
The Cuckunist Manifesto

A spectre is haunting sluts: The spectre of Chad
A spectre is haunting sluts: The spectre of Chad

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Sometimes dudes stop by this blog and drop entire manifestos in the comments. I thought I’d share this one with you all. I’ve highlighted some of the best bits.

Puahater/sluthater here to shake up this echo chamber. Look David, as an obese unattractive guy, why do you devote your life’s work to being a white knight for women who only want to fuck Chads and cuckold beta male boyfriends and hubbies? Join the dark side. I invite every beta male on this blog to join the dark side and fight for men’s rights together.

You want to know why I joined the dark side? Society has treated me like shit all my life because I’m an autistic manlet. Society made me who I am. And one day I woke up and decided that I was going to stop being subservient to a society that enslaves us and treats us like yesterday’s garbage. I decided to go my own way. I don’t owe society shit. We’re going to red pill as many men and female allies (like MRA Karen Straughan) as we possibly can. Every single one of you white knight beta cucks will be red pilled and see the truth. You’ll stop being white knights. You’ll stop being cucks. You’ll be disciplines and acolytes of the Red Pill church.

And together we will put our bodies upon the gears, the levers, upon all the apparatus until we make it all stop. Until western civilization collapses. If we all go our own way and drop out of society, society will crash. Society can’t function without beta males. If it wasn’t for beta male engineers, there would be no Tinder for sluts to hook up with Chads. You beta males. You are the difference in the world. Stop being cucks. And join us.

Society has done nothing for you David. You’re obese and ugly. No girl wants to fuck you unless she wants to use you for beta bux. You owe nothing to society. Join the dark side.

Why should we be nice to girls and pretend to take an interest in their lives when these bitches fuck Chad without a condom on the first date without any effort? Why should we buy bitches dinner and drinks. Wine and dine them and jump hoops in order to get laid when Chad gets it instantly and for free? Beta males need to boycott dating and boycott society.


Sorry, I’m not going to join your revolution. Which is a pity for you, because I could destroy Western Civilization in a snap BY SITTING ON IT.

giphyrimshotBONUS POINTS for anyone who can find the sentence in the above manifesto copied almost word for word from a famous speech by Mario Savio of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement in 1964. I mean, for anyone who can find it without clicking that link, which would sort of be cheating.

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9 years ago

Jenora Feuer: I think Chad also knows that if he wants to keep body building and maintain a professional career, he has to be as non-threatening as possible. He has to be Clark Kent, because if an employer or customer is scared of him he can’t be successful. But at the same time, if he wants to– like if he needs to intimidate some drunks at a bar or something– he can be SCARY.

So to these guys, they probably only encounter guys like Chad when they’re being assholes to women at bars, and Chad comes along and flexes and puts on Scary Face and says “She said to leave her alone,” and they assume that because Chad is an asshole to THEM it means he’s an asshole in general instead of a nice, loving guy who likes to work out but also isn’t gonna tolerate them being jerks to his female friends.

Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
9 years ago

Short men for the winnnnn.

A tiny bit of TMI, I’ve always had a bit of a fetish for short men, don’t know why. In a room full of people, I have always checked out the short guys first.

Of course, husband turned out to be a 6’2″ tree of a man. Because his height was *not* a dealbreaker! Go figure.

9 years ago

I know a guy named Chad. He’s tall and blonde, but he’s a blue collar factory worker who wouldn’t look out of place at a biker bar, and his two favorite hobbies are fantasy football and Dungeons & Dragons. He’s also married and has a poodle-schnauzer mix that he spoils rotten. I’m not sure where he fits on the alpha-beta dichotomy, but it doesn’t matter, because obviously alphas vs betas is a ridiculous way to categorize people.

Jenny (@dontgiveah00t)

It’s a shame that puahater probably won’t see any of the comments directed to him and won’t take them seriously if he does, because he needs the advice in some of them, desperately.

But unfortunately, he’s already decided that the problem with the world is everyone but himself, and as such he dreams of forcibly converting everyone to his way of thinking. You can’t help those who won’t help themselves. Yes, we autistic people often face lack of understanding and even cruelty from non-autistic people, but the fact that he complains about being discriminated against for being, in his own words, ‘an autistic manlet’ tells me that he’s angry that people around him don’t let him act however he pleases without consequences “BECOZ IVE GOT ORTISM”!

