antifeminism creepy cuckolding elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies evil ex-wives evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUAhate reactionary bullshit slut shaming sluthate

Internet incels celebrate Andreas Lubitz, the alleged killer co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525, as a "legitimate SLAYER" and an "incel hero"

The New Incel Hero: Neither an incel nor a hero
The New Incel Hero: Neither an incel nor a hero

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Sluthate’s “shitty advice” forum, devoted to discussing such high-minded topics as “Do fat women have dirtier vaginas?” and “why is rape bad,” is a haven for embittered “incels” — self-described “involuntary celibates” — who’ve convinced themselves that they are too objectively unattractive and un-alpha to attract attention from the cruel and superficial “sluts” of the world — a category that seems to include all the women they find attractive.

Back when the forum was known as PUAhate, it was a regular hangout of one especially embittered incel, a young man known as Elliot Rodger, who last year killed six in Isla Vista California, and then himself, in what he called his “Day of Retribution” against women. Many of Sluthate’s regulars, unsurprisingly, have embraced “ER” as a kind of incel martyr.

Now they’ve found a new and improved hero: Andreas Lubitz, the troubled co-pilot who, French officials say, deliberately flew Germanwings Flight 9525 into a mountain in the French Alps.

In a topic entitled BREAKING: Co-pilot was incel and crashed the plane!!!, Sluthate regulars have embraced Lubitz as “one of them” — and are enthusiastically celebrating his alleged mass murder as the possible beginning of a “Beta uprising.”

“New high score, and in a much shorter time too,” a commenter calling himself gobman3000 wrote happily. “Damn, legitimate SLAYER.”

Alienfranco was even more enthusiastic:

What a fucking SLAYER.

Did you ever know that you’re my hero? You are the wind beneath my WINGS. …

Why go out with a whimper when you can go out with a BANG? An incel killing 150+ people will make a lot more of an impact than killing 1 asshole or a few assholes.

A large percentage of the 150+ people on that plane were sluts and Chads anyway.

Hopefully all these incel killings get to a point where society will fear autists/incels and give us $2000/month and subsidized prostitution to placate us from killing normalfags.

OmegaKV noted that many of the passengers on the plane “were teenagers who were vacationing,” concluding

This was DEFINITELY an incel motivated plane crash.

He couldn’t take it too see so many good looking and happy teenagers with gfs, experiencing the adolescence he always longed for but never got, so took advantage of the perfect opportunity to kill himself while taking the teenage normalfags with him.

PuaKiller agreed:

Yeah. He definitely knew what he was doing. I can only imagine what he was feeling in that moment. Wow. …

This one is going in the hall of fame!

Largely dismissing the news reports suggesting that Lubitz did, in fact, have a girlfriend, the regulars examined each new picture of the alleged mass murderer that appeared in the media for telltale signs of his incel status.

PJ1 was brutal in his assessment:

-looks like a manlet from his proportions. I’d honestly be surprised if he’s over 5 10

-small frame

-critical balding

-beta face

OldRooster1 agreed:

guy does look like an incel manlet that came to the realization that the status of being a pilot was not enough to overcome his 3.5/10 looks/body.

“Look at that frame, he’s about 60kg soaking wet,” Jigar added. “I’d be surprised if his wrists were a hair over 6 inches thick.”

Still another commenter labeled him a “betafaced framecel” — whatever that is — and “the kind of guy that’s INVISIBLE.”

These are harsh assessments, to be sure, and in some cases seem to have virtually no connection with the photographic evidence, but the Sluthate regulars tend to be equally harsh in their assessments of themselves. Thread-starter Zark_Muckerberg, for example, attaches a sig to each of his posts quantifying his romantic and sexual failures:

gfs: 0
kisses: 0
handjobs: 0
blowjobs: 0
intercourse: 0

Having convinced themselves that they will never be able to have a life equal to that of the world’s “good looking and happy … normalfags,” the Sluthaters feel Lubitz’ pain — or, at least, the pain they imagine he felt.

