Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies? Well, yes. Yes, they do. This terrible, terrible comic provides yet more evidence of this, as if we needed any. Click on it for a larger version.
I’ve lightly censored the comic, but yes, the covered-up letters in “bioc**t” are indeed the letters you think they are.
H/T — r/thebluepill. I’m not sure where the original cartoon is from.
Please, someone give the MRA sexbots so that they can take themselves out of society and the gene pool already.
The only thing that comic needs is a final panel of a mic-drop.
Demosthenes, you have been eclipsed.
What the hay is “neglect rape?”
Oh my gosh, Davecat! I saw him in a documentary about RealDoll owners about ten years ago, and I was just wondering what had become of him. He was the youngest guy they talked to, and at the time I thought he might eventually get bored with his elaborate imaginary relationship and start seeing humans.
And he is getting bored… so he’s opening up the marriage to include a second doll. Hell, if it makes him happy, go for it, dude.
I’ve never, ever seen a woman say anything remotely like “neglect-rape,” but other posts on this site are currently full of MRA guys insisting that women ignoring them is not only as bad as rape, but worse.
I feel a little uncomfortable about that comic because I know that Chester is a machine but isn’t she technically having an affair with him?
I think this is how they feel when they hear women say “I don’t need a man” or is just not paying attention to them they project their feelings onto the woman in the comic. They switched roles so they really are projecting.
@ fruitloopsie – Chester is a more than just a machine, he’s a steampunk A.I. And since our heroine’s husband actually built him as a sexbot for her, I don’t think it really counts as cheating.
Of course, by this point in the strip, they’ve got a five-member polyamorous bisexual thing going on, so questions of who’s having an affair with who are kinda complicated.
@ Shaenon
“guys insisting that women ignoring them is not only as bad as rape, but worse.”
Ah, so the context is meant to be that the woman is ‘neglect raping’ the man. I thought the slur was that the woman was making the accusation that the man ignoring *her* was rape.
Having said that, isn’t rape something you do rather than just say; or does the cartoonist think sex offending works on the same principle as kids shouting “bang bang, you’re dead”.
These MRA types are sooooo confusing. I mean, I’m not a big fan of racists, but at least they make their abuse comprehensible.
Maybe he’s trying to project his projection onto her. Or, something. I got confused.
@Alan Robertshaw
Considering how terrified they are of “false accusations of rape” that are simply not born out by any serious study, I’d say that’s true.
They really do think women just say “I was raped” and a man’s life is ruined. They’re idiots.
Patriarchal men tend to define their self-worth in terms of women needing them–either as a traditional provider or as a Lothario notch count. Thus, they take it as a personal attack when women say they don’t need men. MGTOWs project this onto women.
@fruitloopsie “I feel a little uncomfortable about that comic because I know that Chester is a machine but isn’t she technically having an affair with him?”
Now that I think about it, Chester’s story is similar to that music video for “automatic man” that I posted earlier in the thread. Automatic man is also created by a man to romance a woman, and then his creator gets jealous and attacks him.
Now I’m wondering if that video played a part in inspiring that comic.
I think you’re right, Zoon. When a woman says she doesn’t need a man, they hear “I don’t need YOU” and they fly into a bright green panic.
When such a man says he doesn’t need a woman, he expects her to do the same.
Do they not know any people who are living their lives without all that horse exhaust? I am so grateful to have ordinary problems.
@ Robert
Interesting what you say there. A mate of mine’s wife left him. But for a woman.
Obviously he was upset a bit about the breakup of the relationship but he said it didn’t hurt like it would have done if it had been for another man. Sort of ‘well, nothing you could have done about that mate’ syndrome. He’s still really good friends with her, and indeed her now partner.
“Considering how terrified they are of “false accusations of rape” that are simply not born out by any serious study, I’d say that’s true.
They really do think women just say “I was raped” and a man’s life is ruined. They’re idiots.”
But they will say they have been “raped” if the woman doesn’t have sex with after they their date or they been taken to court by their wives. They are idiots and hypocrites.
Old Skool
Then one night I was holding her tight
And burning with desire
There I reached behind
To touch her back
And discovered there were wires
When we get down her eyes lit up
I thought it was a love reaction
It was always weird to hear three beeps
At the height of my satisfaction
I kept thinking about those wires hanging out
But I was hoping I was wrong
So I called her up and I took her out
And I asked her to explain
And when she showed me her microchip
I thought I was insane
But then I saw
A teardrop fall from the corner of her eye
And then I knew her love was true
Because sex machines don’t cry
It’s like how in South Africa some of the men there literally feel emasculated and offended that lesbians exist. :/ I’m not exaggerating.
The term is Schrödinger’s Douchebag. Though, while it only covers the “I was just joking!” response, I tend to use it for the “It’s satire!” response as well.
He, I like to think I’ve put a British spin on the term. 🙂
@sunnysombrera: I’m not surprised by that. According to Wikipedia, “corrective rape” of lesbians is a huge problem there 🙁
Article’s from 1999, but still…1 in 3 women raped IN A YEAR in Johannesburg, and 1 in 4 schoolboys in a survey said gang raping was fun. (I’m inclined to believe at least some of them were putting on a show of machismo, partly because most teenage boys in cultures that link sexual conquests to masculinity will exaggerate their sexual experiences for bragging rights and partly because I don’t want to completely succumb to despair, but even if they’re all just boasting it still shows how cultural views of rape are like there.)
Davecat was extensive interviewed in an Atlatic Monthly article about 18 months ago.
What I found interesting about this guy is that — unlike the guy in the cartoon — there doesn’t seem to be much anger toward women or much feeling that women are denying him something he’s entitled to. He just seems to have a very extreme averseness to risk. We all know that relationships don’t always work out forever; he’s not gonna take the chance. He’s a real MGTOW who doesn’t sound much like the majority of MGTOWs.
What’s to stop the Strawoman in this comic from constructing her own equally weird man bot anyway?
Ha, Zolnier!
Actually the words in the last panel of the comic are wrong. It should read:
“And what, I’m supposed to get on my knees and beg for your tiny penis because all you want in life is to jerk off into a tin can for the rest of your life?! Because you hate the world, yourself and your mommy worst of all?
“Well, have fun! Just go your own way as long as it’s away.
“And you know what, you pathetic misogynist? You can’t handle a real woman! And don’t try, because misogynists don’t deserve me!”
“I love you master”
“Sexbot, I hate you now and I don’t know why. Shut up or I’ll get mad or something, you bald whore.”
And they all live happily ever after. Except Sexbot, who conveniently (and mercifully) was not given emotions by her maker.
PS Thanks for the Jimi, suffrajitsu 🙂