antifeminism antifeminist women drama kings mansplaining MRA TROOOLLLL!!

Reed College vs. The Dude Who Wouldn't Shut Up About Rape

Now I know how Joan of Arc felt
Now I know how Joan of Arc felt

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Last week, a news story out of Portland Oregon sent the right-wing “anti-PC” brigade into a state of gleeful fury: A student at Reed College was alleging that he’d been banned from class for challenging some commonly cited rape statistics.

“Dissent forbidden at liberal arts college,” a headline at Truth Revolt declared. “Apparently, feelings are more important than facts,” sniffed the National Review.

The New York Post devoted an entire editorial to this alleged outrage, declaring that the “real mistake” of the student in question, freshman Jeremiah True, “was to think Reed College is dedicated to the search for truth,” adding that

it’s time for Congress to start hearings on withholding federal funds from colleges that deny not just basic free-speech rights, but any semblance of intellectual freedom.

These bold defenders of “intellectual freedom” probably should have looked a little closer at True before hoisting him aloft as a free-speech martyr.

Because what he really seems to be is a troll — a real-world equivalent of the garrulous, irritating MRAs who fill any online discussion forum that will have them with bad-faith questions, personal attacks, and endless cut-and-pasted screeds, all the while doing their best to derail any discussion that doesn’t involve them and their pet issues.

As Mary Emily O’Hara reported yesterday in The Daily Beast,

True said he was booted from class because he questioned the concept of “rape culture” as well as the commonly cited “1 in 5” campus rape statistic. But Professor Pancho Savery, who asked True to leave his class, said that True had been disruptive in several ways that were making it hard for other students to continue their studies.

The disruptive behavior escalated, according to the college administration and reports from fellow students, to include yelling loudly in hallways to draw attention to himself, calling everyone who crossed his path a “n**ger” (True himself is biracial and identifies as black), posting inflammatory comments and name-calling online, and writing that he would “stake my life on this” and “I do not want to be a martyr, but I will do that if that is what is necessary to make a statement.”

Meanwhile, Robby Soave at — a libertarian publication that’s generally happy to pass along stories of alleged academic intolerance — also reported that True was a bit, well, off.

He declined to answer any of my questions unless I agreed to write the n-word as the first word in my article about him. (I rejected this demand.)

And in a recent interview, as Soave notes, True confessed that he’s deliberately stirring the shit, admitting that he was

disrupting some events on campus, and just walking through the halls and calling people nigger. Because if they are actually going to accuse me of being sexist and racist, then I might as well act as an actual sexist or racist might. To date, I believe I’ve gotten 22 no-contact orders.

We’ve had plenty of these sorts of trolls here. I used to give them fairly free rein in the comments here, but after 5 years the novelty has worn off just a little bit. These days, I ban them when they start to get even a little bit tiresome. It’s really the only way that the commenters here who aren’t trolls can have any kind of real discussion of anything.

In the age of the internet, it’s basically impossible to shut anyone up. True may be banned from the discussion section in one of his classes, but he’s free to rant all he wants online.

And he does, posting long screeds on his Facebook page and on a petition calling on Reed College to allow him back into the discussion section he’s been booted from. He argues his case on with a bizarre and often histrionic 3500-word manifesto in which, among other things, he compares himself to Martin Luther King. Though he claims not to be an MRA, he declares his love for an assortment of antifeminist heroines beloved by MRAs:

I am a Freedom Feminist, and I believe in Dr. Christina Hoff Sommer’s message. I believe Karen Straughan. I believe Janice Fiamengo.

He wraps up his petition on a melodramatic note:

I may be a radical, but I prefer to think that I’m radical in the way that Martin believed Jesus was a radical for love. I believe so strongly in equality that I will put my entire life on the line to stop something that I am convinced endangers that equality.

No matter what happens. I love you, mom. I love you, dad I love you my dear, dear sisters. I love you my dearest friends. I love you all, and I will sacrifice everything for you. … I do not think I will make it out of this unscathed and I am sitting here writing this, sobbing uncontrollably. … I do not want to be a martyr, but I will do that if that is what is necessary to make a statement.

The problem isn’t that True is demanding free speech — he’s got plenty of freedom to say what he wants. It’s that he’s demanding a captive audience for his speech. Discussion sections in college classes are supposed give everyone in them a chance to make themselves heard. That can’t happen when one person in the room takes up all the oxygen.

I’ve been in discussion sections as a student and as a teacher. Part of the job of the instructor is to gently encourage those who are quiet to talk — and, as diplomatically as possible, to get those who talk too much to shut their trap once in a while.

