Do Misogynists Dream of Electric Sex Ladies? Well, yes. Yes, they do. This terrible, terrible comic provides yet more evidence of this, as if we needed any. Click on it for a larger version.
I’ve lightly censored the comic, but yes, the covered-up letters in “bioc**t” are indeed the letters you think they are.
H/T — r/thebluepill. I’m not sure where the original cartoon is from.
Now, neglect is a form of abuse, yes. Neglect can even be deadly. But it is not a form of sexual assault. It’s sort of the opposite of a sexual assault, really.
Is she trying to say that she’s being neglected without her consent? Because that’s one of the reasons that neglect is a form of abuse.
… I think I’m over-thinking this.
I can’t take anything that uses the word “waifu” seriously. No matter what the message is.
I don’t think they even used the term “waifu” on ‘archer’ to refer to Doctor Krioegers Holo-bride
That’s…that’s their ideal woman? With the head plungers?
Okay…so the comic attempts to justify the existence of sex robots because “herr herr, feminists are whiners and hypocrites”.
You know, I’m okay with fleshlights and vibrators and all that, but creating something that attempts to mirror a real person like a sex robot does seems to have at least a few potential problems if it were implemented.
Daily reminder that the myth of passive, subservient robot waifus who exist to serve men’s pleasures is one of patriarchy’s most fucked up control fantasies.
And then misogynists go extinct within one generation…
Which is fine by me 😀
You know, I think it would be for the best if guys who would use words like “bioc**t” did make a doll and left women alone. They are not exactly relationship material. Women will just continue on their way not worrying whether their “value” has depreciated or not. Besides we are not the ones obsessed about “market value” of human interactions. Good luck with that boys.
It’s gross and creepy, but frankly I’d rather that gross creepy guys go masturbate in gross creepy ways than hang around in public harassing actual women.
Where is this comic supposed to be taking place? In the guy’s house? the woman’s house? A street corner? I can’t quite come up with an answer that makes sense. If it’s his house, then rock on weird welding misogynist guy and remember to lock the front door so random badly drawn cartoon ladies can’t wander in and disturb you anymore. If it’s not, why is he standing around showing off his sex toy in public? Isn’t that kind of disgusting? People don’t normally run around yelling “I HAVE A VIBRATOR!” or “I BUILT A BUTT PLUG FROM SPARE PARTS!”
God, even when they’re fantasizing about their sex robots they can’t go five seconds without crying “Look at me are you looking do you miss me yet women oh god?!?!” to real life women. These guys would all waste their money on a sex bot collection that they’ll never even enjoy. They’ll just keep them shut down in the closet until they think a real woman might walk by the house so they can parade them outside for attention.
“Neglect raped”? Sounds like something our incel troll on the other thread might say.
Honestly? If I could I’d give every misogynist a “robot waifu”. Then perhaps they’d leave real women alone.
Howard, I’d do it too as long as I was assured that the fembot wouldn’t be able to feel/comprehend the abuse that she’d be receiving.
If dudebros want to build sexbots, then we feeemales can too. :3
Or we could go around with the majority of men who aren’t ginormous sacks of moldy, fetid cheese, or people of other genders who aren’t repulsive or unpleasant in personality, and have fun by ourselves.
Thanks for filtering yourselves, guys!
You know, that’s a good point. If all the men make sexbots because they’re tired of dealing with us, what’s to stop all the women who are exclusively attracted to men from doing the same?
(In all seriousness, though, not looking to replace real people with robots. Just pointing out a flaw in their plan.)
My takeaway from the cartoon is not that we have to start being nice to these snarky, vicious dudes or they’ll replace us with a truly inanimate sex object. It’s more that they’re so fucking pathetic, no real flesh-and-blood woman wants them anymore…so they build an inferior substitute, and then get even THAT wrong. They can’t even grasp that a mechanical bride isn’t, in fact, intelligent enough to ask “why” questions, much less regard a woman as her inferior (and call her ugly, jealous-sounding names, too)!
I believe it is known as the Hitachi Magic Wand. Haven’t tried it, but apparently it will rock one’s world. And you don’t have to buy it dinner! Yet somehow, many women still seem to enjoy hanging out with actual men. Just as normal men usually enjoy being with actual women.
Normal straight and/or bi men, anyway.
I saw this on the MGTOW reddit account and they have decided yes this will definitely happen yay! Followed by some ridiculous idea that ‘neglect rape’ is a thing in feminist circles. They keep repeating how you may not believe it but they believe it sans references. FYI.
It’s as if they’ve never actually met a woman or even read a book about women that didn’t have glossy pictures of titties in it.
People have had sex toys for a while now. They aren’t new and they don’t scare women. Many of us quite like them.
From wikipedia:
Why do these men think anyone cares about their boners as much as they do? How many women do they expect us to believe they are currently fucking on the regular? It must be very physically demanding for them if should that boning end it would cause a terrifying cock shortage. I guess no one told them about the silicone ones that come in different colors, shapes and sizes.
No one tell them about fucking machines and the dizzying array of vibrators. I fear it will crush their hopes entirely and what else do they have? Poor little puddins.
In the final panel, the cartoon woman’s speech bubbles should read:
“So, does this mean you’re going to stop making creepy passes at me and calling me a slur when I don’t sleep with you?”
“And now you’ll leave me alone?”
“And never bother me again?”
[quote]Howard, I’d do it too as long as I was assured that the fembot wouldn’t be able to feel/comprehend the abuse that she’d be receiving.[/quote]
Well, yeah, I agree with you. If said robots were actual sentient beings I wouldn’t let the misogynists touch them with a ten foot clown pole.
And gay guys, too. Just because they don’t plan on sexing us doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy our company…
I don’t understand why the feminist is angry. My reaction would be something like, “that’s interesting, I guess. how do you know the moving robot parts won’t malfunction and crush your penis?”
So much awful in such a small picture… blerg.