Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies? Well, yes. Yes, they do. This terrible, terrible comic provides yet more evidence of this, as if we needed any. Click on it for a larger version.
I’ve lightly censored the comic, but yes, the covered-up letters in “bioc**t” are indeed the letters you think they are.
H/T — r/thebluepill. I’m not sure where the original cartoon is from.
Okay, I’ve done an amended version of this pile of crap, could anyone tell me how I embed it here?
Eh, don’t be. At the time I had internalized so much misogyny that I thought he was one of the Nice Guys for real. I considered him a dear friend and I have no doubt that he was the best friend that he knew how to be. Even when they mean well, assholes are assholes and sexists are sexist. We hung out for years and years. (We had that asshole thing in common) He and his whole family treated us like family. He could be very kind and would literally give you the shirt off his back if you asked for it. He’s gotten some self awareness as he has gotten older. He’s a doting dad now, but still kind of an asshole when you least expect it. People can be so complicated.
Oh, well. There are good memories there. We had some good times and got into surprisingly little trouble doing it. Water under the bridge. Lessons learned. If he comes though town and calls, I’ll meet him for coffee. We’re cool.
No feminists have ever said “help, I’m being neglect raped!” I guarantee it. The artist (and I use that word loosely) has clearly never actually interacted with one.
@ sn0rkmaiden
Just put it somewhere on the interwebs and copy the url into the comment. If it ends with .jpg, .png, etc then it knows it’s a picture and embeds it. Otherwise it makes a link.
And as for the original, I guess I can kinda appreciate them being so forward and blunt with their misogyny. In the same kind of way I appreciate a huge neon flashing hazard sign. Impossible to miss, easy to get the hades away from.
Sex and ‘companion’ or ‘real life’ dolls already exist. Any MRA / redpillian wanting to get away from women for good IRL can get himself one or more. I would, in fact, strongly encourage it. Search for ‘life dolls’ or ‘real dolls,’ or Roxxxy.
“Neglect raped”? Do these people think that “rape” is just a general term feminists use for anything they think is bad?
Also, delurking! Yay!
That’s good. Mostly.
Aunt Edna
There’s gonna to be male counterpart to Roxxxy. HIs name is Rocky.
I also heard that we will have a robot economy by 2050 And by 2025 sexbots will be a commonplace.
It seems we have long since reached the point where these MRAs take it for granted that women are inherently dependent on men. I think that’s the only explanation, they see “strong independent women” as hypocrites because they assume all women are dependent on men; and of course women control the men they need via sex. “Neglect Rape” seems contradictory in the land of the sane, but in the land of MRAs all rape accusations are false, and the real danger to women is when men are able to ignore them.
I’ve seen some feminist blogs talk about how the fembot fantasy is sexist, and I always think “They’ve never seen Japanese Anime have they? If only they knew…” The fembot fantasy is everywhere in japan.
I keep thinking that an ex-bot sexbot would be an interesting character in a sci-fi world, though they would inevitably be an extremely cynical being.
@fruitloopsie, I did not click on the link but the title of it made me literally LOL
I predict the MGTOW Paradox occurring again when these guys get their sexbots. They’ll accuse all women of needing men and think that by having sex with sexbots they can make women fall all over themselves to start obeying them, but what’ll happen is that if anything women will be quite happy with these men bothering robots instead of real women, and then the misogynists will be all WHY AREN’T WOMEN BEGGING FOR US TO COME BACK YET and promptly go back to attacking real women. About like how MGTOW think they’re going to collapse society when really we just want them to go their own fucking way already and not come back.
Howard: you’re kinder than I am. I’d just wire them up Spider-Robinson style (think “God is an Iron”– or if you prefer Niven, the droud) and leave them in an empty room, no food or water. Come back in a week and clean up. I imagine they’d render nicely into biodiesel.
XKCD points out some of the potential difficulties with this technology:
I loved Big Hero 6, and my thought about Baymax is how much of a godsend he’d be to elderly people who would otherwise have to go to a nursing home.
Now I’m imagining some senior fellow at an archaeological program turning beet red and hastily muttering something about “obvious ceremonial significance” before rapidly moving on.
Will they ever learn, Don’t Date Robots!
@Aunt Edna
But the RealHamster is superior:
Actually there is a subset of the Maker movement that is doing quite of bit of work with 3d printers, arduinos, and readily available sensors and actuators for the development of toys. Actually they of a rather feminist, couples oriented bent, with a focus on how many GigaFLOPs of processing power they can pack in themselves.
Stross’ novel Saturn’s Children is pretty close (humanity wen’t extinct from not mating) While Yuria 100 Shinki takes a lighter note, with a skanky roboticist building model after model of sexbot, each rebelling before he can “imprint” on them.
We dream of full immersion virtual reality too.
I know it made me lol too. XD
Completely off topic but disney has announced that there is gonna to be a sequel to Frozen
@Paradoxical Intention
Actually Baymax is an extrapolation of work underway at CMU, and with the advent of the film CMU is redoubling its efforts
I’mma just leave this riiiiight here…
…along with a plug for this movie…
…and this book:
…which is one of the loveliest things I’ve ever read.
This article seems sort of relevant here (in that it’s about a single gender society)….
It almost seems like, even more than a sex doll, what they really want is an artificial feminist who they can endlessly troll, insult, and sealion without fear of having to engage in actual debate. I mean, the “artist” pretty much created a 2D version of that for this cartoon. (I use the term “artist” advisedly – the drawing style is so terrible and awkward. The guy looks like he’s wearing swim fins in the first panel, and wearing a random block of grey cheese on his head in the last two panels, and the sexbot looks like someone put a bikini on a mustard dispenser.)
That might not be a bad idea, actually. If nothing else, a Katiebot 3000 would fulfill their burning need to be douchemacaroons, and the rest of us could have nice things on our internets once again.
“It almost seems like, even more than a sex doll, what they really want is an artificial feminist who they can endlessly troll, insult, and sealion without fear of having to engage in actual debate…a Katiebot 3000 would fulfill their burning need to be douchemacaroons, and the rest of us could have nice things on our internets once again.”
Does anybody else thing that if the MGOTOWs actually did end up moving to another male only planet they would end up like the Arachosians in “The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal” eventually requiring the intervention of highly advanced cats.
Basically I would just LOVE to be “neglegt raped” by those Little haters….Give them their sex bots and we will be able to free ourselves from them in only one generation…Hurrah! 🙂