Flawed Mentat blamed the killings on an uncaring world that didn’t deliver Lubitz  the “good woman” he deserved.

HE did not fire the first shot. Women and Society, blase, branded HIM as non human, invisible, an object of scorn and laughter. So, when it sunk in that all his effort was in vain, there were no good women awaiting him, life was gonna be just as empty, lonely and horrifying as before he even started training as a pilot, well, he probably logically decided to declare war back on the human race, since it was open in its war on him.

ThereIsNoGame agreed:

Just lol @ reddit comments saying how creepy it is that he didn’t think about the lives of all the people he killed.

Yeah, well what about all the people who never gave a fuck about him. He was probably treated like shit over and over again.

Society never looks itself in the mirror when it is to blame.

Don’t treat people like shit and shit wont happen. Why is that so hard to understand? 

He ended his comment with this chilling warning-cum-threat.

looks like more people will need to die until the message is drilled in.

Zygominati directed his ire at a familiar target:

I blame feminism for this. In days gone by pilots would flirt with stewardesses and pinch their arses. They would leave their hotel room ajar for layover shenanigans. Now they are bus drivers in the sky that can’t even take a shit. This incel was probably sold a dream and after countless hours of flight time realised there is nothing there.

Meanwhile, the few Sluthaters who didn’t utterly dismiss the news reports of Lubitz having a girlfriend seized on the reports that the two had broken up — and blamed the girlfriend for “cucking” him. As Patriarch put it,

If its true that his girlfriend cucked or dumped him, just imagine how smug this entitled shitcunt must feel like right now. Looking at him, she was a 4 at best but now she gets her own little fairytale drama story and she gets to go on TV and talk about how awful she feels and how she never expected this to happen. In the aftermath, a bunch of whiteknights will whiteknight her into oblivion and probably donate a million € to her fundme so she can learn to deal with this tragedy…. Fucking feminist shitcunt society

It goes without saying that all of these embittered rants are based almost entirely on projection. We know very little about Lubitz, or what might have motivated him to (allegedly) crash the plane, killing 149 innocent human beings and himself.

While news reports suggest that he had suffered from depression and from some other mental illnesses as yet unnamed, these revelations raise more questions than they answer. Depression can certainly contribute to suicide, but mass murder? Mentally ill people are more likely to be victims of violence than victimizers.

While it seems clear that Lubitz was not literally an “incel” — he apparently did have a girlfriend —  it’s certainly possible that he crashed the plane because he was upset over a breakup with that girlfriend, or angry at women in general.

That’s not a conclusion we can draw based on looking at Lubitz’s “waist-hip-ratio” or the size of his wrists. It’s a possibility we can raise based on our understanding of how murder/suicides unfold in the real world.

As I pointed out yesterday, murder/suicide is overwhelmingly a male crime, and the victims are often wives, girlfriends or exes. Breakups often trigger rage in men, and a few take this rage out on the women they feel have wronged them. Or, in extreme cases, on women in general. The intended targets of Elliot Rodger’s rampage were what the “spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut[s]” in a local sorority. (Luckily, he was barred at the door and his plan collapsed.)

But even if Lubitz was driven by “incel rage” or something much like it, it’s worth pointing out that this rage is  based on bullshit. Elliot Rodger was not objectively unattractive; his problems with women came from within, from a mixture of embittered entitlement, self-hatred and an assortment of other psychological demons.

Similarly, the rage of Sluthate’s incels is driven not by the actual behavior of women in the real world but by their fucked-up ideas about women — and themselves. Sluthaters hate themselves as much as they hate “sluts,” and project their own hyper-critical assessments of their own looks onto the women they think are perpetually judging them and finding them wanting. Ironically, they themselves view women with the same hyper-critical eyes, dismissing all but a handful of young, conventionally attractive women as “fugly hambeasts” and the like.

