#FreeTheNipple antifeminism antifeminist women boobs creepy empathy deficit entitled babies judgybitch men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not all men not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit

Feminists: The fact we haven't killed you means we don't hate women, extremely creepy dude explains

How weird is it that this old magazine has two different articles relevant to this post?
How weird is it that this old magazine has two different articles relevant to this post?

I‘ll get to that thing in the headline in a second. But first: A Voice for Men’s Director of Lying Liars Janet Bloomfield has responded to my last post about her embattled tit pics — see here; the whole thing is too bizarre to explain briefly —  by informing her readers that I was

failing to distinguish between pics sent to individual men privately as a means of manipulation and pics plastered over social media to make a broader point about feminist censorship and harassment.

AVFM’s flying monkey army has been making the same, er, argument in a series of highly original tweets:

bluecol attilatits

So that’s where I went wrong.

But that’s not really what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is this creepy as hell comment one of her fans left on her blog. (I’ve crossed out the name of the specific feminist being addressed.)

Wraith March 31, 2015 at 17:25 #  Ms. Valenti, let me lay some facts on you.  Men, as a whole, are larger, stronger, faster, more ruthless, way better at physical combat and far better suited to dispensing mayhem than women, as a whole, will ever even think of being. If we truly hated women, you’d all be dead and we’d all be gay.  The fact that you can continue to spew your hatred, bigotry and bile all over the internet without the slightest thought concerning the possibility of seriously adverse consequences, gives the lie to your statement.  We love you, whether you choose to accept it or not. Why, we can’t always figure out.

So, feminists, if you ever wake up not dead and wonder why you’re not dead, it’s apparently because men just love you so much.

I should add that the “statement” he is responding to — claiming that all men hate women —  is not an actual statement by a feminist; it’s a statement Janet Bloomfield made up and attributed to a prominent feminist in an attempt to make her look bad.


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9 years ago

And apparently there’s no such thing as gamergate, a scandal which was pretty much specifically about attempting to intimidate feminist women, with harassment and threats, against posting their opinions online.

9 years ago

It’s amusing that she continues to show off the not-quotes as if they are some kind of win for her when they basically prove she’s a shameless liar.

9 years ago

I started reading the comments on Bloomfield’s article, but I managed to stop myself in time.

So many straw feminist arguments!

9 years ago

I still think Judgy Bitch posted her tits because she was jealous all her fans were jacking off to someone else’s tits. While I have no doubt that this incredibly stupid trolling feminists bullshit is what she told Attila and the other twits to get them onboard, and they probably believe that was the operation goal all along, it doesn’t really make any sense.

9 years ago

@scalyllama The nice thing is that Buzzfeed comments use Facebook profiles, so now you know who to avoid IRL. Some of them express views that are frankly terrifying (also beautifully devoid of logic, someone should study their brains. For science.) It’s lovely and so very considerate of them that they have all gathered in one place.

9 years ago

Elsewhere on WordPress, related to the “I could totally hurt you, but I haven’t” approach: implied threat of violence via machete-wielding. W.T.F.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

opium4themasses | March 31, 2015 at 3:05 pm
It’s all about the points

I much prefer this one:

scalyllama | March 31, 2015 at 4:38 pm
So many straw feminist arguments!

Smokey the Bear is going to be pissed. All that dried, old straw could cause a forest fire.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Welcome to the MRM where everything is made up, and the points only matter if you’re a cishet white dudebro who’s peen is sad because it can’t get blowies.

9 years ago

Judgybitch is the worst hardcore slut shamer ever and yet she posts a naked pic of her? Hmm the irony.

She can do whatever she wants, really. But I dont understand why she shames women so much for the exact same thing she is doing.

Michael Suttkus
9 years ago

So, to be clear, a topless photo sent to a single person is manipulation and bad. A topless photo sent to a large group of men is attempting to “make a point” (i.e., manipulate a large group of people) so… good.

Manipulation, made better with mass production! This is why everyone loves government propaganda, it’s meant for truly huge groups!

Well, at least the MRAs make perfect sense in the second part of the article. Clearly, if you haven’t killed someone, you must love them. I can just hear those loving plantation owners saying the same thing to their slaves. If only those lazy slaves had just worked harder, they wouldn’t even need whipped! Same logic.

