a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy dark enlightenment elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny omega males PUA reactionary bullshit red pill vox day

Vox Day: Could Andreas Lubitz’s murder/suicide by plane been prevented "if the sluts of the world were a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs?"

Andres Lubitz: Mass murderer?
Andreas Lubitz: Mass murderer?

French prosecutors are saying that the co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus A320 that crashed in the Alps brought the plane down deliberately, after locking the pilot out of the cockpit. If so, this was one of the most horrific cases of murder/suicide the world has ever seen.

At the moment, we don’t know enough about the co-pilot, 28-year-old Andreas Lubitz. to know what motivated him to allegedly crash the plane. French authorities are saying that they don’t think it was an act of terrorism. But that may be because they have a rather simplistic definition of terrorism.

Murder/suicide is an overwhelmingly male crime; studies suggest that men may make up 90% or more of the perpetrators. While most of these cases — excluding suicide bombings — involve a man killing himself and a partner or ex-partner, there have also been cases in which men have resorted to mass murder in order to make some twisted point about what they see as a world unfair to men in general and them in particular. These acts aren’t generally considered terrorism, but they should be.

You know the names: Elliot Rodger, who killed seven, including himself, as part of what he called his “War on Women.” George Sodini, a would-be pickup artist who opened fire on an LA Fitness aerobics class because he couldn’t get a date. Marc Lepine, who killed 14 women at the École Polytechnique in Montreal in an attempt “to send the feminists, who have always ruined my life, to their Maker.” The list goes on.

Whenever one of these horrific massacres occurs, there are always some who rush to excuse or defend or even lionize the perpetators. And there are those who argue that these tragedies could have somehow been averted if women had just treated these poor men better.

In the case of this particular tragedy, reactionary fantasy writer Vox Day — real name, Theodore Beale — is literally suggesting that it could have been prevented “if the sluts of the world were just a little less picky and a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs.”

Here’s his, er, argument, from a post on his Alpha Game blog today:

Why he did it, no one knows yet, but it won’t surprise me to learn that Lubritch [sic] was a deeply angry and embittered Omega male. There is a reason Omegas frighten women merely by existing; they are capable of terrible and merciless acts of self-destruction. You can see Lubritch is a small and prematurely balding young man, possibly somewhat overweight, his occupation indicates that he was more intelligent than the norm, and the uncertain smile he has on his face tends to indicate low socio-sexual rank.

Good to know that Vox — who himself has an “uncertain smile” in some photographs I’ve seen of him — can x-ray someone’s personality by glancing at a snapshot.

Now, obviously no one else was responsible for Lubritch’s actions if it indeed was Omega rage at work. He alone bears the blame. But it is somewhat haunting to think about how many lives might be saved each year if the sluts of the world were just a little less picky and a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs.

So he alone deserves the blame — but somehow his actions are also the fault of unfair blowjob distribution by the “sluts of the world?”

As a 28 year-old airline pilot, Lubritch would likely have been married in a more traditionally structured society. It’s not impossible that the Germanwings deaths represent more of the indirect costs of feminism.

Oh, and it’s ultimately the fault of feminism.

Now, Vox Day is a famously terrible person, and something of a troll.

But the fact is that similar — if generally less explicit — apologias for male violence are common in the “manosphere” and amongst Men’s Rights Activists.

More on this here.

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ſoǝ Klǝɯɯǝɹ (@JoeKlemmer)

If I wasn’t solazy I’d spend 5 minutes and “prove” that it was all GamerGate’s fault. Or it was because of those Climate Deniers. Or those damned Indie GameDev’s.

Oh, wait…I’m an Indie GameDev. It’s all my fault! Nooooooo……

Malitia - SJW Who Lurks Above in Shadow
Malitia - SJW Who Lurks Above in Shadow
9 years ago

When I think these people can’t get any grosser they prove me wrong. :/

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Finally, the truth comes out.

9 years ago

If Beale were the protagonist of Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”, the transformation into an enormous insect would have improved him considerably.

