creepy heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises PUA

Pickup artistry is like waggling your penis in front of a cat, explains pickup artist who may not have ever met a cat

You definitely do not want this happening to your penis.
You definitely do not want this happening to your penis.

So over on Chateau Heartiste, Mr. Heartiste is trying to explain a highly innovative pickup strategy that you may know as “playing hard to get.”

First he tries a “fishing” metaphor, quoting from a commenter on his site who wrote:

It’s like fishing. You don’t just jerk your line out of the water as soon as you can. That’s how you get a broken line and lose an expensive lure. You jerk her in slowly letting the fish tire herself out. Once she’s sufficiently submissive then it’s time for the net.

Then, presumably, you gut her and fry her up in a pan?

Heartiste doesn’t say. Instead, he moves on to another metaphor that he manages to make even more awkward than the fish one. Apparently women are like cats, who are much more likely to pounce on a string if it’s being pulled away from them than they are if the string is just sitting there.

There is some serious science behind this observation: In their Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation, studies reveal, prehistoric cats were in a perpetual war with irregularly moving string creatures.

In trying to explain the whole string thing, Heartiste writes:

A cat won’t lunge for the string if it’s just sitting there in front of her, but if the string [your penis and any proxies for your penis, like your brain or personality] is moving away or zig-zagging, she’ll pounce.

Dude, have you ever met a cat? Cats have claws. They’re hunters, known for capturing and killing prey animals with a single well-planned pounce. You definitely don’t want a cat’s claws in your junk.

The shared idea behind all these pithy game theories is that women want a man who seems like he gets so much mad pussy that he can take or leave any one particular pussy. This is the man who “flips the script” and has women chasing him. Women love the man of plenty. Women are repulsed by the man of need.

I think you’ve actually just described cats, the world champions of playing hard to get.

In the comments, Heartiste’s readers somehow managed to make his creepy metaphors even more creepy.

According to Broadsman,

Some fish have a “hard mouth.” Once the hook is set, you just reel them in as hard as your rig can stand. Some women are like that – once you plant the idea that you’re going to bonk them and they buy in, it becomes a matter of logistics.

Some fish have a “soft mouth,” Once you set the hook, you can reel them in but too hard a pull, and the hook slips out and they are lost.

MILFs tend to have hard mouths. Once the appeal is there, it’s a matter of finding a room.

Young girls tend to have soft mouths. You have to be gentle in tugging them into your clutches.

Soft mouth women tend to have the more succulent flesh but it can be more difficult to catch your fill.

It apparently never occurs to Broadsman that the “hard-mouthed” women he thinks he’s “reeling in” may have actually decided on their own to have sex with him; they may be easy to “reel in” because they are also reeling him in.

trav777, mixing up a couple of metaphors, suggests that “young girls” are so eager to be fished that they “jump in the boat when they get close…no pullin teeth.”

Sentient, meanwhile, takes the fishing metaphor way too literally:

Fish are “attracted” to “lures” but you have to match the conditions and the species sought to the right lure and technique.

You can’t just paddle out in a farm pond and start tossing an offshore lure around… No matter how many “numbers” you put up in that scenario, you will never “hook” a fish… kind of like opening a HB9 in a bar at 11PM and discussing in detail your career as a mid-level actuary or the excellent gas mileage in your Honda Accord…

Successful fishermen know all about the species they are seeking (mating, migration, hibernation, etc.), know the right lures for the conditions and time of year (what they are eating, what attracts them, type of environment/bottom) and know the right techniques (depth, rate of retrieve, where in water column etc.)… It’s a science and a skill – just like pick up. It’s GAME game. It’s not a numbers game.

Apparently feeling that comparing women to animals is too flattering, Greginaurora compares them instead to plants:

When I was in college I practiced “gardening”. Open every woman I’d consider taking to bed, then don’t-close. Everywhere on campus. … I’d “plant the seed of her interest in me”, then I’d walk away and let that interest germinate. One nice side benefit of this was that I had pretty women starting conversations with me everywhere I went (post-open). Eventually, one-at-a-time, these girls would let me know they were ready and bloom for me.

