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A Voice for Menners attack one woman for her topless pics, then defend another woman for HER topless pics

Today's post requires an extra-large Don Draper "what" gif
Today’s post requires an extra-large Don Draper “what” gif

The other day, you may recall, I wrote about a little slut-shaming campaign that a number of A Voice for Men staffers, including top banana Paul Elam, were waging against a former AVFMer who’s turned into a critic of the site. Her crime? She had put some topless photos of herself online — or, to be more precise, had sent them to someone who’d passed them along to others.

The horror.

Now Elam and his AVFM buddies have launched a campaign to frame feminists for allegedly getting topless photos of the pseudonymous AVFM “social media director” Janet Bloomfield taken down on Facebook.

Yep. That’s right. They’re not mad at feminists for putting up topless photos of Bloomfield. They’re accusing feminists of getting Facebook to remove them.

This bizarre little faux controversy started yesterday when Bloomfield posted a topless photo of herself on Facebook. Other AVFMers tweeted a link to her post on Facebook, directing some of their Tweets at a number of their least favorite online feminists, including Anita Sarkeesian, Amanda Marcotte, and me.




At the time, I was puzzled as to why Jack Barnes, a particularly rabid AVFMer who has me blocked on Twitter, felt it necessary to send me a link to a topless photo of his colleague. I figured the two of them were up to something, but I couldn’t figure out what.

Well, it now appears they were trying to gin up a controversy they could blame on feminism.

Because today, that picture was taken down by Facebook. Or perhaps by Bloomfield, who has a long history of dirty tricks, in an attempt to frame feminists for the takedown.

Who knows? What I do know is that AVFM’s flying Twitter monkeys are flitting about Twitter blaming “hateful feminists” for allegedly flagging Bloomfield’s pic. (Pics blurred because some of you access this blog at work.)

bluecollarAHblur attilaAHblur

You can’t make this shit up. Well, you could, but who would believe you?

Men’s Rights Activists, once again stranger than fiction.


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9 years ago

What’s really weird is the other MRAs in the Twittersphere who keep Tweeting at Janet Bloomfield’s suspended accounts, as if she still controls them. Both Vincer and Esmay include @judgybitch1 in their Tweets, an account which has been suspended for months now. Like, in case JB’s old Twitter is unsuspended, now they don’t have to worry about their JB related tweets being lost to posterity.

A JB unban from Twitter is pretty unlikely, thought. Even Janet Bloomfield alt accounts that didn’t reveal her real name (like @ArdReign last December) have been suspended from Twitter, the platform seems to have made a decision to ban her for good.

9 years ago

I feel like posting a smidge of brainbleach here. It’s a bit darker than usual, but I think it’s funny, even so:
comment image?oh=d7231b0afbe9afda2d1ed31ba2feb944&oe=557068F2&__gda__=1436781976_0d571619e71e3c0bff852000f15f33ff

9 years ago

So. At least now we know what PR means to JB. “PR,” to her, is when you orchestrate a public booby trap* for your enemies in an effort to defame them. Not… you know… positive outreach with the intent to bring awareness to your message. Truly, when her enemies sigh and ask “ok, what is JB up to this time,” she will know that her victory is assured.


9 years ago


1) violate a well-known site’s well-known ToS.
2) blame takedown of your content on your “enemies”
3) ?

Does FB allow pseudonymous accounts now? If so, that’s a shame. I thought the real-name thing was their big selling point. With pseudonymous accounts running riot, how’s it different than every other website full of anony-aholes? meh…

9 years ago

I guess these MRAs haven’t heard of Femen, body positivity activism, or these folks: (NSFW)

Also, when have MRas ever supported breastfeeding moms before? Those are the women who have fought loudest to post pics of bared breast on FB.
You know they haven’t. If anything, MRAs are the trolls who harass those women for showing their slutty baby feeding and bonding photos on their own pages.

9 years ago

I am so confused. If this is about framing feminists of flagging pictures, it is ridiculously transparent. Also, the whole point of women posting breast-feeding pictures is in response to women’s bodies being constantly sexualized. JB can post whatever she wants and no one should shame her for it, but posting a clearly sexualized picture in a post about pregnancies and breast-feeding makes no sense

9 years ago

Rosemary: Actually, I can even think of a legitimate reason for going so far as to do a sexualized pic in such a post. I can see a woman, just having had a baby, wanting to blast myths about how mothers are not sexy. But that’s also not what this is about. This is about JB thinking she’s clever, like the toddler in a roomful of adults who thinks that no one actually knows who pooped their pants.

9 years ago

Ok, well, that is totally bizarre. Just, what, exactly, are they trying to accomplish by sending topless photos of JB to feminists?

What are the thought processes that lead to “spreading nude photos of your co-worker around the Internet” seeming like a sound strategy to accomplish…whatever it was they were trying to accomplish?

None of this makes any sense at all and it makes my head hurt trying to parse it.

9 years ago

Looking closely at the FB page you posted I read, at the end of “Bloomfield”‘s explanation of the photo, something like “Come on feminists! Flag me! I dare you!” I can only imagine that she wanted her audience of disaffected men to ogle her body, but also needed some sort of excuse to disguise that, so she shoveled two layers of horse shit on top:

1. She pretended the photo was about motherhood (but the photo itself is so not about motherhood, so hypersexualized and photoshopped, FB took it down), and

2. She pretended her exhibitionism had some relevance to her ideology and threw in a provocation to the usual scapegoats for all her malicious mischief, feminists.

