#FreeTheNipple antifeminism antifeminist women boobs creepy empathy deficit entitled babies judgybitch men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not all men not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit

Feminists: The fact we haven't killed you means we don't hate women, extremely creepy dude explains

How weird is it that this old magazine has two different articles relevant to this post?
How weird is it that this old magazine has two different articles relevant to this post?

I‘ll get to that thing in the headline in a second. But first: A Voice for Men’s Director of Lying Liars Janet Bloomfield has responded to my last post about her embattled tit pics — see here; the whole thing is too bizarre to explain briefly —  by informing her readers that I was

failing to distinguish between pics sent to individual men privately as a means of manipulation and pics plastered over social media to make a broader point about feminist censorship and harassment.

AVFM’s flying monkey army has been making the same, er, argument in a series of highly original tweets:

bluecol attilatits

So that’s where I went wrong.

But that’s not really what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is this creepy as hell comment one of her fans left on her blog. (I’ve crossed out the name of the specific feminist being addressed.)

Wraith March 31, 2015 at 17:25 #  Ms. Valenti, let me lay some facts on you.  Men, as a whole, are larger, stronger, faster, more ruthless, way better at physical combat and far better suited to dispensing mayhem than women, as a whole, will ever even think of being. If we truly hated women, you’d all be dead and we’d all be gay.  The fact that you can continue to spew your hatred, bigotry and bile all over the internet without the slightest thought concerning the possibility of seriously adverse consequences, gives the lie to your statement.  We love you, whether you choose to accept it or not. Why, we can’t always figure out.

So, feminists, if you ever wake up not dead and wonder why you’re not dead, it’s apparently because men just love you so much.

I should add that the “statement” he is responding to — claiming that all men hate women —  is not an actual statement by a feminist; it’s a statement Janet Bloomfield made up and attributed to a prominent feminist in an attempt to make her look bad.


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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Must confess a bit of a soft spot for all that “Rated ‘M’ for ‘MANLY'” stuff.

I’d love to do a magazine like that. Old school macho. Think I’d call it “Grrrrr!”

Hey, anyone want to help me do a crowdfunder?

9 years ago

Reblogged this on skatologist.

9 years ago

Cracked has done a few articles about those old men’s magazines, mostly making fun of the covers. I think the magazines themselves are hard to find these days.

Can’t say I’m surprised…who’d cop to ever having owned any, or read them for anything other than a laugh? I’m guessing that a lot of those manly-men stashed theirs in a secret hiding place, and later threw them in the woodstove when their wives weren’t looking. No wonder so few were saved…

9 years ago

Everyone knows that gay men hate women, and straight men hate men. Bisexuals don’t hate anyone, and asexuals hate literally everyone. The rest of the world is lucky that we’re ~1% of the population, or humanity would be driven to extinction. /sarcasm,

9 years ago

“Balthy, her explanation of the fake Valenti quotes is that she was, in her words, “creating a Poe of Valenti.” You know, “creating a Poe,” which is totally a thing and is somehow not lying.

Of course, many of her readers think that the fake Valenti quotes are totally real. And she keeps reposting them.”

Yep. Isn’t that just the whole tactic that MRAs and GamerGaters rely on? Once the lie is out there, it doesn’t matter if the person who made it is anonymous, or claims to have been “joking” or “mistaken,” or “parody” or “reposting from some conveniently missing other place”. So long as there are angry guys with chips on their shoulders who want to have a reason to target someone, they will continue to circulate the lies, and no matter how many times they are debunked, they will continue to believe them. All the shit-disturbers need to do is create the lie and let it go, no matter how flimsy.

That’s really the enemy here. Willful desire to believe the worst about people you don’t like. Confirmation bias. We can repeat a million times, “That’s too many characters for a tweet!!” or “But Grayson never WROTE a review of depression quest!!” or “Jessica Valenti LITERALLY NEVER SAID THAT YOU LYING LIAR.” But the truth doesn’t matter. What matters to these people is having a place for their anger.

9 years ago

Did anyone else note that JB wrote “heads up” as “head’s up” ?

What the hell? I thought she was writing a novel or two novels or something.

A little grammar complaint but; right out of the gate she’s wrong.

Ann Morgan
Ann Morgan
9 years ago

I object very strongly to the villianization of snakes in this magazine cover and the media. Poisonous snakes such as the cobra do not go around deliberately looking for helpless people to bite, in order to be EVIL. The reason why is, they can’t eat people, we’re too big and if they waste their poison on us, it takes them some time to create more, and they might not have any for the edible prey they see later. The only reason they bite people is to defend themselves, when they are afraid people might step on or otherwise hurt them.