Ew ew ew ew ew.

Broadsman (the hard and soft mouth guy from above) returns with a whole new metaphor — women aren’t cats or fish or flowers but MINKS — and manages to out-creep everyone in the thread with a weird, victim-blaming apologia for domestic violence:

It is a common mammalian behavor for the female to require the male to get rough with the female before mating. For example, the female mink has to be bitten and bleed from the wound before she ovulates.

Lots of women at least appreciate rough treatment, from just being picked up and thrown on the bed to being battered women, loving their abusive mate.

Women: As PUAs see it, they’re fish to be lured, or cats to dangle strings in front of, or flowers to plant, or minks to physically mistreat — anything but sentient beings with their own thoughts and their own motivations for things.

h/t — dashapants

EDIT: Added the h/t, and a link to Heartiste’s piece. Oops.

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9 years ago

I dunno. I’d be fine if they started waggling their dicks in front of cats. It could be entertaining.

9 years ago

I, too, highly endorse PUAs waving their dicks in front of random cats.

It’s totally manly, manospherians! DO IT.

9 years ago

A female mink does not “need” to be bitten to start ovulating. She ovulates with the presence of males.

Get your rapey science right, Braodsman.

9 years ago

Has Greginaurora been watching the wrong movies for dating advice?

“El Guapo: Jefe, you do not understand women. You cannot force open the petals of a flower. When the flower is ready, it opens itself up to you.

Jefe: So when do you think Carmen will open up her flower to you?

El Guapo: Tonight, or I will kill her!”

From The Three Amigos.

(Without the killing part, of course.)

9 years ago

TIL a man’s brain and personality are just a proxy for his penis /s

Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

I’m so confused. Are they going to start pointing laser pointers at their penises now?

9 years ago

Oh, hey, they’ve found new animals to compare women to. That’s a good thing too. All of the dog similes were starting to feel unoriginal and trite.

I thought that cats were alpha as phuck though.
Does this now mean that women are the real alphas and men just have to try to copy them to get anywhere? I think that that’s what they’re actually saying. Women are alpha, and we know this because they play hard to get, according to the eminent social scientists who write for Cosmo, which is a strategy that wannabe alpha men have to ape in order to get with women.

Yeah, I think that that’s where their logic takes us now.

9 years ago

PUAs are like ducks: Rapey quacks.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

I like how they use these metaphors to explain how to pick up women without actually giving any advice to pick up women.

How the fuck do you “plant the seed” or “hook a fish”? It’s like they forgot they were talking about women and started giving gardening and fishing tips–which STILL suck because they still didn’t give any examples or advice on how to garden or catch fish.

Kloe Jemmer (@JoeKlemmer)

One of the many things about these butt munchers that bugs the hell out of me is how they can take a kernel… no, a grain of sand… of truth and build suck dreck on it. In general, women (and men!) are attracted to self-confidence over insecure and needy. But they take this concept and go off the deep end into stupidity.

Kloe Jemmer (@JoeKlemmer)


You shouldn’t insult ducks like that.

9 years ago

Cats will absolutely chase immobile objects if they are feeling frisky. But, whatever. Not the point.

How much do you want to bet that the gardener guy just had a couple of drunk one night stands with acquaintances who figured “hey, he’ll do. I want to get laid tonight.” And he thinks he ran game on them. How adorable.

Tina S
Tina S
9 years ago

Just ew, wrong. But please do waggle your penis in front of a cat.

9 years ago

Successful fishermen know all about the species they are seeking (mating, migration, hibernation, etc.), know the right lures for the conditions and time of year (what they are eating, what attracts them, type of environment/bottom) and know the right techniques (depth, rate of retrieve, where in water column etc.)…

Methinks someone has a very detailed notebook about the women in his neighbourhood. *shudder*

9 years ago

WWT, I’ve seen cats chase things that quite plainly were not there. The notion they’re going to not chase something on the grounds that it isn’t moving is, of course, just inane.

And yeah, that scenario you outline makes a helluva lot more sense than the idea that he was successfully manipulating the female horde.

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

That mink analogy made me feel sick to my stomach.

