As the news broke this morning that the Germanwings plane crash may have been a deliberate murder/suicide caused by the flight’s co-pilot, readers of the leading Men’s Rights website A Voice for Men were greeted by a post from site founder Paul Elam titled “A little blood in the mix never hurt a revolution.”
The headline on Elam’s post, a muddled mess that’s mostly a response to recent infighting amongst MRAs, recalls a disturbing post of his from several years ago titled “How to Build a Man Bomb.” (Archived here.)
Ostensibly a warning about the cost of ignoring male rage, it read a lot more like a threat.
[W]e are building a man bomb. And when this one detonates it could make the American race riots [of the 1960s] look like a Thanksgiving Day parade.
The misandric Zeitgeist, the system of feminist governance that most are sill loathe to acknowledge is about to head toward its inevitable and ugly conclusion, and the results of that will inflict another deep wound on the psyche of the western world.
The post continues on for some time in this melodramatic vein:
The ranking members of the matriarchy, like social terrorists, are partnering with and guiding government toward the inevitable explosion, and when it goes off they will be the first to point the finger at men, even at MRA’s, for the fallout.
It won’t help them, though. Because whatever tragic end this comes to, it will not be at the hands of MRA’s, but in spite of our efforts to prevent it.
All this would be a little more believable as a “warning” if Elam and other MRAs didn’t devote most of their energy to cultivating exactly this kind of male anger — and in some cases lionizing those who have acted out this rage.
The problem goes well beyond the few — on the fringe of even the already extreme Men’s Rights movement — who glorify misogyny-driven mass murderers like Marc Lepine or Elliot Rodger. Or those “Red Pillers” who declare that if they were going to kill themselves they would take some woman with them.
No, the problem comes when those in the mainstream of the Men’s Rights movement celebrate men like Tom Ball, a troubled father who set himself on fire on the steps of a New Hampshire courthouse in an attempt, as he explained in a lengthy manifesto, to inspire other men “to start burning down police stations and courthouses” to protest what he saw as a misandrist court system.
He followed this call to arms with instructions on how to prepare effective Molotov cocktails, and a lengthy plea to men to “finish the job” he had started:
There will be some casualties in this war. Some killed, some wounded, some captured. Some of them will be theirs. Some of the casualties will be ours.
Now, nobody wants to get killed. But let us look at your life. You are broke after paying child support. … Face it boys, we are no longer fathers. We are just piggy banks.
So you are not losing anything by picking up the Molotov cocktail. …
I only managed to get the main door of the Cheshire County Courthouse in Keene, NH. I would appreciate it if some of you boys would finish the job for me.
In other words, Ball was a would-be suicide/murderer who hoped others would do the murdering for him.
Ball’s manifesto was posted on AVFM’s “Activism” section for several years, taken down only after the Boston Marathon, and he was widely hailed by others in and around the Men’s Rights movement.
Helen Smith — an AVFM ally, the author of Men on Strike, and the wife of “Instapundit” Glenn Reynolds — wrote that Ball’s
statement is not the ramblings of a madman, it is the mission of a warrior in some sense. He was fighting for his rights and for yours, if you are male. He was trying to bring some urgency to the male plight in this country … .
She somehow neglected to mention that he was trying to do this by urging men to firebomb courthouses and police stations.
It’s striking how often MRA manifestos shade into vague threats of violence. One recent case, of many: Jeremiah True, the MRA-adjacent Reed College student banned from the discussion section of one of his courses after unnerving everyone in the class with his rants on rape, warned in one recent online manifesto that “[i]f you exclude me from the campus, I will rain hell down upon you all.”
True’s melodramatic insinuations of apocalyptic retribution might be amusing if declarations like these didn’t so often precede actual violence.
Unfortunately, when they aren’t making vague threats like these, MRAs are often found offering ingenious excuses for actual murderers. In an online discussion of the case of Chris Benoit, a pro wrestler who killed his wife and his son before hanging himself, AVFM’s Alison Tieman (a.k.a. Typhonblue) suggested that men who kill their families were men “backed into a courner [sic].” In the case of Benoit, she wondered
what horrific thing this woman did to this man to make him snap like this? I know, I know… “blaming the victim”. But I’ve seen too many “victims” grinning and pulling strings in the back ground to really feel sorry for them any more.
Her solution to male murder/suicide?
It’s obvious from this that men need to step away from women and start developing a male society outside of the auspices of women. That way they can support eachother when they get kicked out of female-society.
Murder/suicide isn’t the result of “misandry,” of evil wives “grinning and pulling strings in the back ground,” of men being “kicked out of female society.”
All too often, it’s the result of aggrieved male entitlement, of old-school “macho” attitudes that teach men that any sort of failure (from sexual to financial) is shameful and that anger is the only acceptable emotion to show the world.
Unfortunately, the Men’s Rights movement does nothing to challenge any of these toxic notions, all of them legacies of patriarchal thinking. All too often, MRAs celebrate them, helping to make the world a more difficult place for men, and a more dangerous place for women and children.
Male rage is not part of the solution. It is part of the problem.
My previous post on the Germanwings Flight 9525, and one “manospherean’s” appalling response to it, can be found here.