9 years ago

“Are incel murder/suicides caused by women, or beliefs about women? That’s kind of an important distinction, fellas. They’re not the same thing. At all.”

You hit the nail on the head there, Buttercup. Even if the pilot was motivated by sexual frustration– and I think it’s important to note that there is absolutely no evidence on this, for or against– it’s absurd to put the blame on women.

9 years ago

I have been already waiting for one of these asses to use this tragedy to bring up their hateful ideology again. I just had a feeling that this would happen… That’s just really a new low for this “human rights movement”.

“Omega male”? I thought that MRAs divide all men only into alphas and betas…

And can they get even more entitled? “Women should suck more dicks; otherwise, desperate dudes will kill innocent people…” That’s just disgusting.

9 years ago

So, if I’m remembering correctly, Vox would be part of the group that is practically lusting over the day that men all across the world will decide “We’ve had enough” and rise up in violent rebellion against the women who have mistreated them so. They talk as if this uprising will happen any day now, and salivate over the notion that women will finally be put into their place.

I’m pretty sure they have an ideological motivation to cast every violent and/or self-destructive act by a man as somehow part of this slow build-up of outrage. They need men who commit violence to be driven by their lack of sex. It lends them credibility, and acts as a sign that the manpocalypse they so desperately want to happen is finally drawing near.

It’s like how religious extremists interpret every natural disaster or nation-wide tragedy as God’s wrath finally descending upon a nation that dares to treat non-straight-white-males as people. I guess they do believe it, but they also kind of have to.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

So, VD can diagnose OmegaMaleism just by looking at a photo, and then know everything there is to know about the guy’s psychology and life based on that categorization.

I think a lot of the appeal of redpill alphabeta evotruth bullshit is that it provides a convenient, simplified network of categories that A) one can reduce the world to and have everything make sense and not be complicated and messy and unexplained and B) reenforces and confirms what people already believe about men and women.

Similar to phrenology (as Wetherby pointed out), or astrology, or a thousand other predictively useless but still tenacious pseudoscience bullshit theories.

9 years ago


but David is still taking up the cue about murder/suicide and connecting it to the story as if it were the most likely motive.

Murder/suicide is not a “motive”. It’s an act. It means deliberately killing yourself and others. In order for this not to be a murder/suicide, the crash would have to be unintentional. So you’re saying that the loss of altitude and the captain being locked out were not deliberate, despite the investigators saying they must be?

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

So, if I’m remembering correctly, Vox would be part of the group that is practically lusting over the day that men all across the world will decide “We’ve had enough” and rise up in violent rebellion against the women who have mistreated them so.

– kirbywarp

I’m guessing this “mistreatment” boils down to women having agency, liberty and rights – and not being men’s servants to do with as men please.

9 years ago


Pretty much, practically speaking. Sure there’s main MRA talking points like women being able to jail a man with a snap of her fingers or divorce a man and take everything he owns just for the heck of it, but then there’s the notion that women can choose who to sleep with (and are choosing wrong).

Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

TW for discussion of homicidal/suicidal ideation.

Okay, you know what? At one of my very lowest points, trapped in an emotionally/financially abusive relationship with a manbaby who wouldn’t work and would lecture me for hours to the point of tears whenever I tried to tell him he needed to pay his way, I was tempted to commit murder/suicide. I thought it would be a mercy killing, since if I just killed myself he would be helpless without me.

I didn’t do it. Do you know why? Because murder is wrong.

Even trapped and abused and mentally ill, I knew that murder was wrong.

I have much empathy for the suicidal. I know what it feels like. If someone murders themselves, I find it tragic and heartbreaking but understandable. But you do NOT take other people with you. That is unconscionable.

Vox Day is a chum bucket for suggesting otherwise.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

It is entirely incompatible to expect both universal blowjobs and men not having to engage in basic hygiene such as ass-wiping. These dudes have an inconsistent platform. Perhaps their tent is too big. Maybe Angry Entitled White Male is just too broad a category to form a movement.

Tanya Nguyen
9 years ago

I’m kinda new to this whole MRA “in-group” vocab. What is an Omega male?

