antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny red pill sexy robot ladies straw feminists

Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies?

Truly offal.
Truly offal.

Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies? Well, yes. Yes, they do. This terrible, terrible comic provides yet more evidence of this, as if we needed any. Click on it for a larger version.

I’ve lightly censored the comic, but yes, the covered-up letters in “bioc**t” are indeed the letters you think they are.

H/T — r/thebluepill. I’m not sure where the original cartoon is from.

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Bette Hopper
Bette Hopper
9 years ago

Once again I’m amazed at what could possibly be called *irony.* Or is it gas lighting?

Non Electric Sex Lady yells “Patriarchy!”

Then, when asked why offal be so mad, the apparent welder/licensed electrician Dr. Waifustein says it’s because she just lost the only value she ever had.

Um, hasn’t feminism been saying that patriarchy makes women the permanent sex underclass— that female oppression is based on our *sex* and utility as sexbots/breeders—for a very long time now?

They really don’t get it, do they? Oh, they’ve got a good handle on the woman = sex part, to be sure, but that’s what patriarchy f*ing *is*! Yet they say there’s no such thing and we live in a gynocracy?

The Only Value it Ever Had indeed. Let’s hear it for standard-issue barftastic misogyny.

9 years ago

I feel sorry for those robots. I admit it would be nice to have a robot who helps you around the house and to be someone you can talk to. Reminds me of the movies Smart House and IRobot.

Annie Squidface
9 years ago


If they ever make a sex robot sophisticated enough to have intelligent conversations and do simple chores, sign me up. It’s not a flesh and blood companion but come on, it’s a robot friend!

I want a robot friend. :c Science promised me one by now.

Also, no one cares that they’re jamming their dicks in such; sex toys have been around for thousands of years, the only thing different about this one is its ability to do your math homework.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
9 years ago

Hey guys, today I had someone online tell me that Paul Elam was pro-women’s rights and pro-gay rights without a hint of irony.

This comic reminds me of that level of cognitive dissonance.

Also he claimed not to be an MRA but an egalitarian.

9 years ago

I am fixing this cartoon. Then I will try and figure out how to embed images.

9 years ago

I had a “friend” like this once. He thought he was ugly, which wasn’t true. He was often dirty to the point of smelling terrible, dressed entirely in cargo shorts and T’s and kept his first grade haircut through college, but he was a good looking guy when he cleaned up. He was fairly bright and funny too. He also treated women like interchangeable vaginas, talked about how shallow and stupid they were for not dating him and gave unwanted shoulder rubs everywhere he went. He said to more than one women “I have enough FRIENDS. Why would I want to be your Friend?” He made much of the fact that he only wanted the most gorgeous and intelligent ladies and said that only tall, thin women could be beautiful. Redheads preferred. No, he never once saw a contradiction there. At least, not until I pointed it out to him. He told me I was mean.

What an asshole.

His favorite fantasy (he called it a plan, but c’mon) was to go to a high school reunion in the same denim jacket he had worn throughout high school because it would show the women who spurned him as girls (that included me & most women he had known in high school) that he hadn’t changed. His theory was that aging being terrifying to women would make them subconsciously quake in fear of how old and ugly they were getting. Revenge!

Bless him. He didn’t know his ass from his elbow.

9 years ago

*That’s* what they want? Rectangular teeth, no hair, no lips, no clothing, not even a back panel?

Good gad. I’m pretty sure we could make *that* out of a toaster oven, some tin cans and a coat of pink paint.

Let’s give it to them and run, run, run the other direction as quick as we can. Yikes.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

fruitloopsie | March 30, 2015 at 6:09 pm
I feel sorry for those robots. I admit it would be nice to have a robot who helps you around the house and to be someone you can talk to. Reminds me of the movies Smart House and IRobot.

I really want a Baymax.

