One of the incredibly important Men’s Rights issues being discussed on the A Voice for Men’s forums at the moment: Is Ronan Farrow really the biological son of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow, or is his father actually Frank Sinatra? I mean, sure, he doesn’t look much like Woody, and Mia Farrow herself has acknowledged that Frankie may “possibly” have been the daddy.
But somehow this doesn’t seem to me to be, er, the most important issue in ongoing story of Woody Allen’s awfulness as a human being.
To a regular contributor to the AVFM forums who calls himself Maxx, though, Frankie is key to the whole story.
Woody Allen’s entire life has played out like a liberal dream turned abject nightmare…
He smugly hooks up with a progressive feminist chick who’s supposed to be outta his league, but of course that sort of stuff isn’t supposed to apply in wonderful progressive unions that have evolved past their basic human nature…right?
But wait…
She cheats on him with the biggest alpha male she can find (Sinatra)…and has Allen cuckolded into raising the man’s kid.
Wait a minute wasn’t Farrow supposed to be a modern women who had progressed past her biological hard-wired attraction to the protypical alpha male? I guess she wasn’t as evolved as she thought she was in practice huh?
And what does Woody Allen the guy who wrote all those films where women evolve past their base nature and conspire to find a weedy prototypical nerd like him the most charming man in the universe do….
He in turn embraces the ‘if it feels good do it’ mantra of sex positive social liberalism too by sticking his dick into his adopted daughter…
And when the marriage to Farrow breaks down this supposed progressive liberal modern empowered feminist woman Farrow throws out every dirty trick in the Lady Macbeth playbook from claiming battery against her limp wristed chump of a former husband to charging him with sexually abusing his children.
The moral of the story ladies and gentlemen is we can’t ‘progress’ past our hard wiring and it’s futile and crazy to try to…oh and don’t marry a feminist because they are cruel vindictive cunts who will fuck up your shit.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure those are not the actual “morals of the story.”
Also, and I feel a little silly even bothering to point it out, Allen and Farrow were famously never married, though that’s probably the least offensive incorrect assumption that Maxx is making here.
I… don’t actually know what the story with Woody Allen is. I know there’s some alarming relations with his adopted daughter, as alluded to in the story above, and watching Annie Hall these days, Woody Allen’s character comes off as more deeply unpleasant than I think he intended at the time. (Albie Singer’s definitely supposed to be kind of a jerk, mind.) But I don’t know the full story, so I don’t know what parts of this tale the MRAs are spinning is based on true events and what is projection.
Also, Mia and Ol’ Blue Eyes WERE married, right before she shacked up with Woody. Gee, could it be that she still had feelings for her ex-husband? Such that, maybe, they got together one last time, and she bore a remarkably good-looking son who turned out to be nothing like his putative father?
And what is this shit about how in his films, “women evolve past their base nature and conspire to find a weedy prototypical nerd like him the most charming man in the universe”? That’s NOT the moral of his movies. His grossness was always on display, and the fact that it was initially played for laughs didn’t mean he wasn’t in fact ALWAYS a short-eyed creeper. Just ask Mariel Hemingway.
So, he literally said:
And then accused Mia Farrow of playing a “dirty trick” of accusing Woody Allen of sexually abusing their children.
Like, literally stated that Woody Allen did the act that Mia Farrow accused him of doing, then said she was wrong/lying for accusing him of the act that Woody Allen did.
BRB, I gotta go throw up.
“And when the marriage to Farrow breaks down this supposed progressive liberal modern empowered feminist woman Farrow throws out every dirty trick in the Lady Macbeth playbook from claiming battery against her limp wristed chump of a former husband to charging him with sexually abusing his children.”
Because he fucking molested her seven year old daughter. Any “limp wristed chump” can fucking overpower children. Fuck you. Fuck you for even THINKING OF MAKING THIS POINT.