Donna Gratehouse (@DonnaDiva)

“Omega rage”?

What is it with these MRAs and Greek letters. It’s gotten to where you can’t even decipher 90% of what they’re saying.

“Alpha beta gamma slut whore omega theta sigma derp bitch mangina derp”

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@Dawn Incognito – That’s awful. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you were able to make a clean break and are in a better space now.

I’m still stuck on the idea that Vox Day thinks an airline pilot has “low socio-sexual status”. Isn’t pilot one of those mythical high-status alpha male professions, like rock star, doctor, and lion tamer?

I have a good friend who flies for a major U.S. airline and, while it’s not as glamorous as redpillers seem to think, the opportunities for dalliance are there, what with the long hours the crew spends together away from home, and the fact that his routes include places like Las Vegas, where they get put up at resort hotels with a certain amount of down time. He’s happily married, but he sees an awful lot of shenanigans.

That’s not to say sexual frustration was or was not a motive here (and maybe there are cultural differences), but it seems less likely for an airline pilot than, say, a guy who works the evening shift at the Lidz kiosk in the mall.

9 years ago

The Gamergate people and Mr Beale should get together and run a computer simulation on what happens when there’s a chicken in every pot and a pair of lips clamped around every penis. Will violence cease, the economy strengthen and a thousand flowers bloom?

Or will the world still be full of people who do sad and terrible things for reasons that couldn’t be predicted in advance?


9 years ago

I’m kinda new to this whole MRA “in-group” vocab. What is an Omega male?

I think Alphas are the ones who get all the hawt women when they’re still under 25, what with them being irresistible bad boys, while Betas are the ones that women “settle for”, although of course they cheat on them constantly. Omegas are men who don’t even manage to get that far, and who are condemned to die as lovelorn virgins.

Or something.

9 years ago

What is it with these MRAs and Greek letters.

They never grew out of the college fratboy stage.

9 years ago

I’m kinda new to this whole MRA “in-group” vocab. What is an Omega male?

I’m sure it’s something about being a loser and the opposite of an alpha male, but all I keep thinking of is that Charlton Heston movie. And a couple related White Zombie songs.

9 years ago

It seems a lot of the MRA’s major problem is, women fuck other people than them. They want lots of women lusting after them, begging them to let them give blow jobs, but not other guys. Hence the bizzaro double standard of wanting women to put out for them, but also be “traditionally minded virgins”.

The other question I have is this–if they’re so desperate for “traditionally minded virgins”, why on earth are they trying to pick people up at bars? Lets face it, that demographic is unlikely to be convinced by “negging” over the course of a single evening. Go to churches or something. (Ok….they might get incinerated upon stepping foot into a church…but thats beside the point.)

9 years ago

Yes, Alphas are the guys every (straight) woman wants to bang — the Brad Pitts.

Betas are the guys every (straight) woman settles down with when she conceives her Pitt’s baby, the man who is led to believe the baby is his — the John Hodgmans.

Omegas are the guys no (straight) woman glances at twice, so they never get laid.

And the MRAs keep parsing out new strata of losers, and labeling them with whichever Greek letter they can think of first that hasn’t been used already.

9 years ago

@Amanda, that’s exactly my experience. MRAs are mad because they’re convinced everyone else is having more sex than they are.

And if you cornered them on going to bars to get virgins, they’d probably waffle about how they have to go to bars because that’s where all the picky sluts are.

9 years ago

Equal distribution of blowjobs also goes against the feverish MRA following of Darwinian theories of a “sexual marketplace”. Of course, it’s also true that just because they are the ones winnowed out, it doesn’t mean nature isn’t working. It seems to me women are doing just fine refusing to be with low-character losers like MRAs.

dOOds: I’ll consider sending a little sympathy your way when male attention is distributed evenly between all women regardless of ridiculous HB number.

9 years ago

Yep. Greek alphabet soup! Sometimes I think MRA’s use more convoluted greek letter systems than I ever used while getting my math degree…