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Vox Day wrote lyrics for an early-nineties industrial dance band. They’re just awful.

Vox Day, techno pop star

As racist, woman-hating fantasy writer Vox Day (aka Theodore Beale) likes to remind people, he was kind of a big deal in the industrial dance music scene back in the day, with three Billboard Club Hits to his name.

Well, sort of. Beale — he wasn’t known as Vox back then — was briefly a member of a largely forgotten industrial dance group called Psykosonik in the early nineties.

Now, I was listening to a lot of industrial dance music back in those days, and was particularly enamored of the label (Wax Trax!) that Psykosonik was on. Yet somehow I never noticed them.

Listening to their first album today — the one that Beale was involved in — I can see why. Musically, they’re a peppy, if highly derivative, mix of industrial and rave, at times sounding a bit like the Shamen or Pop Will Eat Itself or even, unbelievably, EMF.

The trouble comes when the group’s vocalist opens his mouth to sing or, even worse, to rap some of the most cringeworthy lyrics I’ve encountered since I listened to this. The bassy “rapping” in their song “Acid Hammer” is on a par with the rapping in Aqua’s “Barbie Girl,” except that Aqua was in on the joke, and Psykosonik clearly wasn’t.

And that’s where Mr. Beale comes in, because a lot of these very very serious, very very terrible lyrics are his. Psykosonik seems to have been built largely around two guys — Paul Sebastien (vocals, lyrics, music) and Daniel Lenz (music). Beale, a member for only two years, is credited by Wikipedia as being responsible for “composition, lyrics.”

So let’s take a look at some of them, shall we? The lyrics below, which I found on Lyrics Wikia, are excerpted from songs he’s credited with co-writing; click on the titles to see more.

Welcome To My Mind

Fractals fusing, brain abusing
Drink your smart drug, find illusion
Ride the air on an angel’s dare
Mandlebrots fly everywhere

Silicon Jesus

Illusion the solution
You will find your absolution
Within silicon, in silicon, in me

Shock On The Wire

Mondo rave, magnetic wave
Cyberbaby, my love slave
Computational attractivity
New world networked connectivity

Down to the Ground

Down to the ground, down to the ground
Social entropy is reigning today
Burn it down, burn it down, burn it down, down to the ground
A generation’s coming your way

Acid Hammer

Feel your heart explode with lust
Vacationers, this one’s a must
If you choose to take this drug
You will feel your libido erupt ….

If you choose to lick my brain
Use your tongue to taste the same
Feel the acid reign


Servitude is in the mind, a death in life
Don’t be confused by the terms of Left and Right
Statism is statism, by any name the same
Apathy is suicide and we will bear the blame …

Huge berserk rebel warthog error
Zeroboys unleash domestic terror
Jack it in and burn the data
Violence a religion they can relate to

Now, it’s not completely clear from the scanty info I’ve found if Beale wrote all of these lyrics by himself — Wikipedia also lists Sebastien as being responsible for lyrics — but quite a few of them have the stink of Beale about them. I mean, “social entropy,” “statism is statism?”

Oh, and that bizarre bit about the “huge berserk rebel warthog?” That may be Beale’s only bit of cleverness. After puzzling over it a bit, and listening to that part of the song over and over to make sure that was really what was being said, I put the phrase into Google and discovered that it’s an anagram for George Herbert Walker Bush.

If you want to listen to any of these songs — and really, they’re not bad, if you can manage to ignore the awful lyrics — you can find the whole album here.

And here’s the video for their single “Welcome to My Mind,” which features Mr. Beale’s rotating head.

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9 years ago

There must be some sort of curse that keeps them glued to the seat, facing the monitor, eyes wide open with WHtM permanently on the screen.

You … (whispering) … you mean you don’t?

9 years ago

They were no (first album by) Senser, I can see that much.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


Of course, or else I wouldn’t be able to watch Flux Buddies or read Manly Men Doing Manly Things! Yaaaay!

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

I meant Manly Guys. I don’t know what the other would be.

9 years ago

I don’t, but their immediate response to Nequam being “fuck off back to Reddit?” That smells of 4chan to me.

Oh, is that what they said? (I only came back a few minutes ago and was looking at the last page of posts).

I wondered if I was being too uncivil, but I guess not.

9 years ago

I’ll admit I watched and enjoyed a few episodes of Top Gear when I was at my folks. I find it disappointing to find out that Jeremy Clarkson was actually a jerk instead of just being a purposeful caricature of one.

I wanted him to just be hamming it up.

But no…

Disappointment. He wasn’t doing a meta about awful people and how annoying they are. He was just being awful.


