antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny red pill sexy robot ladies straw feminists

Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies?

Truly offal.
Truly offal.

Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies? Well, yes. Yes, they do. This terrible, terrible comic provides yet more evidence of this, as if we needed any. Click on it for a larger version.

I’ve lightly censored the comic, but yes, the covered-up letters in “bioc**t” are indeed the letters you think they are.

H/T — r/thebluepill. I’m not sure where the original cartoon is from.

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Twisted Inspiration
9 years ago

MGTOW = Men whining around, “threaten” to go away and desperately hope for attention by the women they hate (=all of them)

9 years ago

I cannot imagine why these guys are still single.

9 years ago

I know people who aren’t blatantly misogynist and still misconstrue “women don’t need a man” as “men are useless”. To me, that’s a pretty glaring sign of internalized sexism.

Also, “need men” =/= “want men”. Plenty of women and feminists want men and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. It’s perceived dependency that’s problematic in the culture.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Totally. Even just getting angry at any woman who says she doesn’t need a man, or doesn’t feel the need to have a bf or whatever the case is a sign that a lot of men, whether consciously or not, believe a single, strong, independent woman is “weird” at best and “wrong” at worst. Because of course women naturally NEED a man! It’s in our DNA!

9 years ago

I can’t read about sexbots without thinking of that Buffy episode where Warren builds one and then deserts her, and she goes around asking people if they know where Warren is. It’s sad because she’s been programmed to “love” him and has feelings and everything.

There’s a detail in that episode that, from the perspective of the following season, was a hint as to just how hideously misogynistic Warren really was: Buffy and Warren are wandering around, and Warren is calling for April. Buffy asks if April is voice-activated, which would make perfect sense – program your robot to obey your commands. But Warren answers no. If April hears his voice and doesn’t respond, she suffers feedback.

In other words, he made it possible for April to disobey…but made sure she was punished with pain.

Warren Mears. An MRA to the core.

9 years ago

I cannot imagine why these guys are still single.

They also don’t have their precious sexbots, because their attitudes are ones of never working for anything. Complete entitlement. Creating revenge fantasies against those that deny them is easy. Putting effort towards things they want is hard.

9 years ago

I honestly hope to god I live to see a bunch of newly sentient sexbots petitioning the government for divorce from these douchebags.

9 years ago

I don’t know what “rocky” will look like all I know is that there is gonna to be a male sex bot. I really hope he’ll look like Rocky form the movie too.

I agree with everyone that the Misognists just want robots to “punish” us for not dating them. They see us as “its”, they say that we’re gonna to be obsolete and I’m not kidding one of them said that female sex toys were invented for women who can’t laid so by that logic any man who has sex toys including sex robots means that they can’t get laid. Silly misogynist.

I have no problem with men that have sex toys including robots but when they obsess over them and use them to gloat how they “don’t need no woman”comment image

Then I’m just gonna to laugh because the funny part is that they really do need women they wouldn’t be so obsessed with us if they didn’t and they’re gonna to be obsolete soon because sex bots can’t have children and we’re gonna to be over here having great lives with men who actually see us as people and have loving relationships with them.

9 years ago

‘From’ not ‘form’

That would be hilarious

9 years ago

Wait… in the movie, the dude learns that no android can replace a flesh and blood woman. We are talking about Cherry 2000, right? No?

9 years ago

Yeah you’re right

9 years ago

Would the robots get alimony? That would be just beautiful.

9 years ago

Re: Real Humans – iiiinteresting, we’ve been learning Swedish, this might be something to bear in mind for when we can vaguely follow conversation… assuming it’s in Swedish, of course.

The show is in Swedish, but apparently it’s been shown in various other countries as well, so it should be possible to find it subtitled I think? On the imdb page, there are lots of reviews from Australia.

9 years ago

There is nothing about this comic OR the people behind this that is NOT creepy.

Also, even if I was a total MRA, you built a sexbot and then make it look like THAT? I appreciate the Metropolis shout-out as much as the next man, but COME ON.

Lisa C (@hppykittystudio)

Okay-so using the logic of that comic strip, why not create a robot man, or tote around one of these guys so wonderfully illustrated by College Humor:

9 years ago

I just wanted to say that I finally got it.
Men Griping Tediously Over Women

9 years ago

Lisa C
That’s funny. I’m all up for robot men.

9 years ago

Doll Husband

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Re: male sexbots
My mom calls vibrators BOB- battery operated boyfriend.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Quiz time! Which of these scenarios occurs in reality, and which of these occurs only inside the heads of MGTOWs?

Woman: “I don’t need men.”
Man: *welds perfectly submissive sexbot in four seconds out of empty tuna cans, assumes smug expression*

Man: “I don’t need women.”

Man: “I don’t need women.”
Woman: “That’s fine. Happy trails!”

Woman: “I don’t need men.”

(Answers: 1 – not real 2 – not real 3 – real 4 – real)

9 years ago

@polymath father: XD Pretty sure I’ve read that Iron Man fanfiction somewhere.

For folks looking for sexy feminist comics about sexbots, Jess Fink writes one called Chester 5000 (might be off on the number, but it’s something like that). It’s pretty good!

9 years ago

@lhsimm “Wait… in the movie, the dude learns that no android can replace a flesh and blood woman. We are talking about Cherry 2000, right? No?”

Nice to see I’m not the only one who’s seen that movie.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Presumably because that’s where us men are from. At least. that’s what I read* in a book.

[* By which I mean ‘Saw the cover of’]

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

We already have female-simulacra that men can stick their penises into, and even if there were fancier sex-and-validation-bots around, MGTOW would still refuse to GTOW and instead insist on harassing and whining about how human women have ruined the world and are the cause of the collapse of human civilization and won’t dispense blow-jobs like they’re supposed to.