretchedness onto the rest of the male gender.
@Bryce: I think because of how our society is it’s not easy to admit in one’s 30s that they are inexperienced (outside an anonymous environment). So you might not even know that about people. But even if inexperienced people are rare, bare in mind that in their 30s and 40s you have quite many people who only had one partner in their life.
And no, I haven’t seen you so I don’t know why you have this opinion of yourself. I’ve seen myself, tho. I have been called ugly a couple of times when I was still looking for a partner, so when somebody told me I was pretty I thought they were making fun of me (they weren’t, as it turned out). Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, trust me.
Another thing: You can find a person beautiful/handsome and another person unattractive, but after you meet them your opinion can flip. We tend to see people we like as more attractive.
Maybe, but I think that the real mentality might be “I want to have been the only man that managed to pull her, that makes me special, or at least one of few. If other guys got to her first that means I’m not as good a PUA as I think I am, which I based my entire self worth on. Waaaah, my fragile masculinity! It’s all her fault for saying yes to someone else!”
“that makes me special, or at least one of few.”
Switch those clauses around. Makes more sense.
I have sad it before and I will say it again – these boys ( and I am going to assume that they are under 20, if not the implications are alarming) are far too preoccupied with what has been ‘in there’ than they have any right being. In my experience men who want to have sex do NOT obsess about how much use the vagina of the woman they are having sex with has been put to before them.
It is almost like they are penis phobic by proxy – they feel that they will have contact with other penises if the woman has ever had sex before!
Have any of you read this yet? A little off topic, but I can’t help but wonder if some of these red pillers had this kind of ‘education…’
@bryce, I’m gonna chip in here, you have to stop feeling like this and stop saying it to yourself. I’ll say that I’m slightly envious of you, you have qualities I didn’t don’t have, so look to your merits rather than the negatives disseminated by flawed men. I do speak from a position of authority from 13 to 37 I was unable to form any emotional relationships and a sex addict. I’ve been contently monogamous for 11 years from the moment I saw my wife for the first time and I have children. Experienced or inexperienced sexually has no bearing, being open to others feelings has.
I love how these idiots’ impossible and stupid standards will keep them from ever dating someone and ruining their life.
That’s the only good thing here.
By 23 I was in a Rocky Horror Picture Show cosplay and audience re-enactment cast, kissing boys AND girls and flashing my boobies at audiences of 200 people at a time. (I was Columbia, accidental flashing was totally in character). And yet, I did not lose my V-card (technically, if we’re talking heterosexual coital intercourse) until I was 25, as much of a gung-ho tart as I was. So Lord knows what these turds would think of me. And even if they did think I was a massive wh*re, sucks to be them. I was having a *GREAT* time in my 20s. Didn’t waste a God-damned day! I really can’t help but see this as a bunch of grown men pouting that women are having a blast with everyone but them. There’s a reason for that.
“Ruined” by 16? I didn’t even have sex at all until I was 17, almost 18. In fact, most studies say that the majority of people don’t lost their virginity until a median age of 16, so the idea that “most” women have seen “miles of dick” by the time that they’re 16 is just statistically impossible. Not only are these guys scumbags, but they’re morons to boot.
People don’t get “jaded” after several relationships. They may be wary or cautious if previous relationships ended badly, but that’s not being jaded. It also means that they’ll be more than willing to take things at a steadier pace than a headlong rush into adolescent luuurve.
And I don’t know how anyone could “predict your behaviour with … bored familiarity”. Men are not all the same. Women are not all the same. The only way someone would be bored by familiarity with whatever behaviours you have is that she’s consistently gone for a “type” that always turns out the same way – though it’s just as likely that she’s the one who repeats behaviours that draw similar responses from lots of people.
When people become friends there are lots of likes and dislikes, similarities and differences to explore. Just let it happen.
As for your remarks about being “unattractive”. Good grooming and a relaxed presentation can overcome just about any unusual appearance. If you have noticeable birthmarks or scars or lumps and bumps then you might think it worthwhile to see a doctor about those. Though I should tell one story. A friend of mine had a scar on his upper lip from a not very neat repair of a cleft palate. One day he turned up at my house, and I don’t know whether he raised the question about his appearance but I did notice that it had been done. My husband at the time couldn’t even work out what was different despite the fact that he’d known this bloke for over ten years at the time and we pointed out explicitly where the operation had been performed.
tl:dr Most of us are far more conscious of the details of our appearance than other people are. Good haircut & skincare and ordinary hygiene are enough for most people to get by in most situations. Of my two sons-in-law, neither is male model material. One is absolutely meticulous about the details of his clothing and grooming. The other is always clean and neat and doesn’t take much more trouble than that. They get by just fine.
