
The Cuckunist Manifesto

A spectre is haunting sluts: The spectre of Chad
A spectre is haunting sluts: The spectre of Chad

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Sometimes dudes stop by this blog and drop entire manifestos in the comments. I thought I’d share this one with you all. I’ve highlighted some of the best bits.

Puahater/sluthater here to shake up this echo chamber. Look David, as an obese unattractive guy, why do you devote your life’s work to being a white knight for women who only want to fuck Chads and cuckold beta male boyfriends and hubbies? Join the dark side. I invite every beta male on this blog to join the dark side and fight for men’s rights together.

You want to know why I joined the dark side? Society has treated me like shit all my life because I’m an autistic manlet. Society made me who I am. And one day I woke up and decided that I was going to stop being subservient to a society that enslaves us and treats us like yesterday’s garbage. I decided to go my own way. I don’t owe society shit. We’re going to red pill as many men and female allies (like MRA Karen Straughan) as we possibly can. Every single one of you white knight beta cucks will be red pilled and see the truth. You’ll stop being white knights. You’ll stop being cucks. You’ll be disciplines and acolytes of the Red Pill church.

And together we will put our bodies upon the gears, the levers, upon all the apparatus until we make it all stop. Until western civilization collapses. If we all go our own way and drop out of society, society will crash. Society can’t function without beta males. If it wasn’t for beta male engineers, there would be no Tinder for sluts to hook up with Chads. You beta males. You are the difference in the world. Stop being cucks. And join us.

Society has done nothing for you David. You’re obese and ugly. No girl wants to fuck you unless she wants to use you for beta bux. You owe nothing to society. Join the dark side.

Why should we be nice to girls and pretend to take an interest in their lives when these bitches fuck Chad without a condom on the first date without any effort? Why should we buy bitches dinner and drinks. Wine and dine them and jump hoops in order to get laid when Chad gets it instantly and for free? Beta males need to boycott dating and boycott society.


Sorry, I’m not going to join your revolution. Which is a pity for you, because I could destroy Western Civilization in a snap BY SITTING ON IT.

giphyrimshotBONUS POINTS for anyone who can find the sentence in the above manifesto copied almost word for word from a famous speech by Mario Savio of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement in 1964. I mean, for anyone who can find it without clicking that link, which would sort of be cheating.

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9 years ago

Clearly I have no idea how to embed images. Trying again.
comment image

9 years ago

Oh thank you so much! That makes way more sense. I wasn’t sure if Katie was supposed to be the embodiment of all straw-men? feminists, or Katie was supposed to be that one woman who MRA’s always point to to say, I’m not sexist I have my friend….katie. But yeah that clears it up.

9 years ago

Two things to take away from these little turd.

1. He personifies resentment as a corrosive human emotion. I’m talking about Nietzschian levels of ressentiment over here.

2. He’s literally describing his group as a cult. Usually guys like him try to mask his group as being grounded in reason while claiming feminism is a cult or religion. (A lot of these douche bags are atheists.) Here he just admits he’s a cult member freely.

9 years ago

*THIS little turd. (There is a spellcheck but no grammar check.)

9 years ago

I started to believe that Chad was a single real person that this guy’s ex-girlfriend/crush/woman he never spoke to but should totally have been with him went out with by the switching of ‘Chads’ to ‘Chad.’

Also, I always associated names like Chad and Brad with bros I inherently distrust unless given reason not too. It is just one of those names.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

A sandwich is a sandwich, but a manlet is Emil.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago
9 years ago

I thought that gears thing sounded familiar.

I had always thought Chad was Chicago speak for dudebro. That’s what the internet has told me in the past. I never heard the term back when I was in college in Illinois. That was awhile ago though.

9 years ago

I wonder why he can’t get a date? He sounds like a well-adjusted, good-natured sort of guy.

9 years ago

I was going to say the line about levers and gears cause it’s the only part that doesn’t sound like shit, it’s actually a decent sentence and the metaphor stays intact the whole war through.

Film Runner
Film Runner
9 years ago

Seriously, though, I find it telling that he calls it the “dark side”. These guys know they’re ugly and twisted and hateful and they revel in it. They’re ugly on the inside.

“And therefore, — since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days, —
I am determined to prove a villain,
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.”

