a woman is always to blame evil sexy ladies evil underage girls irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA red pill reddit

Women are “ruined by 23 in most cases. Especially if they went to college,” Red Pillers agree

This is what Red Pillers actually believe
This is what Red Pillers actually believe

This discussion on the Red Pill Subreddit is possibly the Red-Pilliest Red Pill discussion I’ve ever seen: 

Im_Hitler 87 points 7 days ago  Theyre ruined by 23 in most cases. Especially if they went to college. Jesus christ what is wrong with women.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]sirmadam 54 points 7 days ago  The girl who lives next door to me is 16 and already ruined.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]Im_Hitler 43 points 7 days ago  Lol I was talking to my younger cousin last night. Hes about 20 and he says the majority of girls his age had had up to 10 partners by the time they were 16.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]Jigsus 33 points 7 days ago  What the fuck? I bet naked bushwomen have less sex.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]Im_Hitler 24 points 7 days ago  Its probably very specific to the geographical location but the lesson is that girls are only getting alot more sluttier alot younger. Wouldnt surprise me if by 18 they are completely desensitized to sex. Good luck to the poor bastard that LTRs a 'young innocent' girl from that generation.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]sirmadam 24 points 7 days ago  Basically any girl at 16 who is half good looking is completely ruined. I'm holding out for some late-bloomers coming out of their shells. I'm really not down with putting any effort into getting a girl who's had more miles of dick in her than I've walked in the past year.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]Billybob25112 20 points 7 days ago  Eyes half open, blank look on their faces. They all have the stare by the time they're 16.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]the10thrider 28 points 7 days ago  Ahh, yes, the Thousand-Cock Stare. hitler2 hitler3

(I had to break the screenshot into three parts, hence the weirdness with the lines.)

In case anyone is wondering: these guys, in addition to being horrible people and probable pedos, are also completely wrong factually. A CDC survey found that men aged 25-44 reported they’d had a median of 6.1 lifetime sexual partners; women reported 3.6. Another CDC survey found that only 9% of women aged 15-44 had more than 15 sexual partners in their lifetime, as compared to 22% for men. Less than 2% of women had more than 5 sexual partners in the last year, as compared to 3.9% of men.

The differences between the numbers for men and women may, in part, be the result of different ideas about what constitutes sex. Men, given to padding the number of partners they’ve had, are more likely to count oral sex and handjobs as sex than women, who are more inclined to want to minimize their number. But even if we assume all the women are lying, their “real” numbers aren’t likely to be any higher than those of their male peers, which are likely exaggerated a bit.

Obviously having a lot of sexual partners is no crime. It’s just a bit weird how obsessed these guys are with women’s “number,” and how prone they are to wildly exaggerate what this “number” is. Combine this with their endless discussions of what they see as the mass “cuckolding” of men by sexually insatiable women and it almost seems like they’ve got some sort of unacknowledged fetish going on here.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, in itself; the problem is that their paranoid fantasies about hypersexual women provide them with an excuse for, well, being the douchebags that they are.

H/T — r/thebluepill

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Sandy Lee
9 years ago

My beautiful girlfriend is a wonderful woman who (she herself cheerfully admits) has taken lots of spins on the “cock carousel”. She is 27 years old and had sex with quite a few men, even (gasp!) more than one at a time. A few women, as well. Very, very not-ruined.

Perhaps TMI, but I’m proud to say that she’s by no means “desensitized” to sex with me. Maybe it’s because I care about her sexual enjoyment, as she does about mine. And her “thousand-cock stare” is beautiful, bright, quick and vital. Guess how much shameangrysad I feel about her carousel rides.

Oh, and even if I walk exclusively with the kind of broken, shuffling steps I use to bump my way to the toilet in the middle of the night, I’m going to cover more ground in a year than even an enthusiastic slut’s cock lengths measured out in a straight line, because I work for a living. Also, that’s kind of the weirdest and most unsettling way I can think of to measure a given quantity of penis: like, amputate them and lay them all out in a queue? Yikes.

Sandy Lee
9 years ago

@Lea I’m going to agree with you on that one, these do indeed sound like socially awkward and inexperienced young men who are living in a toxic stew of ignorance and bitterness. I can only hope that a few of them will grow out of it and look back at their “red pill” days with shame and a rueful, what-the-fuck-was-I-thinking kind of laugh.

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

Is anyone else creeped out by the use of “LTR” as a verb that men do TO women??

9 years ago

Banana Jackie Cake

he was talking about some people (a tribe I think?) who believe that babies are created by constant sperm building up within the woman,

Sounds like someone’s misread a second hand report of one of Margaret Mead’s books. She reported on one New Guinea tribe that believed that, for a baby to be born healthy, the parents had to have enough good sex during the pregnancy to “make” the baby properly. The way she put it, it was a rather charming idea.

Though I suppose it’s a bit of a double whammy if you have a disabled child – not just a disabled child but you’re not good enough in bed according to this notion.

9 years ago

What??? This is terrible, young ladies are having sex with people who happen to be not-Red Pill dudes?! Oh the humanity!

9 years ago

Ugh this reads like they’re trying to make excuses for hitting on thirteen year olds.

BINGO. When anyone over that age is “ruined” (presumably because she’s had boyfriends and therefore some experience at love, if not sex), it’s pretty obvious, innit? They really, REALLY don’t want to do the work of being a better person than her last guy was. And they’re just using sex as an excuse.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


No, it wasn’t from New Guinea. The people are from Africa. I’m trying to find the exact video he discussed them in, but I don’t remember any of his references to Mead, either.

Buuut I might be remembering it wrong, so I’m trying to find the video.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Thousand cock stare
So this is how “ruined sluts” turn out when they engage in the same type of shit YOU assbags want to do to her? These guys are so full of jelly their man tears taste like grape!

