
The Cuckunist Manifesto

A spectre is haunting sluts: The spectre of Chad
A spectre is haunting sluts: The spectre of Chad

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Sometimes dudes stop by this blog and drop entire manifestos in the comments. I thought I’d share this one with you all. I’ve highlighted some of the best bits.

Puahater/sluthater here to shake up this echo chamber. Look David, as an obese unattractive guy, why do you devote your life’s work to being a white knight for women who only want to fuck Chads and cuckold beta male boyfriends and hubbies? Join the dark side. I invite every beta male on this blog to join the dark side and fight for men’s rights together.

You want to know why I joined the dark side? Society has treated me like shit all my life because I’m an autistic manlet. Society made me who I am. And one day I woke up and decided that I was going to stop being subservient to a society that enslaves us and treats us like yesterday’s garbage. I decided to go my own way. I don’t owe society shit. We’re going to red pill as many men and female allies (like MRA Karen Straughan) as we possibly can. Every single one of you white knight beta cucks will be red pilled and see the truth. You’ll stop being white knights. You’ll stop being cucks. You’ll be disciplines and acolytes of the Red Pill church.

And together we will put our bodies upon the gears, the levers, upon all the apparatus until we make it all stop. Until western civilization collapses. If we all go our own way and drop out of society, society will crash. Society can’t function without beta males. If it wasn’t for beta male engineers, there would be no Tinder for sluts to hook up with Chads. You beta males. You are the difference in the world. Stop being cucks. And join us.

Society has done nothing for you David. You’re obese and ugly. No girl wants to fuck you unless she wants to use you for beta bux. You owe nothing to society. Join the dark side.

Why should we be nice to girls and pretend to take an interest in their lives when these bitches fuck Chad without a condom on the first date without any effort? Why should we buy bitches dinner and drinks. Wine and dine them and jump hoops in order to get laid when Chad gets it instantly and for free? Beta males need to boycott dating and boycott society.


Sorry, I’m not going to join your revolution. Which is a pity for you, because I could destroy Western Civilization in a snap BY SITTING ON IT.

giphyrimshotBONUS POINTS for anyone who can find the sentence in the above manifesto copied almost word for word from a famous speech by Mario Savio of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement in 1964. I mean, for anyone who can find it without clicking that link, which would sort of be cheating.

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Film Runner
Film Runner
9 years ago

The one thing, THE ONE GOLDEN SECRET these guys can’t wrap their head’s around, is that NO ONE WILL FUCK YOU, not because you’re a beta, BUT BECAUSE YOU’RE A JERK.

All this is just reminding me of something David Foster Wallace wrote about his problem with John Updike’s work once:

“Maybe the only thing the reader ends up appreciating about Ben Turnbull is that he’s such a broad caricature of an Updike protagonist that he helps us figure out what’s been so unpleasant and frustrating about this gifted author’s recent characters. It’s not that Turnbull is stupid — he can quote Kierkegaard and Pascal on angst and allude to the deaths of Schubert and Mozart and distinguish between a sinistrorse and a dextrorse Polygonum vine, etc. It’s that he persists in the bizarre adolescent idea that getting to have sex with whomever one wants whenever one wants is a cure for ontological despair.

And so, it appears, does Mr. Updike — he makes it plain that he views the narrator’s impotence as catastrophic, as the ultimate symbol of death itself, and he clearly wants us to mourn it as much as Turnbull does. I’m not especially offended by this attitude; I mostly just don’t get it. Erect or flaccid, Ben Turnbull’s unhappiness is obvious right from the book’s first page. But it never once occurs to him that the reason he’s so unhappy is that he’s an asshole”

9 years ago

Who is Chad? What’s a “manlet”? Man, have I been out of the loop lately.

9 years ago

Dear author of the manifesto,
As hard as society makes things for Autistic men, it is much harder on Autistic women. A lack of social graces is seen as somewhat excusable in men, not so in women. Our social faux pas are not as easily forgiven. Also, we usually aren’t diagnosed as early in life as males are. I didn’t receive a proper diagnosis until I was 19 years old, despite showing signs of an ASD as early as kindergarden. However, I have no plans to “Go Galt.”

P.S. I don’t think Chad Kroeger gets laid quite as easily as you think he does. Why are you so obsessed with his sex life anyway?

