Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies? Well, yes. Yes, they do. This terrible, terrible comic provides yet more evidence of this, as if we needed any. Click on it for a larger version.
I’ve lightly censored the comic, but yes, the covered-up letters in “bioc**t” are indeed the letters you think they are.
H/T — r/thebluepill. I’m not sure where the original cartoon is from.
And if anyone else tries to use it as proof that someone on AVFM is being a dick it turns out it was satire all along so it’s not proof anyway.
I don’t want no MGTOW
A MGTOW is a man that can’t get no love from me
Hanging out in cheap cafés where he refuses to pay
Trying to whine at me.
The irony is the sexbot later left him for a taller robot.
@ lith
Isn’t there some concept of “Schrodinger’s Arsehole”? That is to say, someone for whom whether a statement is serious or a joke depends on the observer’s reaction.
@Alan Robertshaw, I read “Herland” in a speculative fiction class in grad school. The author, for those who didn’t follow the link, is Charlotte Perkins Gilman, who’s best known for “The Yellow Wallpaper.” I don’t care much for utopias in SF but the book was interesting in some ways, especially in terms of gender roles.
It’s based on the idea that women who reject men take an active pleasure in hurting their feelings. When they are no longer objects of desire (having been replaced), it’s not enough that they can still attract alpha males, they also have an overriding need to make non-alpha males miserable by withholding their sexual favors. The “feminist” in this “comic” is not upset because she suddenly wants to sleep with the weeaboo robot dude, she is upset because she can no longer make him miserable. (Note to self: add “weeaboo” to MRA / PUA / MGTOW Bingo card.)
I just looked it up.
The way they use it I’d assumed it was more like ‘gynocentric’ or ‘woman focused’.
But “government by women” – I guess you could reasonably claim this. If you ignore the extreme disparity in numbers of men vs women in government.
Apparently I’m feeling a bit cross today, this is annoying me far more than it usually would.
As a child I was really creeped out by The Stepford Wives (read in Readers’ Digest Condensed version!) so of course the idea of woman-replacement robots always makes me think of that.
But if you really had the technology to build such a sophisticated housekeeping-bot, why not just have it be a housekeeper? In Stepford Wives, part of the whole thing seems to be fulfilling the male fantasy not only that all their needs are catered to all the time, but also to keep up the illusion that it’s a real human woman choosing to do it.
Validation-bot is right.
Re: Women aren’t unicorns.
Indeed, my mother is nearing retirement and has been playing WoW for years. Recently she picked up Skyrim and has put in way more time already than I ever put in. She has nearly every gold star on Mario Kart and I’ve managed maybe half. She is not your typical ‘gamer’ but she does like playing games, even ones that weren’t ‘designed for women’. And to top it all off she’s not even a feminist on paper, quite ‘traditional’.
Interesting article, the most interesting thing for me is how readily the guy took completely the wrong point from the tweets.
If he thinks women are aliens he needs to sit down and talk with them more.
That is so sad. Next, these losers will depict masturbation with a sock puppet as a revolutionary act.
Interesting point – I’ve seen lots of examples of playing up any violence by women against men as intolerable, but even more serious violence by men against women as acceptable or worse.
“I’ve seen lots of examples of playing up any violence by women against men as intolerable, but even more serious violence by men against women as acceptable or worse.”
That’s one thing (well, of many) that I don’t understand about the MRA types. Presumably they’re into ‘traditional’ gender roles. Well one of the areas where I fall down as a pro-feminist is that I have that old school belief that hurting a woman is *never* acceptable and completely beyond the pale, whereas I must confess I don’t see a major problem with F-M violence.
I’d have thought the MRA would have gone along with this, if only because of the “women are the weaker sex” stereotype (which I don’t share btw, there are various reasons for my stance on the difference between M-F and F-M violence)
The weirdest MRA talking point about female-on-male physical abuse was when they claimed a woman yelling at or scratching a man while she was giving birth was misandrous abuse.
