The Cuckunist Manifesto
‘Your regular reminder that the phrase “red pill” comes from a movie made by a trans woman.’
Okey dokey, John Galt.
Words I would like to see the definition for (I really don’t want to google them!)
Manlet (I always thought adding ‘let’ to something made it cute, am I wrong?)
Chad (is this a specific person, a type of people why does he switch between the singular and the plural?)
Bux (is this different from ‘bucks’ as in dollars, does it mean more?)
David, aren’t you kind of flattered they are still trying to woo you?
By this guy’s view, I had everything to end up like him. I have been overweight all my life. As well, I’ve always been, nay, I am a total nerd. And on top of all, I have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder ever since I was a teenager. Definitely not a chad.
And yet, I am happily married with a wonderful wife and have The Most Awesome Daughter Ever™.
Guy-who-wrote-the-comment, why do you think society has assembled in their secret HQ and collectively decided to treat you “like shit” and not me? My guess? I never thought the world — and women specifically — owed me anything. I never treated women as sex slaves who exist only to please me. Maybe that has something to do with it?
“pretend to take an interest in their lives”
Can none off them see the problem there? That they are, to use an old Yorkshire saying “putting the cart before the horse”.
It’s being interesting that *makes* a woman attractive. And being genuinely interested in a woman does somewhat help a relationship along.
You know, it’s funny how we’ve just had that post about how women are faking it with make-up and therefore liars. Can’t these chaps understand that seeing a woman without her mascara in the morning is somewhat less off putting than when the woman finds out you don’t really give a toss about her latest exhibition; you just pretended so to get into her pants?
@robteix: You know he’s going to come marching in here and claim that you’re not “like him” or the other incels, right?
Anything he’d have to do to maintain the illusion that everything is the fault of everyone else and never him or his attitude or his beliefs.
(and ‘grats on the wonderful wife and The Most Awesome Daughter Ever™. :D)
‘And together we will put our bodies upon the gears, the levers, upon all the apparatus until we make it all stop. Until western civilization collapses.’
As this stands out from the rest of the ‘dissertation'(?) for it’s evocative use of language it might be from ‘the famous speech by Mario Savio’. I didn’t click the link. The writing is so very different.
Agreed. Nothing is less attractive than an asshole who doesn’t give a shit about you but pretends to so he can get into your pants.
It’s like these jerk-offs only want the physical and emotional benefits of being in a relationship, but don’t want to do any of the heavy lifting or reciprocating.
They’d just be better off with a sex doll. Sex dolls don’t have lives you have to pretend to be interested about, nor do they care if they orgasm or not.
Pretty much. Prior to The Matrix, the Wachowskis made a lesbian-themed noir film called Bound. And even worse, The Matrix itself is shot through with some pretty radical left wing politics. A diverse and multiethnic group of anti-authoritarian rebels take up arms against a system personified by the Agents, who are pretty much the embodiment of white male authority. The filmmakers have on a number of occasions acknowledged their debt to Jean Baudrillard, a postmodernist French intellectual (we all know how much Red Pillers fancy themselves as paragons of objectivity and rationality, concepts postmodernists have little use for).
Bottom line: If you’re deciding what to name your politically reactionary movement, there are probably few films that it would be worse to draw from than The Matrix.
As far as the rant itself, one thing I wish these “nice guys” could learn to do is apply consistent standards to themselves and others. If a woman they didn’t consider to be physically attractive started doing them all sorts of favors, giving them gifts, etc., would they suddenly become attracted to that woman? If the answer is no, why the hell get so mad at women who feel the same way about them?
5’7 chubby dude here. Still no problem functioning in society. Managed to get laid sometimes without “beta bux” assistance (I’ve always been broke). Married at 26. Sorry bro, I don’t recognize this at all. I’m sorry that you hate your life, but I don’t think also hating women will make you feel better.
Look David, as an obese unattractive guy, why do you devote your life’s work to being a white knight for women who only want to fuck Chads and cuckold beta male boyfriends and hubbies?
I always assumed David was a journalist and had no idea knighthood was a viable career option these days. Shows you what I know.
In all honesty, how is it possible for anyone to read this comment and not immediately see why he hasn’t been successful at dating? I know if I went to a date with someone who was clearly just pretending to like me while constantly rambling about “Chad”, I would get the fuck out of there asap.
yazikus, quick definitions for the uninitiated:
Manlet: 1. A small, physically unfit man. 2. Any man smaller than a professional linebacker. 3. Us (as opposed to “them”).
Chad: 1. A man whose good looks, slavish devotion to current trends, and contempt for women and the world’s struggling betas mean that he has lots of the sex with many of the womens. 2. Them (as opposed to “us”).
Bux: 1. Hot cheddar 2. Dolla bills, ya’ll. 3. Fresh cabbage. 4. A currency exchanged for the sex with the womens; apparently preferred by self-described manlets. Never used by Chads.
Usage tips: It rhymes with fux, which means users can evade profanity filters in the very clever turn of phrase, “Alpha fux, beta bux.” It’s OK if you’re put off by the lack of parallelism in that phrase, but contrasting a noun and a verb or two unlike nouns is something like a misogynist koan. Every time you see such MRA logic, just think, “What is the sound of one man whining”?
While we’re on the subject of a woman-hating libertarian who cribs from socialists and transfolk, can we talk about the weird confusion of “discipline” and “disciple”? Like, I’m not a huge believer in Freud, but … man. Your slip is showing.
This is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive. If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. (The PayPal page will say you are donating to Man Boobz.) Thanks!
Sometimes dudes stop by this blog and drop entire manifestos in the comments. I thought I’d share this one with you all. I’ve highlighted some of the best bits.
Sorry, I’m not going to join your revolution. Which is a pity for you, because I could destroy Western Civilization in a snap BY SITTING ON IT.