9 years ago

Rhyming a word with itself?!? VILLAIN INDEED.

9 years ago

“f it wasn’t for beta male engineers, there would be no Tinder for sluts to hook up with Chads.”
Tinder appears to be populated by some interesting people, but I don’t think a lot of betas work there, definitely not in management:
Didn’t Mr. Futrelle do a post about them?

9 years ago

Forgive me if this story is TMI.

I myself am a “manlet” by their measure, at a “mere” 5’8″. And there were in fact a few women on dating sites who otherwise would have been a promising match if they didn’t have a minimum height requirement of 5’9″, 5’10” or so.

Even so, I managed to have a few flings in the two years between my divorce and the beginning of my new relationship. There’s one I’m still in touch with, and one I wish I was still in touch with, but you know how it is – information gets lost.

The latter was a bit of an odd bird. She was leaving New York, but she wanted to have a nice send-off, and she told me that the spirit of her deceased soulmate had told her that I was okay.

It seems that she and this young man had a somewhat complicated relationship, but he was the only man she would ever consider having children with. And he was not only more of a “manlet” than myself, but such a severe “autist” that his social anxiety – i.e., his reluctance to visit a doctor – contributed to his death.

And he was the one person in her life that she would ever consider having children with.

It’s almost like this entire creed, minus that one glorious stolen line, is bullshit.

9 years ago

Before I heard of MRAs (which was within, give or take, the last year), I had not heard the term “cuckold” (or any variation on it) in decades, and that was in very dated fiction. These dudes have an obsession with being “cuckolded.” Apparently it’s something that only happens to certain kinds of men, because normal men and women who have been cheated on by a significant other refer using modern English terms like “cheating,” “unfaithful” “affair” or similar and familiar terms you might read in a current novel, or hear in a current TV show or movie. I never hear “cuckold” in those places.

9 years ago

We’re going to red pill as many men and female allies

Oh great, force-feed ’em all Colace. Yeah, that’ll go down great. >buuurrrrp, spit<

As for Chad, I always figured he was that dude who kept hanging out on the ballots down in Florida in the 2000 election. A real asshole, too, since he got Dubya installed in the White House.

And yeah, I'm sure all these would-be Mario Savios will really bring down "western civilization". With what, their whine and pout combo? They couldn't throw themselves on the gears of my bike, much less any mechanisms of actual societal control.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Women always go for arid, landlocked African countries. It is established fact. They won’t give the time of day to Sudan, a countrylet with a below-average border circumference, or Nigeria, an omega STEM country that invented spam, or Congo, who produces the diamonds that enable sluts to cuckold and enslave betas, or South Africa, which is literally crawling with gold-diggers.

Nope. Chad gets all the action.

9 years ago

And don’t even get me started on the unfuckability of Madagascar. It’s floating on its own away from the rest of the continent like a socially inept loser. Ew!

9 years ago

Buttercup, that was amazing.

(I’m also amazed I was able to remember Chad was a country.)

James B (@zblongladder)

> If it wasn’t for beta male engineers, there would be no Tinder for sluts to hook up with Chads.

Does this guy seriously think software engineers don’t get laid?

James B (@zblongladder)

I’m, also not sure he understands how casual dating and hookups work, save that there’s some guy out there named Chad who apparently has women constantly rugby-tackling him, presumably while he’s on his way to work or something. Seriously, he thinks casual sex means not being nice or putting an effort in? How does he think Tinder and OKC work, the women just break into the lucky guy’s room in the middle of the night, vanishing mysteriously into the shadows when the deed is done?

9 years ago

Agreeing with a post above, David as soon as I saw that quote I knew where he had got it from:

I immediately facepalmed because there’s nothing wrong with liking Linkin Park (as I do) but putting metal bands beloved by adolescents into your political worldview is just embarrassing on a whole other level.

It says a lot that the line he cribbed is the best written part.

9 years ago

Hey David, heads up!

Popcorn time! A white nationalist versus Roosh

Battle of who is the more darkly endarkened!

9 years ago

Apparently, it simply doesn’t occur to him that most men are getting laid and that the vast majority of the time it’s got nothing to do with their looks. It’s that they’ve put time and effort into being better people (or at least trying to be).

Also, there are some people, whose specific combination of personality traits, just makes them highly unlikeable individuals.