Sluthate reinforces a poisonous and supremely self-defeating way of looking at the world. Whether or not Lubitz was driven by “incel rage,” I think we have every reason to worry that Sluthate and other internet forums devoted to “incels” may be breeding more “heroes” like Elliot Rodger and, possibly, Andreas Lubitz.

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9 years ago

I can’t imagine you really believe this??! After food, water, housing and so on, sexual/romanatic relationships are probably the most crucial area of somebodies life!
Sorry, personal relationships (not necessarily sexual or romantic) rank way above

9 years ago

This all upsets me to no end, more so than the regular barrage of MRA filth they spew.

This hits home personally, I lost my cousin this way.
He and his girlfriend were having some terrible issues, and in a final, horrific act he decided to kill himself and her in a hotel room they were staying in that night. He failed to kill her (thank whatever gods may be) but did succeed in ending his own life. I loved my cousin immensely, but it wasn’t his troubled relationship that created this, it was an entire life of terrible situations, experiences and poor decisions. Any of these losers whom honestly think this sort of shit can be pinned on one single event are kidding themselves… In my cousins case it was decades coming, this was a horrible childhood that lead into awful life choices in his teens and his eventual breaking point as an adult, which in no way excuses what he did. And this shit doesn’t just go away, it doesn’t get better with time, our family has been haunted by that night for well over a decade now. I wish all of the victims of this horrific tragedy peace, especially the perpetrator’s family.

9 years ago

Not to get TMI, but some of this makes me think of my two favorite siblings.

An older brother married a woman who had two sons from a previous marriage. PUAhater would no doubt scorn this, as he is technically raising another man’s children. My brother would consider that pernicious nonsense. They’ve been together almost thirty years.

A younger sister married a man who is not conventionally attractive. For that matter, neither is she. They have been together over twenty years, and are still happy together.

Somehow, men refusing to consider certain women as romantic partners is perfectly normal and acceptable, but women refusing to consider certain men likewise is a monstrous perfidy. It’s almost like a double standard.

9 years ago

gandy left a whole bunch of comments a while ago and I would like to make a little point about a small part of the first one (I think) – that looks business.

Go on that wretched ‘incel’ site (hate the name, will not repeat it) and find the ‘rate me’ section, and there are photos of mostly young men, and the occasional 30+. Obviously the looks thing is extremely subjective, but from what I saw (and I freely admit I have not scrutinised every photo) there are NO ‘ugly’ blokes putting up their photos. Yes, some of them are not esp attractive, but actual ugliness – not at all.

I think that this is very much a case of projection. As a teen I felt hideous much of the time. I was called ugly by a boy whose house I passed. When I was 17 I had a bf whose nickname for me literally WAS ugly. Maybe he was a PUA type – wanting to ensure that I did not develop any self esteem and work out that I could do better than him. It is only looking back that I can see how I not only wasn’t ugly, but that I was attractive.

9 years ago


For good measure, I’ll post links to a couple of articles I’m familiar with, just off the top of my head.

Your egghead fancypants “studies” are nice and all, but in another thread Ann Morgan made an amazing argument involving different colored Nintendo DSs that irrefutably proves the existence of The Sexual Market Place. It’s the most powerful “checkmate, feminists” I’ve ever witnessed, a real game changer.

9 years ago

It’s the most powerful “checkmate, feminists” I’ve ever witnessed, a real game changer.

That was a thing of real beauty. I’m convinced!

Really. I am. I’m not being sarcastic — at all.

(Goddess knows who or what “Ann Morgan” really is, but I’m glad I don’t have to live in such a weed-infested, vermin-riddled mind.)

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

an amazing argument involving different colored Nintendo DSs that irrefutably proves the existence of The Sexual Market Place. It’s the most powerful “checkmate, feminists” I’ve ever witnessed, a real game changer.

