This discussion on the Red Pill Subreddit is possibly the Red-Pilliest Red Pill discussion I’ve ever seen:
(I had to break the screenshot into three parts, hence the weirdness with the lines.)
In case anyone is wondering: these guys, in addition to being horrible people and probable pedos, are also completely wrong factually. A CDC survey found that men aged 25-44 reported they’d had a median of 6.1 lifetime sexual partners; women reported 3.6. Another CDC survey found that only 9% of women aged 15-44 had more than 15 sexual partners in their lifetime, as compared to 22% for men. Less than 2% of women had more than 5 sexual partners in the last year, as compared to 3.9% of men.
The differences between the numbers for men and women may, in part, be the result of different ideas about what constitutes sex. Men, given to padding the number of partners they’ve had, are more likely to count oral sex and handjobs as sex than women, who are more inclined to want to minimize their number. But even if we assume all the women are lying, their “real” numbers aren’t likely to be any higher than those of their male peers, which are likely exaggerated a bit.
Obviously having a lot of sexual partners is no crime. It’s just a bit weird how obsessed these guys are with women’s “number,” and how prone they are to wildly exaggerate what this “number” is. Combine this with their endless discussions of what they see as the mass “cuckolding” of men by sexually insatiable women and it almost seems like they’ve got some sort of unacknowledged fetish going on here.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, in itself; the problem is that their paranoid fantasies about hypersexual women provide them with an excuse for, well, being the douchebags that they are.
H/T — r/thebluepill
OP of that Reddit discussion is a guy named Im_Hitler. That pretty much says everything you need to know right there.
“Ruined” = has some basis for comparison between you and another guy; prefers other guy over you.
These Red Pillocks, they just reek of pathetic.
The numbers for women and men should be about the same.
I really think we should make a faux mock-up of red pill where anonymous women post how they think men are ruined if they aren’t virgins and creepy innuendos about sleeping with underage boys.
Just to see how redpillers would react to that. Probably with 0% self-awareness.
“Desensitized” to sex? From having a lot of partners? Um, sex doesn’t exactly get old, unless your partner is terrible, insensitive, unresponsive, and, oh wait.
I seriously want to ask all these guys at what age they got “ruined.”
Hitler never had much of anything good to say.
I like the one who says he won’t put any effort into getting a woman who’s had more miles of dick in her than he walked in the past year. I read it to myself in the Comic Book Guy voice, imagining a guy who’s walked less than two feet for all of 2014. I assume he makes great use of people movers and dumb waiters.
Well, it’s different for men, because men don’t get ruined by sex. They get permanently ruined the day they embrace red pill “philosophy”.
I just do not get this fixation with virgins… are they just figuring that she won’t know if they suck in bed?
What do they mean by “ruined” and “desensitized?”
Recent studies show women’s enjoyment of sex increases as they age, well into their 80s. It seems tge older women get, the less they worry about what men think and the more they not only know what they want, but are comfortable asking for it.
… Oh, wait … *now* I see what they mean by “ruined.”
In the comments, there was one dude spouting that stupidity that if multiple men have ejaculated inside a woman, any babies she has will be a mix of all the sperms of the men she’s slept with. These douches do not understand biology.
“Eyes half open, blank look on their faces. They all have the stare by the time they’re 16.”
So do the guys. It’s called being a teenager. Or you’re just the most uninteresting person in the world.
If that’s all it takes to be considered “ruined” by these guys (and get left alone by them), then I propose everyone go pick up a mega pack of condoms and start making friends who’ll help put them to use.
These are presumably adult men talking about wanting to have sex with underage virgins and they’re asking about what’s wrong with women? Um, no. The wrong is all their hand.
I’ve had a higher number of partners than the average. But guess what? I was a virgin at 16. I was a virgin until almost 19 actually. And I can guarantee I wouldn’t have let any of these pervs within ten miles of my unruined teenaged vagina. I wouldn’t let them near my sullied adult vagina either. Ick.
That was supposed to be the wrong is all on their end. I can’t English good today I guess.
@isidore13, he’s probably referring to the chimerism that has been discovered in mice — that female mice have trace amounts of DNA from both sexual partners and offspring they’ve given birth to.
OP: anti-intellectualism, misogyny, “damaged goods”.
Comment 1: Objectifying a minor in close proximity.
2: Incontrovertible statistics on sluttiness from Some Dude’s Cousin.
3. RACISM! 😀
4. Speculation on the sexual activity of minors. More fetishisation of virginity/ innocence/ inexperience.
5. Weighing up effort vs Sexual Market Value of minors. Used vaginas are icky.
6. All women are vapid zombies.
7. “Thousand-cock stare”
Is that a Bingo for PUA grossness?
@Andrew, that’s interesting, I hadn’t heard of that, actually. I will say though, I’ve seen that for a long time in a lot of the manosphere, but I don’t know how old the mice thing is.
Wow, when I first started reading this blog that manosphere had pretty much decided that 25 was when women shriveled up and died. Now it’s down to twenty-three? Damn guys, slow your roll. I know where you’re going with the ever-creeping downward age thing, but luckily the rest of society still doesn’t agree.
Or they could just be zoning out until you stop talking at them and leave. But whatever makes you happy, fellas.
I dunno, I feel kind of ripped off right now. I’ve been to three colleges, burned through only the federal gov’t knows how many thousands of dollars in tuition… and somehow, somehow managed to miss out on all the cock-parties. 🙁
Moments like this, a person is forced to confront her life choices.
*goes back to listlessly attempting to fix sloppily overwritten project proposal*
I forgot what who thinks that way, but I remember listening to a HannibaltheVictor13 video where he was talking about some people (a tribe I think?) who believe that babies are created by constant sperm building up within the woman, and anyone they’ve had sex with was a father of the child. It was interesting. It was one of his older videos.
It’s completely against biology but interesting nonetheless.
Huh, I’m gonna turn 24 soon and I graduated from university last year. This means that no douchebag redpillians will ever want me? Fan-fucking-tastic! Crack open those champagne bottles, ladies! It’s time to celebrate!
I never really got how the logic works that sleeping with multiple partners somehow wears a lady out. I mean, if you have sex 100 times with the same person, or sex 30 times with a different individual each time, you’d think that the monogamous lady would experience far more ‘wear and tear’ (not that there is any, but assuming there is) than the promiscuous one.
Though I suppose any number of sexual encounters is too many for these dudebros.
According to their logic either they’re the only men on the planet not currently getting any bc women must be having sex with literally everyone else to make up those numbers or all women are just having sex with the same group of 20 guys and no one else is getting laid
Bags of sand.
Desensitized to sex? Sex ruins your ability to enjoy sex? WTF? Have any of these chucklefucks ever picked up a book on basic anatomy or human sexuality? Again I want to ask them why would a number of dicks be any different than one dick many times? What of dildos? Do they count as dicks? If instead of reusing one dildo I used a number of dildos once each, do I permanently lose feeling in my cooter?
I’ve been fucking Hubby every chance I’ve gotten for a couple decades and the only difference I’ve noticed is that it keeps getting better. I’m a smitten kitten. So far as I can tell, there is no such thing as having too much fun with your vag.
These sound like very young men with little to no sexual experience assuring themselves how sour the grapes must be. I’d be surprised if any of them have had a serious romantic relationship. I doubt womankind will weep over the loss of these particular suitors. (Not that they’re really lost. I’d wager these knuckleheads would love the chance to get next to one of those “ruined” women.)
Ugh this reads like they’re trying to make excuses for hitting on thirteen year olds.