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Vox Day wrote lyrics for an early-nineties industrial dance band. They’re just awful.

Vox Day, techno pop star

As racist, woman-hating fantasy writer Vox Day (aka Theodore Beale) likes to remind people, he was kind of a big deal in the industrial dance music scene back in the day, with three Billboard Club Hits to his name.

Well, sort of. Beale — he wasn’t known as Vox back then — was briefly a member of a largely forgotten industrial dance group called Psykosonik in the early nineties.

Now, I was listening to a lot of industrial dance music back in those days, and was particularly enamored of the label (Wax Trax!) that Psykosonik was on. Yet somehow I never noticed them.

Listening to their first album today — the one that Beale was involved in — I can see why. Musically, they’re a peppy, if highly derivative, mix of industrial and rave, at times sounding a bit like the Shamen or Pop Will Eat Itself or even, unbelievably, EMF.

The trouble comes when the group’s vocalist opens his mouth to sing or, even worse, to rap some of the most cringeworthy lyrics I’ve encountered since I listened to this. The bassy “rapping” in their song “Acid Hammer” is on a par with the rapping in Aqua’s “Barbie Girl,” except that Aqua was in on the joke, and Psykosonik clearly wasn’t.

And that’s where Mr. Beale comes in, because a lot of these very very serious, very very terrible lyrics are his. Psykosonik seems to have been built largely around two guys — Paul Sebastien (vocals, lyrics, music) and Daniel Lenz (music). Beale, a member for only two years, is credited by Wikipedia as being responsible for “composition, lyrics.”

So let’s take a look at some of them, shall we? The lyrics below, which I found on Lyrics Wikia, are excerpted from songs he’s credited with co-writing; click on the titles to see more.

Welcome To My Mind

Fractals fusing, brain abusing
Drink your smart drug, find illusion
Ride the air on an angel’s dare
Mandlebrots fly everywhere

Silicon Jesus

Illusion the solution
You will find your absolution
Within silicon, in silicon, in me

Shock On The Wire

Mondo rave, magnetic wave
Cyberbaby, my love slave
Computational attractivity
New world networked connectivity

Down to the Ground

Down to the ground, down to the ground
Social entropy is reigning today
Burn it down, burn it down, burn it down, down to the ground
A generation’s coming your way

Acid Hammer

Feel your heart explode with lust
Vacationers, this one’s a must
If you choose to take this drug
You will feel your libido erupt ….

If you choose to lick my brain
Use your tongue to taste the same
Feel the acid reign


Servitude is in the mind, a death in life
Don’t be confused by the terms of Left and Right
Statism is statism, by any name the same
Apathy is suicide and we will bear the blame …

Huge berserk rebel warthog error
Zeroboys unleash domestic terror
Jack it in and burn the data
Violence a religion they can relate to

Now, it’s not completely clear from the scanty info I’ve found if Beale wrote all of these lyrics by himself — Wikipedia also lists Sebastien as being responsible for lyrics — but quite a few of them have the stink of Beale about them. I mean, “social entropy,” “statism is statism?”

Oh, and that bizarre bit about the “huge berserk rebel warthog?” That may be Beale’s only bit of cleverness. After puzzling over it a bit, and listening to that part of the song over and over to make sure that was really what was being said, I put the phrase into Google and discovered that it’s an anagram for George Herbert Walker Bush.

If you want to listen to any of these songs — and really, they’re not bad, if you can manage to ignore the awful lyrics — you can find the whole album here.

And here’s the video for their single “Welcome to My Mind,” which features Mr. Beale’s rotating head.

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Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

I’ve seen people, mostly young women between the ages of 14-25, use “egalitarian” or deny they are a feminist even though they agree with the basis of feminism because “feminism” has become a “dirty word” IRL. I’ve only met one person online who spouted off MRA bullshit, mostly about how the “patriarchy doesn’t exist” and “the wage gap is a myth”, who was a guy, and he may have described himself as an egalitarian. I don’t remember. I think this is because I usually try to keep ideals, religion, politics, whatever separate unless I’m on a website/video/forum/whatever that is about said issues? If that makes sense?

9 years ago


Is that a “Thick of it” reference?

Nah, just the worst thing I could think of off the top of my head.

(And now, off to google “thick of it”.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Bina

Here you go. If you get a chance to watch this do so; the delivery is just perfect.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


Oh, no, I wasn’t thinking of womanism, actually. I can understand why PoC, mostly WoC, would distance themselves away from the word “feminism”, although I definitely feel that womanist should take back feminism because, honestly, WoC issues ARE feminist issues, regardless of what fucking racist shitstains “feminist” say, which of course emcompass race issues, AND issues with handicapable women. I honestly feel that “feminist” who say race shouldn’t be a part of feminism aren’t actual feminist because of what I said before but that’s a whole ‘nother fucking issue.