Elam has said many shocking things over the years but for me the most bone-chilling was when he said that a boyfriend sucker punching his girlfriend in the head (after aggressively backing her into a corner) was “consequences” for her trying to lightly push him away, an action Elam described as “raging bull”. I feel sick thinking it now. That’s his attitude towards domestic violence.
Does it show how much harboured aggression MRAs have towards women, that they believe a single physical slight against them means it’s open season for them to hurt their partner any way they like? It hasn’t occurred to them that OTT retaliation is a crime (I forget the legal term, help Alan) and they can’t get away with it by saying ‘but she slapped my upper arm! She’s the initiator!’
@ SunnyS
“A person may defend themselves but must use only such force as is reasonable in the circumstances”, usually shortened to “reasonable force”.
Right. So punching your gf in the head after she brushes your chest trying to get you to back off is not reasonable force. Yet that’s the kind of violence MRAs defend.
I’m not sure if this link will work (because it’s to a closed FB group) but these are some lecture notes about the use of force, not just the law but also how to deal with the legal process in case anyone is interested…..
Well, yeah. Elam doesn’t even really seem to believe that women can actually physically hurt men. That’s why all of his examples about women committing violence against men involve tiny women doing minor things. He sees violence against men on the part of women as a sign of disrespect, not as a threat. That’s why he fantasizes about beating small women for a slap or for trying to shove a man who’s backed them into the corner away.
Not even slightly.
There’s really a three part test in the law. The force must be:
1. Reasonable
2. Proportionate
3. Necessary
It’s true that ‘reasonable’ is not synonymous with ‘minimal’ but even if the force would otherwise be justified (which obviously in your scenario it wouldn’t be anyway), if the purpose is retaliation or punishment rather than defence it’s not reasonable.
The sad thing is eventually all the MRAs will realise their sexbots can’t give them children to impart their stupid ideology on.
Tales of robot lovers have a long history; they go back at least to 1938, with Lester Del Rey’s Helen O’Loy.
I hasten to add that this story is not of the same ilk as the dumb cartoon.
Exactly. Remember when Pauly wrote that short story where a (ex?) husband breaks the nose of his cheating wife? Again, this is the kind of shit MRAs justify or even encourage. That’s what I personally find most frightening about them. They are the abusers lobby without a doubt.
Also that scenario I mentioned was unfortunately a real one. It was in a YouTube video a while back. The worst thing is that their kids were watching as he hit her. 🙁
I’m pretty desensitised but even I would be repulsed by that sort of story; glad I didn’t see it. The Youtube video sounds horrific too. I hope it was used in evidence?
One thing I’m involved in is “risk analysis”. It would be interesting to run the MRA material through one of the relevant tools like MOSAIC. It’s always dangerous to assume, but at the risk of doing on-line diagnoses, this stuff seems to be going beyond rhetoric. It’s real red flag territory.
MGTOW: Rawr!
Male Friend: Woah, you mad, bro?
MGTOW: My life is lame and no feeemales will give me the pussy I’m entitled to.
MF: I thought you decided to forget those slutty sluts and go your own way.
MGTOW: I did.
MF: Soooo….you could totally find some other way to get off- watch porn and ya know, use your hand like I do.
MGTOW: I’m gonna build a sexbot, that’ll show those bioc*nts!
MF: bio-wats? Build a sexbot if you want, dude, but if you’re going your own way and all, who cares what gurls think? *light bulb appears*
MGTOW: Not me! I just wanna show them that I don’t need their holes anymore and see how bad they freak out.
MF: Sure, dude. *starts thinking that MGTOW’s are full of shit, walks away*
MGTOW: Hey, where are you going? ARGH! I’m so oppressed! No one will listen to me. I know! I’ll go online and tell those dumb bitches what I think. Aaaand then I’ll build my sexbot…definitely.
^Just some conversation I imagined a MGTOW having. I agree with those of you who said it’s not about sex. Even with sexbots (which already exist) these guys would still rage-vent their boo-boo’s to women because what they really want is to feel powerful and important. And the specific power they crave is that over a scared, vulnerable woman. The butthurt and entitlement will never go away, it seems. 🙁