alpha males heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

Heartiste: Pick up prole chicks using ingenious "logo" ploy!

Hey, prole chicks!
Hey, prole chicks!

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Heartiste, of the Chateau Heartiste, isn’t just an unending source of ludicrously overcooked, try-hard bromides against fatties, liberals and “vibrants,” his favored term of art for people whose skin isn’t white. No, once in a while the alleged pickup artist actually gives out some advice on how to score with the HBs of the world.

Today, he’s got some amazing advice on how to pick up “red state prole chicks.” Well, “amazing” in the sense that videos of people popping infected cysts using rusty nails in their backyard are “amazing” — that is, gross and wrong but you can’t look away.

Anyway, brace yourself, because the master is about to unload a tip worth its weight in pus:

Here’s the trick, should you find yourself deep in bucolic red territory: Deck yourself out in a piece of clothing or an accessory with insignia that clearly identifies some media, fashion, or arty conglomerate.  …

Cute prole girls are salt of the earth, but they love the fantasy of the blue city alpha male with connections and a social calender bursting with fruit flavor. Dat “expert from afar” feel. Wearing something that signals you work for one of those dream companies, true or not, is a honey cock trap for inexperienced naifs.

Huh. I still have an umbrella with the Money magazine logo on it from when I used to work there. (In my defense, it was free.) I had no idea it could be used in HB acquisition.

BRB, booking a flight to Alabama.

WE HUNTED THE MAMMOTH FRIDAY CHALLENGE: Work the phrase “honey cock trap” into conversation.

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9 years ago

Challenge accepted.

9 years ago

Wearing something that signals you work for one of those dream companies, true or not, is a honey cock trap for inexperienced naifs.

I love that the blog on which he writes drivel like this is subtitled “where pretty lies perish.”

9 years ago

“Calendar bursting with fruit flavor”???!!! What does that mean?

So all men have accessories from places they work and they wear/carry them everywhere?

Even in red states, you can purchase clothing and accessories with company name and logos on them, so I don’t get how this works.

9 years ago

‘inexperienced naifs’ isn’t that a tautology?

I’ve a better piece of advice, why not steal a bathrobe from a really expensive hotel and wear it about town like a dandyish overcoat just to show the girlies what a sophisticated high roller you are?

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

I don’t know about any “honey cock trap” but I once had a guy on an online dating site try to lure me in with a supposed “golden cock”. I wonder if this is a step up from Heartiste’s efforts?

9 years ago

@Machine Gun Sally
I thought the “golden cock” was the award that goes to the woman who rides the cock carousel for the longest time. Something like this.
comment image

9 years ago

Exactly. Anyone who tries this advice is unlikely to stand out from the crowd down south.

On the other hand, has anyone seen his article on how to look more manly if you live in the city ? He practically advises dressing up as Crocodile Dundee.

– Rent a warehouse space in an “edgy” part of town and crank up your guitar amp. Lots of sexually loose hipster girls live in these inexpensive areas, and they will melt for a shredder.

– Get a dog. A big dog. You know how fear and gina tingles complement each other so well.

– You don’t have a phone, you have a hunting knife. Strap it to your belt. (Consult local ordinances first.)

– Store a few photos on your phone of you knee-deep in deer guts and camo gear. (Ok, you still have a phone.)

– You want curious stares from smartly coiffed robowomen? Take a day to stroll around the gentrified boutiques in heavy work boots and dirty jeans caked with earth.

– Wifebeaters are your best bud. Don’t wear them ironically. Masculine men aren’t ironic, they’re sincere.

– Communal (communist) gardens are all the rage in SWPLvilles. I think this fad is driven partly by soft liberal men who feel a twinge of shame for their rootless (heh) effeminacy, and getting their hands into soil helps them feel less like a eunuch. But, communal gardens are also lesbian havens, and plots are tiny. If you have a square foot of private land, grow something cool for yourself, like giant squash.

– It’s the ne plus ultra of granola liberalism, but using your apartment building’s roof to raise small farm animals is panty-wetting if you aren’t doing it to “save the earth”. You just like raising your own meat and eggs. Crack the chicken’s neck in front of a girl, for an additional two hours of mind-blowing orgasms later.

– Become a handyman. You don’t need to know much; a little knowledge in the parched wasteland of useless SWPLs crying like babies when a light bulb goes out will reap amazing side benefits. As your reputation circles the condo halls, watch in amazement when cute neighbor girls are constantly stopping by for a helping hand.

– Don’t parrot urban leftoid boilerplate that masks itself as polite conversation. You may as well punch yourself in the dick until it collapses into a vagina.

9 years ago

First off, I work for one of the larger media companies on the planet. I’ve got… one thing I can think of with the company logo on it that I could theoretically flash in this way. Somehow, I don’t think my portable device battery is going to be that big of a draw, though.


… and “vibrants,” his favored term of art for people whose skin isn’t white.

These guys can’t hit their own goals hard enough, can they? If non-Caucasians are ‘vibrants’, then that would make Caucasians… well, let’s look at that thesaurus, shall we?