I remember once when I was a kid a man tried to molest me. He sounded an awful lot like these men. He kept talking about all the sex he thought my friends and I were having. I was 9 at the time. I am shaking now just remembering that and I just know these pervs were jacking off while writing their comments.
They also want an excuse to hate the women they do manage to get in bed as well as the one’s they don’t. So, all women.
I’ve been watching Peep Show on Netflix and I have to say, these guys remind me a little of Mark. Only, I imagine even Mark would summon the courage to tell men like this how dismally backward and ignorant they are. The scene where he’s just finished making love, his partner smiles at him and he immediately decides she’s thinking of a better man cracked me up. He’s the king of self sabotage. He cannot allow himself to be happy and he’s such a jerk that you don’t feel sorry for him. Still, that character cannot compete with the fears, entitlement, misogyny, bitterness and self-doubt you find in PUAs.
Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “The grapes are probably sour anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.
“Interesting factoid; the clitoris grows, and possibly becomes more sensitive, throughout a woman’s life. AFAIR, by the time a woman is in her 30s her clit is 4 times larger than it was when she entered puberty.”
Whaaaat? Okay, there IS a God! See, I was feeling bad that a woman’s nose gets bigger as she gets older. But if my clit is getting bigger and working better too? Then it’s aaaall good. I can deal with the nose malarkey.
“Interesting factoid; the clitoris grows, and possibly becomes more sensitive, throughout a woman’s life. AFAIR, by the time a woman is in her 30s her clit is 4 times larger than it was when she entered puberty.”
I can already see a RedPiller response to that: “But but but fertility of a human female is highest at ages 12-16, which you can see by her hair. The bigger clitoris is just a sign she’s growing a penis – see, not a desirable mate anymore and obviously unable to procreate after her 23rd birthday!”
Don’t know if this has been posted here before, but it seems relevant, so here it goes: A recent study on toxicity in Reddit communities concluded that /r/TheRedPill is the most bigoted subreddit there is. This was mainly because, unlike in a lot of other subreddits where toxic posts are common, bigoted posts on /r/TheRedPill are consistently upvoted. Here’s a link for anyone who’s interested:
Ackkk I’m in the 78%. Quick, which way to the vagina carousel?
This reminds me of a time a young woman told me that a men don’t respect women who have sex with them. She’d been taught that men would respect her more if she denied herself sex. That’s just not true. It is a horrible lie we tell girls. The truth is that a man who doesn’t respect you the morning after never did and never will. He does not see women as his equal. Meanwhile, sex with a man who respects you will not change his mind because you knocked boots with him.
Girls are taught that sex ruins them, attention ruins them, food ruins them, education ruins them etc.
We aren’t to play sports, drink, dance, dress in a way that feels good to us. Proud of your accomplishments? Fulfilling your ambitions and living on your own terms? Standing up for what you believe? Misogynists cannot stand that. Women’s pleasure isn’t just second to men’s for them. It is discouraged and punished. Pride is considered especially nasty in women.
Is there any pleasure at all women are allowed to have in such a mindset? I doubt it. When a woman looks to her own needs and desires, misogynists lose it. “What about teh menz?!!” is not limited to the internet. It’s everywhere.
It’s like the way Republicans and Libertarians treat the poor and it is how white people treat black people. Any little shred of comfort is treated as decadence. Trans ladies can’t even pee without people declaring it dangerous and unfair. The double standards are staggering. Only certain people are allowed pleasure or even safety in US society. The pecking order is fiercely enforced.
Happiness, freedom and even survival are subversive in a country that claims to be all for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Isn’t that something?
Dear Bryce,
For someone who thought/thinks monogamy is the way to go, I’ve had an actual shit-ton of partners, some of whom have been totally inexperienced (even at advanced ages). Whatever else past partners might think of me (regardless of their experience or lack of same), “bored familiarity” and “jaded” would not begin to be on the list of said thoughts. Do your best to please and/or keep up with your partner, do your best to enjoy the experience, and it’ll almost certainly be fine.
P.S. I am actually female, and not my actual dog.
Naw, you see, while female value starts plummeting the second a girl hits the legal age of consent , male value increases as he gets older, like fine wine. He’ll just get a little greyed and ‘distinguished’, and still be able to bang all those easy 16-year-olds, because girls don’t/shouldn’t care about a little thing like a 40 year age gap. (Excuse me while I go vomit now)
Once a dude hits the icky elderly stage, like, 70s or 80s, then they magically cease to exist in the eyes of redpillians, just like how non-conventionally attractive women who also have trouble finding dates are non-existent entities. Because these dude’s entire worldview is based on sex, and imagining icky people having sex is GROSS. In order to be on these guys’ radar, you need to be someone they enjoy envisioning having sex with themselves or get angry about imagining you having sex with other people.