antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny red pill sexy robot ladies straw feminists

Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies?

Truly offal.
Truly offal.

Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies? Well, yes. Yes, they do. This terrible, terrible comic provides yet more evidence of this, as if we needed any. Click on it for a larger version.

I’ve lightly censored the comic, but yes, the covered-up letters in “bioc**t” are indeed the letters you think they are.

H/T — r/thebluepill. I’m not sure where the original cartoon is from.

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9 years ago

Now Zolnier, you KNOW women can’t science, right? That’s what they keep telling us anyway. *goes off whistling to job involving actual science*

9 years ago

I edited the comic to make it . . . mmmmore realistic (couldn’t think of a better title, so I left it as is).

9 years ago

Now I’m imagining some senior fellow at an archaeological program turning beet red and hastily muttering something about “obvious ceremonial significance” before rapidly moving on.

You joke, but that’s literally what happens. Stone-age dildos have probably been known for as long as stone-age arrow heads, but it’s only recently that (male) archaeologists have been accepting them as dildos instead of “Ceremonial items” or “Fertility idols” or blah-de-blah FEMALE ORGASM DON’T REAL.

(Sorry if this has been said already. Huge thread!)

9 years ago


… LOL. Love it.

9 years ago


9 years ago

OT @Alan Robertshaw–I am in Manchester today, and a few minutes ago was introduced to a young man wearing a waistcoat and pocket watch with the explanation, ‘he’s from Yorkshire.’

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ guest

Ha, brilliant!!!!

Actually, that explanation covers sooooo many things.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Vix

I swore to myself I’d never use this phrase…. but…..

You win an internet.

9 years ago

Dunno if anyone’s already mentioned this, but he called his sex-bot “Everpeach 1.0″… Not a human-sounding feminine name, but something that sounds like a synthetically-cultivated fruit farmer’s product. Even the computer that calculates Premium Bond wins has a humanised acronym (ERNIE).

Why build something humanoid that can recognise human emotions and formulate complex situation-specific sentences, but only use it for fucking? If he just wanted to masturbate with it, why devote so much effort to its programming, and not to its outward appearance? It totally invalidates his statement that women’s only value is in sex, otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered with being able to hold a conversation with his robot-wife.

All MRAs are completely unreliable narrators.

Also, I can’t stop thinking that the cartoon dude looks like Glenn Quagmire. Same smirk.

9 years ago

He needs something to validate his stupid opinions.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Re: Everpeach…is that some gamer reference to Peach from Mario Bros?

9 years ago

Why don’t these fucknozzles just buy a real doll instead of whining about not getting laid? They are looking for something, not someone, to fuck. A real doll never gets older, doesn’t require consent and is easily replaceable. It would be perfect for them. And us. The population of douchecanoes would be significantly reduced in a generation.

9 years ago

@because reasons

Either that or the (well, one of the millions of) slang word for vagina.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Ugh, gross.

9 years ago


Heh heh, down my neck of the woods the response would be “That’s so Brighton” or “He’s from Shoreditch”. Bless the south-east trend brigade.

Sofia del Flores
Sofia del Flores
9 years ago

Actually, a lot of feminists would be fine with lonely people using sexbots as long as said sexbots are not sentient.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Misha

When I moved to Hoxton it was as rough as arseholes. Within a couple of years though it became the trendiest place on the planet (I like to think there’s a connection). I knew it had peaked though when I saw someone wearing a t-shirt.

On the front it had the relevant section of the “A-Z” annotated with “You are here”.

On the back it said “Now fuck off back to Shepherd’s Bush”

Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

As long as said sexbots are not sentient I have no problem with people using them.

9 years ago

🙂 well he really was from Yorkshire (I heard him talk)…. In a comment thread here a while back Alan Robertshaw, who mentioned that he’s from Yorkshire himself, insightfully pointed out that Yorkshire people are the original and authentic steampunks (they just never saw any reason to move on from the Victorian glory days, I guess).

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

“they just never saw any reason to move on from the Victorian glory days, I guess”

Yup, if it wasn’t for our civilising influence (and the Humber Bridge) folks in Derbyshire would still be painting themselves blue and hiding from eclipses.

9 years ago

“Now fuck off back to Shepherd’s Bush”

Nothing said today or in the foreseeable future is going to top this. I hurt myself laughing.

Actually, I may stand corrected – Mr M just popped in and wanted to know what was going on in the world of the Mammoth. I scrolled up to show him the cartoon.

He glanced at it, looked confused and said, “Why is Cameron involved?”


Now I too cannot stop seeing a likeness between the comic’s ‘protagonist’ and the British PM.

9 years ago


Literally as I write this there is a twenty something year old man walking past, wearing a pirate style eyepatch and doing yo-yo tricks 90s style.

I live in ‘Backwards Devon’.

(ooooh arrrrrr farrmerrrrr)

9 years ago

wearing a pirate style eyepatch and doing yo-yo tricks 90s style.

Sweet combine harvesters!

9 years ago


Ironically, that bot appears to not actually have genitals. I guess her creator just likes cuddling. Also I love how he must’ve specifically programmed the phrase bioc*nt into its memory. Wait what’s that thing that’s nothing like love?

Actually this thread has given me an idea. In a novel I’m working on a society leaves most of its child rearing to AIs. Now I have an origin for them, nanny/sexbots who decided they wanted custody of the kids they were raising.

Thanks for that thread!

9 years ago

Zolnier, that would also influence the children. Being raised by an AI would affect how you view humans, I think. Whether it’s good or bad is another question.

In Harlan Ellison’s Chocolate Alphabet, there’s a vignette about a man raised by AIs, who as a result never learned what humans wanted. The outcome was unpleasant.