a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy dark enlightenment elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny omega males PUA reactionary bullshit red pill vox day

Vox Day: Could Andreas Lubitz’s murder/suicide by plane been prevented "if the sluts of the world were a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs?"

Andres Lubitz: Mass murderer?
Andreas Lubitz: Mass murderer?

French prosecutors are saying that the co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus A320 that crashed in the Alps brought the plane down deliberately, after locking the pilot out of the cockpit. If so, this was one of the most horrific cases of murder/suicide the world has ever seen.

At the moment, we don’t know enough about the co-pilot, 28-year-old Andreas Lubitz. to know what motivated him to allegedly crash the plane. French authorities are saying that they don’t think it was an act of terrorism. But that may be because they have a rather simplistic definition of terrorism.

Murder/suicide is an overwhelmingly male crime; studies suggest that men may make up 90% or more of the perpetrators. While most of these cases — excluding suicide bombings — involve a man killing himself and a partner or ex-partner, there have also been cases in which men have resorted to mass murder in order to make some twisted point about what they see as a world unfair to men in general and them in particular. These acts aren’t generally considered terrorism, but they should be.

You know the names: Elliot Rodger, who killed seven, including himself, as part of what he called his “War on Women.” George Sodini, a would-be pickup artist who opened fire on an LA Fitness aerobics class because he couldn’t get a date. Marc Lepine, who killed 14 women at the École Polytechnique in Montreal in an attempt “to send the feminists, who have always ruined my life, to their Maker.” The list goes on.

Whenever one of these horrific massacres occurs, there are always some who rush to excuse or defend or even lionize the perpetators. And there are those who argue that these tragedies could have somehow been averted if women had just treated these poor men better.

In the case of this particular tragedy, reactionary fantasy writer Vox Day — real name, Theodore Beale — is literally suggesting that it could have been prevented “if the sluts of the world were just a little less picky and a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs.”

Here’s his, er, argument, from a post on his Alpha Game blog today:

Why he did it, no one knows yet, but it won’t surprise me to learn that Lubritch [sic] was a deeply angry and embittered Omega male. There is a reason Omegas frighten women merely by existing; they are capable of terrible and merciless acts of self-destruction. You can see Lubritch is a small and prematurely balding young man, possibly somewhat overweight, his occupation indicates that he was more intelligent than the norm, and the uncertain smile he has on his face tends to indicate low socio-sexual rank.

Good to know that Vox — who himself has an “uncertain smile” in some photographs I’ve seen of him — can x-ray someone’s personality by glancing at a snapshot.

Now, obviously no one else was responsible for Lubritch’s actions if it indeed was Omega rage at work. He alone bears the blame. But it is somewhat haunting to think about how many lives might be saved each year if the sluts of the world were just a little less picky and a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs.

So he alone deserves the blame — but somehow his actions are also the fault of unfair blowjob distribution by the “sluts of the world?”

As a 28 year-old airline pilot, Lubritch would likely have been married in a more traditionally structured society. It’s not impossible that the Germanwings deaths represent more of the indirect costs of feminism.

Oh, and it’s ultimately the fault of feminism.

Now, Vox Day is a famously terrible person, and something of a troll.

But the fact is that similar — if generally less explicit — apologias for male violence are common in the “manosphere” and amongst Men’s Rights Activists.

More on this here.

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zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

PUAs and Highlanders are forbidden from operating on holy ground. It’s one of the rules.

9 years ago

Also, worth mentioning to newcomers:

The whole ‘alpha/beta’ thing is based in large part on some old studies of wolf pack dynamics, which postulated a single ‘alpha’ male that leads the pack and has sex with all the females; the beta males are consigned to pack maintenance duties and occasionally have sex only when the alpha is not around; omega wolves, in this system, would be outsiders, forced to operate on the fringes of the pack.

The only problem, of course, is that these studies were long ago debunked as both overly simplistic and in many cases, flat-out wrong. Wolf pack dynamics are far more convoluted and nuanced, and mostly it was the male scientists projecting their own biases onto their analysis of the behavior.

9 years ago

The other question I have is this–if they’re so desperate for “traditionally minded virgins”, why on earth are they trying to pick people up at bars? Lets face it, that demographic is unlikely to be convinced by “negging” over the course of a single evening. Go to churches or something.

Or pretty much anywhere else.

