a voice for men antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA rape culture rape jokes rapey taking pleasure in women's pain

A Voice for Men celebrates Jello as the dessert of choice for rape-joke lovers

Dudes, if you're going to make a Jello dessert, make it (*gag*) "memorable."
Dudes, if you’re going to make a Jello mold, at least make it (*gag*) “memorable.”

So A Voice for Men’s Top Chef August Løvenskiolds — McLøven to you and me — is back with more recipes for hungry Men Going Their Own Way. Having previously shared his recipes for such adventurous dishes as overcooked chicken breasts and Velveeta-smothered cauliflowers, McLøven today takes on a mainstay of fine cuisine: Jello.

Yes, that’s right. He’s teaching his readers how to make Jello. Oh, but not just plain Jello: it’s got a little bit of fruit juice in it, and an assortment of artificial sweeteners. Oh, and one of his recipes also has cream cheese and almonds in it, like those sophisticated Jello mold desserts you may remember from the 1970s. Apparently “Going Your Own Way” means “Going The Way Your Grandma Went When She Prepared Desserts for Church Functions.”

I eagerly await McLøven’s recipes for toast and a glass of water.

But more interesting than McLøven’s recipes is the reason he decided to focus on Jello: Because it gave him an excuse to make rape jokes.


After harking back to “the sugary, gelatin-based, mom-made desserts” that middle-aged Men Going Their Own Way may recall from their youth, he moves right on to the rapey, er, “humor.” He starts by fondly remembering the

rapey “jello shots” (flavored gelatin prepared with vodka instead of some of the water) [that] became all the rage in the club scene that is normalized by rape culture. Add the smiling evil genius Bill Cosby as the advertizing face of Jello(tm) brand gelatin and you get the clear view of the extent to which gelatin desserts are proof that the patriarchy hates and oppresses all women through all time.

See, it’s funny because rape!

Naturally, McLøven’s readers contributed some rape jokes of their own.

Andrejovich Dietrich • a day ago Don't feminist tears taste like vinegar and water?  If you make your Jello shots in the mold of a shot glass, you now get a double rapey confection. They really fall for that one.  • Reply•Share ›  Avatar Andy C  Andrejovich Dietrich • 12 hours ago Rapey with extra rapey goodness, just add super rapey confectionery sugar on it? Oh how rapelicious!  And its that time of the year when feminists bunker down extra hard and fire extra rounds at ... well it doesn't matter there are so many men some are bound to hit. Why? Because its Rapril!  Happy Rapril feminists!

It’s a good thing that A Voice for Men is the leading website for the Men’s Human Rights Movement, because without knowing of AVFM’s deep commitment to human rights advocacy you might just assume that this was a bunch of assholes reveling in the suffering of women, or something.

Oh, and while I’m talking about AVFM: The flagship Men’s Human Rights advocacy site is in the final days of a two-week (!!) fund drive. With the end of the fundraiser a little less than 2 1/2 days away, here’s what they’ve raised so far:



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Tanya Nguyen
9 years ago

I’m sure you’ve all seen these, but while we are on rapie jello, how bout red cabbage flavored deep red jello?

9 years ago

Although unrelated to this, I just noticed an incredibly disgusting article on ROK citing that had Lubitz learned “game” this would have never happened. ROK, Roosh V, and Matt Forne, and douchebag Mike Cernovich’s site are quite possibly the WORST sites on the net right now. VERY dangerous for young men.

9 years ago

Rape jokes aren’t ever funny, but most of the time I can spot where the punchline is supposed to be. This is not the case here, where the whole ‘joke’ appears to be the fact that they mentioned rape. It’s like watching little kids yell “BUTT!” and then giggle to themselves for saying a naughty word, except that it’s completely terrible.

9 years ago

Damn you MRAs!!! Why’d you have to ruin Jello for me?

9 years ago


Wow. I didn’t read to the end of the recipe and now I’m kind of glad I didn’t.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

You know, it’s odd how much these guys talk about rape, thinking it’s going to get a rise out of us.

It’s like a parent telling a small child to stop using a naughty word, and the kid just keeps saying it to annoy them. What a bratty tactic.

9 years ago

Wow, only $7,800! How’s Paul Elam going to afford his dry chicken breast and jello banquets?

@frances: ditto. Snork Junior only just discovered that he loves strawberry jello, I will not let McLoven put me off making it for him.