I see what you did there. 🙂

9 years ago

Lubitz was not an incel. He had a steady, years-long GF — pregnant with his child now, as it turns out — whom he finally drove away with his erratic, self-centered, and controlling behavior. It seems she put up with him for a long time, until she no longer could (I’m sure the redpillian version of this would go something along “the b**** sucked him dry and dumped him for alpha fux”).

Meanwhile, as it is being reported, he had a months-long affair with another young woman –the one with whom he allegedly shared his unspecified plans for making a name for himself in some grandiose way — who also became frightened of his unpredictable behavior and called it off. So, 1. no incel woes, 2. who broke whose heart there, really?

Oy vey! What’s this? An injection of facts that nullfies MRA and “incel” efforts to claim Lubitz as One Of Theirs? And also, for that matter, PUAs’ efforts to make him look like the kind of sexual loser that they are at pains not to be? NOOOOOOOOO!

(That loud ptumpf you just heard was their whole collective little world, imploding.)

I feel bad for the pregnant girlfriend, though. Not only is she now a bereaved single mother-to-be, she’ll also have to one day explain to her child why the biological father isn’t in the picture. AND in the meantime, she’s going to have to contend with a constant campaign of whispers to the effect that somehow, even though it’s not her fault, “she drove him to it!” When in fact, it was HE who drove HER away.

My heart also aches for the other girlfriend, the one who had to hear those fame-plans. She’s gonna be in therapy a long, LONG time, poor dear.

And that’s not even counting the families and friends of all the OTHER victims of the crash. And the millions of nervous, frightened air travellers and thousands of pilots, cabin crews, etc., who are all looking over their shoulders now and wondering if they’ll be the next victims of some amok-runner.

9 years ago


[Massive TWs: Rape and obscene abuse.]

Threatening suicide was how my rapist got me to acquiesce. Every time I said no, he’d grab the gun and hold it to his head until I gave in. I feel awful for saying this because the absolute last thing genuinely depressed people need is for their friends to cut them off, but if he was genuinely depressed, he wouldn’t be using suicide as a threat to manipulate and abuse you, so: This is a red flag. He is dangerous and only going to get worse. Run.

Oh, fuckety fuck fucking Jesus H. Christ on a fucking stick. That is like a massive wake-up call, because this isn’t even the first time someone told me my “friend” used the same method as their rapist. Another of my “friend’s” big schticks is that he is straight and male and therefore considered a rapist and monster by society and has no recourse except to castrate himself–a line also spewed by the man who regularly raped LB when they were teenagers.

I don’t even know why I kept this dragging on for so long–I’ve traded messages with this guy for YEARS, and oh the stories I could tell. I suppose I felt sorry for the guy because he was suffering so much, and maybe I was morbidly curious about the inner workings of an angry internet guy. But yes, this has long passed the bounds of acceptability. He has family and psychiatric help available, and is certainly not going to fall apart without me except in a massively entitled manbaby way. I’m ending this bizarre correspondence, and thanks so much for everyone who took the time to help me see this.

9 years ago

On the topic of celibacy, as a woman who was a virgin until close to thirty I would like to politely invite our “incel” friends to fuck off. Was I lonely and often bored during my long single years? Did I wonder if I was massively unattractive and cursed to die alone? Yes and yes. Did I blame the menz for their amoral and selfish refusal of me, and fantasize about hurting them until they gave in? Hell to the no, because only a grade-A asshole thinks like that. Just… what the hell, I don’t even with these dudes.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago




But worry not, redpillians can still snatch their delusions from the merciless jaws of reality by simply flipping the script, the way suffrajitsu suggested yesterday:

“If Andreas Lubitz was found tomorrow to have had an active sex life, they’d use him as an example of how women love handsome, violent, abusive alphas and are too stupid and shallow to like “gentlemen” like them, even though they were cheering on his violence just now.”

Any moment now.