I have never successfully picked up a woman in a bar in my life. Granted, I’ve hardly ever tried – in fact, I’m not sure I have ever tried – but somehow I’ve managed to spend pretty much my entire adult life getting laid with very satisfying regularity.

Similarly, I’ve never tried “negging”. I have this amazing seduction technique known as “being myself” and “being honest” – and it actually works! Who knew?

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

German pilots cast doubts on the official suicide story:

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Re: omegas and other similar nonsense

Let’s not forget the Mammothian classic (and the only tried and true explanation of the manurespherian Greek alphabet idiocy):

Elliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
Elliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
9 years ago

These manosphere guys have a lot in common with communists and Bolsheviks, at least in how they regard sex. Vox Day is complaining that “the sluts of the world” don’t pass out blowjobs equally; what he’s really objecting to is the sexual free market, and what he wants is some kind of communist system in which every male is guaranteed equal access to sex. Substitute the words “alpha” with “bourgeoisie”, “sex” with “money”, and “betas/omegas/niceguys” with “proletariat” and you pretty much have Marxism-Leninism. And then you have the incels calling for taxpayer-funded girlfriends.

I don’t think that similarity is a coincidence, either. A lot of these guys admire E. Belfort Bax, after all.

The fact that so many of them (Thomas Ball, Paul Elam, etc.) are calling for a violent revolution is another red flag. They want to overthrow (what they see as) feminist tsardom and institute a dictatorship of the manletariat.

9 years ago

I don’t know if I can bear this weight. This shame. This devastating guilt. I have only been giving blowjobs to one beta male for 11 years, and it started in my prime SMV years on top of it. How many tragedies have I caused by not riding the cock carousel remaining single and blowing alpha males?

9 years ago

“We’ve spoken to crew that flew with him a few days before, and say he was relaxed and very normal,” Phillips says. “He was not acting in any way strange. He was friendly and outgoing, and there was never any sign that anyone should be concerned about.”

Including, presumably, nasty, picky sluts not dropping to their knees before his open zipper for the good of humanity.


“Leaks of this nature greatly harm flight safety since they invite ill-informed speculation from the media and general public and discourage cooperation with investigators in future accidents,” said a statement from the Montreal-based organization. “The sole purpose of a CVR is to aid investigators… not to apportion blame.”

Ill-informed? You don’t say!

9 years ago

My general policy is to more or less ignore anything I hear for the first 72 hours or so after an incident. People are always trying to jump to conclusions based on incomplete evidence — half of which usually turns out to be wrong as well. (See Benghazi, where the complaint seems to be “we made you answer questions before anyone knew what had really happened.”)

Vox Day is no more than a particularly egregious and dumbass version of what goes on in the media all the time.

9 years ago

German pilots cast doubts on the official suicide story:

Interesting that they focus entirely on the door and don’t address the fact that the autopilot was manually reprogrammed for a descent.

9 years ago

Aunt Edna’s link to the excellent Greek Alphabet post on Artistry for Feminism & Kittens included another link, to one talking about the bad science of the ‘alpha wolf’ myth, here on this site. We have femception!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


“My general policy is to more or less ignore anything I hear for the first 72 hours or so after an incident.”

That’s an excellent policy, and one used by some agencies.

Immediately after the 7/7 bombings in London they closed all the courts so, being Brits, we all went to the pub. I thought it polite to ring a few friends and let them know in case their work places had shut.

I also included a mate who works for a particular agency. His job is to do something related to gathering information on terrorists. I said he’d no doubt be up to his eyes in it, but if he managed to get a break in the next week or so we could meet for a drink. He said he’d be there immediately. “The info coming in for the first 72 hours is always wrong so we just ignore it. We won’t even start looking at stuff until later in the week.”

Turns out just staying in work would have been counterproductive because their normal information flow would be contaminated with all the new stuff. Well, that was his excuse anyway.

9 years ago

I’m going to bookmark this and every time I say something stupid, I’m going to read this and smile because there’s no way what I said was as dumb as what Vox wrote.

9 years ago

@ booburry: Clearly, there’s blood on our hands, unless they’re covered in liquid fucking gold.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

I don’t know if I can bear this weight. This shame. This devastating guilt. I have only been giving blowjobs to one beta male for 11 years, and it started in my prime SMV years on top of it. How many tragedies have I caused by not riding the cock carouselremaining single and blowing alpha males?