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And the Jezebel article was a satirical response to a DV study that uses terrible categorization to “prove” that men and women commit violence equally (in frequency and scope). It used over the top descriptors for simple things, like “hitting with an open hand” to describe slapping, or “violently shoving” to describe pushing, and it inserted the context that the study ignored; things like a defensive response to someone throwing their computer across the room. In the study, that’d be non-reciprocal violence. In real life, few people would think that.
Paul’s response was basically “Oh yeah? Oh yeah? You think violence is funny huh? Well, I’ll declare a Bash a Violent Bitch month, where men beat the living shit out of their significant others. You won’t think violence is so funny when YOU’RE the one getting your stupid fucking face bashed in.”
That’s not satire, that’s just rage put to paper; an over-the-top fantasy of violence in response to a joke about a violence study, not violence itself.
How is it illogical to ask you for one example of the MRM helping men and boys? Or to find one example of feminists opposing someone helping them?
You made the claims. Back them up.
Also Elam, who is 6’5 said he wouldn’t hesitate to use violence above and beyond self defense to retaliate against a 105 lb woman who had hit him.
Clearly, the answer is no, which is interesting, as Paul claimed earlier that “people on this site don’t want a discussion.” Yet, when someone asks questions to try to have an actual discussion, those questions are ignored.
<blockquote.Like REALLY. we laid this issue to rest 5. years. ago.
Denying the context and lying about it being “satire” is not “laid to rest”. You’re lying and no one here is dim enough to believe your bullshit. Run along an lick your great leader’s boots. Send him some money while your at it. You’re pathetic. You hate and ignorance are so embarrassing that if you had on moment of honest self reflection you’d be ashamed.
..and JB couldn’t get a rise out of a loaf of bread. “WHOOOORE!” isn’t exactly rapier wit. People exposing her lies, twisted misogyny and harassment aren’t the ones who are JB’s little puppets on strings. You are. She knows it. She gets off on the power just like Paul Elam does. That’s why she whips you up and then sets you on her targets du jour. It’s sport for her. She’s not an activist. She’s just a creepy lady screaming slurs at people who never wanted to talk to her in the first place. If she was using the phone or the mail or just standing on someone’s side walk to do what she’s been doing on Twitter, she’d have been visited by the police by now.
I effed that blockquote up. I can do typing!
Wier, I’m not here to do your bloody academic research for you and I don’t owe you my time. I came here to speak about this grotesqueness of this headline, not to trade weblinks about the MRM and what they have or have not done. I’m not even part of the ‘MRM’ I’m an egaletarian moderate who think most feminists and MRM’s are just different sides of the same extremist coin.
I don’t see much activism happening here either, other than regular angry posts by david about supposed conspiracies in the manosphere.
So Paul, basically you want to make accusations and have people take you at your word without any discussion? And we’re the ones not interested in discussion?
Nobody’s forcing you to pay attention to David or anyone here. If you don’t like it, then run along.
Nice website attached to your handle, by the way, though the name of this blog has moved on so you might need a different domain. “wehuntedthemammories” perhaps?
“So Paul, basically you want to make accusations and have people take you at your word without any discussion”
Sure, why not. I thought that was a core principle of modern feminism — taking people at their word with no evidence. #IStandWithJackie #teamharpy
Oh. Paul. You widdle dickens you.
Paul thinks if he’s vague and huffy someone might read this and take him seriously.
That’s his brain firing on all cylinders. That’s the best argument he could make and he thinks it was AWESOME! It’s like he’s circling a poop he did on the floor, throwing confetti and yelling “In your face feminisms!”.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a perfect example of your average MRA.
Kirby, I didn’t believe you. Then I clicked, and ohs noes.
Have to run to work, but might poke my nose back in during the lulls!
Now he’s pretending to be a neutral egalitarian. How original! That claim doesn’t exactly hold because his original comment was about how the MRM just wants to help men and boys. Now that he’s been called out on being unable to back it up, he has to pretend he’s not one of them.
A wild Troll appeared!
Mammotheers used REQUEST FOR EVIDENCE.
It was super effective!
Troll tried to use BULLSHIT EXCUSES but it was confused!
So Paul is basically your average MRA coming in here to drop some assertions at us and then never ever back them up with anything concrete. Bored now. Every. One. Of. You. Does that.

Feminism: if you can’t beat ’em, post stupid GID’s
OK, who shot the food?
Boring troll is boring, bordering on spamming. Someone email David, I’m on my phone right now.
No one has o beat you, Paul. You walked in the room, shit and fell back in it. You haven’t actually answered any questions, backed up your claims or even clearly defined your terms. At this point you are rolling in said shit and crowing in triumph. It’s actually helping me feel better about this whole ugly thing. Thank you.
It’s hard to “beat” you when you ignore any serious answers. Mockery is the only tool we have left. 🙂
“Someone email David” Thankyou. That just made my day. I’m done here. Don’t wanna ruin your little man bashing party after all, that would be misogynistic. You can leave your bearded overlord to his …. whatever the hell he does .. *shudder*
Lea: it’s spelled two.
This is like 15 comments now of Paul saying nothing at all in a very verbose way. Is there a record?
Actually, it’s spelled “to”.