ſoǝ Klǝɯɯǝɹ (@JoeKlemmer)

This insanity isn’t new. There’s been asshats spouting this since forever. What really makes it so sickening, to me, is that with the ‘Net (particularly “social media”), this bile gets spewed all over creation in a millisecond. I’m an ubergeek and seeing my pride and joy technology used in this way is enough to make me sick

Side note: I didn’t see JB’s tit pics but what’s with the chicks peeing in public? Ah, never mind. I don’t wanna know.

9 years ago

Judgy people ought to show some judgement. JMO.

9 years ago

Watch out David, if the the rest of the AVfM crew follows Attila’s and Bluecollarredpill’s lead, sending out that exact same tweet and getting one retweet, then that withering comment will grow into the dozens.

For those of you who are not entirely clear, a false flagging campaign is when feminist harassers choose a single image, no matter what that image actually contains, and report it to social media moderators as abusive.

The lame stream media hasn’t covered this online terrorism campaign at all, no doubt thanks to the Gynocracy. Yes, spell check, I know that’s not a real word.

9 years ago

I wonder if Wrath gives the same speech to children, the elderly and, oh yeah, men not blessed with the protective magic that prevents them from being murdered.

9 years ago

We love you, whether you choose to accept it or not.

Oh, yeah, and. I know I’m dating myself again but — once upon a time there was a show called Forever Knight. The show was about vampires, of course, as you might guess from the name. Well, one of the characters in the show was a master-vampire named LaCroix, and he moonlighted as a radio talk show host. As such, he was fond of engaging in long monologues which (IIRC) would often end with the words “I love you all.”

Anyway, this reminds me of that — though I am by no means implying that “Wraith” is as cool as LaCroix. (At all.)

9 years ago

Is that a real magazine cover? I’ve been around a damned long time and I never heard of that one.

9 years ago

Assuming that JB’s pics are of her body, not somebody else’s (JB couldn’t tell the truth about what month of the fucking year it is)… This is going to go really, really badly for her the moment she breaks it off with the “Movement.”

(Note to lurking MRAs: That’s me being worried for her, not me threatening her. Revenge porn is sexual assault and nobody deserves that.)

9 years ago

That’s no doubt a real magazine, I bought of similar ones on ebay while building my lesbian pulp fiction collection. A bunch of kooky men’s magazines that all have that pulpy manly men in peril themed covers.

9 years ago

“It’s amusing that she continues to show off the not-quotes as if they are some kind of win for her when they basically prove she’s a shameless liar.”

Over in the Buzzfeed comment5s somebody is trying to white knight JB, claiming her quotes are so real quotes of JV and David is just a meanie lying liar who is biased (toward the truth?).

9 years ago

“Well, yes, but they haven’t killed ALL women. Therefore men love women! That actually seems to be his argument.

reymohammed, I’m 99.9% sure it’s real. There were a bunch of magazines like this in the 50s, with similar contents and very similar “macho man in peril” covers.”

Sort of like how Black people are still alive, therefore the KKK didn’t hate them?

9 years ago

Ummmm..How does taking tit pics of yourself and spreading them around online make a social point? “I still think Judgy Bitch posted her tits because she was jealous all her fans were jacking off to someone else’s tits” Yep that’s probably it.

As for us being grateful that we are not all dead, shouldn’t they be grateful to wake up alive too? I mean, woman aren’t dolls and it isn’t that hard for someone to killed in their sleep.>:D So the MRAs are alive, that means us feminists love them!

skybison-“Sort of like how Black people are still alive, therefore the KKK didn’t hate them”


9 years ago

Well, yes, but they haven’t killed ALL women. Therefore men love women! That actually seems to be his argument.

Aaaaand then there’s the kind of guys that kill the women they “love” (note the quotes, there for a reason). Usually it happens right after she announces that she no longer wants to see him, and/or is filing for divorce.

And usually, it’s prefaced with the cliché: “If I can’t have you, no one can!”

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Someone said up thread that we should campaign for Facebook to put it back up. And I agree with this, since I’m up for the desexualization of the bewbs and all.

It would be a nice gesture, and it would confuse the hell out of the MRM and JudgyBitch.

9 years ago

Cracked has done a few articles about those old men’s magazines, mostly making fun of the covers. I think the magazines themselves are hard to find these days.