a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy dark enlightenment elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny omega males PUA reactionary bullshit red pill vox day

Vox Day: Could Andreas Lubitz’s murder/suicide by plane been prevented "if the sluts of the world were a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs?"

Andres Lubitz: Mass murderer?
Andreas Lubitz: Mass murderer?

French prosecutors are saying that the co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus A320 that crashed in the Alps brought the plane down deliberately, after locking the pilot out of the cockpit. If so, this was one of the most horrific cases of murder/suicide the world has ever seen.

At the moment, we don’t know enough about the co-pilot, 28-year-old Andreas Lubitz. to know what motivated him to allegedly crash the plane. French authorities are saying that they don’t think it was an act of terrorism. But that may be because they have a rather simplistic definition of terrorism.

Murder/suicide is an overwhelmingly male crime; studies suggest that men may make up 90% or more of the perpetrators. While most of these cases — excluding suicide bombings — involve a man killing himself and a partner or ex-partner, there have also been cases in which men have resorted to mass murder in order to make some twisted point about what they see as a world unfair to men in general and them in particular. These acts aren’t generally considered terrorism, but they should be.

You know the names: Elliot Rodger, who killed seven, including himself, as part of what he called his “War on Women.” George Sodini, a would-be pickup artist who opened fire on an LA Fitness aerobics class because he couldn’t get a date. Marc Lepine, who killed 14 women at the École Polytechnique in Montreal in an attempt “to send the feminists, who have always ruined my life, to their Maker.” The list goes on.

Whenever one of these horrific massacres occurs, there are always some who rush to excuse or defend or even lionize the perpetators. And there are those who argue that these tragedies could have somehow been averted if women had just treated these poor men better.

In the case of this particular tragedy, reactionary fantasy writer Vox Day — real name, Theodore Beale — is literally suggesting that it could have been prevented “if the sluts of the world were just a little less picky and a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs.”

Here’s his, er, argument, from a post on his Alpha Game blog today:

Why he did it, no one knows yet, but it won’t surprise me to learn that Lubritch [sic] was a deeply angry and embittered Omega male. There is a reason Omegas frighten women merely by existing; they are capable of terrible and merciless acts of self-destruction. You can see Lubritch is a small and prematurely balding young man, possibly somewhat overweight, his occupation indicates that he was more intelligent than the norm, and the uncertain smile he has on his face tends to indicate low socio-sexual rank.

Good to know that Vox — who himself has an “uncertain smile” in some photographs I’ve seen of him — can x-ray someone’s personality by glancing at a snapshot.

Now, obviously no one else was responsible for Lubritch’s actions if it indeed was Omega rage at work. He alone bears the blame. But it is somewhat haunting to think about how many lives might be saved each year if the sluts of the world were just a little less picky and a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs.

So he alone deserves the blame — but somehow his actions are also the fault of unfair blowjob distribution by the “sluts of the world?”

As a 28 year-old airline pilot, Lubritch would likely have been married in a more traditionally structured society. It’s not impossible that the Germanwings deaths represent more of the indirect costs of feminism.

Oh, and it’s ultimately the fault of feminism.

Now, Vox Day is a famously terrible person, and something of a troll.

But the fact is that similar — if generally less explicit — apologias for male violence are common in the “manosphere” and amongst Men’s Rights Activists.

More on this here.

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9 years ago

Why do we have to provide the blowjobs? Do you not have a mouth, Beale?

9 years ago

The problem with talking about Vox Day is that any word you call him, you are insulting the thing denoted by that word. For example, calling him a sack of shit is an insult to real sacks of shit.

9 years ago

Vox on children, such a caring person (joke):

“Therefore: A man who is interested in pursuing a relationship with an otherwise high potential single mother can test her ability and willingness to become a good wife and mother to his children by requiring her to give up custody of her illegitimate spawn in return for a commitment from him.”

“Not only that, but by virtue of such a demand, he becomes much more attractive to her, as there are few things more ruthlessly ALPHA than requiring a woman to choose between her bastard(s) and the man with whom she is seeking a permanent relationship.”

“Is it rough on the bastards? To be sure, but seriously, in a world of abortion and no-fault divorce, it’s a little disingenuous to claim that the family system gives even the smallest of damns about children. If the legal regime was genuinely set up to defend the long-term interests of the children, divorce would be illegal except for female adultery, abortion would be punished by the execution of the guilty doctors and nurses and the sterilization of the guilty woman, and custody in the event of divorce would go automatically to the father.”

9 years ago

Why hasn’t Vox been put in prison yet?

9 years ago


… Sooooooo… Being a good wife and mother means abandoning your children? “Illegitimate spawn” is his descriptor for kids that a woman had before a relationship with him? Giving women a painful ultimatum is attractive?

Well, I’m pretty sure that should someone choose to follow that advice, the ultimatum will not be painful. Keep the kids, dump the asshole, and find someone else to date.

And is the argument in that last paragraph seriously “welp, the legal system doesn’t care about chidren, so you shouldn’t care either?” God damn…

Al Porter
9 years ago

That escalated quickly. It took 2 days to blame MRA’s with a wild leap of pretzel logic. This almost sounds like an Onion article it’s so absurd.