Also, the Top Gear fans with the death threats? I’m also disappointed in you, too.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^) | April 14, 2015 at 1:59 pm
Of course, or else I wouldn’t be able to watch Flux Buddies or read Manly Men Doing Manly Things! Yaaaay!

Hello fellow Yoganaught! Befriendswithmeplz?

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

Of course! Let’s go and make fun of how salty Lewis is in City Skylines! 😀

And give well wishes to poor Simon. I hope he’s doing okay.

9 years ago

N.P.S was right about one thing; because David is a man, he doesn’t get the sheer volume of invective that a woman would get saying the exact same things. That there makes me grateful for this blog because he’s using his privilege for something productive, i.e. documenting online misogyny. He does it so well that his blog is used as a source for other journalists and researchers.

I’ve seen too many female feminists get driven offline by avalances of rape and death threats and doxxing for doing a fraction of what David does. I’m sure David gets his share of gross and threatening emails, but let’s face it – it’s probably nowhere near what a woman would get.

So while N.P.S. is likely a troll, it’s important to take a minute and acknowlege how important it is for a male ally to stand up and call out anti-feminists. Also, the longevity of this blog should lend proof that he’s not just doing it for some weird feminist brownie points.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

“because David is a man, he doesn’t get the sheer volume of invective that a woman would get saying the exact same things.”

Never considered that. In fact, after discovering some of the terminology like ‘white knight’ since reading this site I’d have thought it would be the opposite; but thinking about it that’s almost certainly correct.

Whenever I’ve ever raised a “Come on mate, that’s a bang out of order” objection to something I’ve only ever received a “Sorry, didn’t mean it” type response. I can imagine a woman getting, at best an, insincere shrug and a “time of the month” type comment as soon as she’s out of earshot.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Actually, that makes me look like I run around calling out misogyny whenever I see it. I can’t claim that sort of credit. I only do so when it’s completely blatant.

9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw: Your experience is pretty typical for male allies, judging both by my own experience and by that of others I’ve heard tales from. It’s related, if not identical, to the bar creeper who immediately apologizes to the male S.O. of a woman he’s been targeting incessantly, once he realizes she’s ‘attached’. Since the root of the behavior is the discounting of the personhood of women, it’s harder for them to make the jump to be similarly dismissive of other men, even when they clearly would like to be.

9 years ago

Eh sorry. His band kind of sucks

9 years ago

Freemage – I once had an MRA back down on a typical argument only when A) I refused to address his ad-hominems, B) told him my male partner found his comments speculating about my sex life to be offensive. I think he mostly left because he got bored of not being able to get a rise out of me, though. But I definitely sensed a shift in his tone when he thought another man had called him a POS. I knew he’d weight my bloke’s opinion differently, I just didn’t think that’d be all it took to shut him up. 😛

9 years ago

AltoFronto: Obviously, it’s going to vary, but yeah, the whole point of being an ally is that you can leverage your own privilege on someone else’s behalf. This is why they try to twist the “White Knight” epithet so hard–instead of meaning someone who specifically is trying to ‘save the day’ in order to get rewarded (and usually doing so in a fashion that objectifies, in the ‘pedestal’ fashion, their ‘rescue), MRAs want to use it any time any man speaks out against misogynistic conduct. This can get bizarre, at times–I’ve seen anonymous people in online forums accused of ‘white knighting’ when objecting to, say, misogynistic language. Since we’re all anonymous to one another, and given the short memories of most forumites, it is unlikely there’s any ‘reward’ to be had in that scenario.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Okay, since I’m the type of dogged weirdo who’s been searching for the ne plus ultra of homemade Sloppy Joe recipes for the last four years, I decided to take up the Mystery of N.P.S. (Not to mention that I vaguely remembered zir from a while back, and remembered zir as being okay).

My Google-fu revealed that yes, N.P.S. has been here off-and-on since September of last year. The strange part is that some of today’s comments seem to be linked to a thread from January. Zie made a blanket statement about men being full of toxic ideas and got called out by a few commenters. The “you’re all StepfordNotAllMenz-ers!” seems to be zir response…three months later in a different thread…

Zie also told folks to eff off back to 4chan, reddit, etc, in the past (those those folks tended to be MRA trolls).

No clue why zie decided to tear into David, though. Could it be that until today zie somehow missed that this blog is authored by a man?

Alternate theories to N.P.S.:
1. Name hijacked by someone else (unlikely, since the gravatar is the same).
2. Took the red pill, came back to give it to troll the SJW’s.
3. Aliens.

9 years ago

There’s literally no reason for straight white guys to hate or even mildly dislike these kinds of folks.