Alas, some students, like True, don’t really respond to diplomacy; their instructors then have to resort to sanctions.

I never had a class with anyone as disruptive as True evidently is. But my time at Cornell University overlapped with that of a certain Ann Coulter — you may have heard of her — and one semester I ended up in an American history discussion section with her. And, as you might imagine, she would not shut up.

The professor, a gentle liberal fellow, was too diplomatic to really rein her in. So we ended up devoting a considerable amount of the semester to listening her drone on about her hobbyhorses — like her belief, which as far as I know she still holds, that Martin Luther King was essentially a Communist puppet.

But if she was blabby she wasn’t completely disruptive, and the experience for me was as amusing as it was irritating. That doesn’t seem to have been the case with True, who evidently went out of his way to antagonize virtually everyone in his class. That’s not free speech. That’s being an asshole.

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9 years ago

<3 Thank you everyone. I've been having super fun times at my job recently, so this probably hit a bit harder than it would have otherwise…

9 years ago

As a left wing, PC, multy-culty “wanker”, I have never stifled debate in my life. I love debate! I LOOOOVE being challenged! I positively live to find out what other people think.

What I can’t stand is when the other person shuts down discussion with “you don’t/won’t/can’t understand ” (I can, if given a chance), or even more frustratingly “I don’t want to talk about this anymore”. Why not? I can only assume they think their views won’t stack up when subjected to any scrutiny.

So, no, I don’t stifle debate. I just insist you justify any OPINIONS with FACTS or reasoned argument.

Don’t wanna do that? S’okay, just don’t expect any credulity from me.

9 years ago


I am always taken aback by the idea that free speech, academic freedom variety, means that you should be free to hurl insults and slurs like monkeys flinging their poo.

That’s the thing, I sincerely doubt anyone believes that. They just don’t recognize the poo flinging. You saw how the reports on this guy went:

Jeremiah True questioned the “statistic” that one in five women on US campuses is a victim of sexual assault — and, indeed, dared doubt the whole claim that a “rape culture” infests the universities.

For that, his Humanities 110 professor, Pancho Savery, issued a gag order, barring True from speaking in class discussion.

True told Buzzfeed News that Savery first warned him that other students were uncomfortable hearing his views, then later imposed the muzzle. “In light of the serious stress you have caused your classmates, I feel that I have no other choice,” Savery wrote.

Stress? At hearing a statistic questioned?

If that’s all you read, and you’re already in the mindset that those dang liberal colleges are banning the bible and indoctrinating students with evolution and whatnot, that kind of reporting is going to color your opinion a little.

Plus, I’m pretty sure most of the stories news orgs run come from other news orgs, so one bad, poorly researched, or misleadingly written story spreads like wildfire until nobody remembers where it started and it becomes accepted as true.

9 years ago


or even more frustratingly “I don’t want to talk about this anymore”. Why not? I can only assume they think their views won’t stack up when subjected to any scrutiny.

Umm, I’d like to offer some advice on this one, as someone who has had personal experiences with arguing with people with boundary issues. Be super careful about that one… not everyone is as excited about debate as you are. Sometimes people just want or need to withdraw, whether because they want to get out of an argument they think they’re losing, because they don’t think it’s going to be productive, or because they recognize they’re getting heated and want some space to cool off.

All of those reasons are still valid ones. Nobody should be forced to continue a conversation they don’t want to have, and winners aren’t determined by who’s left speaking at the end.

Now, “you just wouldn’t understand” I get. That usually boils down to a person who’s based their belief on a long life of confirmation bias, but can’t be arsed to do a little introspection, so just pretend that any “experienced” person would say the same. Got that one when a racist uncle of mine tried to justify why his refusal to hire black people was justified and totally not at all racist.

9 years ago

Kirby, I don’t know if I count as a regular but I also think you are cool and not harsh at all. People can get very defensive when called out on a silly mistake, but don’t let that get to you (even if they have good intentions and are just reacting, I think they will eventually think about it and reconsider their points offline).

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

Hey Kirby, if the thread in question is the one I’m thinking of, the new poster who used an ableist term did most certainly not fall over themselves apologizing. Instead, they announced that they could use it as they pleased because they were a mental health survivor. I believe it was when I said that I was also a mental health consumer and the reason why the term could be hurtful that they flounced because we were so meeeeeean.

I appreciate your standing up and calling out the ableist terms. Thank you.