9 years ago

I know a Chad. He is, in fact, built like a tank. I am not a small person and he is twice my width in solid muscle. He kinda looks cartoonish in business suits, like you expect he has a Superman logo underneath. Ex military.

He’s also very respectful of women and has a wife and a small child whom he cares about extremely deeply. He was the only guy in a group of about 20 who shut the other guys down for making misogynistic statements.

Rule number one of getting laid in 2015: It does not matter what you look like. No woman younger than 35 will have casual sex with you unless you are at least able to pretend you are feminist.

9 years ago

I wonder if this guy was actually diagnosed as autistic, or if he self-diagnosed because it makes his inability to form relationships 1) not his fault and 2) a reason to blame “society” for its maltreatment of people like him. And, if so, does that mean that people (meaning men, of course) who have problems getting dates due to other unfortunate conditions (severe mental illness, disfigurement) should also rage against Western Civilization because it does not force attractive women to fall in love with them. In large numbers.

9 years ago


If you’re reading this, I’ll repeat what I said in the other thread.

It is wildly hypocritical to call women evil for wanting a date nicer than McDonald’s and then turn around and advocate for government sponsored rape.

If you think rape isn’t evil but wanting to dine in a restaurant is, you’re seriously fucked up.

9 years ago


I often wonder the same thing about these guys. I’m sure some manospherians are autistic but the sheer number of them who claim to be, and then use it as an excuse for their misogyny makes me suspicious. Many are likely using it as a synonym for socially awkward or pathologizing their bad behavior as a ploy to get sympathy and avoid being called out.

9 years ago

Oh man, I just noticed this post! That’s what I get for not refreshing the page.

Between this thread and the one it was originally posted in, I think all the main points have been covered, so I’ve not got anything significant to add.

Not that Puahater would read it, even if I did.

I do think that it’s hilarious that whether he got that quote from Linkin Park or Savio, he seems to have completely missed the point in both cases (freedom from tyranny =/= government mandated sex). Way to be the bad guy.

9 years ago

I developed a coping mechanism: every time I read about Chad, I picture Chad Michaels.

9 years ago

Who the hell is Chad???

9 years ago

What world do these guys live in? Have they ever seen any actual people? Because the people in my life are mostly average-attractiveness men and women, mostly married with a handful of singletons. There are no Chads getting all the women, there are no “betas” that no woman would look twice at, there are no evil sluts trying to fuck the Chads and take the betas’ money. All that crap….it’s imaginary. it just doesn’t happen.

They just seem to believe it because some rando with website said it, even though you can just LOOK AROUND in the real world and see that it isn’t true.

Confusing. Or sad. Both, I guess.

9 years ago

Point of order: Keanu Reeves is of British, Portuguese, Native Hawaiian, and Chinese ancestry.

I don’t know if he identifies as “white,” whatever that even means. But he certainly does have Hawaiian and Chinese heritage as well.

9 years ago

I actually worked on Ugly Americans for a few episodes of season 1, had a nasty burnout workington season 2 though.

And wow, these *hate dudes sure live up to their name.

9 years ago

Also can we just talk about how nice short men are for a sec, because you don’t have to strain or tippy-toe to kiss them? They’re just right there, kissable, all the time, no effort needed. So handy!

Short men for the winnnnn.

9 years ago

What is with all the Galt-esque delusions of grandeur that society rests on some superman’s shoulders? I actually would love for all those idiots to leave and form their own society so the rest of us can fix our infrastructure, improve our schools and social safety nets, and live in peace and harmony. Every person who has said this has struck me as completely embedded in our society, such that leaving it would mean loss of income and eventually wealth.

I would also like them to go see what living in their paradise would be like: how much it costs to take care of getting fresh, clean water, removing trash and sewage, getting from point A to point B without paying tolls to an individual because there is no such thing as ‘the commons’.

Also, what is with the obsession about society falling apart? This reminds me of all those rapture ready people thinking every person they dislike is the anti-Christ and the tribulation is coming any day.

I think some people cannot grasp that the society we have is a system that is the emergent property of millions of individuals making decisions based on laws, regulations, society norms, and sometimes flagrant disregard for them, not to mention accidents, inattentiveness, stupidity. This is going to result in a lot of messiness and people we disagree with.

Things I disapprove of happening in the world = the world going to hell in a hand basket.