Looking back, I don’t think me bringing up being an atheist was the right way to put it? I actually have no idea why I put it in there…or, wait, fuck, what I meant was the whole “skepticism” versus “atheistism” thing? I mean, don’t most people call themselves skeptics because of the whole lot of awful people calling themselves atheist and shit even though they pretty much believe the same exact thing? Because I don’t personally believe in any gods or religious doctrine but I don’t feel that you should write people’s religion off? Or is that agnosticism? I know I ain’t no deist or theist or whatever the fuck it is where you have more spiritual or religious leanings–although I do like the idea of karma and reincarnation even though I know there’s so little proof to prove it actually exists?

I don’t even fucking know what I fucking meant. *facepalms* I think I just tossed it in there without any real thought behind it. ARGHLEBURGLEHSFHASJK. IGNORE ME, JUST STUMBLING THROUGH DRUNKENLY EVEN THOUGH I HAVEN’T HAD A DROP OF ALCOHOL TODAY. *doodily-doo!*

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

ALSO: Feminism is for anyone who identifies as woman, so also tran* issues are feminist issues. Forgot to put that.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Just pretend I started drinking tequila BEFORE I posted, not after.

9 years ago

I’ve read MRAs on at least two sites go over how to pose as a feminist and say outrageous things but with enough subtlety to be believable. It’s interesting because sometimes the arguments are so realistic that it proves they’re self-aware, and their bullshit is intentionally ridiculous and only meant to antagonize.

For the record, David, you’re an inspiration to me. Your site is a quick reminder that it’s not hopeless, and you allow me to stay informed with comedy relief to ward off the sads and without guilt for the clicks I might’ve given the asshats.

Thank you.

Michael Lindsay
9 years ago

Reads like something spat out from a Gibson-esque Cyberpunk word generator. Mondo…jack in…fractal…robot…er, cyber.

9 years ago

There’s literally no reason for straight white guys to hate or even mildly dislike these kinds of folks… Like, no man ever has a real reason to be against these fucks.

It’s like this N.P.S. person does not understand the concept of empathy. This seemed like such an obvious answer to me for why people act kindly towards others or call out inappropriate behavior. I had a former coworker once who tried to friend me on FB, and I rejected him. Even though he was nice to me, I noticed he treated other people (even his so-called friend!) like crap. He played mind games to mess with them just for funzies. I do think he was a jerk even though he treated me fine. I don’t need people like that in my life.

But even if David were not doing us a kindness in exposing the terrible things manospherians say, some selfish reasons could be that those dudes make men look bad, and their misogynistic actions also make it difficult for men and women to have better relationships. One of the take aways I got from the post on the Reddit megathread was that misogynistic dudes ruin women’s trust in men in general. It also reminded me of an article I read some time ago about how women wanted to have casual sex just as much as men but don’t because there’s the very real risk of being raped. So in a sense those misogynists are cockblocking.

but also because that would mean that there exists a person on this earth who has gone through the trouble of actually listening to feminist arguments only to use them to pose as a feminist on the internet. I cannot understand anyone who would waste their time in that manner for a game of make-believe

Actually through my lurking on the Sinfest comic forums, I have encountered such a strawfeminist. Their name is KillAllMen. The presence of antifeminists on the forum was not uncommon, and they always complained about the femonst turn the webcomic took. But this strawfeminist seemed to persist at this act for some time. The funny thing is that it seemed that the feminist language they were aping seemed to eventually sink in, and they eventually became a reasonable commenter. I saw in real time as the community there also noticed the change. I’m not claiming that N.P.S. is or isn’t a strawfeminist, but such people exist. Hopefully it means they’re on the road to feminism.

9 years ago

There’s literally no reason for straight white guys to hate or even mildly dislike these kinds of folks. I’ve often wondered why David even has this blog. Is it just to look super clever? To rack up faux feminist points for some unfathomable reason? Like, no man ever has a real reason to be against these fucks.

Yes, I am totally comfortable with the idea that, because I am a man, at least half the people in the world are justified in believing that there’s a good chance I’m a woman-hating shit-weasel who wants to fuck 12-year-old (if not younger) girls. Why wouldn’t I — it makes me so … powerful. I just crave being feared.

I can understand that there are women whose experience with men has been so horrifying that they no longer believe in the possibility of men being anything but evil,. so that their interpretation of someone like David is that he must have some sort of ulterior motive and he’s merely using women for whatever that motive is. That’s the vibe I get from N. P. S., but I also realize that I may have an excessive tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt.

9 years ago

I find it funny that N.P.S called us Upper-Class White Feminists and accused David of not caring about women’s issues in the same post, because the whole problem with Upper-Class White Feminists is that they focus primarily on issues that affect them, and not on issues that primarily affect poor women, WOC, trans women, lesbians, etc. Is empathy and solidarity expected of social justice activists, or not?

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention “3. Some men use it only as an excuse to get laid. (Or they go take a women’s history course and and when introducing themselves on the first day of class, they try to quip something cheesy and gross about “wanting to learn herstory instead of history. Ughhhhh.)”

