a woman is always to blame evil sexy ladies evil underage girls irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA red pill reddit

Women are “ruined by 23 in most cases. Especially if they went to college,” Red Pillers agree

This is what Red Pillers actually believe
This is what Red Pillers actually believe

This discussion on the Red Pill Subreddit is possibly the Red-Pilliest Red Pill discussion I’ve ever seen: 

Im_Hitler 87 points 7 days ago  Theyre ruined by 23 in most cases. Especially if they went to college. Jesus christ what is wrong with women.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]sirmadam 54 points 7 days ago  The girl who lives next door to me is 16 and already ruined.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]Im_Hitler 43 points 7 days ago  Lol I was talking to my younger cousin last night. Hes about 20 and he says the majority of girls his age had had up to 10 partners by the time they were 16.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]Jigsus 33 points 7 days ago  What the fuck? I bet naked bushwomen have less sex.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]Im_Hitler 24 points 7 days ago  Its probably very specific to the geographical location but the lesson is that girls are only getting alot more sluttier alot younger. Wouldnt surprise me if by 18 they are completely desensitized to sex. Good luck to the poor bastard that LTRs a 'young innocent' girl from that generation.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]sirmadam 24 points 7 days ago  Basically any girl at 16 who is half good looking is completely ruined. I'm holding out for some late-bloomers coming out of their shells. I'm really not down with putting any effort into getting a girl who's had more miles of dick in her than I've walked in the past year.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]Billybob25112 20 points 7 days ago  Eyes half open, blank look on their faces. They all have the stare by the time they're 16.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]the10thrider 28 points 7 days ago  Ahh, yes, the Thousand-Cock Stare. hitler2 hitler3

(I had to break the screenshot into three parts, hence the weirdness with the lines.)

In case anyone is wondering: these guys, in addition to being horrible people and probable pedos, are also completely wrong factually. A CDC survey found that men aged 25-44 reported they’d had a median of 6.1 lifetime sexual partners; women reported 3.6. Another CDC survey found that only 9% of women aged 15-44 had more than 15 sexual partners in their lifetime, as compared to 22% for men. Less than 2% of women had more than 5 sexual partners in the last year, as compared to 3.9% of men.

The differences between the numbers for men and women may, in part, be the result of different ideas about what constitutes sex. Men, given to padding the number of partners they’ve had, are more likely to count oral sex and handjobs as sex than women, who are more inclined to want to minimize their number. But even if we assume all the women are lying, their “real” numbers aren’t likely to be any higher than those of their male peers, which are likely exaggerated a bit.

Obviously having a lot of sexual partners is no crime. It’s just a bit weird how obsessed these guys are with women’s “number,” and how prone they are to wildly exaggerate what this “number” is. Combine this with their endless discussions of what they see as the mass “cuckolding” of men by sexually insatiable women and it almost seems like they’ve got some sort of unacknowledged fetish going on here.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, in itself; the problem is that their paranoid fantasies about hypersexual women provide them with an excuse for, well, being the douchebags that they are.

H/T — r/thebluepill

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Quiet Wolf
Quiet Wolf
9 years ago

I think that twins (fully or partially formed) can swap DNA, too, can’t they?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I can’t help but pull this face

every time that they say they don’t like it when women go to college. Sure, they say it’s all about that wild sex college girls are supposed to be having (I went to college for four years and not once did I get invited to an orgy. I want a refund!), but I think we all know why they don’t like girls going to college.

They don’t want to have to go too, they don’t want to be compared to guys who do, they don’t want women to have the same life experiences as they do, and they don’t want girls to be educated to how full of bullshit they actually are (which is enough to make me believe their mouths have been surgically attached to a bull’s anus).

Just select one or more of the above.

9 years ago

There is some evidence that Oxytocin release reduces with successive partners .

It doesn’t sound like this has much to do with monogamy though, these odious guys are more concerned about certain aspects of women’s anatomy supposedly ruined by sex.

9 years ago

Is there even any evidence that 18-22 year old women who go to college have more partners than those who don’t? It’s not like college campuses are the only place where young people party.

9 years ago

I’ve never tried to quote something in WordPress, so please forgive me if I mess it up:

Sure, they say it’s all about that wild sex college girls are supposed to be having (I went to college for four years and not once did I get invited to an orgy. I want a refund!), but I think we all know why they don’t like girls going to college.