I’m used to manospherians slandering their fellow men by suggesting we’re all slathering sex-urges, virtually life-support systems for a penis with no higher brain functions. But this is the first time I’ve seen one of them also be equally dismissive of his own race, as well. The poorly concealed self-loathing is strong in this one.

9 years ago

insignia that clearly identifies some media

At last, a use for my t-shirt that just says EGG TEMPERA !!

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

I would display that proudly in my home.

9 years ago

– Don’t parrot urban leftoid boilerplate that masks itself as polite conversation. You may as well punch yourself in the dick until it collapses into a vagina.

Says it all, really.

9 years ago

Living as I do in red state prole country, I would just like to point out that people here don’t see someone with a John Deere gimme cap and assume that they must be a John Deere executive; likewise, if they’re wearing the Dolce & Gabbana logo, no one will assume they are Italian fashion experts. That advice assumes the “red state prole chick” is a refugee from the “Dumb and Dumber” movies, and is bigoted and stupid.

9 years ago

Someone wearing a tee-shirt with a corporate logo signals that they’re a fan of that corporation, scored a free tee-shirt at some point or work in retail.

Fave Heartarse Comment:

Indeed, when out in the boonies, being the well-dressed, charming, afluent, and friendly sophisticate from the Big City gets you noticed and appraised as higher social value. Don’t put on airs but do maintain a slight reserve.


9 years ago

I’m amazed he didn’t just tell all men, everywhere, to dress in head-to-toe Ed Hardy, roll in a pile of dirt, and then splash themselves with monkey blood. The urban sophistication will blow red-state girls off their feet, while the douchey tattoo theme will have those hipster girls enthralled — and the blood? What girl doesn’t find a man drenched in deer/chicken/monkey/human blood and guts more alluring? That’s why Cary Grant always had a few feet of intestines wrapped around his neck like an aviator scarf, because it makes the chicks swoon.

For a final touch, get a body piercing and dangle a socket wrench from it to display your Mr.-fix-it prowess AND your pain tolerance!

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

I am once again left wondering why these guys try to sleep with women they clearly think so little of.

9 years ago

Second fave Heartarse Comment:

Contrast = Alpha. This is a form of peacocking, of standing out from the bubba’s and the the farm boys in flannel and denim. Women seek out contrast as a sign of alpha, a sign of something different and likely better for better mating outcomes.

“Golly, is that linen or a cotton blend? Either way, it surely signals better mating outcomes. Shazam!”

9 years ago

Indeed, when out in the boonies, being the well-dressed, charming, afluent, and friendly sophisticate from the Big City gets you noticed and appraised as higher social value. Don’t put on airs but do maintain a slight reserve.

Sure, go on out to Fox News Land, demonstrate that you’re a Coastal Elite, and then act snooty. Seventy percent of the time, it works every time!

That’s why Cary Grant always had a few feet of intestines wrapped around his neck like an aviator scarf, because it makes the chicks swoon.

No, I’m not shopping that in.

9 years ago

The ‘punch yourself in the dick until it collapses’ bit reminded me of a snippet of useless knowledge I picked up: In the Elizabethan era it was common medical belief that penises and vaginas were basically the same organ, just vaginas were sort of an inverted penis. Therefore if a woman got jolted around too much her vagina might ‘fall out’ and turn into a penis, and vice versa. There were apparently lots of stories about women who fell off horses and turned into men.
Now that I think about it, this might explain a lot about these PUAs; they actually come from five hundred years ago.

9 years ago

@apeculiar — You just made my day! I’m going to jump up and down now and see if my vagina falls out. If only Freud had known about this easy cure for penis envy!

Isn’t it true that cows’ uteri can fall out (prolapse)? Maybe that’s where they got the idea. In All Creatures Great and Small, it seems like Herriott spends half his time trying to stick one cow or another’s uterus back in …

9 years ago

I usually try to avoid anything trolls like Heartiste says, but, holy noodle, that’s amazing. Every little bit of advice he gives is goddamn hilarious.

Heartiste is the Cosmopolitan “Eight Crazy Sex Tips” guy for PUAs. “Drive them wild with this crazy technique!” Hilarious.

Oh, wait, he’s serious? Holy shit.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

That advice assumes the “red state prole chick” is a refugee from the “Dumb and Dumber” movies, and is bigoted and stupid.

– pzmyers

Well, there is a tendency from PuA to see women in the “abstract” sense, and not as real people. I guess this might extend to others “outside” of the PuA zone of equals. “Red State Prole People” is likely an *idea* – not people he empathizes with as, well, *people*.

9 years ago

Therefore if a woman got jolted around too much her vagina might ‘fall out’ and turn into a penis, and vice versa.

Does a hard kick work? (NSFW)

9 years ago

I don’t understand the connection between the “proletariat” and the “bucolic” areas of red states. I’m assuming he means low income women from rural areas, but the use of the word “proletariat” is really poorly applied, almost bordering on catachresis.

9 years ago

Isn’t there a whole subgenre of Country music about how women like salt-of-the-Earth Manly Man country men better than they like us effete urban types?

9 years ago

Raising livestock on your roof. What an easy, cost effective way to make yourself more attractive to women.

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