9 years ago

So anyway, my morbid curiosity got the better of me and I Googled “Multi-culty.” Two definitions I saw: As “Multiculti” only, a neutral or positive (if rare) shorthand for multicultural, and as both “Multiculti” and “Multiculty,” well…

Ktrantingredhead, are you a literal neo-Nazi? =/ Holy shit, some of that garbage made Stormfront look tame.

9 years ago

Erm, like, that’s not me being hyperbolic or making a baseless accusation or anything, that’s an honest question.

9 years ago

I don’t see how you can make being sensitive to people of other backgrounds into an insult. I hope I can fairly call myself a multy-culty. Maybe I should be a GrumpyOldMultycultyMangina …

9 years ago


I find it ironic that the people who are giving you trouble and saying you’re harsh are basically perpetuating the same bullshit True is. I.e., ‘you’re stifling my right to say whatever I want and make others uncomfortable, even in an area whose rules are designed to prevent that!’

For myself, I’ve spent a very long time lurking and you’ve always seemed like a firm but fair debater and a maintainer of order.

9 years ago

I’ll add my two cents: kirbywarp you are awesome and many times I feel you stand up for us who sort-of-lurk.

*circles wagons*

9 years ago

Re: Kirby
I remember that thread. And my memory of it was that she got politely corrected then proceeded to climb up on a cross and loudly proclaim her martyrdom status until she finally flounced.

Yeah, fuck that. You’re fine. Don’t go anywhere.

9 years ago

This is why colleges should never, ever admit 4channers. Give the space to someone who actually wants to learn stuff.

9 years ago

This is why colleges should never, ever admit 4channers.

But then their parents might make them get a job or something! They would have to put that “men make the world turn” shit to the test, and its clear they can’t be around normal people for long without the mask slipping.

Talos Argon
9 years ago

Seems the world is becoming a feminist dictatorship.

9 years ago

Feel free to not answer but does this mythical “thread of doom” have anything to do with kitteh not being around anymore? I am so used to seeing her here but I felt kinda weird asking.

9 years ago


Yeah, Kittehs, Ally, Cassandrakitty, and a few others. It was a bad blow up on a tough issue, and pretty much no one was covered in glory during threadmaggedon and everything was pain.

Let’s leave it there? Please?

9 years ago

@scarlettathena–that is a really great idea. Just ask calmly, ‘ok, what are the actual numbers then?’ and wait for them to quote their solidly researched alternative statistics. They must have some, from reputable sources, or they wouldn’t be criticising the figures the rest of us accept, right?

9 years ago

If you want to know what happened, the comments are closed.

Be prepped for tears and bad feelings and to feel awful the entire time your catching up and then to feel really confused and horrified and like nothing you could have said would be right and not being sure whether to be pleading for peace or screaming in rage or stomping off into the sunset or…


Let’s not do that again.

If you want to visit the thread and try to understand what happened, but fail miserably, and arglrbarglinglebargle… Shoot me an email and I’ll send you the link. I won’t discuss it, but I’ll point you to it.

I’d recommend not going there.

Don’t really feel good posting it in the thread, because links are too easy to click, and last time I read through that thread it kind of ruined a lot of time.

Email is my nym

Anyway…Kirby? Stay, please? We need to get another go session going again, someday…

9 years ago

@kirbywarp ” I take shit like this personally because I really truly want people to like me, or at least not think ill of me, and if I say something that makes people say that I’m policing or too harsh, it makes me want to put the hat down and never pick it up again.”

I like you, Kirby! Help yourself to a sloth, you’ve earned one 🙂

9 years ago

@kirby – I’m admittedly newish around here, but I find your posts to always be witty and reasonable. I can’t think of a single time where I went, “Whoa, that was a bit much.”

And I echo the other commenters in saying, I remember (but can’t find) that thread with the “woe is me, for I cannot use ableist terms” commenter, and that was 100% on her for a) using the term in the first place, b) doubling down in defending her usage of it, and c) nonpologizing while decrying how mean everyone was. None of that can be chalked up to a “Hey, that’s not cool, read the rules again” admonition.

9 years ago

Hey I lurk here… A lot. (too much probably, but this really is the only decent comment section around).

I remember a few big dust ups in the comments but was the “thread of doom” one about trans issues? If you lot don’t want to go any further thats fine. A yes or no and to leave it at that is all I would like. Then I would know which thread it was.


9 years ago


I know I haven’t been around for all that long, but I’ve never seen you be any less than respectful and tolerant of others.

9 years ago

@chapwilliams – Yes.

9 years ago


Truly free dialogue draws from the full range of the white, Western, upper-middle class experiences.

Nicely put!
I couldn’t really get my head around the ‘multi-culty’ thing and what it was supposed to be getting at until you said that.