The Cuckunist Manifesto
Beta males need to boycott dating and boycott society.
Hey Sluthaters, you can stop pretending you’re advancing a viable worldview or philosophy rather than obsessing over your sex lives. For instance, there is only one concrete idea in the quote above and that involves dating women. Unless you live alone in silence in a wilderness somewhere you haven’t boycotted society and if you spend all day on the internet you really haven’t boycotted society. I have no idea how old you actually are but everything you say reeks of adolescent egocentrism.
I know a bunch of people who grew up in hippie communes and cult experiments in the 70s and 80s. Even in cases where their parents were driven by wildly impractical and totally goofball ideas, they still had some sort of positive conception of the society they wanted rather than endlessly whining something along the lines of “wah, give me sex or I’m taking my ball and going home” and/or “wah, you suck, go die in a dystopian future I will create with my own bitterness and sexual frustration”.
Mewens, thank you. This:
Usage tips: It rhymes with fux, which means users can evade profanity filters in the very clever turn of phrase, “Alpha fux, beta bux.” It’s OK if you’re put off by the lack of parallelism in that phrase, but contrasting a noun and a verb or two unlike nouns is something like a misogynist koan. Every time you see such MRA logic, just think, “What is the sound of one man whining”?
just made me laugh out loud.
@ gregory
I wonder if you’ve hit on something there. Maybe some of them (especially the ‘true believers’) are adolescent boys; as for the ‘adults’ it does seem to me that they are in a state of arrested development at the teenage stage. Girls are scary mysterious but alluring creatures. But don’t get too close or they’ll give you cooties. Girls only like ‘Jocks’, why can’t they appreciate a tortured soul like me.
Even the obsession with “showing the world” through violence has a resonance with the typical school shooter profile.
Throughout my life I’ve seen “Chad” used as a stereotypical gay name, a stereotypical super snobbish WASPy name and/or a stereotypical airheaded Southern California name. I’m surprised and somewhat impressed that Chad has now go full alpha male stereotype. Chad is a name that we as a culture have wrestled with for decades. Kudos to Chad the name, my apologies to guys actually named Chad.
Here’s a random mediocre internet post that vaguely backs up my claim.
I dunno guys, I’m kind of drawn to this glorious rhetoric.
And one day I woke up and decided that I was going to stop being subservient to a society that enslaves us and treats us like yesterday’s garbage. I decided to go my own way. I don’t owe society shit.
This is obviously the man Ayn Rand had in mind when she created Hank Rearden, Howard Roark, and John Galt. A rugged individualist who is willing to turn his back on the world rather than compromise his principals. I swoon.
We’re going to red pill as many men and female allies
Feeeemale. Is there any word, when paired with “men,” that exudes such a confidence in and respect for the women of the world? Truly this is a man who belives in equality after you’ve earned it by meeting his bullshit exacting standards.
You’ll stop being white knights. You’ll stop being cucks. You’ll be disciplines and acolytes of the Red Pill church.
Obedience to a higher power like that is much more fulfilling than obedience to made up stuff to make yourself feel better. Such devotion to a cause!
Society can’t function without beta males. If it wasn’t for beta male engineers, there would be no Tinder for sluts to hook up with Chads.
Dating sites are not the accomplishment of one man. They are the accomplishment of all men. What vision!
Why should we be nice to girls and pretend to take an interest in their lives when these bitches fuck Chad without a condom on the first date without any effort? Why should we buy bitches dinner and drinks. Wine and dine them and jump hoops in order to get laid when Chad gets it instantly and for free?
Why indeed? I’m sick of Chad and his constant attempts to lure me away from my loving husband. I’m tired of his indescribable savoir-faire. And I’m tired of him getting away with this double life. Because oh yes, I met Chad when Mr. FM and I were still Army; he went by “Jody” then. But I know that smooth operator when I see him. Others may think that they’re both shadowy bogeymen and scapegoats that exist only where the angry and lonely congregate. But I know better.
Oh mighty man of tomorrow, I am so tempted to take up the standard and follow you into the wastelands. But I’m just so attached to this big, fat feminist paycheck that comes direct deposit every month. And yesterday a man bought me a car because I smiled at him (I hope he wasn’t too upset at the “sorry, no sex” part). Your bravery and foresight thrill me, great hero, but I’m afraid that my feeble lady nature just can’t allow me to give up my privileged spot in this feeemale dominated world. But from high atop my throne of gold bullion, while manginas enthusiastically peel my grapes, I salute your future endeavors.
Society can’t function without beta males. If it wasn’t for beta male engineers, there would be no Tinder for sluts to hook up with Chads.
To piggyback on Flying Mouse’s hilarious as usual post, I love how the first and only key cog of society this revolutionary targets is fucking Tinder.
Why should we buy bitches dinner and drinks. Wine and dine them and jump hoops in order to get laid when Chad gets it instantly and for free?
Yep, there’s your problem. Don’t call them “bitches” while you wine and dine them. Bitches hate that.
Seriously, though, I find it telling that he calls it the “dark side”. These guys know they’re ugly and twisted and hateful and they revel in it. They’re ugly on the inside.
A while back in the “WTF is a MGTOW?” glossary page, a troll was yammering at us but this one was trying to convince us that feminism is man hating and oppressive. He dropped the line “I was speaking to your feminist friend Kate” and whoever was there at the time (I think it was me, Spindrift and someone else) metaphorically looked at each other in confusion as there is nobody who goes by the name Kate on this blog. I don’t have a friend called Kate at all. But we started to use it and now it’s become yet another local meme. 🙂
You want to know why I joined the dark side? Society has treated me like shit all my life because I’m an autistic manlet. Society made me who I am.
“Society” treats lots of people like shit (including unattractive women).
Some people respond to this by rejecting cruel and exclusionary societal norms, developing empathy for other people, and trying to make the world a better place.
Some other people react by embracing those norms (short men are “manlets”? You don’t say), blaming all their problems on hated and feared others (feminists, “bitches,” “manginas”), and withdrawing into narcissistic delusion (“they’ll be sorry some day/they can’t get along without me!”)
Guess which group you fall into, pua/sluthater?
@Amanda – We were introduced to our feminist friend Katie when a troll popped into the “WTF is an MGTOW” thread a while back. You can check out the lulz here.
I was kind of lukewarm on Katie at first, but I’ve grown to like her a lot. If one person has to speak for all of feminism, it should definitely be her.
This is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive. If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. (The PayPal page will say you are donating to Man Boobz.) Thanks!
Sometimes dudes stop by this blog and drop entire manifestos in the comments. I thought I’d share this one with you all. I’ve highlighted some of the best bits.
Sorry, I’m not going to join your revolution. Which is a pity for you, because I could destroy Western Civilization in a snap BY SITTING ON IT.