Wow, someone’s been drinking the Fucking Idiot Juice today, haven’t they.

In case you forget, Pox Faecalis is a straight-up fascist. Of course straight white guys should hate him. He’s the very worst that they can get, short of motherfucking, kitten-raping serial killers.

(And just in case you haven’t flounced yet, please do. You won’t be missed.)

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Kitten-raping? That’s…an interesting insult.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Is that a “Thick of it” reference?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Must confess the “ally” thing isn’t a word I’m comfortable with. Same as ‘feminist’ (I’m, at best, an attempted pro feminist)

Apart from anything else, it suggests there are two possible sides to be on; there aren’t though. It’s the default position of anyone who’s not a complete git. It’s like being described as “Not a kitten strangler”; it should go without saying.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

I’ve heard several feminists saying they weren’t comfortable with men using the word feminist to describe themselves for a few reasons:

1. Sometimes assholes co-opt that descriptor to try to use it as a get-out-of-sexism free card. (See: Eron Gjoni, Zoe Quinn’s Ex and founder of #GamerGate.)

2. Some men use it as an excuse to talk over women who have legitimate things to say. (Mansplaining even though they’re “feminists”.)

3. Some men use it only as an excuse to get laid. (Or they go take a women’s history course and and when introducing themselves on the first day of class, they try to quip something cheesy and gross about “wanting to learn herstory instead of history. Ughhhhh.)

4. Some people find that it seems to say “I’m part of your struggle! I’m one of you!”, when the ally in question really hasn’t had the experience of being female.

As why some feminists like “ally” better:

1. It shows that you’re willing to take a backseat to women and listen to what they have to say.

2. It shows that you’re supportive without laying any claims to be part of the group you’re supporting.

Mind you, ally has just as much potential to be just as abused (see the “A is for Ally!” folks who want a letter in the LGBTQA+ acronym despite not being queer. : / ), but it’s still better for some than just straight up saying “I’m a feminist”.

All in all, I think it’s up to the individual, but it’s important as to why some people would want you to identify one way or another.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Paradoxical Intention

Yup, those reasons tally very much with my own; especially No. 4.

I think I’ve put up a video of that comedy sketch where the guys says “We played well last night” (in relation to a football game) and his mate says “Funny, didn’t notice you on the pitch” to illustrate my feelings on that subject.

I support the team; but I’m not on the team as it were.

My pro feminism attempts pretty much equate to “Er, well give us a shout if you need anything”. That’s partly because I don’t like cashing in on someone else’s struggle; but probably mainly because I’m lazy.

But I’m the same with “Ally” though. I just don’t like it. To paraphrase Chris Rock it’s like claiming credit for “shit you’re *supposed* to do” (if that makes sense); and all the reasons mentioned in relation to ‘feminist’ also apply I think.

I’ll be honest, even though people have made me very welcome on this site (even when I’ve put my foot in it) I still feel a bit like I’m intruding. I can completely understand why women would feel uneasy about a bloke being on here. “What’s he *really* after?” is a perfectly rational attitude; especially on the internet.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

It’s kinda strange that you feel like you’re “intruding” because you’re a man, especially since a man runs and maintains the blog. I really hope you get more comfortable here, and that goes for every man on this blog that feels the same.

And while I get why people (not just you, Alan) wouldn’t want a man to call themselves “feminist”, it feels excluding to me or distancing away from the word feminism, like it’s a bad word to be described as. It’s like that whole “egalitarian” or whatever the hell it’s called which has all the same goals as feminism, but called something else? It’s like I’m not gonna stop calling myself an atheist just because some assholes are also atheists, you know what I mean?

However, since you do feel like you’re co-opting women’s struggles, I can understand, and again, I hope you feel a little more at home on the blog.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^) | April 14, 2015 at 7:36 pm
It’s like that whole “egalitarian” or whatever the hell it’s called which has all the same goals as feminism, but called something else?

I’m going to be blunt: I’ve never met an “egalitarian” who wasn’t an anti-feminist, circle-jerking, self-important wank stain.

Pretty much, they’re just more MRAs who don’t want to associate with MRAs. They’re like “white nationalists” in that sense. (And some of them actually are white nationalists.)

9 years ago

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)

Are you thinking of womanism?

I’m feminist, but I’d only be a womanist ally, at most*, because (if I remember correctly) womanism was specifically an inter-sectional offshoot focusing on the issues of POC and feminism, because a lot of folks felt that feminism just doesn’t address the additional problems of racism well enough.

*I say at most because I don’t really know enough about the movement to claim I’m actually doing anything effective to help their cause.