
Announcing the Serious Kitten Speculative Fiction Awards. Post your nominations below!

Srs kitten r srs about awards.
Srs kitten r srs about awards.

ell, it looks like the Hugo Awards are pretty much busted this year.

So it occurred to me: there are a lot of very sharp, very well-informed SF/fantasy fans that read this blog (and at least one award-winning SF author that I know of). So why not do a little awarding of our own?

And so I would like to welcome you to the First Annual We Hunted The Mammoth Serious Kitten Awards.

Nominate your favorites in the categories below — and if there are any more categories you think I should add, suggest them. Every category with at least 5 nominees will be voted on in a future post; the rest will be dropped.

Use your best judgment when choosing the right category for your nominations. Speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, horror, all good. EBooks, self-published books, all fine. I’ll make other rules/clarifications/pronouncements as necessary.

The only thing that isn’t fine: No nominations for anyone or any work included in the Sad Puppies or Rabid Puppies Hugo slates, except in the “worst” categories, if you think they deserve it. The point is to highlight work that might otherwise get overlooked because of the Sad/Rabid Puppies ballot-stuffing.

The categories:

  • Best Novel (published in 2014)
  • Best Novella  (published in 2014)
  • Best Short Story  (published in 2014)
  • Best SF-related Nonfiction Book (published in 2014)
  • Best Comic/Graphic Novel  (published in 2014)
  • Best Webcomic (ongoing, but has to have appeared in 2014)
  • Best SF site (ongoing, but had to exist in 2014)
  • Best SF blog (ongoing, but had to exist in 2014)
  • Best SF movie (released or or shown on television in 2014, i.e. SyFy movies count)
  • Best SF TV series (for episodes from 2014)
  • Best SF podcast/Youtube channel (ongoing, had to exist in 2014)
  • Best SF Twitterer (ongoing, but had to be on Twitter in2o14)
  • Coolest SF person (ongoing, but had to be cool in 2014)
  • Biggest SF asshole (ongoing, but had to be an asshole in 2014. Can include those associated with Sad Puppies and/or Rabid Puppies)
  • Worst SF novel
  • Worst SF movie
  • Worst SF TV series


Have at it! Make sure you specify what category your nomination should be in! The winners will win … something!

EDIT: Added a category.

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

SF in this context doesn’t mean sci fi, but speculative fiction. It covers a much wider range of genres. IMHO, Big Hero Six definitely qualifies.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Falconer | April 14, 2015 at 2:57 pm
@PI: I haven’t seen Big Hero 6 (I really want to) but from what I can tell, the one white guy on the crew is kind of a slacker, too, which ought to cheese the Puppies off.

Yeah, but he’s also extremely wealthy. : /

Policy of Madness | April 14, 2015 at 3:21 pm
@Paradoxical Intention

SF in this context doesn’t mean sci fi, but speculative fiction. It covers a much wider range of genres. IMHO, Big Hero Six definitely qualifies.

Ah, thanks for the clarification! 😀

9 years ago

Hello, and Shut up, Woody!
Best novel: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
Best webcomic: Erfworld
Thanks for the blog 🙂

9 years ago

I nominate @arrroberts for Best SF Twitterer, because he’s thoughtful and interesting and writes horrendously bad puns.

9 years ago

Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel (Best Novel 2014)

9 years ago

Kelly Sue Deconnick’s Bitch Planet has to take best comic, because otherwise what are we even doing here

I love, love, LOVE Bitch Planet but it did only release one issue in 2014 – so I’d be inclined to hold it back for next year.

9 years ago

Biggest SF asshole: Vox Day.

9 years ago


Best novel: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

Please tell me you’re nominating that ironically.

Cassie's Major Domo
9 years ago

Uhm, David, am I the award-winning SF/F author of which you mention? Just curious. I didn’t think anyone knew about me at all, let alone when I post anonymously.

9 years ago

Cassie’s Major Domo:

I was thinking he was talking about Shaenon, aka Shaenon Garrity, the mad genius behind Narbonic/Skin Horse (along with other stuff I keep meaning to hunt down and devour):

Cassie's Major Domo
9 years ago

Ah, I figured I was too obscure. I have won an award, but haven’t had that many publications yet.

9 years ago

Winner in all Best Ficton categories: “Far Beyond the Stars“.

9 years ago

Okay, so if we’re doing best SFF game (I assume we’re talking console/computer) my nom has got to be Dragon Age Inquisition. If you know anything about the designer, Bioware, they tend to make GG people twitch for doing things like being respectful of women, minorities, gays and lesbians. You know, all that evil SJW stuff.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Could I throw in a nomination for @DystopianYA on twitter?

They poke a good bit of fun at stereotypes in the Dystopian Young Adult novels.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Oh, and someone mentioned on my Twitter feed that George R.R. Martin has put in his two cents on the Hugo nonsense.

9 years ago

Hmm, I’d love to nominate some games, but all the ones released in 2014 are either still sitting on my wish list or I haven’t played them yet (mostly the former). I can nominate some webcomics though: Questionable Content, Darths & Droids, and seconding Order of the Stick.

For biggest SF asshole, I’ll agree with the nominations for Adam Baldwin (he was in The Last Ship in 2014, which I think counts as SF, not that I’ve really watched it) for starting the GG tag and Vox Day/Theodore Beale.

For Best SF TV Series, I nominate Sleepy Hollow. Team Good Guys is roughly evenly split male/female (it… fluctuates) and is roughly half POC (see previous), which was nice to see.

9 years ago

Oh if there’s a SF game category now? Let me nominate Alien: Isolation for successfully scaring this seasoned horror veteran.

And let me say a few things more about Helix because Futrelle himself talked about it: I definitely enjoyed watching both seasons that have aired so far, just not in the way I was expecting to enjoy it. It’s the definition of brainless fun and even if I was expecting meatier scifi horror it has more than a few charms that keep me coming back.

Now I’m going to have “Do you know the way to San Jose” stuck in my head again.

9 years ago

Thank you for the mention, but I’m working hard to get on next year’s Puppy ballots by promising to a) hate all the things they would like me to hate, b) not make gay wedding pizzas, and c) eventually stop writing SF to make room for a more deserving man.

If I appear on any award nomination lists, I will have to decry my nomination as a transparent attempt by the SJW cabal to fill a quota of inferior females.

9 years ago

Anything by Terry Pratchett that qualifies that I haven’t gotten around to reading yet

9 years ago


Thiazin red
Thiazin red
9 years ago

First time poster, long time reader. I don’t really feel like I’ve read enough to give an answer for some, but for those I have:

Novel : The Bone Clocks by David Mitchel
Novella: The Mothers of Voorhisville by Mary Rickert
Short Story: A Year and a Day in Old Theradane by Scott Lynch
Comic: Saga vol. 3 by Brian K Vaughn and Fiona Staples
Webcomic: Blindsprings by Kady Fedoruk
SF site: IO9
SF Movie: Edge of Tomorrow
TV Series: I honestly can’t decide between Orphan Black and Steven Universe (if its meant to be single episodes I’ll say By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried, and Steven and the Stevens)
Podcast: Welcome to Nightvale
Game: Child of Light

9 years ago

OT but I do like this theory about Orson Lannister from Game of Thrones