Same here, boobury. I think I bear even greater culpability because my mate frequently travels for work and leaves me sucking on nothing but honey cough drops and sadness for several months. I now know that my lack of civic cooperation probably caused all of those sinkholes last year. They were right in my veritable backyard, and I never put two and two together.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Ninja’d (with much more style, may I add) by Swales!

9 years ago

If Vox Day is not trolling, my question is, why hasn’t he been put in a mental hospital yet?

Also, guys, check this out. It’s an actual photo from a Facebook page called “Anti-feminism”. (They are obviously MRAs and have billions of links to AVfM in their “about” section.)
It’s nice that these guys honestly admit that equality for them means more women and girls suffering and dying. Lol.
comment image?oh=9bb91064aecdf6d760c856c74a2dd917&oe=55B01E99

9 years ago

I don’t know if I can bear this weight. This shame. This devastating guilt. I have only been giving blowjobs to one beta male for 11 years, and it started in my prime SMV years on top of it. How many tragedies have I caused by not riding the cock carouselremaining single and blowing alpha males?

Same here, boobury. I think I bear even greater culpability because my mate frequently travels for work and leaves me sucking on nothing but honey cough drops and sadness for several months. I now know that my lack of civic cooperation probably caused all of those sinkholes last year. They were right in my veritable backyard, and I never put two and two together.

You both have much less culpability than I do. At least you followed the social mores and paired off with other people. I’m asexual – I’m not interested in giving blowjobs or having sex with ANYONE – and I once considered becoming a nun. Oh, the humanity! My would-be mate might be languishing in prison RIGHT NOW and otherwise would not have, if only I’d gone out and tied myself to the first man I saw after I became legal!

9 years ago

These manosphere guys have a lot in common with communists and Bolsheviks, at least in how they regard sex. Vox Day is complaining that “the sluts of the world” don’t pass out blowjobs equally; what he’s really objecting to is the sexual free market, and what he wants is some kind of communist system in which every male is guaranteed equal access to sex.

This surprises me, because I thought VD was a big believer in the invisible hand-job of the market.

9 years ago

Vox Day and others of his ilk are big believers in the Invisible Hand of the Free Market except when they can see that socialist principles would benefit them. Thus, women who want maternity leave, insurance coverage for birth control, quality child care, family and medical leave et cetera, are slutty mcsluttersons and freeloaders looking to get other people to pay for things they don’t deserve and can’t earn on their own. But men can get insurance coverage for Viagra and should (by men’s rights) be able to get Teh Sex for reasons.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

Omega is also the guy who created the Eye of Harmony. Whovian geek supreme right here!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

I thought Rassilon actually created it and Omega just fell into it [Obviously Gallifrey severely lacking a Health& Safety Executive]

9 years ago

There is a total contradiction in all this. Lots of social studies from all over the world show that males in western countries have more sexual partners than ever before (and presumably more sex). Females are far more confident in their own sexuality and this has benefited vast numbers of males (as well as the females of course).

Do they want to go back to (pick just about any decade) say the 1920s or 30s, even the 50s, where the majority of males and females would be virgins at marriage? The only chance most males would have of losing their virginity before marriage would be by a prostitute?

So there is something really bizarre in all this. “I want to go out and meet ‘sluts’ for quick sex, but my wife has to be a virgin who never looks at anyone else and really doesn’t like sex, because if she liked sex she would be a whore and I can’t marry a whore…”. This is infantile and neurotic.

Plus “that guy over there (claims) he is getting more sex than me, it must be women’s fault because they are not being sluttish enough…But I don’t like sluts”….

And they claim to be more ‘logical’ than females?

Dawn Incognito
9 years ago


If Vox Day is not trolling, my question is, why hasn’t he been put in a mental hospital yet?

Please, no ableism here.

This is a false dichotomy. The options are not trolling and insane. Vox Day is perfectly capable of believing what he has said and being neurotypical. I personally believe he is engaging in hyperbole to whip up his fans.

From what I understand, it’s actually very difficult to commit someone against their will. They need to be a danger to themselves or others. Sadly, being a racist and sexist scumbag does not qualify.

I believe that Vox Day is odious and contemptible. I also think he is dangerously close to hate speech and inciting others to violence. But that does not necessarily make him crazy.

9 years ago

@Dawn Incognito

Sorry, it wasn’t my intention to be offensive. Yeah, I realize that he might be perfectly sane and exactly because of that it’s hard for me to believe that someone sane could say all this shit and really mean it lol. Too bad that being a woman-hating racist asshat doesn’t qualify.xD