I bet early homo sapiens was already complaining about “kids these days”, getting all uppity and leaving Africa, starting agriculture and not following in the traditional ways.

9 years ago

So chad is actually my given name. As if that name didn’t already carry enough douchebag baggage, now these buffoons are using it as the personification of their envy and entitlement?
I shoulda started going by my middle name years ago

9 years ago

There actually was plans for a libertarian/rand/galt town in South America somewhere but it immediately turned into what you would expect.

Turns out it was Chile.

9 years ago

Who the Hell are these “manlets”? Is that really every male under 5′ 10″? And who are these “chads”? The disputed part of the 2000 election? Is it true that scientists and computer programmers never have sex? Then where are more of them coming from? And why the obsession with blowjobs? Afraid something more mutually pleasurable will make wimminz uppity?

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

I’m actually kinda morbidly curious about what kind of civilization these incel guys want. What their ideal society looks like.
I’m also curious how “tearing down” current society would lead to whatever society they want, I mean; incels don’t strike me as the types who would do well “beyond thunderdome”.

9 years ago

Dude needs to get out of the house more.

9 years ago

David you really have these guys scared. I mean coming here to try and recruit you is pretty desperate and they often complain about you. I was talking with one of the MGTOW in a youtube comment thread and he was saying he has to watch these videos over and over to make sure he doesn’t “backslide”. I told him that he was being brainwashed and it was a cult he said he was ok with that because it helps him stay away from women and he has no control over himself. It was pretty sad and to me that is why they hate this blog because it represents men who are in control of themselves and who are good and decent people who are generally successful in life (by any metric I can think of) and that does not sit well with their world view (which of course is bs anyway) so they have to totally negate it and all of the comments it draws. I also note that many of them site being autistic as an excuse for giving up.

9 years ago

Manlet. Huh. Looking back on the thirty years since I left university, I realize that I’ve been ‘single’ in any meaningful way for about five of those years. I’m definitely not a Chad. Oddly enough, my husband probably would be considered one.

Some of these people make me think that if you hate yourself long enough, you start believing that everyone else does too. And that’s real(ly sad).

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Tssh, no wonder she left you man? McDonalds? Seriously? Burger King is a BILLION times better.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago

I know a Chad. He is, in fact, built like a tank. I am not a small person and he is twice my width in solid muscle. He kinda looks cartoonish in business suits, like you expect he has a Superman logo underneath. Ex military.

He’s also very respectful of women and has a wife and a small child whom he cares about extremely deeply.

Which is more common than some might think: a lot of big guys learn really early on how to control themselves and be non-threatening because they also learn early on how easy it is for them to hurt people if they lose their temper. And they don’t want to hurt people. (That, and the ones who do like to hurt people tend to get locked up pretty early on.)

Check out interviews with Andre the Giant, for example. One of the nicest guys you could meet.

The flip side of that, of course, is sometimes referred to as a Napoleon Complex, of some short men feeling like they have something extra to prove. Which, like all such generalizations, is only ever true as one potential contributing factor.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

“Which is more common than some might think”

I find that to be very much the case. It’s also true that men who are capable of real violence (in the sense they know how to apply it) tend to be less confrontational and aggressive.

There are interesting reasons for this. One is that most M-M violence is “display”. We talk a lot about “posture and submission”; it’s essentially ritualistic (cf ‘The Monkey Dance’ for example). It’s all about ‘proving’ oneself.

Men who are capable fighters tend to know they have nothing to prove, so don’t feel any humiliation in backing down in a confrontational situation. You hear this a lot in self defence training (“Even the toughest commandos will just hand over their wallets” etc.)

Speaking of which, the MRA types seem to have a skewed vision of masculinity. They’d probably think SF types were the ideal male. I work with and know a lot of those chaps (though definitely *not* one myself; my worst military experience was being in a hotel that ran out of Merlot). I’m not going to pretend they sit around all day discussing Jessica Valenti’s writings; they do however have a lot of respect for women. Partly it’s because they work with women from units like the “Det” and the SRR, but also they have wives and girlfriends and they realise and appreciate how strong these women have to be in terms of having to run the household and take care of their kids whilst they’re on ops (stereotypical gender roles there of course but that tends to be the reality).

The irony is that if an MRA came out with their usual rapey comments in front of one of these guys, they’d probable deck them (threats to women and kids being an area where they *will* get percussive).

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