alpha males crackpottery false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

When Jesus returns, will hordes of jealous women falsely accuse him of rape?

Hey girl, I brought you some fish.
Hey girl, I brought you some fish.

Would you like to hear the good news about Jesus Christ?

I suppose I should preface this by saying it’s only good news for evil misandrist women who want to make life as hard as possible for men, and (of course) f0r self-hating manginas. But here it is, straight from the Black Pill blog (formerly Omega Virgin Revolt).

No real-life dude can possibly live up to Jesus as a boyfriend.

In Christian churches, many women treat Jesus not as their savior as such, but as they’re boyfriend.  It “works” for them since they’re dealing with someone they are only imagining in their heads.  However, it creates a huge problem for Christian men since no man can compete with the Jesus boyfriend women have inside their heads.

So God’s Match for You is … His son, the carpenter?

To Christians, Jesus is God, and no man can compete with God, much less what women have in their own heads with treating Jesus as their boyfriend.

Imaginary Jesus boyfriend is the ultimate Alpha and Omega Male.

The Christian dating advice industry doesn’t deal with this problem and won’t even admit it exists.

Well, the “Christian dating advice industry” may not, but Wikihow sort of does.

But men who are not Jesus can take comfort in one thing: When Jesus returns to earth, he’ll have to deal with false accusations just like mortal men.

If Jesus were to come back, millions of Christian women would have their illusion shattered that Jesus is their boyfriend. This would lead to women falsely accusing Jesus of rape to get back at him. The same false accusation bandwagon effect that happened to Bill Cosby would happen to Jesus.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!

Just remember, not even Jesus can avoid false accusations from women.  If the son of God can’t, then you won’t be able to either if you spend enough time with women.

In other words, the only solution is COMGTOW —  “Children of Men” Going Their Own Way.


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Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Thank god, a new post.

Seriously, the Reddit thread is tearing me up and I really need something else to get my mind off it. No amount of baby chickens or kittens have helped.

Idiots accusing women of possibly reporting false rape against Jesus is something much more manageable…which is sad.

But, also, these guys REALLY enjoy pulling shit out of their asses and smearing the screen with it.

9 years ago

I… would just like to note:



9 years ago

What I’m hearing them say when I read this is “Jesus was nice to people, that’s not me, evil wimminz be b*tches for expecting me to be a halfway decent person, Misandry!”

9 years ago

“However, it creates a huge problem for Christian men since no man can compete with the Jesus boyfriend women have inside their heads.”

Oh dear. Only Christian men have to compete with the perfect male (Jesus) who may exist in any potential girlfriends(?) mind.

Really? No other male/female has to compete against the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend which may exist in someone’s imagination?

Why does it seem the OP exists in another reality?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
9 years ago

And on the fourth day, Mary Magdalene went to Pontius Pilate and falseaccused the resurrected Jesus when she realized he wasn’t actually her boyfriend. This is the meaning of MRA Easter.

9 years ago

He makes up this completely imaginary scenario…and then uses the completely imaginary scenario he made up as a basis for cautionary advice he gives to real men in the real world.

9 years ago

Step 1: Make some shit up: “This would lead to women falsely accusing Jesus of rape to get back at him.”
Step 2: Use the shit you just made up as evidence to support your worldview: “Just remember, not even Jesus can avoid false accusations from women. If the son of God can’t, then you won’t be able to either if you spend enough time with women.”
Step 3: Prophet!

Yukyuk, see what I did there?

9 years ago

I love the way TBP comes out with some outlandish hypothesis, and then ends up presenting it as fact.

You know once he finds out David has written about him again, he’ll be writing another angry blogpost about how ‘manginaboobs’ completely missed the point, again.

Kloe Jemmer (@JoeKlemmer)

You know… I think… Someday…

Crap, I got nothing. This is just to frelling stupid to say anything.


9 years ago

I clicked on the Wikihow link. Oh dear. That was a failed SAN roll.

The idea of dedicating every act in your life to the glorification of God-as-you-understand-it has a certain abstract appeal, but when it prevents you from having any interaction with non-believers other than proselytizing, a/k/a ‘witnessing’, that becomes a problem.

andrea harris
9 years ago

Ladies, yeah, but how does Omega Bro explain all those burly redneck dudes collapsing in church and crying how they’ll never touch liquor again because they “Love the Lord!” (And doing it every Sunday because let’s face it, by Friday Earl’s gonna have not only touched that liquor but gone for a swim in it.)

9 years ago

I think my favourite part of the Wikihow link was number 12.

Keep in mind the reality that God is real.

Though, it could probably be improved some. “Keep in mind the real reality that the real G-d is real. Really, no fooling.”

9 years ago

“The Christian dating advice industry doesn’t deal with this problem and won’t even admit it exists.”
Hmmm, I wonder why they think it does not exist? Oh, right, because it doesn’t.

