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I feel I need to start this post with a warning. And I hope you will take it seriously. Because someone at Return of Kings, Roosh V’s horrendous Red Pill megasite, has decided to try to write fancy.
And what they have produced instead is some kind of Lovecraftian monstrosity.
So, brace yourself, because you and I are going to read “Bad Things Happen When Women Lead And Men Follow,” by someone calling himself Elrit Frisia.
I will remain by your side the entire time.
Take a deep breath, and let’s begin:
For the largest part of known human history, it has been men who have been the riders of civilization.
And we’re off to a really perplexing start. The … riders of civilization? Men are “riding” civilization? I thought they were all out hunting mammoths and building pyramids and inventing “spread spectrum” technology.
Oh, wait, that last one was Hedy Lamarr.
Anyway, back to the dudes riding civilization and all that.
The luminaries of the torch, the undying flame of kin, brotherhood, leadership, and order.
What? That’s not even a sentence.
It has been because of their innumerable sacrifice as men; men of their family, men of their country, and men of their culture, that we can now enjoy and afford the luxuries of what modest living affords us.
Uh, a sacrifice is one thing. It can’t be innumerable. I think you meant “sacrifices.”
I don’t even know where to start with the rest of this, er, sentence, so I won’t.
But as I’ve written before, something seems amiss in our modern world.
Ok, fair readers, let’s see if you can guess just what that “something” might be.
Did you guess “women?”
SURPRISE! It’s not women. Well, sort of not women.
Ok, so it’s true that “our” women are in an “absolutely unacceptable state,” at least according to Elrit. But, you see, it’s not really their fault. It’s the fault of men for letting “their women” go bad. You know, like when you leave a gallon of milk out overnight. Women are the stinky milk of our modern civilization. And men are the ones who left them out:
Men are responsible for this. It is not women. Men are responsible for their household, responsible for their affairs, and responsible for the state of their nation.
And for their women becoming stinky milk.
Alas, once women become stinky milk, well, the whole society goes to H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks. According to “sermonist R.G. Lee,” whom Elrit quotes approvingly,
Women women women women women I hate women.
Ok, that’s not the real quote. But, honestly, the real quote isn’t much on an improvement:
When women sag morally and spiritually, men sag morally and spiritually. When women take the downward road, men travel with them. When women are lame morally and spiritually, men limp morally and spiritually. The degeneracy of womanhood helps the decay of manhood.
Somehow I can’t imagine that R.G. Lee — a famous fundamentalist preacher best known for an oft-delivered sermon promising that the world’s sinners would face a terrible “payday someday” — would approve of Roosh’s fornication-heavy lifestyle. But what the heck, Lee seems mad at women too, so why not bring him along for the ride?
So, women are degenerate stinky milk. How, oh wise Return of Kings douchebag, did we get to this terrible state?
Walk with me to the Garden. The Garden of the East. About six thousand years ago. One fine noon, under the auspices of cold river air and soft patches of brightly-colored leaves, there lie two: one man and one woman.
Oh fucking hell. Are you serious?
A serpent creases by, sneering and seductive, making jests toward the woman, or so we are led to believe.
No, no, no, no, no. You’re not really going to
The woman seems frightened at first glance, but slowly eases into the serpent, laughing at what the serpent whispers into her ear and paying amusement to its performance.
All right, that’s it, I’m stopping the car. She “pays amusement” to the snake’s performance? You don’t “pay amusement” to a performance. THAT’S NOT HOW WORDS WORK IN ENGLISH.
Anyway, so this unnamed woman in the garden dallies a bit with her amusing snake friend and the next thing you know …
the woman walks along the man, both with a strange fruit in hand
The woman walks WHAT the man? You don’t walk ALONG someone. You walk ALONGSIDE someone.
Sorry, sorry, back to the story
the woman walks along the man, both with a strange fruit in hand, the serpent now seen nowhere, and the skies clouded with darkness and thunder. In a fit of lunacy, the man and the woman both shower themselves in leaves and balk, and take to rummaging across the Garden like utter mad fools.
Huh. So the snake seduces the woman, and the woman seduces the man? Kind of sounds like you’re blaming the woman, not the man, dude.
Oh, and I’m not sure what you think “balk” means, but it’s wrong. (And you use it incorrectly twice, so I don’t think it’s just a typo.)
What we have witnessed is the timeless, bleeding edge of human naïveté. It is a fact of nature that man is at odds not only with himself, but with others: both those above him and those below him, for there are in truth no equals. And for order to triumph, not only must man triumph over himself, but everyone must also triumph for the good of something beyond themselves.
You get a triumph! And you get a triumph! And you get a triumph!
This arrangement can only be sufficiently well-maintained if we obey the wishes of our zealous god: tradition.
Dude, tradition is not a god, “zealous” or “jealous” or any other sort.
It is no accident that the institutions most central to Western tradition have been found in virtually all civilizations worth writing a tome about. They have been dictated to us by the lips of our most highest himself: whether that be evolution or a single, conscious power in charge of designing the universe. It is an optimal ideology that accounts for the nature and sexual strategies of both men and women, and incentivizes them to care after a garden of their own.