9 years ago

Is there no end to the depravity of this … I really don’t want to cal;l him a man.

9 years ago

Hang on a minute. I thought that women, not men, were the ones with the magical, biotruthful child-nurturing abilities, which is why men can’t be expected to do anything for their kids before they can walk and why women are supposed to take on all of the child-rearing responsibilities except providing money and doing the fun stuff with the kids. If that’s their belief, doesn’t that mean that in a fair world for children, mothers would get custody while fathers would pay child support and get generous visitation rights? That is what the logic of their worldview would dictate.

9 years ago

… Sooooooo… Being a good wife and mother means abandoning your children?

Yeah, even setting aside the cruelty, abandoning your children for a guy you just met seems like the opposite of a good litmus test for parenting.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Lisa | March 26, 2015 at 7:57 pm
Vox on children, such a caring person (joke):

“Therefore: A man who is interested in pursuing a relationship with an otherwise high potential single mother can test her ability and willingness to become a good wife and mother to his children by requiring her to give up custody of her illegitimate spawn in return for a commitment from him.”

“Not only that, but by virtue of such a demand, he becomes much more attractive to her, as there are few things more ruthlessly ALPHA than requiring a woman to choose between her bastard(s) and the man with whom she is seeking a permanent relationship.”

“Is it rough on the bastards? To be sure, but seriously, in a world of abortion and no-fault divorce, it’s a little disingenuous to claim that the family system gives even the smallest of damns about children. If the legal regime was genuinely set up to defend the long-term interests of the children, divorce would be illegal except for female adultery, abortion would be punished by the execution of the guilty doctors and nurses and the sterilization of the guilty woman, and custody in the event of divorce would go automatically to the father.”

Good gods above! I’d have kicked his ass right out. I wouldn’t have given two flying fucks about how well he treated me, how big his peen was, or how many bon bons, scented fucking candles, or diamonds he bought me. If it ever comes down to “it’s me or the kids!” I will always choose the kids. Dude’s replaceable, my (hypothetical) children are not.

Hell, I’d do that if it came down to “It’s me or the cat!” as well. I love my pets, and I wouldn’t give them up for the world.

And heaven help any children whose mothers would have jumped on that.

Good people don’t make you choose between them and something else you love.

9 years ago

“Is it rough on the bastards? To be sure, but seriously, in a world of abortion and no-fault divorce, it’s a little disingenuous to claim that the family system gives even the smallest of damns about children. If the legal regime was genuinely set up to defend the long-term interests of the children, divorce would be illegal except for female adultery, abortion would be punished by the execution of the guilty doctors and nurses and the sterilization of the guilty woman, and custody in the event of divorce would go automatically to the father.”

So the logic is that the current system is bad for children, so fuck it, let’s make it even worse for children?

9 years ago


I’m pretty sure the rationale is “well, they aren’t MY biological children, so to have any empathy towards is to be a cuckold.” The rest is just fluffy justification.

9 years ago

@friday jones:

Omega is also the guy who created the Eye of Harmony. Whovian geek supreme right here!

@Alan Robertshaw:

I thought Rassilon actually created it and Omega just fell into it [Obviously Gallifrey severely lacking a Health& Safety Executive]

Welcome, fellow Whovians!!

I think they cooperated on it, maybe they were competing, but Omega definitely got trapped in it, and then the Master tried to use it to un-crispify himself. Apparently whatever mechanism they use to give Time Lords a regeneration cycle was [i]more tricky[/i] to get to than assassinating the President, then stealing the Rod, Sash and Key.

Oh, and the Time Lords hold political meetings while standing on it.

9 years ago

This pathologically obsessive scapegoating of women, without a shred of logic or empirical evidence, is pure Goebbels. Yep, I’m godwinning, but consider: the Nazis weren’t some anomaly from outer space. Their group pathology wasn’t unique to them. It lives on here.

Scapegoating is indeed a fascist tactic. It’s not too surprising that people who have aggrieved entitlement would flirt with fascist ideas if not be fascists themselves.

9 years ago

Hell, I’d do that if it came down to “It’s me or the cat!” as well. I love my pets, and I wouldn’t give them up for the world.

9 years ago

A man who is interested in pursuing a relationship with an otherwise high potential single mother can test her ability and willingness to become a good wife and mother to his children by requiring her to give up custody of her illegitimate spawn in return for a commitment from him.

Test how good a mother your woman will be, by demanding she abandon her children!


9 years ago

Meanwhile, back to the depressing subject at hand, it would appear that the so-called Omega Virgin Incel was nothing of the sort:

Pilot Andreas Lubitz might have been suffering a ‘personal crisis’ at the time of the fatal Germanwings crash, it was claimed last night.

Reports from Germany suggested the 28-year-old was struggling to cope after a failed relationship when he deliberately ploughed the Airbus A320 into the mountainside, killing his 149 passengers.

The theory emerged just hours after police investigating the disaster announced they had made a ‘significant discovery’ during a four-hour search of Lubitz’s flat, which he is said to have shared with a girlfriend.

