#FreeTheNipple antifeminism antifeminist women boobs creepy empathy deficit entitled babies judgybitch men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not all men not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit

Feminists: The fact we haven't killed you means we don't hate women, extremely creepy dude explains

How weird is it that this old magazine has two different articles relevant to this post?
How weird is it that this old magazine has two different articles relevant to this post?

I‘ll get to that thing in the headline in a second. But first: A Voice for Men’s Director of Lying Liars Janet Bloomfield has responded to my last post about her embattled tit pics — see here; the whole thing is too bizarre to explain briefly —  by informing her readers that I was

failing to distinguish between pics sent to individual men privately as a means of manipulation and pics plastered over social media to make a broader point about feminist censorship and harassment.

AVFM’s flying monkey army has been making the same, er, argument in a series of highly original tweets:

bluecol attilatits

So that’s where I went wrong.

But that’s not really what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is this creepy as hell comment one of her fans left on her blog. (I’ve crossed out the name of the specific feminist being addressed.)

Wraith March 31, 2015 at 17:25 #  Ms. Valenti, let me lay some facts on you.  Men, as a whole, are larger, stronger, faster, more ruthless, way better at physical combat and far better suited to dispensing mayhem than women, as a whole, will ever even think of being. If we truly hated women, you’d all be dead and we’d all be gay.  The fact that you can continue to spew your hatred, bigotry and bile all over the internet without the slightest thought concerning the possibility of seriously adverse consequences, gives the lie to your statement.  We love you, whether you choose to accept it or not. Why, we can’t always figure out.

So, feminists, if you ever wake up not dead and wonder why you’re not dead, it’s apparently because men just love you so much.

I should add that the “statement” he is responding to — claiming that all men hate women —  is not an actual statement by a feminist; it’s a statement Janet Bloomfield made up and attributed to a prominent feminist in an attempt to make her look bad.


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9 years ago

They have the Worst Logic Ever.

9 years ago

So… she shared the photos with individual men “privately” over a very public medium, unsolicited, and on her own FB page… And you’re the fool for trying to decipher what the heck you were being sent tit picks for? Guess we’re all idiots.

Why the heck do these men profess to love women when they clearly don’t? The bare minimum for love is not “I won’t murder you, even though I could”. In fact, that is literally the kind of thinly-veiled threat an abusive partner would make. I hope any woman who’s ever romantically involved with that guy gets away safely. 🙁

9 years ago

“… without the slightest thought concerning the possibility of seriously adverse consequences”

Oh, like rape and murder? Something these shitbags threaten all the fucking time? Yeah wow totally, surely nobody ever worries about that.

9 years ago

I guess the fact that mras aren’t all dead yet shows how much women love them.

9 years ago

Tit Pics Meant To Manipulate gave the worst thrash-punk show I’ve ever been to.

9 years ago

I am confused as to how this whole naked photo this thing is supposed to do anything positive for their cause. It’s like they’re pretending to have a debate without knowing even the form of what they want.

Is it just mindless point scoring without context or utility?

It’s all about the points:

9 years ago

“If we truly hated women, you’d all be dead and we’d all be gay”.

Stellar logic there, Mr. Spock. But then, my best friend is gay, and he doesn’t hate me, or any other woman for that matter. Can anyone mansplain THAT to me?

9 years ago

Oh my badness. Hating women would not make them gay. It might make them klopts (cf. Crime and Glory of Commander Suzdal, referenced in a recent thread), but they’re about halfway there already.

The fine philosophical distinction between manipulative and non-manipulative tit pics is more entertaining by mistake than they’ve ever been on purpose.

9 years ago

Oh, I see. It’s the difference between “tit pics meant to manipulate” and “tit pics to make a broad social point.” That just completely clears everything up. This whole thing makes perfect sense, now. Now it seems perfectly reasonable and logical to send nude photos of your co-worker to your ideological opponents.


And, yeah, “I haven’t killed you yet” isn’t a sentiment inspired by love. That’s not exactly what a living person would say. Exactly the opposite, in fact.

9 years ago

Also, “We love you, whether you choose to accept it or not” has got to be THE most creeptacular thing I’ve read all week.

Granted, the week is still relatively young.

(“Accept it or else” is unspoken.)

PS: Anyone else not surprised to see he’s “Team Palin”? KKKlassy bunch…

9 years ago

Wait I’m confused. They tried to make it look like feminists somehow got Bloomfield’s tit pic taken off Facebook by tweeting it at them? You pointed out that they did this and it makes no sense and in response Bloomfield doubles down on saying that she didn’t make up Jessica Valenti quotes?

9 years ago

Silly me and my lady brain. I always thought gay men were gay because they’re attracted to men. Not because they hate women.

9 years ago

I know that was a typo and you meant to say loving, not living. But thanks for your comment because it’s making me picture MRA zombies in various stages of decay mindlessly tapping at their keyboards. Seems fitting.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

Y’know, my sister is a lesbian and she never tries to kill my dad. What’s that all about, I wonder?

9 years ago


Oh my, I even proof-read before posting and I didn’t catch that! 🙂

I would totally support a zombie rights movement. It couldn’t be any worse than the MRM.

9 years ago

I don’t think these guys know what “love” is

“failing to distinguish between pics sent to individual men privately as a means of manipulation and pics plastered over social media to make a broader point about feminist censorship and harassment.”

So when men and boys are sending penis pics does that mean they’re trying to manipulate us? Plus no feminist is trying to censor boobs, the world is. Boobs and Breast feeding are meant to be beautiful things, but now they very much sexualized, creepy misoygnists compare breast feeding to “whipping out your dick in public”

“All men are larger, stronger, faster and ruthless and are way better at physical combat and better at spreading mayhem. We are better than you!! Stop your bigotry, bile and hate”

Pick one:

I’m not a man but yes he hates us all of us teh creepy man said so.

9 years ago

1) Men HAVE killed women in the name of hating feminism; see Elliot Rodger and Montreal

2) Wouldn’t this definitely prove feminists do not hate men? (Valerie Solanos shot Andy Warhol over art, not an ideology)

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Suffragitsu

“Men HAVE killed women in the name of hating feminism; see Elliot Rodger and Montreal”

Well yes, but those were isolated incidents. It’s not like the MRA’s celebrated this and cheered them….oh

9 years ago

Well, at least Judgy’s little echo chamber of wankers admits that her boobie pix were meant to manipulate. Now, if we could only figure out whom she was trying to manipulate, and why…

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Things MRAs Also Don’t Understand

-How to properly act hooman enough to pass

9 years ago

So if we hate people we’re totes allowed to kill them now?

Also, clearly no man has ever killed a woman. Particularly male partners killing their female partner. That is definitely NOT.A.THING.

He’s setting his standards pretty low though. If he loves me so much he can at least make me some fucking breakfast or something.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Also, just throwing this out there, but I think Katie is just a few years away from perfecting artificial sperm made from stem cells, so could we enact Codename: Plan Castrate sooner rather than later? Like right now? On every MRA, preferable on that asshole who think loving people is not killing them?

9 years ago

Also, “China’s Cutthroat Pirate Queen” better be a reference to Ching Shih.

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