Wait, what just happened here? It seems like god basically turned into an Evo Psych textbook about halfway through that paragraph. This is becoming a very strange sermon indeed.
Men hold a very special place as protectors and enforcers of this tradition. So that folly may not rule in those who dare not triumph.
Uh, “those who dare not triumph?” Who the hell are “those who dare not triumph?” What does that even mean? Are you just throwing random words together at this point? Do you not have an editor?
But, we see, that the serpent so loves to play with our wit, and to that end he knows women are the most apt at play, and the easiest to lead far from the narrow gate. And when man trusts more in the warmth of hand of her woman than the path she leads him to, that is when thunder falls from the heavens and the paleness of sky becomes overturned.
Ah, I remember this, this is from Paul’s Epistle to the Slutty Ladies who Cause Ice Particles in Clouds to Become Positively and Negatively Charged Thus Creating an Electrical Field that Discharges in the Form of Lightning Strikes, or Something Like That, I’m Not a Meteorologist.
Anyhoo, so these slutty ladies have been causing all sorts of problems.
And after a long walk through history, it is clear that we have been lulled by the serpent’s song. Spoke once the woman, and the man bent over his knees in order to please.
Huh. Apparently these slutty ladies are into pegging.
We failed to be discriminating in the company of poor ideals, and gave the woman her promiscuous zest with which she later robbed us (and in a fit of divine irony, herself) of our dignity, hoping we would gain power, acceptance, and a serviced libido in return.
Wait, “promiscuous zest” is bad? Uh, doesn’t the publisher of Return of Kings make his living selling e-books on how to have sex with what he might call “promiscuously zesty” women?
And while Roosh doesn’t exactly seem like the zestiest dude on the block, isn’t he, er, a bit promiscuous himself? Didn’t he recently publish an e-book called “Poosy Paradise,” telling the story of how he traveled to “a grisly city in Eastern Romania” in search of, er, a “Poosy Paradise?”
I mean, it seems to me that a dude who literally moves to a city he describes as “a place that no sane man would voluntarily live in had it not contained the best fruit of what the human female species can offer” has kind of disqualified himself as an arbiter of anyone else’s “promiscuity.”
But I digress. Back to Elrit’s little sermon on the evil sexy ladies.
We gave them a voice in the state, a voice in our churches, a voice in our halls of learning, and what has really been heard?
Oh, ok, the evil sexy voting churchgoing teaching ladies.
We’ve heard cries of foolishness, of bad apples and false burglars in the night, but the matter is that men have compromised everything they knew to be certain in order to gain nothing of lasting import.
Are you on the drugs, young man? It seems like maybe you’re on the drugs.
Certainly, we have known the pleasures of what women have to offer, and perhaps more now so than anytime else, when they fall off by the numbers into our nimble hands, but yet we hesitate to take more than a few, singly bites.
Singly bites? Singly bites?! WHAT ON EARTH ARE SINGLY BITES?!!?!??
When in times past we would have snatched an agreeable one and faithfully planted the seed of our future castle.
The SEED of our CASTLE?! Dude, castles DON’T GROW FROM SEEDS. People build them. Plants grow from seeds.
Even our own veteran maverick, despite his notable experience with the fairer sex, seems unable to see women as anything else but “a form of entertainment and distraction instead of significantly adding to my life.”
Well, yeah, but that’s because Roosh — the “veteran maverick” being referred to here — is a gigantic douchebag.
There is not much to be done, once we have sowed the seeds of our garden into the rocks.
Wait, I thought you were planting the seed of your castle. Now you’re planting a garden?
In all seriousness, though, I hope you dudes are literally ejaculating onto piles of rocks. The thought of you reproducing makes me shudder. Hell, the thought of you having any sort of sexual contact with other human beings makes me feel vaguely ill.
But let it serve, as a painful reminder, that women are meant to be enjoyed and to be cherished as any other pleasantry, but be careful of where she might stray you along because in the end you’ll share more than the blame and wish you had not followed her deep into the thicket.
Wait, what?
That’s the ending to your post?
What the hell kind of fire and brimstone sermon is this, anyway?
Here you were, working up to what I thought would be a call to swear off evil women, or deprive them of their right to vote, or, I dunno, something along the lines of R.G. Lee’s “payday someday” scenario.
And instead you’re all like, hey, go ahead and “cherish” the “pleasantry” that is woman, just don’t fall into their evil lady thickets?
You guys are terrible at being fundamentalists.
NOTE: I’m thinking this might deserve a dramatic reading. And that if someone delivers a nice dramatic reading, I might have to make it into a little animated video. (Oh, and if you want me to be able to turn your dramatic reading into a cartoon, you should either not include music, or should include the music in a separate sound file.)
I could barely read this. It’s like someone took the writing conventions of Milton and Chaucer, butchered them into incoherency, and then tried to write about how women suck with the broken pieces. And I cannot believe they’re using Adam and Eve as the metaphor. Aren’t these guys supposed to favor logic and consider religion the opium of the masses? Fucking A.