…shared with a girlfriend.

Well, there goes the “no one sucked his cock” theory.

Oh, and there’s also another picture of him at the site, running in a marathon. He’s trim and not at all diffident looking. Quite an attractive young chap, actually.

But of course, Beale is bound to seize on the failed-relationship bit as proof of his cockamamie theory of the terrible, terrible terrorist potential of the unsucked cock. Because heaven forfend that an oh-so-rational, masculine guy be simply too emotionally labile to fly, right?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Katz: That’s what I was thinking of when I typed that. XD

@gelar: Agreed. And what makes it worse is that he thinks that will somehow make him more attractive to the woman who he just told to abandon her children for him.

It’s like that scene from The Parent Trap remake from years ago:

Meredith Blake: Here’s what’s going on, buddy: the day we get married is the day I ship those brats off to Switzerland, get the picture? It’s me, or them. Take your pick.
Nick Parker: Them.
[Hallie and Annie stare at each other excitedly]
Meredith Blake: Excuse me?
Nick Parker: T-H-E-M. Them.
[staring into Meredith’s face]
Nick Parker: Get the picture?

And then Meridith has a screaming fit.

Sandy Lee
9 years ago

Jumping on a recent high-profile tragedy and claiming (with utterly no evidence or even tenuous connection) that said tragedy occurred because of direct ramifications of your own pet issue/hatred?


I seem to remember another “activist” group that engaged in similar tactics.

I wonder if Vox Day and Mr. Elam and other “men’s rights activists” or “anti-feminists” or whatever-the-fuck are hoping to be given the same worldwide respect, credibility and legitimacy acquired by the venerated arbiters of moral discourse in the Westboro Baptist Church. Claiming that a soldier died in combat in Afghanistan because “God hates fags” seems about the same leap of logic as “plane crash = wimminz won’t blow me”

9 years ago

Dawn Incognito:

I’m sorry to about the abusive situation you were in. I hope you are in much better place right now and found someone who treats you with love and respect. <3 You are absolutely right, though. No matter what one is going through, no one has the right to take other people with them. Because it is not only wrong, it down right evil. Even when things have hit rock bottom for you, you still recognized that. I am at a loss as to why people like Andreas Lubitz don't. It is totally incomprehensible for me. I just can't imagine deliberately flying a plane into a mountain with the intent of killing myself and taking 150 innocent people with me. I just can't. It must take a special brand of evil to do something like that.

9 years ago

@Sandy Lee, you beat me to it. And likely for the same reasons as WBC, which is publicity and hoping to raise money through attention gained by hanging onto tragic, unrelated news like a particularly disgusting breed of lamprey.

VD used to try and funnel his income by picking fights with big-name liberal bloggers like Scalzi or Bad Astronomer, but that dried up, I guess, so he’s back to busking by playing the libertarian Pat Robertson.

Betty Fokker
9 years ago

Reblogged this on The Stay-at-Home Feminist Mom.

Sandy Lee
9 years ago

@mythago, you’re probably right, and this is a cynical attempt at garnering attention and publicity. I can only hope that much like Westboro, the likes of VD (haha, VD, that cracks me up every time because it’s so appropriate) and Paul Elam will find out that there is, in fact, such a thing as bad publicity. Maybe they’ll discover that blaming an un-related tragic plane crash on women have gone too far, and will be met with the same derision and dismissal as blaming an un-related soldier’s death on “the gays”.

And then maybe the non-hateful world will be blessed with just a touch more peace and quiet. Probably wishful thinking on my part.

Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

Buttercup and misseb47:

Thank you for the sympathy. I was able to break away from my abuser (not the cleanest break but oh well), with quite a bit of help from friends and social services. Then my support network helped me break away from my other abuser (mother still doesn’t understand why I’m “mad at her”). I’m not in the bestest place, and continue to go through a lot of therapy, but I have more coping skills then before.

Christ on a bicycle, I’ve resisted jumping in front of a subway just by thinking of how it would traumatize the driver of the train and the people in the station. I just can’t understand how a pilot could do that to their crew and passengers and their loved ones. So many people hurt by one man’s selfish act.

9 years ago

Just when I thought the MRAs couldn’t stoop any lower, they do. How absolutely disgusting. 150 innocent people have died because of this man and the first thing they do is minimize his culpability by blaming it in on women for not giving him blow jobs. WHAT THE F**K?! Why is it that woman are to blame for everything that men do? How many Andreas Lubitzs, Elliot Rodgers, George Sodinis and Marc Lepines do there have to before before they realize that male entitlement is a serious problem? (and for those who feel that what Andreas Lubitzs did wasn’t due to entitlement, he felt entitled to take it upon himself to fly an aircraft full of innocent passengers into a mountain-to not only kill himself, but to deliberately take 150 people with him. If that is not entitlement, I don’t know what is) How many innocent people have to die? When are they going to get it through their thick skulls that these men are responsible for their own actions and that they deliberately take it upon themselves to kill innocent people? But no! It was because of the evil wimmiz won’t please their boners!! WAH!! THE POOR MENZ!! These people make me sick! >:-(

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