The Cuckunist Manifesto
Dear shitlord “incels”,
This is and always will be my advice to you:
When all you think you have going for you is a “great personality” being an asshat of the highest standing (sitting?) isn’t much of a plan, is it? Also, stop thinking you are awesome because you imagine the people who make cool things are like you. Very few people are actually as whiny, self-involved, entitled and senselessly bitter as you are.
You think of yourselves as not being vain, but I’ve never read so much vanity as when I read sluthater/MGTW complaints and threats.You think so much of yourselves that you think you are owed access to other people’s bodies and that society will collapse if you talk a bunch of shit about the people who do not owe you access to their bodies. No “Chad” could compare to that sort of vanity. Knowing your abs look tight is isn’t vain. Knowing women like making love to you isn’t vain. Some people are better at certain things than other people and that’s nice. Hooray for happy people who like themselves!
Thinking the whims of your boner should dictate the raise and fall of civilization is fucking hubris.
If all you do is think of how pitiful and ugly you are, you are still only thinking of yourself. People don’t like to hang out with people that selfish. Low self-esteem doesn’t make you a good person. Not admiring you doesn’t make other people bad. If the only thoughts of other people you can muster is how much you hate them for not blowing you or for getting blown, you are the one with the problem and it isn’t that you joined a make believe darkside or that you’re too nice. It’s that you put you head up you ass and convinced yourself that the view is much better from that position because it’s all you, you, you, you. Grow up. Get some perspective. You aren’t being oppressed and for fucks sake, stop hanging out on sites that just make you feel uglier and more alone. They aren’t doing you any favors.
Oh, and if a woman does blow you before you start working on your issues, you better thank her profusely and send her all the flowers, because you are seriously repugnant. All those things you think you don’t owe women who do date you because you are so special? Respect, kindness, good company and fun? You do. In spades. You’re awful. Really. You should hand out Thank You cards to any woman who has to interact with you until you stop being such a hateful bigot. The day you stop being “that guy” you can stop.
According to most MRA’s, you technically were cheating…on your future husband. You shouldn’t sully your vagina riding the cock carousel! You need to stay virtuous and pure…unless some dude asks you to pleasure him. Then you shouldn’t be such a prude. Brad Pitt isn’t to blame, he’s a victim too. Wimminz has all the ebils.
Adding my short man love to the pile.
I’m ashamed to say I have oogled Daniel Radcliff because he’s so much younger than me, but I can’t look away. He’s too beautiful. Will …not …my …own.
I have short son. It is an issue. He doesn’t want to be little because he contains multitudes and wants to look on the outside like he feels on the inside. He has also already internalized the idea that small is bad when you are a boy. (That means he probably already knows being big is a bad thing for girls.) I make sure to pick up comics and books for him that have characters that he can see himself in. Teen titans Go!, The Ranger’s Apprentice and Star Wars appeal to him. It’s a process, but he’s already coming around to the idea that he’s pretty fucking marvelous as he is. His dad reads him Ranger’s Apprentice and he loves the main character because he sees himself in him. That’s important to kids. (It’s almost as important to adults.) He likes to watch parkor videos and his confidence is growing.
Trouble brew’n.
My husband isn’t attractive just because of his height or his baby blues and roguish smirk. He’s attractive because he’s the kind of guy who buys flowers for nuns. That’s not a metaphor. He felt a nun he worked with was feeling unappreciated last week, so he got her flowers.
The heart, she melts.
@MaxineHeadroom –
I love love love your cat Chad! He looks just like my cat Carson, roan belly and all!
Carson is female but someone at the shelter thought she was a boy kitty and gave her that name. She actually is very dominant and acts like a tom and likes to boss our other kitties around. She’s sweet with humans though.
My wife got married in red because I was her second husband and she felt that white would be essentially fraudulent.
And I was very very far from her second lover – by all accounts (or rather specifically hers) she rode the cock carousel for all it was worth in the years following her divorce.
Have a guess how bothered my face looks?
@Basiorana “ex-military” + “also very respectful of women” + “the only guy in a group of about 20 who shut the other guys down for making misogynistic statements.”
Love it, love it, love it. What branch? US Army here. Still regrettably a lot of sexism in the U.S. Army but we fight it. Disrespect, harass or assault your fellow soldiers and you’ll be court-martialed. Good.
My own personal beliefs and actions would make me (I hope) among the worst of manginas according to MRAs. Not built like a tank, but (if I do say so myself) damn well ripped (Crossfit + hot yoga + 258 last Army PT test at 45 years old – yeah, yeah, I know 258 ain’t that great in the big Army but hey in a Reserve unit it’s actually damn good)….on last BA with my reserve unit were doing battle drills in the field – males and females in the same squads and fire-teams. When taking my turn as squad leader BOTH of my team-leaders (one male and one female) were moving their fire-teams with the most awesome expertise I have seen in a long time. The f-ers who whine about women taking away from men usually have never served with them in a real capacity.