This gives me hope that I could aspire to be published by RoK some day. Apparently they’ll take anything. Anything at all.
We should send ’em a recipe (Afterbang Chips) and see if they’ll publish it.
Huh. “Overturned”. Is the Supreme Court ruling on the weather now?
It’s lunchtime. I’m going to go snatch a singly bite of an agreeable apple.
So, ancient Egypt had unfettered Randian mega-capitalism, medieval Britain was democratic and the Incas bombed the Middle East? Huh.
(By the way, since the USA doesn’t have affordable healthcare, does that mean it isn’t a worthwhile civilisation?)
I’m pretty sure this guy just ate a thesaurus and shat it out his arse. And I’ll never understand how these douches can survive so much mental contortionism without ending up tangled like a hairball in a drain. The message of his hellfire moralizing is that women are for pleasing his boner? So carnal pleasure gets a giant dongs-up? Really?
As I’m from the UK but live in America, don’t get me started on that last question 🙂
I had a false burglar last month, he came in during the night and completely rewallpapered the living room.
From the context, “bark”. The alternative spelling is to indicate that the writer
– uses it in poetry, to rhyme with “talk”
– wishes to distinguish it from the noise a dog makes
– has never seen it written down before
I’m more interested by these word substitutions, in the middle of common phrases:
“modern living” -> modest
“string you along” -> stray
“rampaging like fools” -> rummaging
Many people use a thesaurus, finding prettier words that mean the same thing. Elrit Frisia instead relies on autocorrect to find alternative words that look the same, regardless of meaning.
Singly bites are how you eat your mairzy doats.
OK, I’ve got nothing. I thought ROK was supposed to showcase the best of Manly Civilization. I guess editing and proper grammar is a female thing that Real Men don’t need.
Here’s my translation:
Wow. I had to stop reading because of 1) a bleeding eye problem and 2) starting to lose any sense of what words mean. I feel the need to put a dictionary under my pillow to undo some damage that this crapped out pile of confusion created while going into my eye sockets.
*slow clapping*
what a dump.
Perfect choice; mission accomplished! (Also, poor Eve.)
Alternate version: All I wanted was a sammitch, and that bitch wouldn’t fetch it for me! Women, what are they good for? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! (whine stomp sulk pout)
This is so funny in all its pompous awfulness. However, what might make this one of my favorite WHTM posts is David’s perceptive, well-written and absolutely hilarious commentary.
I’m so bummed now that I already chose a user name — if I’d just hung on another week or so, I could have been Singly Bites!
The whole thing hinges on the ability to sell the notion that the world is getting worse and worse. And if you don’t look at objective metrics it’s easy to fall prey to that.
It’s a simple narrative. “The world has gone to hell, and it’s the fault of X change, caused by Y people who aren’t like us.”
The facts to support the premise aren’t there.
I’m guessing, just a guess though, that a more concise formulation of the above pile o’ crap is: “Men are really awesome and they created all the cool things in the world while women sat on their butts. Women are terrible and contribute nothing to civilization. I still want to fuck them.”
@andrea harris
I just snickered out loud…at work. 🙂
I think he intended to write “man trusts more in the warmth of the hand of his woman”, not her woman…. Among all the other problems with the grammar…
Oh, pity us. This is awful.
For me, David made the whole thing strange by using that picture. Garden of Eden. By the time I’d finally read the whole opus with that garden back ground, I got to the final wonderful? paragraph …
… I couldn’t avoid the idea that a man teaming up with a woman for a while was the same as a trip to the Botanic Gardens.
And it’s absolutely true — if you’re not careful, one of you will have wandered off under the wisteria walk while the other goes over to the tropical (Victorian) Palm House or even further to the tropical (ultra-modern) Bicentennial Conservatory. Going that far, that someone might have completely lost themselves in the National Rose Trial Garden and escaped into Botanic Park or the Wine Centre. Or you could have started out at the first level of the wetlands and got both of you completely flummoxed in a “thicket” of reeds and other water plants.
Elrit Frisia really looks like an anagram to me, but the best I can come up with is “iris falter.”
This level of terrible writing is the kind of thing trigger warnings were made for.
Is this the script for Aurini’s next short film?
By the time it started talking about “the paleness of sky being overturned” I started to expect him to slip in a “colorless green ideas sleep furiously” somewhere. The grumpy butt of the ocean swell can’t cromulent this writing at all.
‘Elrit’ is (probably) a reference to the game Odin Sphere. It’s a forest and a witch lives there.
“Frisia or Friesland[1] is a coastal region along the southeastern corner of the North Sea, i.e. the German Bight. Frisia is the traditional homeland of the Frisians, a Germanic people who speak Frisian, a language group closely related to the English language. Frisia extends from the northwestern Netherlands across northwestern Germany to the border of Denmark (Vidå).”
Ahh, Hedy Lamarr. One wonders how far she might have gotten if A) she had been taken seriously, and B) she hadn’t had to independently redevelop some of Claude Shannon’s work that was still classified at the time. (Of course, the first could have solved the second by putting the two of them in touch during WWII.)