9 years ago

So there’s good news, then: all the MGTOWs and MRAs and PUAs are going to die of malnutrition on their own island. Good riddance, boys.

2-D Man
2-D Man
9 years ago

It’s like watching little kids yell “BUTT!” and then giggle

That’s supposed to be limited to little kids?


9 years ago

@2-D Man

Naw, naw, you can do it as an adult too. XD Don’t worry, no matter what age you’re at it will still be funnier than anything an MRA says (well, intentionally funnier. They can be pretty hilarious when they think they’re being serious.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

So essentially, MGTOW cuisine consists of normal recipes with the word “rapey” sprinkled throughout.

“Say, do I detect a hint of slut-shaming in this casserole?”

“Yes! Also two hours of angry muttering about custody payments, even though I don’t have kids.”

“Mm! Bitter!”

9 years ago

Whatever you do, make it so spicy that any delicate, easily triggered feminists in the vicinity flee in terror from both the intense, rapey flavor and the reality that you don’t need them for anything any longer.

Uh, dude? This feminist isn’t delicate or easily triggered, and likes food so spicy that it will burn out your whine-hole forever. And I don’t care if you “need” me or not. Far’s I’m concerned, you all can join Roosh & Co. on the Island of Misfit Boys. Go. Shoo. You won’t be missed.

And honestly, with the quality of the “recipes” AVFM has posted so far, I think they should change their name to A Voice For Men Who Can’t Cook For Shit.

9 years ago

Ooh, the weird, wobbly world of jello salad molds! Has anyone linked to Lilek’s yet?

And, aren’t jokes supposed to be funny and have a punchline? Not just repeating a word or phrase that you think makes a group of people mad or upset?

9 years ago


Well, it’s very much in line with standard right-wing “Humour” (“F****t f****t f****t!” and “N****r n****r n****r!” aka the two most common right-wing “Jokes”).

9 years ago

Grenades and pincushions look more appetizing than all of this.

9 years ago

Whatever you do, make it so spicy that any delicate, easily triggered feminists in the vicinity flee in terror from both the intense, rapey flavor and the reality that you don’t need them for anything any longer.

What I find amusing is that he thinks being able to cook for him self is some sort of act of liberation from women instead of being a basic skill that every self sufficient adult should know.

9 years ago


I know, why do the misogynists have to go and ruin everything?

correcty fairy
correcty fairy
9 years ago

Lileks himself turned out to be an angry misogynist. It’s a shame, because his website is funny.

Lileks comes off sounding very bitter even though he was extraordinarily lucky (and privileged) in how his career turned out. :shrug:

correcty fairy
correcty fairy
9 years ago

Oh … gah … those ARE vegetables (looks like cherry tomatoes and peas to me) up top, not strawberries and blueberries. I’ve been punked!

I hope the flavor is celery and not lime–ugh ugh ugh ugh.

9 years ago

correcty fairy:

Lileks himself turned out to be an angry misogynist. It’s a shame, because his website is funny.

Gah! I did not know that.

Dammit, why do people have to turn out to be asshole misogynists?

9 years ago

Any chance we could just point them here?

9 years ago

Maybe the one they’re talking about feeding is Paul Bunyan.

9 years ago

In the Velveeta and cauliflower “recipe,” the author recommends using cream rather than half and half or milk because because the latter two contain sugar. I find this a little confusing, because the next ingredient is Velveeta, WHICH CONTAINS MILK, YOU NINCOMPOOP! Leave it to the AVFM to endorse Atkins as the manliest man diet of all mantime, and then post recipes with sugar.

And now, please enjoy some gross recipes from the 70s:

Hambeast (formerly twincats)
Hambeast (formerly twincats)
9 years ago

Toujoursgai, I really wish my mom had discovered veg flavored Jello (wierd as *that* sounds) when I was a kid.

Forty years later, I still can’t eat lime Jello because she traumatized me with her Jello salad concoction in which she used beef bouillon. BEEF BOUILLON people! In lime Jello!!

2-D Man
2-D Man
9 years ago

Okay, seriously, the tiger-shrimp-with-lime-Jell-o doesn’t actually sound bad. Think of shrimp, then add a dash of lime*. That actually sounds good. Now throw a whole shit-ton of sugar onto it and the human brain will react like it’s the best thing ever. Seriously, as unappetizing as it seems, this picture is something that would actually be fairly tasty. The biggest problem is that the amount of sugar in the Jell-o is obacene.

*I know, it’s more than a dash, but bear with me here.