Oddly enough, it’s mostly autistic men who act like this, though I do know one autistic woman who has systematically managed to piss off even her most patient friends. I think maybe it’s to do with how men and women are socialised differently – women with autism are often more likely to try to moderate their behaviour if it bothers others, while men with autism called out on their behaviour tend to shrug and go ‘well that’s just who I am’.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

dudeinthewoods | March 29, 2015 at 1:04 pm
There actually was plans for a libertarian/rand/galt town in South America somewhere but it immediately turned into what you would expect.

I read that article, and it played out like a Chilean version of Bioshock. Many laughs were had.

For those who haven’t played that fun game: A man named Andrew Ryan wants to build a Ayn Rand style utopia under the ocean he calls Rapture. He feels like the government is limiting great people and stealing from them to benefit the “parasites” (read: poor workers).

There are “parasites” in Rapture, and they work to keep the city going and running. However, they get screwed by Ryan because he despises them so much, and they end up rallying around a man named “Atlas”, who promises them something better, who Ryan is desperate to catch, who the poor people protect, and no one knows anything about.

You show up to Rapture after everything has gone down, and you can see how everything’s just falling apart. It’s really pitiful and kind of karmatic.

Though I do feel a teeny bit sorry for those people who were scammed out of their money. :/

Only a teensy bit though.

9 years ago

A tiny bit of TMI, I’ve always had a bit of a fetish for short men, don’t know why. In a room full of people, I have always checked out the short guys first.

Of course, husband turned out to be a 6’2″ tree of a man. Because his height was *not* a dealbreaker! Go figure.

Well, you know the old saying: ‘Tis better to have loved a short man than never to have loved a tall.

Or something like that.

9 years ago

I’m stunned at the utter lack of self-awareness that you’d need to start a screed off intending to “shake up this echo chamber” and follow it with “…women who only want to fuck Chads and cuckold beta male boyfriends and hubbies?”… a sentence with such wretcched jargon (“Chads”? Really?) that it obviously only could have been developed within an echo chamber.

9 years ago

I couldn’t read that post without giggling madly because my big ol’ derp of a kitty cat is named Chad:

Evidently he gets pretty busy while I’m at work, according to that dude!

9 years ago

Chicks dig the Chad. He’s so cute and stripey and fuzzy!

9 years ago

RaikonL-“132 pounds Autist here. I get along in life very well, also with girls. I think this guy’s problem is that he is a major asshole.”

Yep. You are completely right. People seem to blame everything on autism now days, instead of actually taking responsibility for their shitty behavior. Which is down right offensive. As you pointed out, being autistic does not stop one from actually relating to people and have positive relationships with them (even though it does make being social a bit harder, but that is not insurmountable) and has absolutely nothing to with being an arsehole.

9 years ago

“We’re going to red pill as many men and female allies (like MRA Karen Straughan) as we possibly can”

Hhmmmm……I’d prefer not to take pills given to me by random strangers. They could contain anything….

9 years ago

Yes, and keep investing in bitcoin, because dystopian revolution/disaster is guaranteed to come with electricity and a functioning internet.

Oh man, there is nothing better than Randian types talking about how they’ll live like kings after the collapse of civilization because all their money is in Bitcoins. You think humanity can’t produce anything more delusional than gold hoarders, and somehow it comes up with people who are genuinely convinced that video-game currency a) is valuable, and b) can exist without electricity.

It never stops being hilarious, the idea that people with no useful skills to offer our current society will suddenly become hot commodities after the Breakdown.

It’s even more ridiculous: they’re people with skills that are only useful in a socially stable, high-tech society. You don’t get doctors, carpenters, cooks, or chicken sexers rooting for the collapse of civilization. It’s always computer technicians and day traders. It goes all the way back to Atlas Shrugged, in which somehow the people best suited to live in a post-apocalyptic world are executives at railroad companies.

9 years ago

Adam Sowa-It is obviously B-marketing a breakfast cereal. XD

Miss Andry
9 years ago

Way to make “the dark side” sound lame.

steampunked (@steampunked)

It’s not a predictor, but a friend of mine tends to state that it’s easier to tell the Autistic men from the NT men claiming to be Autistic by working out who is generally more polite:

The Autistic dude. Who has had to work incredibly hard to learn weird social rules in order to operate in society.

(She claims it’s less workable for women due to socialisation.)