Think I’ve seen that sort of thing a number of times on sites that compile creepy dating site messages. Men who label themselves feminists on their profiles and then proceed to send inappropriate/rude/creepy messages to women.

Some people really seem to think social justice terminology is just a secret code you can use to deceive people. Luckily many of them seem to slip up at some point, generally early on.

9 years ago

you blog it and you have this safe manly life where they don’t hurt *you*, outside of making it harder for you to hit on the ladies, since we’re wary ’cause of their creepy shit. You don’t know what it’s fucking like to have this crap in your face all the time, you have no reason to hate these guys, outside of their possible cockblocking…

I’m trying to work out logistically how Paul Elam, Roosh V and their ilk “cockblock” David. Nope, I can’t figure it out and will now stop trying.

Oh, waahh, sometimes they say you’re fat? ohhh the tragedy and horror you face!!

I personally think intellectually dishonest MRAs pretending that David’s article about the critically acclaimed film Salo was a defense of child porn and therefore he’s a “pedo” is way worse than the failed attempts at fat jokes, but that’s me. David has used that as an excuse to beg for sympathy exactly zero times, the same number of times he’s expressed self-pity for any harassment he’s received. In fact, the only time he refers to any of it is when he needs an example to show how men like himself get a fraction of abuse that women do.

Fuck you and fuck this blog. Fuck your white knight crap. I don’t believe you’re an actual feminist or ally for one moment.

While David has sympathy for women, is supportive of feminism and has plenty of feminist fans, this isn’t a feminist blog. He’s not writing this from a feminist perspective, he’s writing from a professional journalist perspective, albeit a snarky one. He’s clearly learned a bit about feminism through the years, but in the end he’s covering “the new misogyny” mentioned in the header as a journalist.

This is why David’s never going to be interviewed or lecture about feminism or women’s experiences, but he’s becoming the go to guy to discuss the Manosphere when someone wants the bigger picture after A toxic misogynistic asshole gets in the news. Other then a few FeMRAs, most of his subjects are men.

brand of But Really Most Guys Are Wooonderful! We Mean It!! feminism… but honestly, it’s not going to help anyone who has any real issues.

Again, he’s a journalist and their point is expose the truth to the best of their ability, he’s not an activist, therapist or anyone else working for direct change.

The only sort of criticism I have is David eventually needs to get around to writing a “New Misogyny” book. Write a book about these assholes David, it’s time. **cracking whip noise**

9 years ago

it’s not right to choose to abort because of something as superficial as gender

Off topic, but IMO, basically any reason is the right reason to abort. If it’s a dumb, superficial reason, then I can’t imagine that the person who wanted to terminate their pregnancy because eh, I don’t know, the baby might end up having straight hair, for example, would be a good parent in the least. So it’s better for everyone if the kid isn’t dragged into that shitshow.

Obviously a woman being coerced into terminating a pregnancy she wants to keep is fucked up and wrong, but abortion restrictions aren’t going to fix that. There needs to be legislation protecting these ladies from the coersion, not from the option of abortion.

9 years ago

I know this blog takes a ton of work and reading terrible writing by terrible people has to be wearying. I broke up with Right Wing Watch because the anti-gay vitriol got to be too much for me and I was just a reader, not a writer or a researcher.

Plus, my plea for a book is partly selfish, I simply want to read it. I want a Oompa Loompa now!

9 years ago

Oompa Loompa Boobidity day!
OK, I can’t paint myself orange cos it would clash with my red hair.
And I’m too tall.
And I’m not that keen on chocolate (though possibly better than crushed caterpillars)
I would be a terrible Oompa Loompa.
But I think Violet *cough* Brooked does deserve one of zir own!

9 years ago

David, I really appreciate the work you do here. Just wanted to let you know.

9 years ago

Eh, most of those lyrics aren’t really bad, at least given the lyrical themes of the genre. Not sure this was worth digging up. The “Shock on the Wire” lyrics are really terrible, though, and using the phrase “love slave” is a bad idea in the best of contexts.

9 years ago

Silicon Jesus

Illusion the solution
You will find your absolution
Within silicon, in silicon, in me

Does anyone think he actually meant silicone? Because silicon is an element (Si).

9 years ago

Oh never mind, reference to Silicon Valley. Someone needs to learn to read first before she posts!!!

9 years ago

If you choose to lick my brain
Use your tongue to taste the same
Feel the acid reign

Ew, no, gross. No licking brains. Especially not Vox Day’s. It’s all rotten and filled with ignorance and hatred.

9 years ago

“Silicon” is what modern electronics are made from. “Silicon Jesus” is probably about gadgets or digital media or something, not about San Jose as a geographical location.

9 years ago

Reading the OP, I was reminded of Morrissey’s lyric:
“Frankly, Mr. Shankly, I never knew you wrote such BLOODY AWFUL poetry.”

I understand that putting words together in ways that are both new and good is difficult. So is passing a kidney stone. I’d rather listen to Vox do the latter.