She’s going down in a flurry of bizarre behavior.

I would add her to the general AVFM meltdown.

9 years ago

I didn’t know JB just had a baby. I thought her kids were school aged now. Am I wrong? “Post baby body” suggests that she’s recently been pregnant and is sharing the changes in her body with other women who want to know more about the effects of pregnancy, not for MRAssholes to wank to and send to people who do not want to see her ta-tas. I don’t thinks she’s been pregnant recently.

She’s so full of shit.

9 years ago


She did not claim a photoshopped pic was meant to be illustrative of the effects of pregnancy on the body. Who would do that? No one is that…

9 years ago

She photoshopped her post pregnancy body? That is cheating.

I assumed she was posting pictures from years ago, why I can’t quite fathom.

Maybe some feminists should set up a facebook page campaigning in support of JB’s right to post titty pics? That would certainly confuse her.

9 years ago

Honestly, could she be more transparent? It’s all about the wanks with AVFMorons. They’ve already made it clear that they are not about any actual human rights activism of any description. They’re just a place where guys sit around drinking beer, playing poker, and shooting the shit. And occasionally staring at nude-lady calendars on the wall and making crude remarks about Miss November’s tits, apparently.

9 years ago

… Wait, are we sure it’s even her body and not just a random pic she pulled off the Internet a la the #NotYourShield socks? This is the queen of bad lies we’re talking about here.

9 years ago

“Why would feminists give a single, solitary happy rat’s behind about JBs boobs or who she shares pics of them with?”

They (avfm’ers and the likes) have never seemed to have a clear grasp of what wave of feminism they are infact fighting against, and it all just becomes a huge contradictive pile of sadlarity which makes no sense to anyone but them.

9 years ago

I think I’ve officially lost my ability to be offended by MRAs, because my reaction to the last several Mammoth posts, even the really horrifying rape-themed ones, has been a baffled, “That’s just… weird.”

And JB is quite possibly the weirdest of them all. Her bumbling schemes to frame feminists for various offenses are so detached from reality it’s hard to follow what she’s even trying to do. It’s pretty entertaining, but also, you know. Weird.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Shaenon | March 30, 2015 at 8:06 pm
I think I’ve officially lost my ability to be offended by MRAs, because my reaction to the last several Mammoth posts, even the really horrifying rape-themed ones, has been a baffled, “That’s just… weird.”

And JB is quite possibly the weirdest of them all. Her bumbling schemes to frame feminists for various offenses are so detached from reality it’s hard to follow what she’s even trying to do. It’s pretty entertaining, but also, you know. Weird.

They’re like Captain Planet villains at this point. : /

9 years ago

Now I’m going to imagine Horace Greedly whenever I read quotes from MRA’s.

9 years ago

Yeah, the fact that she included that ominous insinuation that feminists would have a problem with the photo shows that she and her followers have distorted the idea of feminism so far that the word is pretty much meaningless beyond “my opponents.” I hope she doesn’t actually believe that and is just manipulating her little minions for shits and gigs. Or maybe I don’t, I can’t decide which would be more comforting. It’s quite a bit like tagging your gun rally photos with #suckitCharltonHeston.

@freemage Hahaha, great bleach, thank you. And nice metaphor about pants-shitting as well.

9 years ago

With technology the way it is I’m surprised no one she knows irl has found her/her real name been revealed so far. That would suck for her, for sure

9 years ago

… sorry, why exactly is this “the feminists” and not just… you know… Facebook’s community guidelines? Aren’t feminists the ones who have always campaigned against the draconian limits on the female body that FB imposes? What proof do they have that the person, if any, who reported this image identifies as feminist?

Holy wow, this has “fake controversy” written all over it. “Nothing to be outraged about today?? Nonsense! I will MAKE something to be outraged about today!”

9 years ago


At the time, I was puzzled as to why Jack Barnes, a particularly rabid AVFMer who has me blocked on Twitter, felt it necessary to send me a link to a topless photo of his colleague. I figured the two of them were up to something, but I couldn’t figure out

They sent you something that made no discernible sense that left you mildly confused. Woah, what a burn! They sure tricked you, getting you to do nothing and not care.

I can’t even make out the blurry mess Attila is posting but he’s apparently very proud of it.

Attila L. Vinczer ‏@Alvhun 9h9 hours ago
@zergbitch @JustLaurenB @judgybitch @TakedownMRAs Love to defeat my adversary with their own biased logic/rules. Like Holy water on Daemean


9 years ago


Maybe some feminists should set up a facebook page campaigning in support of JB’s right to post titty pics? That would certainly confuse her.

That sounds like a great idea. I’m almost tempted to do it too. Not to confuse her, but to show how much feminists want her to have the right to do so if she wishes. As opposed to whatever it is she’s trying to ‘prove’ feminists ‘really’ want.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

I got it, I got it! What they really want is more wank material from people who were tagged. Sure, they publicly “hate” them, but secretly their lust for feminists burns uncontrollably. SO they came up with a plan: Have Just a Bitch post some noody pics and tag all the eeevil feminists they secretly desire. Being total dum-dums, they will surely think it’s just a new game and soon they will want to join in the fun! Why, I’m sure David has already taken a topless, provocative selfie to post on FB…admit it, David, you know they *want* you!

9 years ago

Hahaha 🙂
The sad thing is – based on the logic I’ve seen used – I can almost believe it.