9 years ago

The top 20% (or less) of males monopolize 80% of the sex. When women are done with riding the alpha cock carousel, they look for a beta provider. And often times they will have sex with alpha males on the side while her cuck bf pays for dates and buys her lots of things. And when that stupid idiot puts a ring on her finger, he is basically her slave for life. A total cuckold. Women have the freedom to fuck with DOM bulls while hubby pays the bills. And men are supposed to tolerate this. And then she will clean out her hubby in divorce court. And collect paychecks from him while having sex with her DOM bulls. We live in a New World Order where alpha males and women live like Gods. And beta males are slaves.

That’s what my ex-girlfriend did with me.

Yikes, really? She cheated on you with dozens of men while forcing you to shower her with expensive presents, somehow made you marry her against your will, made you a SLAVE FOR LIFE, fucked cows, divorced you, took all your money, and lived like a GOD while you were a SLAVE yes a SLAVE?

Wow, that sounds awful. I guess I can see how that would upset a person…

Oh, wait, no. You had a normal relationship and then broke up because she wanted kids and you didn’t, one of the most common and sensible reasons for a relationship to end.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound to anyone who has ever had real problems?

Please consider that if the worst example of oppression you can think of is “my girlfriend left me even though one time I paid for her Value Meal,” it’s possible you’re not actually oppressed.

9 years ago

Idiots. For starters, he had a sex life, but apparently just sucked at relationships.

9 years ago


It really, really sounds like that’s a toxic, manipulative friendship and like his threats of suicide are a tool that he’s using to exercise control over your arguments. I’m happy to hear that you’re ending that correspondence.


And finally, just a restatement of the idea that it MUSSST be Sluthaters awful personalities which cause women to reject them! Eh? If we admit looks and more amoral standards of personality matter, and some people have really awful looks, then, like, I don’t know, it just stands to reason some people will really have a hard time in dating.

Having also browsed, I can say without much doubt that it’s a personality problem. They constantly spew their hatred of women and the men whom women choose to date. They idolize men who killed people because they got rejected by women. They also make threads complaining about how insufficiently attractive the women with whom they have had sex are. They’re clearly nasty, hateful, misogynistic twits. Their personalities are clearly problematic.

Now, before you jump in to say that the problem might actually be their looks, I’ve seen the pictures that they post of themselves. They’re not a bunch of bridge-trolls. They’re not, for the most part, objectively unattractive. A significant number of them could easily be considered good-looking while the rest could probably make themselves good-looking with some better grooming and dressing. The problem is not their looks, which are pretty much fine. The problem is their personalities.

I think this is logically worse for men for a number of reasons:

1. men desire short term sex significantly more than women, and their status is significantly more determined by this.

Sorry, but the journal of me and my vagina studied this extensively and have found this to be false.

2. Women are more ‘picky’ – and can, at least for short term affairs, score above their ‘level.’

Then why do I more typically women dating men who are less attractive than I see men dating women who are less attractive?

3. In terms of the affects of personalities, it seems well established that ‘nerdy’ males tend to do worse with women than men of other personality types. I don’t think there is such a significant deficit for nerdy females (men may prefer non nerds, but don’t seem to be attracted to the same type of social skills which women like from men, which nerds don’t have.)

First of all, not too many of the sluthaters strike me as nerds. Second of all, i’ve known many nerds who’ve had sexual and romantic success. Thirdly, I’ve known a number of so-called Chads who couldn’t get laid or romanced as often as they wanted because their personalities drove women away.

So all this stands to reason there is really often going to be a subset of men who just really, really struggle with this sort of shit. and that is an issue which just does plainly has moral weight.

And you want us to solve this supposedly moral issue how?

Anyway, to alleviate some of the awfulness:

Here is one of my step-cats trying to get into my Cheez-its.
comment image

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Can I just say I hate it when these assholes come crawling in here with the “Sex is a biological need!” bullshit? Sex is not a biological need. Women are not commodities, sexual or otherwise. Use your fucking hand to jerk it out or purchase a fleshlight if you need it that badly.