9 years ago

Maybe it’s because I’d just finished a book by Nabokov (not Lolita, incidentally) when that particular screed showed up, but the first thing I thought of when I read “manlet” (a word so ludicrous, the best thing Autocorrect can figure is “manatee”) was the equally creepy male equivalent of “nymphet”, “faunlet.” Gross.

Men other than Brad Pitt are getting laid, but their wives/girlfriends/FWBs/polyamorous triads run off to sleep with Brad Pitt every time they turn around.

Now that I think about it, Brad Pitt is actually a pretty bad example of the “Chad” phenomenon. He divorced Jennifer Aniston for Angelina Jolie, so he could just as easily be an example of how “men like bad girls” and “nice girls finish last”. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have been committed for several years now, are known for their charity work, and are active parents of many children, including several adopted ones. So if MRAs want to whine about how Chads are jerks and women are stupid for choosing them…

Out of curiosity, has there ever been an MRA manifesto titled a “Man-ifesto”?

9 years ago


(from the article)

Mr. Valizadeh also notes that people have a powerful desire to form ingroups, and that the most natural grouping is race. “I believe these ingroups have a right to form and further their own interests,” he adds, but then he jumps the tracks: “The only problem with such nationalism is that the end game is subjugation or genocide of races deemed to be inferior. Race realism by white people leads to the idea that whites are the superior race and all other races are inferior (white nationalism).”

*spittake* Wait! Those last two sentences…did Roosh just say something that I almost* completely agree with? I can honestly say that I never thought that this day would come.

*The parts with which I disagree are his contentions that subjection or genocide of races deemed to be inferior is the only problem with nationalism and his use of the phrase “race realism” instead of racism.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Men other than Brad Pitt are getting laid, but their wives/girlfriends/FWBs/polyamorous triads run off to sleep with Brad Pitt every time they turn around.

Wait, wait, wait…

Isn’t that what polyamorous means? To have more than one lover (But of course, you can cheat in a polyamorous relationship if you’re being poly with someone the group doesn’t know about/approve of)? And aren’t FWBs just friends who have sex with you with no attachments or claims?

But, then again, we’re talking about assholes who would like to be polyamorous or FWBs just so they can go off and sleep with other people, but if their (most likely feeeemale) partner does it, she’s a cheating, lying slut and is just after your money and should be dropped like a sack of potatoes.

9 years ago

To be honest I too have experienced discrimination because of my autism, but that’s called ableism. Not universally the fault of “sluts” or some random guy named Chad. Seriously you guys need to communicate with actual human beings instead of basing your reality on some imaginary concept.

9 years ago


Short men for the winnnnn.

Oh my GOD I’m so happy to hear that. Hahaha. George Costanza will be relieved too.

9 years ago

I actually worked on Ugly Americans for a few episodes of season 1, had a nasty burnout workington season 2 though.

Twas a silly show.

I enjoyed it 😀

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Bless his angry little heart, trying to raise awareness for the plight of the manlets. Anyone who describes themselves so negatively obviously has no self-esteem and is probably very bitter, sad and (duh) angry. Not a giant leap to say most people who hate themselves don’t treat others too well. He’s swallowed a “pill” alright, the toxic masculinity pill. I don’t have much to add, but people like this just bum me out because once they’re so convinced that the whole world is against them, there’s almost no amount of compassion or education that can bring them back from “the dark side”.

9 years ago

Short men for the winnnnn.

Yes! I’ve always had the hots for short muscular guys, which uh… may have manifested as an obsession with the Dwarves of Tolkien’s Middle-Earth during adolescence. (Awkward geeky girl will get her hots in awkward geeky ways.) The man I married isn’t much for facial hair or axes, but he is a handsome and muscular 5’6″ guy who is just the right height for frequent kisses, shoulder rubs, and hand-holding. He has a soft, cushy belly and killer man-boobs, too.

It’s almost enough to make me suspect people are attracted to lots of different looks and body types and beauty is about more than a rigid sense of measurements, but nahhhh, that’s ridiculous, right? Better trust the angry shut-ins who by their own admission have zero experience with mutual desire and romantic relationships.

9 years ago

Out of curiosity, has there ever been an MRA manifesto titled a “Man-ifesto”?

There has been a “Men-ifesto” created by Indian MRAs, if that counts.

After writing MRA so many times over the last six months you’d think my phone would stop trying to correct it but no. Is my dear little Android being misandric?

9 years ago

dhag – lets not forget Neil.