Trying to be serious for a moment (and I really can’t): In what world does Jesus make a perfect boyfriend? He’s a very busy man, spending most of his time with his male friends, hardly ever being at home, not to mention that sex is probably out of the question. Even from this whatever pill perspective it makes no sense: He’s not an alpha womaniser and he’s not a beta provider. And he’s unlikely to take girls home after wild parties so they could later regret it and falsely accuse him of rape or whatever.

Gods have loads of stuff to worry about, systematised misandry is not one of them.

9 years ago

“To Christians, Jesus is God, and no man can compete with God, much less what women have in their own heads with treating Jesus as their boyfriend.”

The subtext to this little rant seems, at least to me, that these guys feel threatened by god. That is to say, they cannot bear the thought of another man holding a higher place than themselves in the minds of women, especially not any supernatural-messiah-child-avatar-of-cosmic being-whatever-thingy. Not only must they be master to women, not only must they be king, they must be god in the lives of their women.

Humble, secure fellows, these guys.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago
^This was what came to mind after reading the OP.
Holy shit, this guy has some issues. So women, even if they settle for some real-life man, actually wish they could hook up with Jesus? Um, even Muslim, Jewish, Pagan, or Atheist women? Lesbians too?

Maybe he had to go to Catholic school when he was young, and being around all those “brides of christ” (nuns) somehow gave him the idea that boys/men could never measure up? Idk. This is just weird.

And I cannot begin to wrap my head around the false rape accusation thing. These guys seem to write down any theory that comes out of their fever-dreams or acid trips and run with it.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Jesus LOL’d.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Ælfscýne | April 12, 2015 at 6:54 pm
Trying to be serious for a moment (and I really can’t): In what world does Jesus make a perfect boyfriend?

Not to mention he’s got a thing going with Mary Magdeline, last I heard. Isn’t he all about the monogamy?

In terms of deities I’d date, I don’t think Jesus is that high up the list. He’s alright, and a good guy, but I don’t think he’d be a fan of my witchcraft and choice of deities.

I’d be more like a “This is a girl I’d date in my teenage rebellious phase to piss of my Father” kind of thing if I were to date the Son of God methinks.

I wouldn’t mind dating Nocturnal though. Drop dead beautiful mistress of the night who likes corvids and is all about “getting lucky” (get it, because she’s the daedra lord of luck? Ha)? Yes plz.

9 years ago

I imagine this stupidity was brought on because several successive Christian ladies have tried to politely put him off, saying “oh no, Jesus is my perfect man! I don’t need any dude but him!” and this is his petulant “well just you wait you’re going to be really sorry when he does come back because He won’t even be your perfect boyfriend! That’ll teach you to reject me and my obnoxiousness!”

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

And oh man, I just skimmed through that WikiHow page…that sounds more like “How to be in an abusive relationship…with God!” Like God is this uber strict control freak who will punish you with eternal hellfire if you “sensually kiss” your boyfriend, but remember, he loves you! Wow.

I do not mean to offend any Christians here by saying that, either. Just the wording in that wikihow article makes it sound that way.

9 years ago

This is hilarious to me, because I’ve read similar rants about in-system relationships. Some guys are apparently deeply threatened by the idea that a woman might not want them, and choose a noncorporeal being over them.

The false accusing of Jesus was pretty out of left field though. I mean, Jesus WAS the guy who was nice to adulteresses, bums, and the disabled.

RE: andrea harris

how does Omega Bro explain all those burly redneck dudes collapsing in church and crying how they’ll never touch liquor again because they “Love the Lord!”

Hey, burly redneck dudes can be queer too! They too can love the Lord… dare I say… BIBLICALLY!

9 years ago

I suppose some women do have fantasy boyfriends. However:
The Dream Girl: The Imaginary Perfect Woman All Men Hide Hardcover – September, 1995
by Anthony Pietropinto
“The author of the bestseller Beyond the Male Myth gives readers a revealing look at men’s best-kept secrets. The Dream Girl explains why men have so much difficulty establishing and maintaining committed, monogamous relations with women. There is another woman, one who can never be seen but is as formidable a rival as any human.”

9 years ago

The same false accusation bandwagon effect that happened to Bill Cosby would happen to Jesus.

Except that the accusations are all real, and the fact that the modus operandi expressed in all of them is the same, only serves to validate what the accusers tried for years to say and kept getting swept under the rug. So, uh, NO, it would not.

Also, dude, your Jesus is FICTIONAL.


9 years ago

Well that’s a big change… I thought the problem with women was that we are biologically programmed to only want assholes, and not good guys like black pill/ omega virgin.

9 years ago


9 years ago,+there+it+is.+the+stupidest+F'cking+thing+I'll+read+all+day.jpg
I’m a Christian and I thought this was funny, I bet Jesus and God are laughing. FYI men falsely accuse too.

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