I picture these vaginophobes and borderline (wannabe?) pedophiles sitting by a schoolyard making predictions as to which 10 year old girls are going to be “ruined” by the time they hit high school and high-fiving the 10 year old totallyalphasinthemaking every time they pull said girls’ hair or call her a name.

I guess it doesn’t compute to them that even if a teenage girl looks like what some may deem promiscuous, there’s a good chance she just LOOKS that way- and hasn’t really done anymore than the shy, innocent looking girl. That’s the thing about people: you can’t possibly tell how many miles of dicks they’ve had inside of them or how many vag-hugs they’ve gotten just by looking at them. Jesus tap-dancing Christ!

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

And btw, any time I hear the term “ruined” to describe “she had sex”, it sounds all rapey. Because for sex to “ruin” someone (to me) it would have to be non-consensual rape or molestation. Regular sex is fun and awesome and doesn’t ruin people.

I tend to think these guys don’t see much distinction in rape and a woman having sex with a person or people that weren’t them, though. She’s ruined either way to them. The extra gross part is that they really wish THEY were doing the “ruining” and I wouldn’t be surprised if what they have in mind is rape. Just, ew. Someone post some brain bleach, please!

9 years ago

@ MildlyMagnificent and Banana Jackie Cake:

There are a number of tribes from South America that have believed that a child can have multiple fathers. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a couple of African groups that had similar ideas, though.

MooMoo Cow
MooMoo Cow
9 years ago

Machine Gun Sally, I was rather baffled by it too. I kinda went full Roosh in trying to guess what it was and came up with “learn to roofie.” I figure it was Learn To [something starting with the letter r], and that was, unfortunately, the first thing that came to mind when I tried to translate it using whatever passes as red pill thinking these days.

I know it’s small sample size and all, but a lot of my friends around my age (let’s call it 25-34), men and women, fall far below the averages. My girlfriend has had one, maybe two; I’m “stuck” at a goose egg. I probably only need one hand to count the number of my friends who have had more than, I dunno, four sexual partners.

What makes such people “ruined”? Do RPers think having sex gradually turns people into zombies or lycanthropes or something? Is there a threshold number of sexual partners where one becomes “ruined” upon passing it? It’s all so… juvenile.

Also, in regards to that “sirmadam” person up there that he only wants women who have had less “miles of dick in her than [he’s] walked in the past year,” he must be a very immobile person. (Just for giggles, I actually decided to subject myself to the math on that. It really isn’t a lot of steps per day.)

Marta Jary
9 years ago

To me it reads like jealousy – plain and simple. They are mad those girls aren’t fucking them, and they would fuck any one of them given the chance. They aren’t given the chance, so they try and demean the value of the women they want so badly.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

I know cats’ baby kittehs can have more than one daddy if the mama cat had sex with several males while fertile. It’s science. No, really.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

HAHA! Found the video.

Unfortunately, I confused “Amazonian” for “African”, some how. I’m sorry for that. I think it may have been because I watched several hours of his videos at a time while working around the house. It’s not much of an excuse but it’s the only way I figured I confused the two.

They are the Bari tribe.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Uh, I didn’t mean to embed the video.

9 years ago

Ok, can someone explain the mice thing because that sounds impossible to me, though admittedly I’m not a biologist?

I don’t know much about the mouse study, but this type of chimerism is well documented in insects. Female bees, for example, collect sperm from multiple males during the brief mating period and save it for later use. During this time, the sperm cells stored in a female’s reproductive system can swap DNA with each other to create new genetic combinations. Weird but true.

It’s unlikely that anything like this happens with humans because human sperm are fragile and don’t live long inside the female body, but the discovery that it’s at least possible for mammals is pretty stunning.

I don’t get guys who make up elaborate fantasies about the wild sex other people are supposedly having just so they can get mad about it. Fantasize about stuff you enjoy, dudes!

9 years ago

Humans do experience other types of chimerism, though. For example, the human placenta, which is unusually complex and active, can transmit the fetus’s DNA into the mother’s body. Chimeric cells have been found throughout the bodies of women who have been pregnant, including in their BRAINS.

So if you’ve ever been pregnant, there’s a good chance you’ve got bits of your child randomly embedded in your body. Congratulations, you’re an X-Man.

9 years ago


Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head. 23 is old enough that many women have figured out that faking it makes sense worse. Oh noes! The horrors!

Interesting factoid; the clitoris grows, and possibly becomes more sensitive, throughout a woman’s life. AFAIR, by the time a woman is in her 30s her clit is 4 times larger than it was when she entered puberty.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

I don’t get guys who make up elaborate fantasies about the wild sex other people are supposedly having just so they can get mad about it. Fantasize about stuff you enjoy, dudes!

So true. I don’t sit around fantasizing about how my ex cheated on me and how they were off having hot hot sexy times, because that would piss me off for sure. And most people have, from time to time, fantasized about a stranger they would *like* to have sex with…and left it at that while it’s still pleasant. Not had the fantasy and then gone into a rage about how that person would probably never have sex with you and who cares because they’re probably “ruined” anyways by already having lots of sex. I mean, wut?!

9 years ago

*makes SEX worse. Autocorrect, why do you hate the word “sex”? 🙁

9 years ago

@isidore13 he might have been referring to this new agey bullshit that’s been popping up recently (in my feed, anyway) – – I have been laying into any of my typically well meaning woo woo friends who post it.

Quiet Wolf
Quiet Wolf
9 years ago

I think a post on tumblr said something like “a baby can pop out of a vagina and it goes back to its natural size, but some grass blade of a penis is going to stretch it out?”

Then someone said, “but the penis doesn’t go in where the baby comes out.”

And I thought my school’s sex ed was bad…

9 years ago

That is so cool.