Shorter whiny asshole: “Pssh, who cares if he’s an incestuous paedophile who raped one of his adopted daughters before marrying another? WHAT IF HIS GIRLFRIEND CHEATED ON HIM??? LIBS LIBS LIBS ARGLE BARGLE. *mouthfoam*”
@Merus: Basically, the story of Woody Allen is that he dumped his longtime girlfriend Mia Farrow for her adopted 19 year old daughter Soon-YI Previn, and was accused of molesting one of his children (who was 7 at the time IIRC). He also made a bunch of movies in which he romanced actresses half his age, and tried to sleep with his co-star Mariel Hemingway, who I’m pretty sure was underage.
Let’s use MRA logic for a second and assume Dylan Farrow, Mariel Hemingway, and Mia Farrow’s combined testimonies against him of child molestation can all be handwaved away as the evil conniving lies of manipulative bitches.
This man is still confirmed to have cheated on Farrow with her 19-year-old adopted daughter, whom he raised.
First of all, the hypocrisy in decrying Farrow’s (not technically confirmed) infidelity with his confirmed infidelity, which is much shadier due to the serious creep factor in his having raised her as a child, is outrageous.
And second, the more I look at that second paragraph (which is entirely confirmed fact), I really can’t fucking understand why there’s so much public insistence on giving Allen the benefit of the doubt on all his other accusations of statutory rape. I mean, seriously, doesn’t the creepy questions that one sentence raises about the origin of his and Soon-Yi Previn’s relationship, and just how and when he came to develop sexual feelings for a woman he RAISED AS A CHILD, kind of speak for itself?
Sadly, this shit isn’t new. Woody Allen famously sold this same rancid log of reasoning when the daughter he molested broke her silence to speak publicly about it. I had a bit of a rant about it on my blog at the time.
So it isn’t at all surprising that the child molesters defense league would be trotting out the same arguments about how a supposedly cheating spouse justified child molestation and means that the woman will clearly enact a secret brainwashing pogrom to call you a child molester out of nothing but her infinite evil or that they would be adding their own extra branches of horribleness to it.
Unfortunately, there are no lengths people won’t go to to defend rapists and child molesters, especially when they are famous, regardless of any proof or circumstantial evidence. For reasons that are surely different than rape culture.
I have terrible easter diarrhoea.
I shared this with you only because it is both more reasonable and pleasant than anything David shares with us in this post.
Both Woody and Mia have demonstrated themselves to be creeps of the highest order. And they made brilliant films together. Woody Allen has been married to Soon-Yi Previn for almost two decades now; Allen was not her adoptive father, and was famously distant from Farrow’s children who weren’t also his (he and Farrow never even lived together).
And if Frank Sinatra was an ‘alpha male’ it was only because of his success–he was twenty-nine years older than Farrow. After their two-year marriage, she got pregnant by Andre Previn while he was still married to his second wife. But who the fuck cares about any of this? We don’t really know anything about who these people are or what went on in their private lives. But we do know some facts, and this Maxx guy on AVFM clearly hasn’t even bothered to do his research.
Frank Sinatra might have been a womanizing asshole, but at least he wasn’t as far as I know, into kids.
Also, it’s hilarious how they like to stretch the definition of alpha male to suit their purposes. He was a singer. That’s usually not on the list of manly man occupations. He also had more of a slim build. But I guess now an alpha male is defined as whatever man is having consensual sex with women.
@Olive: I’m not quite sure if you’re trying to defend Allen or handwave the whole issue of child molestation, but I’m curious why you’re putting Mia Farrow being a cheater in the same category as Allen being a child molester? I’m also curious why you mention Allen’s filmmaking while suggesting we “shouldn’t give a fuck about” his private life, when said private life consists, again, of multiple accusations of child molestation.
@WWTH: hmm, I don’t know about singers being considered a stretch as far as alpha males go. I mean, they’re not your stereotypical extremely narrow MRA definition of alpha males, but musicians have long been considered a good job for getting the ladies. See: Elvis, The Beatles, One Direction, Franz Liszt, and Sinatra himself inspired quite a lot of screaming girls among 1940s teenage “bobby-soxers”…
It’s becoming more and more obvious that “alpha male” just means: “any man who sleeps with and/or dates women who isn’t me” as a method of justifying their self-pitying worldview.
Waaaah, women won’t date NICE GUYS TM like me, because they’re all out having filthy sex with alpha males that I think about incessantly as an excuse to get angry 24/7. Clearly, all those a-holes are terrible flexing bastards who sleep with 100% of the women which is why I can’t get any for reasons other than my obvious hatred for women and the fact that I flash more red flags than a matador convention.