I love how MGTOWs and some other species of MRAs lecture all other men on traditional masculinity and manliness and just assume that if we’re feminists we must be emasculated blobs who don’t lift like big bad manly-men. Yet THEY rarely measure up to their own standards for masculinity when, ironically, many men who ACTUALLY LIKE WOMEN do.
@because reasons
Yes, if they are calling themselves “manlets” and they think the term is negative then that does indeed suggest self-esteem difficulties.
In the PUA world there is much talk about “manlets” as an indicator of our society’s shying away from validation of masculinity. But they miss that — *even by traditional standards* — there is more than one way to be define and express masculinity. After all, our culture has always had multiple types of masculine archetypes. *Women* and well as men who have observed and written about masculinity and its various manifestations have of course validated the notion that there’s a multitude of different ways to express gender and still “be a man”. What all this gets at, in my mind, is that the ways of one expressing oneself that THEY reify into the “manlet” concept are, in real life and in the minds of others, probably include just as legitimate expressions of masculinity as anything else (i.e. legitimate according to mainstream cultural standards,) Even CIS-gender manhood is actually more inclusive, extensible, and flexible than contemporary misogynists would have it..
Regulars in my yoga class include a (male) professional ballet dancer, a professional basketball player, soldiers (like me!), motorcycle-ridin’, truck-ownin’ “regular guys”, industrious successful business owners, and so on. All DUDES. Who like women. And who take their female yoga teachers seriously.
You know, even the Brad Pitt obsession is nothing other than the classic “She’s fucking someone other than MMMMEEEEeeeeeee!” complaint. To-wit: There is, in male geek circles (which, of course, overlap heavily with the manosphere), an unhealthy obsession with Angelina Jolie. Her stint as Lara Croft is the most obvious cause, though some of her other roles play a factor, too (there’s also the fact that she’s actually appeared full-nude in some early movies, incidentally providing wank-fodder for guys who search out just the clips). So, once again, they end up despising the guy who is having sex with the woman they want to have sex with.
I’m 5’6”, and I like shorter guys too! My boyfriend’s 5’8”, and he’s taught me the benefits of dating shorter men/men of average height. So much easier to kiss them, look into their eyes, dance with them, and do lots of other fun stuff too! Plus, high heels are honestly pretty annoying and uncomfortable when they’re higher than 2 or 3 inches.
Mr. FM is 5’7″, and if he forgets to stand up straight I end up being the taller of the two of us. His height has made his life a living hell of foreign travel, a broad range of interesting hobbies and a successful career to finance them, a long and fun bachelorhood, a fabulous yet modest wife, and two healthy children.
If only he’d been a few inches taller. Then maybe he could have made something with his life…
I was a young teenager when the Lord of the Rings movies came out, and for a while I was madly in love with Frodo – not just the actor Elijah Wood, but also the character in the book and in the bizarrely endearing Ralph Bakshi animated version. Hobbits are not supposed to be tall. And Frodo’s the main character but he’s not exactly “alpha.”
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
about the Chad thing – to use a literary term, I LOL’d!
@lea While you raise some interesting points, i do have issue with some of what you say.
‘having low self esteem doesn’t make you a good person’
Well it doesn’t make you a bad person either.
‘If all you do is think of how pitiful and ugly you are’
Here you’re putting the emphasis on the guy. What if he is ugly through some random genetic lottery? Saying that he ‘thinks’ makes it sound like it’s all in his head and there aren’t unfortunately ugly people out there. That if he sorted his issues he’d be attractive. This isn’t true. There are people out there who are unattractive and feel that they miss out on a lot of things most people take for granted.
This frustration has ironically led these guys to anti feminist, men’s rights sites. I say ironically because you’d think a less macho society, with less emphasis on traditional gender roles would benefit these guys.
The loneliness brought about by being less physically desirable than average is an issue that affects men and women equally. It is not just in people’s heads and can’t be fixed by positive or good thoughts and a better personality.
I say all of this as a man in his 30’s who is short, bald and has a skin condition on his face. Trust me when i say that life without ever having a significant other can lead to some dark thoughts and lot’s of jealousy of others. just because the guy is a misguided asshole doesn’t mean that his toxic personality is the only reason he can’t get a date. The world is shallower than most like to admit.
This is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive. If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. (The PayPal page will say you are donating to Man Boobz.) Thanks!
Sometimes dudes stop by this blog and drop entire manifestos in the comments. I thought I’d share this one with you all. I’ve highlighted some of the best bits.
Sorry, I’m not going to join your revolution. Which is a pity for you, because I could destroy Western Civilization in a snap BY SITTING ON IT.