It’s been a while since I took a look at the Twitter feed of noted non-feminist philosopher king Fidelbogen. And, well, it’s still there. And as perplexingly Fidelbogenish as ever.
Let me know if any of these Tweets make any sense to you.
#Feminism promised #women independence. They didn't tell you it would be a one way trip. #feminist #antifeminism #MGTOW
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 15, 2015
A feminist-based definition of #feminism cannot be an item of non-feminist discourse.
#feminist #antifeminism #antifeminist #MGTOW
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) April 1, 2015
Feminist hostility to everything that is not feminist, must be provoked into showing itself. #AntiSJW #MGTOW #womenagainstfeminism
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) April 1, 2015
#Misogyny is just secondary misandry. #feminism #patriarchy #antifeminism #women #feminist #AntiSJW
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 25, 2015
Somebody wants to "recuperate" #feminism. Interesting how the venn diagram makes feminism both misandric AND misogynistic. #antifeminism
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 23, 2015
Anti-antifeminism serves feminism, and feminism encourages it. #MGTOW #antifeminism #AntiFeminist #AntiSJW
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 17, 2015
Every anti-male stream feeds into the #feminist river. The Femplex is a vast watershed. #MGTOW #MTA #AVFM #AntiSJW #antifeminism
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 11, 2015
"The Sky is Blue" is code for "not a feminist". #feminism #feminist #AntiSJW #AVFM
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 9, 2015
I don't recommend misogyny. It's too gynocentric. #MGTOW #MRA #feminism #AntiSJW #misogyny #antifeminism #AVFM
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 9, 2015
Pure "men's rights" discourse will fall under feminist control by various means. Only Strict Anti-feminism can b decisive against feminism.
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 24, 2015
Here's the plan: we need to isolate the #feminist community within the prison of its collective mind. #feminism #antifeminism #MGTOW
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 20, 2015
Circular reasoning can be defeated by linear reasoning. Spherical reasoning cannot be.
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 17, 2015
Dew from the mill is mildew.
— Fidelbogen – (@fidelbogen) March 28, 2015
“Misogyny is gynocentric” is the only one that makes sense to me. Men who hate women seem to spend an awfully significant portion of their time obsessing over them.
“Feminism promised women independence. They didn’t tell you it would be a one way trip.”
Any one way trip away from this guy sound fantastic. And does he really think feminism means that women will never get married and have kids? Like it’s the ladies version of MGTOW. If so, I’m not feministing properly.
I *have* smoked most of the pot in the world and none of this makes a lick of sense.
Though the one “misogyny is secondary MISANDRY” almost makes sense, it’s like he’s aaaalllllllmost grasped the idea that anything in society that even approaches “MISANDRY” is almost always the result of the patriarchy, and has nothing to do with feminism.
Also; i love that my phone constantly autocorrects MISANDRY to all caps.
“Pure “men’s rights” discourse will fall under feminist control by various means. Only Strict Anti-feminism can b decisive against feminism.”
It is always hazardous to try to parse statements made by someone like Fidelbogen, who is just trying to give the appearance of wisdom. However, what he seems to be saying here is quite true: The parts of the MRA agenda that are reasonable, like an end to cosmetic circumcision or fairness in the family court system, may well become femiinist causes because feminists actually care about such things while MRAs can only whine and grouse about them. So since if the MRAs have a valid concern, feminists are likely to lend some support, the only real way to oppose feminism is total mindless obstruction.
I just looked at one of David’s earlier posts on this guy, and it seems he tweeted ‘dew from the mill is mildew’ in 2013 as well. Profound enough to tweet twice, I guess.
“Femplex”? That sounds like a cool new feminist movie theater. In fact I’m going to open it. And I’m going to sell fair trade snacks at the concession stand.
He does realize most women are quite happy with not going back to subjugation and second-class citizen status? I mean, there ARE women who would like to turn the clock back (at least in theory, or as long as it doesn’t apply to them specifically) – but it’s usually misogynist men (MRA, MGTOW, RedPillers, BlackPillers, patriarchal christians, white nationalists, etc) who would want women’s rights to take a U-turn and head back to the dark ages.
I think he’s using “spherical reasoning” in the same way that we use “fractally wrong”; if you’re just wrong, then we can use logic to show you why you are wrong, but if you’re fractally wrong, we can’t even unpack your wrongness enough to start applying logic to your so-called argument.
Misogyny being secondary MISANDRY (hehe, autocorrect) sounds to me like a flip of the idea that many problems men face are indirect misogyny. For example, men being pressured to be tough, because feelings are shamefully girly.
Not saying I agree with it, but that on at least has the potential to be a coherent thought.
The first one took me a while, but it actually makes sense–except not at all as an attack on feminism. If women’s liberation is a one-way trip, yippee!
But seriously, hot damn if this tweets aren’t incredibly opaque.
Nope… none of them make sense. Thanks for sharing. I needed the laugh. *face palm*
Also happy Easter, Chag Sameach, and happy National Deep Dish Pizza day, lovelies.
I’m glad there’s twitter. Think of all the toilet stalls this guy ISN’T vandalizing with these profound thoughts.
I’ll cut the guy a molecule-thin slice of slack by suggesting that the “mildew” tweet has nothing to do with his views of feminism and was simply meant to be “clever” wordplay.
And by “clever” I mean “WTF”.
I read through these tweets once, I wasn’t sure what I was reading.
I reread them, and they made even LESS sense.
The third time, I swear to god, it’s just turned into a jumble of letters that looked like he just pounded the keyboard in a stupor. The fuck?
The fourth time, every tweet was, “Oh my god, what I’m I trying to say? Um, uh, er–oh! Maybe If I use enough metaphors, SOMEONE has to take me seriously. I mean, those philosopher whatcha-ma-do-hickers always used those confusing metaphors that NO ONE got, like, at all. I mean, I couldn’t be the only one who didn’t get them. No way, I’m too dam smrt–oh! Best tweet yet! ‘Dew from the mill is mildew.’
I think it’s more commonly referred to as “balls”.
I Wonder what Fidelbogen took before he wrote that c…
On the subject of authors of nonsense:
This shit sounds like the stuff that shitpostgenerator ( ) comes up with, except the javascript is pulling its material from a surprisingly slur-free MRA board instead of from tumblr.
For anyone wondering what Venn diagram he was referring to, here is the incredibly poorly conceived diagram in question:
Fidelbogen must consume several tigers worth of drugs every single day in order to maintain this level of profundity.
Tulgey logger
Funny when a man says that men are better or wants to kill all women then he’s mentally ill but if a woman says women are better or wants to kill all men then she’s a feminazi.
Kinda makes you think that the world cares more about men than women and is extremely insensitive towards Jews.