Basically, a meaningless term to justifying pretending that they are the victims of the world when they are exactly the type of horrible person who would excuse the actions of a child molester and echo his self-serving reflective bullshit (including the one about how Mia Farrow is supposedly the one to bring up these issues, when she’s only ever supported and believed her daughter and the most recent stuff has all been her daughter, the one who was molested, speaking out on the topic in public for the first time in years.
There is so, so much wrong and awful here. It really shouldn’t surprise me by this point, but somehow, seeing these blunderheads say the things they do always makes me shake my head and whisper “why?”
Why why oh why do these knucklefarts believe that the goal of feminism and liberalism is to make women “evolve” “past their biological hard-wired blah blahs”? I mean, ignoring the little that I know about human psychology (that is, that very few psychological behavior patterns have been found to be due to biology, so the whole hard-wiring thing is, essentially, utter bullshit), the whole point, once again, reeks of self-absorbed what-about-the-incels whining. A woman being attracted to an “alpha male”, a jock, a rich dude, a famous singer or whatever that term is supposed to mean this week, doesn’t make her any less of a liberal, or a feminist, or progressive. Because the point of feminism is not about making women feel attracted to “geeks” and “nice guys”. Whatever those phrases are supposed to mean this week.
Good Lord these guys are self-centered.
The orchestra leader sells Oxy-Clean on the TeeVee!
It’s worth mentioning that these are still only allegations, allegations that have had been previously investigated, which of course doesn’t mean he isn’t guilty…
If they believe women are so hard-wired to sleep with “alpha males”, why do they get so angry when they do? Their own evo psych is against them.
MRA: “Men raping children is just in their nature, can’t be helped, so shut up about it. But don’t you go doing things I believe are in women’s true nature to do, cause that’s shameful, slutty and sinful!”
Is there any group with more squick and double standards than the MRM?
“Why why oh why do these knucklefarts believe that the goal of feminism and liberalism is to make women “evolve” “past their biological hard-wired blah blahs”?”
I think it has something to do with hacky 90’s sitcoms. Liberated women characters were always rolling their eyes at brutish “neanderthals.” It didn’t relate much to actual feminism, but it was a caricature that could be conveyed easily.
I think it is very strange that they believe that divorce is worse than rape and child molestation. Hence the whole divorce rape thing that they go on about. Maybe it is because they go to any lengths to invalidate the experiences of real victims of rape and sexual abuse, and try so hard to make themselves out to be the real victims, that they pull random things like that out of their arse. It’s disgusting.
Wait, I thought we feminazis wanted to make movies about weedy nerd LADIES with horrible personalities getting inexplicably adored by hot guys. Can you all please get your stories straight, Maxx? You’re trying to put the square block into the circle hole.
“He in turn embraces the ‘if it feels good do it’ mantra of sex positive social liberalism too by sticking his dick into his adopted daughter…”
Oh yes, the phrases I most closely associate with child sexual abuse are “sex-positive” and “social liberalism.” We sex-positive social liberals famously denounce anyone who doesn’t like rape as prudes. Our mortal enemy is the conservative stronghold Take Back the Night and its leader Todd Akin. Try again, Maxx, that’s the triangle block. See the three little points?
And I just have to add… Lady Macbeth? Lady Macfuckingbeth?!! That comparison doesn’t even work a little bit. Was that like the only “manipulative” female character they could think of or something? How is publicly accusing your man of horrible crimes at all like encouraging him to commit horrible crimes for the sake of power? And I’d guess most people’s vivid mental image of Lady Macbeth is when she’s psychologically crippled with remorse.
It’s even more disgusting when you remember MRAs are prone to suggesting women label everything under the sun as rape too. Projection much?
I don’t think child rape is a liberal value. In fact, as far as I can remember, studies of how various social factors correlate with child sexual abuse have shown that the second best predictor of CSA (after substance abuse) is authoritarian conservative religiosity with an emphasis on rigid gender roles. Politically, molesting kids is bipartisan, but it skews conservative.