9 years ago

Actually, I would agree that pick-up artistry is like waggling your penis in front of a cat, in the sense that it’s a laughably terrible idea and probably not going to end well.

9 years ago

A cat won’t lunge for the string if it’s just sitting there in front of her, but if the string [your penis and any proxies for your penis, like your brain or personality] is moving away or zig-zagging, she’ll pounce.

That sentence is a mess.

Things Heartiste is implying in this sentence:

1. Like AllisonW pointed out, Heartiste is saying that a man’s brain and personality are merely proxies for his penis. He’s saying that men are nothing but walking penises.
2. It sounds like he’s telling men to wave their penis, or brain, in front of a woman in order to attract her. This sounds ill-advised; in the case of the brain, next to impossible.
3. And, as David pointed out, it also sounds like Heartiste is telling men to wave their penises in front of a cat, which also sounds ill-advised.

That’s a lot of wrong. I just, I don’t understand how someone can write that mess, read it over, and say, “Yep, I’m posting that in my blog post!”

9 years ago

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more disturbing sentence, with or without context, than “Young girls tend to have soft mouths.” I mean fucking hell.

I can’t even shake my revulsion knowing that they use the word “girls” interchangeably with “women” all the time, because I also know if they had their way then “young girls” wouldn’t refer to young women in their late teens.

Putting that aside, the only thing their use of animal metaphors communicates is that they think women are brainless. Like, they only go through life on instinct, chasing after the shiny put in front of them and flailing around when being “seduced” without knowing what’s going on. The whole concept of Game is the one weird trick that exploits a weird flaw in female psychology to have her after you without even knowing (or caring) why.

They really, truly, don’t see women as thinking human beings that they have to work with to form relationships. Instead, women are thoughtless automatons they have to work on to access the sex port.

Now at least I understand why dudes can get upset that a virtual game character rejects their virtual game avatar. To them, the real and virtual act on the same principles, and if they get rejected, then the game (or life) is cheating them.

9 years ago

Their use of the verb ‘open’ with people creeps me out.

Earlier today I emailed a friend saying ‘orange cats are the best cats’ (because I live with an orange cat)–but just sent her the link to that picture, saying ‘…or not.’

9 years ago


Well, at least it’s very evocative imagery? Imagine a PUA going up to a woman in a bar, dropping his pants, then wiggling his hips back and forth as he zig-zags out to the door.

And then comes the flying tackle from off-screen. In his fantasy, it’s every hot chick in the room. In reality, it’s the bouncer.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
9 years ago

#Catflashselfie. Make it happen, PUAs!

Or better yet, don’t. Cruelty to animals and all that.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

My cat will sometimes pick up her favorite string and bring it to me to ask me to play with her.

How does this fit into the metaphor? Maybe that cats, like women, are not merely reactive and sometimes have their own ideas about what they want?

9 years ago

Forget waggling your penis in front of a cat. How, exactly, is one supposed to waggle one’s personality in front of a cat? Why does one want cat claws in one’s brain, penis, and personality? This sounds… painful. I think I’ll pass.

Of course, I don’t have a penis to waggle, so I’d have to substitute a strap-on for the waggling. And maybe one of those foam brain thingies.

9 years ago

When I was in college I practiced “gardening”. Open every woman I’d consider taking to bed, then don’t-close. Everywhere on campus. … I’d “plant the seed of her interest in me”, then I’d walk away and let that interest germinate. One nice side benefit of this was that I had pretty women starting conversations with me everywhere I went (post-open). Eventually, one-at-a-time, these girls would let me know they were ready and bloom for me.

Translation: Back in college I was quite social, talking to a lot of people. Eventually I started seeing people I knew everywhere, and they would say hi to me. Some even wanted to be more than just passing acquaintances.

Wait, that doesn’t paint me as a high-rolling Alpha at all… All that talking and going around and being friendly is downright girly! Better find some way to reframe it in the most creepy, overly controlling way possible.

(Gotta love how it’s the “girl” that “blooms” and not “her interest,” as if only through the tender and loving care of this douche saying hi then walking away is what it took to make her whole)

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