antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny red pill sexy robot ladies straw feminists

Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies?

Truly offal.
Truly offal.

Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies? Well, yes. Yes, they do. This terrible, terrible comic provides yet more evidence of this, as if we needed any. Click on it for a larger version.

I’ve lightly censored the comic, but yes, the covered-up letters in “bioc**t” are indeed the letters you think they are.

H/T — r/thebluepill. I’m not sure where the original cartoon is from.

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9 years ago

@sunnysombrera “Anything else?”

-Toxic masculinity

9 years ago

This is unrelated to inept, misogynist cartoons and strawman feminists (though it may address strawmen gamers and “gaming colonialists), but seemed like something that you all might like to read (and I didn’t want to go digging around for a more relevant thread to necro):

Women Aren’t Unicorns: A Response To Adrian Chmielarz

9 years ago

Focusing a moment on the woman in the “comic”, it appears she is the realization of pure MGTOW projection. Since they pretend to go away while all the while moaning and bitching about how mindless pussy is not appearing at their doorstep, they imagine that feminists are like that. Feminists really want/need men around and like to play with the fantasy that they are independent. They also feel the need to announce this to men to provoke a response.

But, the women in question only want to use men – either alpha males for their cock or betas for their bux – yuck, I hate all their terminology. Since MGTOWs are tired of being treated as wallets, they are going on strike, but they still want that sweet, sweet pussy. So voilà, robot sex slave!

Revenge fantasy complete! And the woman is still in the strip in the last frame to show her “true colors”. She yells out random words, some that feminists use for real purposes, some that don’t exist (neglect rape?), but MGTOWs know these are all “bad”. They really only denote the emptiness of feminist argument, as imagined by MGTOWs because they haven’t taken the time to understand what the argument is.

Basically, if you see the comic as sheer projection of the MGTOWs revenge fantasy, complete with projection-based “feminist”, who is just a female MGTOW, it makes more sense.

9 years ago

re: MRAS not “getting” the term toxic masculinity: RIGHT?!?

I have yet to see one actually know what the eff it means. They all fly off the handle with, “FEMINISTS THINK MEN ARE TOXIC!!1!”

9 years ago

How can they help it when they are constantly being neglect raped, talk about projection…

@Ghost Robot
They’d be chewed up and spat out by the pressures of being a NEET…

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


“these guys are better off with the dolls, and so are the rest of us.”

Absolutely. Without a shred of doubt.

This is why I am an enthusiastic supporter of this solution for all MRA / redpillian / etc. types out there. Get yourself a doll (or two, or however many pleases you) and, for the love of all things decent, stay away from human women.

It is a win-win for everyone, since these fellas only need a vagina and a crude approximation of its human owner without the trouble of an actual woman involved — and a doll provides just that.

And the humanity will be relieved of their toxic and abusive presence, as they will be happily occupied finally having unlimited sex with their favorite thing.


9 years ago

I think biased’ should go on that list too because many a time I have linked to a source that was a mainstream site, and they have rejected the as being worthless because it’s been ‘biased by the gynocracy propaganda machine’. I also don’t think they know what propaganda and gynocracy means too.

Mind you they have a small point. There is no such thing as unbiased. Everything is.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Sunnysombrera

I think the most obvious and important one is “No”.

9 years ago

This comic is obviously a scrap of a Twilight Zone style morality tale. In the missing panels, the man is put in some peril by his sexbot. While his trouble might be easily remedied, his would-be rescuers are all women. He adamantly refuses all aid since, as we all know, women have no value outside sexually gratifying a man. Ultimately, he dies alone, undone by his misogyny

9 years ago


I feel sorry for the woman who married the Berlin Wall.

9 years ago


Ehhhh I think they know what ‘no’ means, outside of a sexual context anyway, they just have no maturity about it.

Which gives me another idea. They also don’t know what ‘entitlement’ means. Look at the incels who post whinging screeds in this blog and then when called out on it go ‘I don’t think I’m entitled to someone’s body! You’re being mean!’

-Ad hominem
-Harassment. Seeing as they are so blind to their own but slap the label on anything that doesn’t worship them.

9 years ago

@ Sunnysombrera

MGTOW belongs on this list, members have massive difficulties understanding their acronym.

9 years ago

The funniest thing about this terrible cartoon is the idea that a man who has been rejected by a woman suddenly becomes desirable to the same woman once he has a sex bot! WHAT is the appeal there? I cannot imagine a woman who would want to do anything but run the other way very quickly.

9 years ago

Unfortunately, I doubt having sexbots would make them any less likely to be their “charming” selves and scream and rant about real women. In the same way that having access to more and better sex toys has done anything to blunt their hatred and rants. All the fleshlights or tenga eggs or real dolls or anything else hasn’t made them any less vile and ranty about how they think women are just holes and are cruelly denying said holes from them.

So, I think even if they got their “sex dolls”, they’d still be doing the same things they do now (looking down on anyone who uses them and ranting at women that women’ll be sorry once the men have access to some mythical better sex slave analogue).

Hell, even if they had robots sentient enough to feel and understand abuse in the way they so desperately crave to deliver to women for various imagined slights, they’d still be angry at women, because being angry at women is not based in lack of sex or “acceptable outlets”, but in other long-standing issues based in toxic masculinity and aggrieved entitlement.