Ann Morgan
Ann Morgan
9 years ago

Bina wrote: **Stellar logic there, Mr. Spock. But then, my best friend is gay, and he doesn’t hate me, or any other woman for that matter. Can anyone mansplain THAT to me?**

I think it was actually explained fairly well in a sci-fi book by Tom Kratman. An army leader got together a group of gay soldiers, for the purpose of training women soldiers, so that they wouldn’t be sexually tempted into favoritism or going easy on them. Despite being gay, they did not really like being hard on the women during their army training, and one of them pointed out that just because they were sexually attracted to men, didn’t mean they HATED women. After all, they had mothers, sisters, and aunts who were women, that they loved very much.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

“Mommy, the crows are pointing and laughing at the new strawman.”

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

“We love you, whether you choose to accept it or not.”

Why, when you put it this way, who wouldn’t accept it? / shudder

Reminds me of a cheerful quip I saw a while ago on a redpillian blog:

“If it weren’t for the sex, we would have hunted women to extinction.”

Much high-fiving ensued over that remark.

Yeah, we should be grateful to the redpillian dregs that they have shown such admirable restraint and not killed all women already. Maybe they are not as eager for sexbots yet as they sound. So there is our hope then.

Michael Suttkus
9 years ago

skybison: “Sort of like how Black people are still alive, therefore the KKK didn’t hate them?”

If you check out the FAQ on the KKK website, they will explain how they don’t hate black people at all. They just love their own families and want them protected from white genocide. Which is totally a real thing that the FAQ explains at PREPOSTEROUS length (1611 words). So, there, that proves… something. Mostly that some people are terrifyingly good at whatever the opposite of projection is.

9 years ago

That’s kinda terrifying. Is not murdering me a sign of their love? Or a sign of their not hate? It seems like the later, but the “we love you, whether you choose to accept it or not” kinda gives a mixed message.

Also… Isn’t citing lack of murdering as sign of not hating a good reason not to accuse the other side of hating you? Of course, being lowly women who are smaller, weaker, slower, and less ruthless, they must have nothing to fear of us hating them.

9 years ago

@Ann Morgan “Poisonous snakes such as the cobra do not go around deliberately looking for helpless people to bite, in order to be EVIL.”

Minor nitpick, cobras are venomous, not poisonous.

Sockweasel Pokémon (@RicksWriting)

“If we truly hated women, you’d all be dead and we’d all be gay”.

Oddly enough he glanced over the argument that got me turned around on the whole gay debate. If being gay was indeed a choice, then it WOULD be a lot more tempting for these sorts of people to go gay since they hate associating with the opposite sex so much. But they do not, almost as if they’re internally compelled to find women and not men attractive.

(I’m bisexual, so I grew up with a great deal of confusion on this matter–“Wait, you mean most men DON’T find other guys attractive? Well that explains a lot!”)

9 years ago

“It might make them klopts (cf. Crime and Glory of Commander Suzdal, referenced in a recent thread)”, wonderful Cordwainer Smith reference.

Makes sense, MRAs are the new ‘klopts’ they’ve got all the characteristics..

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

Feminists and women run the whole world, governments pander to us and misandry is a wide spread building pillar of our societies. This means women have all the access to all the weapons and yet we haven’t killed all men. That means we love you more. So there.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Nah, you’re only keeping us around to pay for dinner, fight wars for you and hunt mammoths.

9 years ago

I really don’t know why this man cannot admit that the ‘love’ he refers to is primarily related to sticking his penis into a woman’s orifice, and an ownership deal upon marriage.

9 years ago

I guess the fact that spiders are extant disproves my arachnophobia.

9 years ago

Can someone please explain to me what broader social point JB is trying to make? It can’t be about feminist censorship of nudity, since it’s not feminists who want to censor nude pictures of a woman that she herself posts online voluntarily. AFAIK, the only nude pics feminists want removed are those that were taken and posted online without the woman’s consent.


Oooooh, okay, I get it now.

Stay classy, MRAs.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Aww, spiders are lovely.

9 years ago

That is factually incorrect. :p

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Just been debating with some Sea Shepherd friends as to whether intesectionality can embrace non human persons. I vote yes. 🙂


9 years ago

So showing your bare breasts to a few people is evil manipulation and showing them to lots of people (including people who never asked to receive a picture of your breasts) is making a stand or statement of some kind?

In what way?

Have they even attempted to support their claim that mysterious feminists were trying to censor JB or explained why they think feminists care?

What was DD’s goal supposed to be, exactly? Manipulate to do what?


Also, who is so mindless that a glimpse of boob would manipulate them? You can literally see photos of boobs anytime you like. No one is that…

Projection again. I got it.

9 years ago

*waves a little flag that says TEAM SPIDER*