All your reasons are true. She’ll also have more access to better careers, she’ll know there’s more to the world than focusing on pleasing *him*, she’ll have her own goals and strive for a career (rather than solely focusing on pleasing *him*).

I think I recall seeing a RooshV post where he stated one of the things wrong with American woman was that they were more interested in their studies at college, and their careers, and weren’t focused on him (as a boyfriend). (I think Roosh edited that post later, because I haven’t been able to find the quote again. But I didn’t imagine it.)

As for the women being “ruined.” The PUA guys, and the guys who brag about how many women they’ve been with, will claim that the more women they’re with, the more valuable and awesome this makes them. While simultaneously, the more men a woman sleeps with, the more ruined she becomes.

How can this sustain itself? Let’s say that all women heed the warning that more sexual partners will ruin them, and refuse to sleep with any men. Then these same men will be full of rage and frustration because all the women are saying “no”!

9 years ago

Well, that quote thing didn’t work the way I wanted it to. But I guess it’ll do! Sorry.

Annie Squidface
9 years ago


Remembering myself at that age, if they want to deal with that mess, they can have it.

9 years ago

Of my two best friends, one went to college and one didn’t. The one who went to college didn’t have sex until she was maybe 23 or 24? I can’t remember exactly. The other had sex for the first time around the same time I did. The year after high school. I guess they did youth wrong!

9 years ago

That “naked bushwoman” comment is so racist I had to read it twice to believe it.

Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
9 years ago


“Desensitized” to sex? From having a lot of partners? Um, sex doesn’t exactly get old, unless your partner is terrible, insensitive, unresponsive, and, oh wait.

Yup, this right here. This is what it ‘s always been. These chumps have nothing to offer but their own horrible selves and the only way they can be paired up with a decent woman is to find one that they can either fool or force into a relationship. A woman who has been in a relationship or two won’t be so easy to fool, so she is “spoiled”. It’s simply sour grapes.

9 years ago

I hope none of these guys are older than, say, 28. But I kind of doubt that.
It must suck to be them. They’re not getting any younger either and 16-year-olds are rarely interested in 30+ or even 40+ guys.

9 years ago

Do I care about a number, NO, do I care about the person, YES. These juvenile empty idiots deserve the sad lonely life there going to get, its a pity that wires and signals get into their basements so they can inflict their garbage on the rest of humanity. For the best part of my adult life I was unable to form emotional attachments and was a sex addict because of reasons (that actually ended the day I met my wife – she rehabilitated me and made me a bit of a better man 11 years ago). So I qualify for ruined by their standards, but of course they’ll apply a double standard as I’m a man and then be jealous of their own perception.

I’m becoming increasingly angry at men like this my wife has suffered misogyny as an IT Project Manager and as a victim of systematic sexual abuse as a child. If she was to hear again rubbish that these things disseminate, I would be worried about the effect it would have (I should have phrased that stronger but I don’t know how to without sounding violent).

If anyone who has followed any if my most recent posts will be aware, my wife had a breakdown yesterday and was taken to psych hospital, she’s on the mend – phew.

9 years ago

Before reading the article, I thought “ruined” meant something like uppity because they are now adults who are less impressionable than minors, especially if they have a college education. But oh, it’s actually just plain old slut-shaming, which seems to stem from possessiveness in my opinion.

Heh. Considering it’s Red Pillers who are turned off by the thought of a woman not being “pure” for them, *I’d* exaggerate my number.

Someone post some brain bleach, please!

Ask and ye shall receive. (Hopefully Instagram embeds here…)

9 years ago

Woot! I’m winning! Top 9% baby!

Desensitised to sex, though? Please… Increasingly sensitised to crap sex and developing a pretty good radar on who’ll provide it.

9 years ago

In theory there’s nothing wrong with wanting someone – an adult, that is – who’s also inexperienced and naive as far as relationships go: where it’s unfamiliar for both of you and you get experience growing intimacy together. ( If a little unrealistic.) Neither does being wary of partnering up with those who may have had many sexual partners necessarily maketh someone a asshole.

I’m 36, unattractive and subsequently have no relationship history, so I can *kind of* empathise with these sentiments.

