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Men’s Rights Redditors unimpressed by A Voice for Men’s conference speakers, appalled by the cost

A Voice for Men's upcoming conference has it all!
A Voice for Men’s upcoming conference has it all!

So it turns out that I’m not the only one who is thoroughly underwhelmed by A Voice for Men’s lineup of conference speakers for their upcoming International Conference on Men’s Issues, By Which They Mean How Men Are Oppressed By Women’s Sexy Butts. 

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, some of the regulars are complaining that AVFM is delivering much less than it did last year, for a much higher price — with ticket prices running a steep $650, currently discounted to the high. high price of $399.

Yep, attendees of the conference will be paying as much as $650 just to get in to the event, not counting the cost of airfare, hotels, or even food at the conference itself.

They could easily end up paying more than $1000 for the privilege of watching Elam and a bunch of his AVFM cronies blather on about the same crap they blather on about in countless hour-long videos available for free on YouTube. The only “big name” in the mix is Warren Farrell, whose fame as a Men’s Rights advocate peaked maybe twenty years ago.

As fundude1 put it:

The lineup looks terrible with just Elam, Golden, Palmitier and Farrell.

Both Golden and Palmitier really bring nothing to the table. They are both psychologists (like Elam and Farrell) and are UNKNOWN.

Is it churlish of me to point out that neither Elam or Farrell are actually psychologists?

There is no diversity at ALL among the people in terms of academic backgrounds, general popularity, etc.

Last year’s conference had a much more broad array of characters that had FAR more popularity in general.

Fundude1’s outrage meter went further into the red after he discovered how much the whole thing was going to cost.

But he wasn’t the only one upset by the underwhelming lineup and overwhelming cost.

To take just one example: therock6658, a Men’s Rights subreddit regular with considerable sympathy for AVFM, wrote a long and mournful comment lamenting “the fact that AVFM is … half-assing this whole event.”

I hate to say this but I was looking forward to this announcement for months when Elam stated that he was going to put the tickets on sale for the second of April, but once they went on sale and I looked at the roster, it ultimately turned me off to the entire men’s rights movement.

Yep, that’s right: AVFM has bungled their conference so badly he’s reconsidering his support for the entire Men’s Rights movement. 

Considering the price, he added, “it just does not look good for the outcome of this particular conference.” Nope.

As for the lineup, he complained, it

does indeed bother me as much as it does everyone else. It’s mostly people from AVFM and not enough people from external sources. 10 speakers present as opposed to the 14 from last year plus everyone involved in the panel discussions. …

I really hope that this is more due to budgeting more than anything else because I would hate to learn that this is really due to greed or anything like that. Yes, I do feel that donations to AVFM have been going down as of late and perhaps that’s the big reason why this conference shrank from last year.

Given that AVFM’s last fundraiser brought in less than half of what Elam had been demanding, I’d say that was a safe bet.

Also, you may recall that at the start of the year, Elam announced that he “hope[d] to make some actual profit” from this year’s conference.

Apparently Elam never took economics in college, because then he might have realized that you can’t simply make more money by jacking your prices as high as you want; if your prices are too steep, no one will buy what you’re selling.

But hey, as Elam apparently explained to therock6658, having fewer speakers means “more time for attendees to socialize with the presenters, etc.”



I actually pretty much have a good mind to make my own anti-feminist conference myself and do twice as much in 1 day than AVFM is trying to do in 3.

You know, I do too.

I think it’s fair to say that there’s a good chance AVFM’s conference won’t happen at all.

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9 years ago

I’ve never been more serious, David: I would absolutely support such an event, financially and with my attendance/word of mouth. The above issues are in desperate need of being addressed without hatred, and I’d love to be a part of demonstrating that they can be.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Time and childcare are a problem for me, so I probably won’t be able to attend the actual conference (though if the stars align and I’ll be there with bells on). I’d be happy to do any kind of remote help that I could, though, and I’ll of course throw in some $$ when the kickstarter/gofundme gets rolling.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
9 years ago

I just finished paying my fees for two of the largest legit academic conferences held in the US: the International Congress on Medieval Studies and the Society for Disability Studies conference. The combined total came to less than $399. The total for room, board, and fees for both will run me about $700.


9 years ago

You know what bothers me the most about that pricing? The conference costs THAT much but anyone who wants to go to the pizza party finale still has to pay $15, not cool guys, not cool.

9 years ago

My career is in marketing and communications so I could help with how to get the word out about this conference.

Where are we going to host it though?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

The conference costs THAT much but anyone who wants to go to the pizza party finale still has to pay $15

$15 for pizza? Damn.

9 years ago

So, we should start a page or a thread for organizing this. If we’re going to organize it. It’d be cool.

As I said, I’m absolutely not to be counted for with being able to help with anything until the end of the current semester, because so much stuff to do, but yeah.

For hosting question, pick a city! Preferably a mid sized city, so that cost of the venue isn’t through the roof.

For instance, choosing Carnegie Hall as a venue would be silly. Extremely silly.

For a first years conference, it’s better to err on the side of “too small” but have internet hardware to live-stream and interact (and then make plans to get bigger next time) than go “too big” and blow the budget, fill to far below capacity, and just generally be sad…

9 years ago

We should get other feminist blogs on board. Strength in numbers.

9 years ago

For a first years conference, it’s better to err on the side of “too small” but have internet hardware to live-stream and interact

I agree. Since we are spread out all over the world, I really think the live stream options are a great idea.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

I’d love to support a conference like this with a donation and would appreciate live stream options (I’m kind of stuck in Europe 😉 )!

9 years ago

Live stream definitely seems like the most achievable option.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@The discussion about location: I would suggest we do it online first, to minimize cost. We don’t know how interested people will be in this sort of thing, so that might help us to garner interest for a physical con next year.

If we get enough attendees to the online one, we could see about hosting a physical one. (And for those who can’t attend physically, we could offer maybe a virtual benefits kind of thing for donating? Like exclusive clips of the talks, etc?)

9 years ago

Klan gatherings weren’t that expensive back in the day…I mean, this is the modern Klan rally, it’s got a bunch of white supremacist white dudes.

I guess the added misogyny, transexterminationism, ableism, and “science” are why it costs more for their modern equivalent.

Or maybe these shitstains are getting fleeced by their own messiahs. Your call.

Kate Minter
Kate Minter
9 years ago

“Signora, between Austria and Italy, there is a section of the Alps called the Semmering. It is an impossibly steep, very high part of the mountains. They built a train track over these Alps to connect Vienna and Venice. They built these tracks even before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew some day, the train would come.” – Under the Tuscan Sun

The strong build bridges; the weak yell at the river.

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