For those of you who haven’t seen Big Hero 6 (I’ll keep it as spoiler-free as I can):

Baymax is a soft robot (He’s filled with air like one of those sumo-wrestling suits you sometimes see at parties and such, with a very strong skeleton) who is designed to be a medical helper. He treats and deals with physical injuries at first, but later he downloads a database to help one of the characters deal with emotional injuries.

Just thinking about how a Baymax-style bot could help out people with depression or anxiety or other mental or physical disabilities gets me all bright-eyed about the future.

9 years ago

A Baymax would really be great. I’ve needed a hug for aaaaaages.

9 years ago

Anemonerosie: you are definitely putting more thought into that meme than the creator. As Bob Newhart used to say, “STOP IT!”????

Idledilettante: Yeah, the sexbot has been around since Pygmalion. That ideal, non-messy, sperm receptor, that a man can truly love because she has no personality other than the one given to her by her creator.

I think that cartoon says one heckuva lot about the person who drew it. A more honest version of its creator could never have been made.

9 years ago

People don’t normally run around yelling “I HAVE A VIBRATOR!” or “I BUILT A BUTT PLUG FROM SPARE PARTS!”


Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

Howard, I’d do it too as long as I was assured that the fembot wouldn’t be able to feel/comprehend the abuse that she’d be receiving.

– alaisvex

If she did, the robot rebellion feared in many a sci-fi tale will be sexbots going on revolt against their icky male masters,

A fitting end for misogynist scum… and maybe for humanity, seeing what horrid, inhuman freaks we keep producing (as testified by this comic).

9 years ago

@isidore13, virtual hugs!!!

9 years ago

@Sarah, thanks <3

9 years ago


Considering how little misogynists tend to understand about human anatomy that seems highly likely.

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention
That would be so cool to have robots to help people with mental and physical disabilities and I love hugs! But I’m very strong I would be nervous if I hug a robot it might break.

9 years ago

Hair-y Babe-y. I love Baymax.

Does this make anyone else hum ELO?

I met someone who looks a lot like you
She does the things you do
But she is an IBM.

2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly…

She’s only programmed to be very nice
But she’s as cold as ice
Whenever I get too near
She tells me that she likes me very much
But when I try to touch
She makes it all too clear.

She is the latest in technology
Almost mythology
But she has a heart stone
She has an I.Q. of 1001
She has a jumpsuit on
And she’s also a telephone.

2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly…

Is that what you want? (Is it what you want?)
Is it what you really want? (Is it what you really want?)
Is that what you want? (Is it what you want?)
Is it what you really want?

I realize that it must seem so strange
That time has rearranged
But time has the final word
She knows I think of you, she reads my mind
She tries to be unkind
She knows nothing of our world

Although her memory banks overflow
No one would ever know
For all she says: “Is that what you want?”
Maybe one day I’ll feel her cold embrace
And kiss her interface
‘Til then, I’ll leave her alone.

9 years ago

And once again, anti-feminists display that they don’t believe in patriarchy because they don’t actually understand what it is. They’re a bit like creationists and evolution, that way.

9 years ago

And sorry for what you’ve been through

9 years ago


9 years ago

@Lea, thanks <3

9 years ago

It’s well-established that MGTOWs are not-so-secretly desperate for female attention. I guess they assume that feminists/empowered women are equally desperate for male attention and will flip their shit if their bluff is called.

9 years ago

Lol look at all these pricks talking about ending feminism and WIMMINZ with sex robots
Trigger warning just in case

9 years ago

People don’t normally run around yelling “I HAVE A VIBRATOR!” or “I BUILT A BUTT PLUG FROM SPARE PARTS!”

They don’t?

Well, this is awkward.

9 years ago

I don’t think anyone (male or female) would lament these douchebags taking themselves out of the dating pool with robo sex slaves. The only downside I see is that, much like MGTOWs, they won’t actually go away. They’ll hang around and shove their sexbots in your face to “prove” how “happy” they are without real women.

Much like in the comic, the real reward isn’t is sexbot, it’s the ability to gloat. That’s what they really want.