The usual double standards are on display here, however – high premium placed on female inexperience, men are pretty much encouraged to do as they please and still expect a LTR to occur at some point. It’s as if they’re owed an ‘unsullied’ woman so lacking in self esteem and awareness of her options that she’ll put up with their crap and never leave.

9 years ago

I’m comparing the themes in this post with the one about the Reddit thread of “when did men first start noticing you?” and it makes me want to shudder.

“Eyes half open, blank look on their faces” = A girl thinking “I’ve heard this kind of harassment so much that I know better than to react anymore”

“16 and already ruined” = A girl finally old enough to look (to a creep) like a full-grown woman instead of a child, and therefore no longer vulnerable/”innocent”/prey

Also, sirmadam, a tip–any neighbor of yours is almost guaranteed not to react to you the way your head demands that she should, because I guarantee you’re not hiding your opinions as well as you think you are.

9 years ago

On second reading, Mr. Hitler sure likes to strut his alot of shit around.

9 years ago

@Bryce, I don’t know you or your situation and this is none of my business, and I know how hard it is, but I’ll still say this: Try not to think of yourself as unattractive – it’s extremely self-defeating (I know that from experience). Changing that mindset can work miracles.
Wishing you best of luck.

Marc Mielke
Marc Mielke
9 years ago

So if all women are horrible sluts and have all of the sex, doesn’t that make the fact they still can’t get laid even shittier? I’d rather be really bad at something difficult instead of sucking ass at something me and my friends all claim to be easy.

9 years ago

Ugh this reads like they’re trying to make excuses for hitting on thirteen year olds.

Aaaaand we cycle right back around to that disturbing Reddit megathread…who wants to bet that some of the creeps in those collected stories were RedPillians?

9 years ago

Step 1) Decide that having any sort of real life experience “ruins” a woman, despite the fact that most women have some life experience.

Step 2) Whine about not having a girlfriend.

Step 3) ????

Step 4) Profit…?

Seriously though, how does this make any sense? If you decide that most practically all women on the planet are gross, how is that going to help your romantic ambitions at all?

And which is more likely: That 3.5 billion women are scumbags, or that a few hundred embittered dudes on the internet are?


According to their logic either they’re the only men on the planet not currently getting any bc women must be having sex with literally everyone else to make up those numbers or all women are just having sex with the same group of 20 guys and no one else is getting laid

I have heard several Red Pill dudes argue, in all sincerity, that 80% of women are having sex with the same 20% of men. I have no idea how (or if) they even try to justify those numbers, but to them it is an obvious, inarguable truth. So your evaluation is basically spot on.

9 years ago

I have a question: What, in the minds of RedPillers, happens to “alphas” when they grow older and are no more the unstoppable sex distributors for all these amoral women? Do they become beta providers? Do they manage to marry a virgin 10 and live happily ever after? Do they have sex with teenage 10s until they die? What’s their deal?

9 years ago

Ælfscýne, I’ve wondered about that too. I think I recall reading somewhere that the Alphas settle for a virginal “good girl,” and when she ages past the point of hotness (you know, at age 23 or so), he stays with her out of obligation or duty, because she’s birthed him babies.

So basically, he doesn’t truly love her, won’t find her attractive as the years pass, but will stay with her out of duty as she gets older and older and uglier and uglier. Her worth dries up completely, but he’ll still stay with her. She sounds like a total burden, doesn’t she?

How does this make any sense? If her youth and beauty is all she has going for her, then I don’t see why any Alpha would put up with that, since he’s so amazing and wonderful and has 10s throwing themselves at him constantly. So why would he get married at all? Oh, that’s right, for the kids. But why would he stay faithful, if she’s devolving into a worthless crone in a few short years? I’ve heard some say that he won’t stay faithful, but that’s okay for her (the wife) because he’ll still support her, and she should be so grateful to be married to an Alpha anyway, it’s a small price to pay to look the other way as he cheats on her. It’s the Alpha Way!

When you read all of these comments, explaining how the world works for these guys, it’s easy to see why no one wants them!

9 years ago

@Ælfscýne Thanks, you haven’t seen me though. Just wanted to say that the desire for a inexperienced partner isn’t necessarily the result of gross pedophilic inclinations: it’s difficult if you’ve not even experienced the beginnings of a relationship to contemplate the prospect of someone who’s jaded after several of them, someone who can predict your behaviour with a kind of bored familiarity.

Just not very appealing, and it’s nothing to do with control.