Then they go off on “everyone needs to have sex, everyone wants to have sex! Government regulated mandatory girlfriends/prostitutes! Give me sexitiems now!”

Can you assholes stop ignoring asexuals for once in your selfish fucking existences? I’m so sick of seeing asexuals being ignored or denied like this. Even as a pansexual person, I would really like to see the wonderful Aces get some love and (positive) attention. They need it with all the sexualized crap they have to put up with on a regular basis.

And the next person who comes in here and talks about sex being a biological need and thus we need to make all (HB10) women into sex slaves is going to get it from me.

9 years ago

The other thing is, even if sex were a biological need–which it’s not–these incels could provide themselves with sex by masturbatkng! Of course, they could argue that they need the intimacy of having sex with another person (not that I believe that they’re capable of getting intimacy out of sex when they hate women), but they can get intimacy with other people through non-sexual means. Basically, even if sex were a biological need–which it fucking isn’t–there would still be no justification for forcing women to have sex with incels.

9 years ago

I know I’m a bit slow to this thread, but joining in for this:

I have been single longer than some self-labeled incels have been out of puberty. I would love to not be single any more. But I don’t call myself incel because—well, for starters, I’m a woman, and the incel community scares me—but because I have other priorities that supercede finding a partner, priorities that I’m not willing to back down on.

Like, I *could* change my job, so I’m around a lot more single men a lot more of the time. I *could* accept dates from strangers. I *could* hang out at bars and clubs, even though I dislike both alcohol and the atmosphere there. I *could* stick around with a guy who wasn’t comfortable with my intellectual pursuits, religion, or looks, because EGADS AT LEAST HE WILL DATE ME I HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE.

But all of those things are more important to me than dating is. All of those things are WAY more important to me than sex is (I think I’m demisexual). I’m holding out for someone who I can be great friends with, who is on the same-ish page as me religion-wise, who doesn’t mind that I’m not a HB10, who is fine with the fact I’m introverted, who can engage me in intelligent conversation, who doesn’t think that alcohol is the defining factor of a good time, who will be able to hang out despite my wonky work schedule, and who is okay with taking things slowly. All of those things drastically reduce the potential dating pool for me, but that’s okay, because all of those things are more important to me than going on lots of dates. I’ve made my choices, so I can live with that. If pairing up becomes more important to me than some of those priorities, I can always drop the ones that are getting in the way.

For the incels, they also have their priorities. They want someone who won’t expect them to put effort into a relationship. They want someone who will pay their own way for everything, or at least meticulously split the costs 50/50. They want someone they won’t have to compromise with. They want someone who is smoking hot. They want someone who hasn’t had a lot of other guys. They want someone who doesn’t have kids. They want someone who won’t interfere with their plans or inconvenience their schedules. They want someone who falls all over herself at how they are the bestest, most perfect man EVAR, just for existing and not killing anyone. I’d venture to say that they limit their dating pool far more severely than I do, not to mention the fact that a bunch of their requirements are really, really toxic, and will scare off most human beings of any gender.

If going on dates, and/or having sex, is the most important thing to the incels, then they need to give it top priority, changing or dropping the rest of their priorities accordingly. But since they want a woman who fits all of these really specific, strict categories—and, by the way, she also needs to happen to be single, AND willing to date/have sex, AND willing to date/have sex with them in particular—then they are going to have a blasted hard time finding a partner. They’re not involuntarily celibate. They are voluntarily celibate, because they have decided to put a higher priority on landing their idea of a “perfect” woman, who is willing to go along with their idea of a “perfect” relationship, than they are with actually finding someone to have pleasant, consensual sex with.