9 years ago

Haha! Good point. Judging by some of the worst examples and what they’ve said I’m pretty sure MRAs don’t know what love, parenthood, or abuse is either. Elam in particular is quick to label any physical slight as “domestic violence”, but only if it’s against the man.

9 years ago

It’s also the case that even if they got their house slave fantasy, they’d still be angry and violent assholes. Even when people abused/abuse real actual people into accepting rape on demand and raising their kids, it didn’t stop them hating and feeling violent towards them or towards women in general. Even if someone is unconsentually* placed in the role of constantly reaffirming the angry man’s whim and never doing wrong, said men always find an excuse to feel wrong-done, whether it be by errant dust, not smiling and being excited enough during the rape, burning dinner, bearing not enough boys, whatever. Because the lack of sex or deference isn’t the point of the angry fantasy.

And it’s why the fantasy needs to be for a “replacement” that doesn’t exist yet rather than something that exists today (various penis masturbation aids) so as to delay that self-realization.

*Because a little kinky dom/sub interaction in the dungeon is a far sight away from this type of intense misogyny.

9 years ago

@ sunnysombrera

I actually think they have some vague idea for most of the words we listed, but using them in context for a well-constructed argument doesn’t start nearly as many fun fights, nor does it sound dramatic enough to get people angry at the people MRAs don’t like.

Even though I met people using the same type of rhetoric in real life, I can never shake the feeling that those people are secretly collaborating with David for our entertainment, and MGTOW is just a little hint at their real name, Men Going Out Of Their Way To Mildly Amuse Random Feminists.

You’re absolutely right. The comic actually illustrates greatly how the “sex robots make women obsolete” isn’t so much about having a submissive, always-ready-for-action girlfriend as it is about punishing women through withdrawal. Of course, should the day ever come, we can all try to collectively yell about neglect rape and make it sound convincing.
Then maybe have someone important go over and give them a medal for freeing mankind of the evil secret feminazi tyranny, give them an island and wait for the problem to solve itself. They’ll live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life, dying of old age with no internet or real, reproductive women around to help them save their ideology for the future generations.

9 years ago

That “feminist” in the cartoon sure isn’t like any feminist I’ve run into or even heard about. I like the twist someone suggested in which she is also a robot built to fulfill the misogynist’s need to argue with a woman. It’s interesting to me that the “feminist” is depicted as conventionally attractive.

It would be a feminist dream if these jerks could get their needs met by non sapient robots and leave the rest of humanity alone.

I think I found Chester 5000 XYV, an erotic comic about having a robot lover, on one of the threads here (possibly elsewhere) discussing how bad FSOG is as erotica/porn. It seems relevant to the topic, so here is the comic, NSFW:

9 years ago


Somehow your post ended up with an href tag but no link text. Here is the link.

9 years ago

The robot is not even being a sexbot in the comic. It’s being more of a validation-bot.

“Validation-bot” is a term that simply MUST catch on.

Oh yeah, and here’s another book for y’all: He, She, and It, by Marge Piercy. Like The Silver Metal Lover, it’s about a woman who falls in love with an android, one who is so advanced that he actually has a personality, maybe even a soul. When the robots “die”, the women mourn them as they would actual human beings. But they don’t devalue the actual human men around them either; they just happened to fall in love with a creation that simulates a real one remarkably well. Which stands in stark contrast and polar opposition to our MGTOW inventor here, who is so fixated on having the perfect woman-like object to validate him that he refers to an it as a she, and a she as an it. And the validation-bot doesn’t even speak proper English, either, but a pathetic Tarzan patois. Which makes his confusion with the pronouns all the more inadvertently amusing. Dumb guy builds dumb bot; garbage in, garbage out!

9 years ago

Also, I find it cute that these guys think anybody would care if they go away.

9 years ago

I can’t read about sexbots without thinking of that Buffy episode where Warren builds one and then deserts her, and she goes around asking people if they know where Warren is. It’s sad because she’s been programmed to “love” him and has feelings and everything. Also I think of that movie “Lars and the Real Girl.” While my sister loved it, it made me squeamish for a lot of reasons.

9 years ago


And he somehow didn’t understand why the other posters concluded from it that he hated women.

It’s not like you need to be Sherlock Holmes, is it?

1. You’re looking forward to the advent of sex bots.
2. You’re expecting women to have a strong reaction to this and you can’t wait to see it.
3. You can’t possibly be expecting women to be delighted as you’re talking about a robot replacement for them.
4. I don’t think there’s a 4, that was pretty much it. Yeah, not difficult.

9 years ago


Re: Real Humans – iiiinteresting, we’ve been learning Swedish, this might be something to bear in mind for when we can vaguely follow conversation… assuming it’s in Swedish, of course.

Professor fate
Professor fate
9 years ago

being somewhat of a geek – the talk of sexbots always reminds me of the first episode of Ghost in the Shell The Stand Alone Complex where the opening crisis is that the Geisha robots at a party for big wigs have gone berserk and are holding hostages and killing people.
Cheerful prospect it is not.

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