It’s okay to be lonely, and to be unhappy about your lack of prospects, but you have to be honest that your own requirements are getting in your way. If the requirements aren’t worth it, then change them. If the requirements are worth it, then stop whining, because that means you’ve made the best choice for yourself right now.

9 years ago

I wonder if any incels have tried to use the fun fact that female ferrets die without sex to bolster their “BIOLOGICAL NEEEEEEEEEEEED!!” argument.
Even though not a single incel is either female or a ferret.

Sorry sweethearts, the fact that you are a mammal doesn’t mean you ‘need’ to reproduce like animals do. This ‘need’ you whine about is actually egotistical, not biological. You ‘need’ to have sex so that you can feel good about yourself, not because it’s physically compulsory. You ‘need’ to have sex because you’ve based your self worth on an incredibly damaging notion of masculinity which is slowly destroying you. But instead of listening to people who tell you there is a better way, you denounce toxic masculinity as some sort of flimsy feminist fantasy designed to provide excuses for oppressing men.

Wake up. There will be no victory for you, just a life of misery if you don’t fix your attitude and prison if you make good on your threats. There will be no dismantling of feminism, no government sponsored girlfriends program, nothing that you can do to force women into your ideal roles for them. You are throwing a tantrum and when the world isn’t laughing at you it is labelling you a threat to society, in a very bad way.

9 years ago

So gross. So much gross. I need to stand in the rain, silhouetted by a street light. That’s how disgusting men who say this shit are. I honestly hope they are as unhappy as they sound. Being that fucking evil should hurt. I hope every last one of them gets a nasty case foot fungus this summer.

Unfortunately, it is a bright sunshiny day. It will be impossible to brood properly. I’ll just have to misander as much as possible by existing as an autonomous human being who can live without fear of being murdered for not dispensing blow jobs. Muhahahahaaaa!

Things to do today to enrage misogynist scum:

Listen to the sound of children’s laughter.
Cuddle soft, fuzzy critters.
Feel the sun and breeze on my skin.
Do what I like.
Feel how I like.
Love myself.
Guard my boundaries
Enjoy sex with who I like, when I like.
Disregard the haters.

9 years ago

Good plan. My misandrous antics today will include:
Eating what I like. I’ve already consumed a sub and am in the middle of a McDonald’s milkshake.
Wearing makeup! I’m gonna deceive so many men!
Loving and appreciating myself.
Making my own money.
Spending said money on myself.
Continuing to pursue my dream, which involves running a business and not stay at home wifery.
Playing a video game when I get home.
Commenting on this very VERY misandrous blog and reading the comments of all the other wickedly wonderful feminazis here. I love you all.

9 years ago


Have an internet. And thanks for introducing me to the term demisexual, which after reading about it I realise fits me to a T.

9 years ago


That is a marvelous plan!

9 years ago

It always amuses me that in their dystopian fantasies of exacting revenge on people that have relationships and/or sex, it never occurs to these guys that instead of the majority of the world shaking with fear and kissing their rear ends so they won’t kill people, that the majority of the world won’t decide to do away with THEM, you know, the MINORITY of people that can’t get along.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

sunnysombrera: Enjoy the milkshake! May it not bring any MGTOW to your yard.

These guys all define manhood as the ability to look down on somebody. Women are the favored target, but minorities will also do in a pinch. For them, sex is simply a vehicle for superiority.

If they can’t defile a woman through sex, then Plan B is to kill them.

9 years ago

Can you assholes stop ignoring asexuals for once in your selfish fucking existences? I’m so sick of seeing asexuals being ignored or denied like this. Even as a pansexual person, I would really like to see the wonderful Aces get some love and (positive) attention. They need it with all the sexualized crap they have to put up with on a regular basis.

Co-signing as a cishetero who has been on a long and mostly asexual dry spell herself. It’s entirely normal to not want sex for long periods of time, or maybe not even EVER. This stupid idea that people must be constantly having or wanting sex, all the damn time, needs to go die in a fucking fire.

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