antifeminism gross incompetence gullibility memes memesplaining misogyny MRA straw feminists

Spermjackers, Free Bleeders, and Beard-Hating Feminazis: The United Anti-Feminist Coalition fights the real enemies of men

They might as well be twins!
They might as well be twins!

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (The PayPal page will say you are donating to Man Boobz.) Thanks!

So I’ve discovered a new bunch of antifeminist meme-makers who’ve somehow managed to pull off something close to the spectacular ugliness, incoherence, and just plain wrongness achieved by the meme masters at A Voice for Men.

Let’s give a big round of applause to the graphics whizzes of the United Anti-Feminist Coalition and their lovely Facebook page.

The Godwin-tastic meme at the top of this page —  which gets bonus Godwin Points because Gloria Allred is actually Jewish — may be my favorite of theirs I’ve seen so far, but there are so many other brilliant contributions on their page that I hardly know where to start.

The UAFC meme-makers, like those at AVFM, do love battling straw feminists.

You know, like the straw feminists who HATE MALE FACIAL HAIR!




The Straw Feminists who are always demanding that random dudes make them happy.




And of course the Straw Feminists who demand “women and children first” when it comes to evacuating ships that for some reason don’t have enough lifeboats.




When the UAFC memers aren’t fighting imaginary feminists, they’re railing against imaginary feminist campaigns. Like the “Free Bleeding” campaign,  a phony “feminist” celebration of menstrual blood that was actually concocted by 4chan in an attempt to make feminists look silly.

Well, it’s not feminists who look silly here. Especially given that the kid in the picture below is clearly holding a “Honk if you support Obama” sign with the words “if you support Free Bleeding” photoshopped onto it.




And when they’re not fighting off the specter of “Free Bleeding,” the UAFC is railing against the evils of “spermjacking” with barely comprehensible graphics.




Never mind that men are the ones actually poking holes in condoms; indeed, 16% of women on one recent study had a partner try to sabotage their birth control in an attempt to get them pregnant.

Then there are memes that are just plain incomprehensible:




I mean, I’ve been to Mangina Boot Camp, and it’s nothing like this!



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Alexis Sabi Martinez
9 years ago

It’s ok though, what I’m referring to is something I sure half of you are lacking on a regular basis. Feminist or not, women don’t like the girlie “say yes to everything” men like Alan here. They tend to gravitate towards the more manly man, and you don’t have to commit a domestic violence to be just that. You just have to a man, and no one should ever let that be taken away from them. If American men were all like the white knights defending feminism, this country would be conquered in a week.

9 years ago

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound, Alexis?

Alexis Sabi Martinez
9 years ago

To you I might be, because you Sparky, if you are a man as that name suggests, are begging for acceptance soo hard from a group who’s name in itself demeans you. Your worship of the pooh nanny, is laughable at best, and pathetic at worst.

Alexis Sabi Martinez
9 years ago

You know what the funny thing is? The good looking girls who actually are cool and fun to be around, not sour puss cry babies like feminists are? They are part of UAFC. I’m proud to have liked their page. 😀

9 years ago

Keep going, Alexis, I’m sure you’ll stop sounding emotional at any moment.

9 years ago

Also, Alexis, other serious question, why are all of you like ‘Dude, I’m just eating over here’ like that somehow means you’re not plainly angry and entitled? Seriously, every angry troll says that. It’s so often cheetos and grilling meat, too. Angry and entitled people eat and grill meat, too, Alexis. Eating and grilling meat doesn’t mean you’re calm and collected and unemotional. It just means food is delicious.

Alexis Sabi Martinez
9 years ago

You have rights, many if not more than most western men. To quote an old feminist idiom, “Check your privilege ladies.”

Alexis Sabi Martinez
9 years ago

Hey, I’m not the one who worte an article about the UAFC page, or deemed it worthy to start a conversation on. If you started the conversation, then why can’t I join it? Last I checked this was the home of the free, a title that the blood of men have purchased for you throughout history, even when you were actually being “Oppressed.” Enjoy the talk, and keep thinking I’m mad all you want. Im’ not mad bro, are you?

Alexis Sabi Martinez
9 years ago

You see men have fought for all the time we’ve been around to protect our women from what could be considered a “rape culture.” When conquerer’s would come and spread their seed throughout the world, who was it who fought to protect the women of America? Awfully unappreciative, aren’t we?

9 years ago

Alexis sez, in the middle of being involved in the conversation, ‘Pointing out that I’m super angry is repressing my freeze peeeeeach! You’re not letting me be involved in the conversaaaaaation!’

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

We’re not good-looking or cool or fun like the girls at UAFC? Oooh, wicked neg!

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

Ewwwwww, my gift is drenched in the blood of indigenous peoples.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Alexis

Ooh, I’ve been mentioned. Sorry I didn’t respond earlier. I was busy paying for dinner but then not getting sex. So I’m free now if you have any specific questions.

9 years ago

To you I might be, because you Sparky, if you are a man as that name suggests, are begging for acceptance soo hard from a group who’s name in itself demeans you. Your worship of the pooh nanny, is laughable at best, and pathetic at worst.

Like everything you’ve said here, Alexis, that would be wrong. I’m actually a woman.

And always slightly bemused when someone identifying themselves as a man comes here and tell women want it is they want and like.

You have rights, many if not more than most western men. To quote an old feminist idiom, “Check your privilege ladies.”

And what privileges would those be? Do you even understand the concept of privilege?

9 years ago

Daw! He’s suffering from “America is everywhere and everywhere is America”!

And he thinks androgynous names are male by default!

That’s adorable.

Kids these days.

9 years ago

i find this one kind of adorable, but that’s probably because I’m really bored today.

9 years ago

Aw geez, now he’s onto “all the men (and only men) fought and died in Wes for you womenz!” What’s next, mammoth-hunting?

9 years ago

“In wars” not “in Wes.” WTF, autocorrect?

9 years ago

Isidore13, I’m right there with you.

I mean, it’s so obvious that Trollbert is here solely for the lulz, and their posts are so ridiculously underwhelming and cliche that it’s just like…

Oh, you poor thing. You really think you’re being witty, but… you poor dear.

9 years ago

I dont have anything to hide on my facebook page.

Heh, is that why you seem to have set it to private the moment I pointed that out? =P

9 years ago

@sparky, I know, it’s like there were never women involved in war. Clara Barton? Who’s that?

9 years ago

(I mean, not that I read any of dipshit’s FB posts, I just figured it’d be hilarious if his wife saw his cowardly DV threat and immediate retraction.)

9 years ago

@contrapangloss, That’s it exactly. He’s just… hysterical. And I mean that in every sense of the word. 😉

9 years ago

Alexis should get together with that other troll Christopher, maybe he can (poorly) educate him about Boudica.

Oh, and we’ve had a US president for the past 6 years who makes pro women’s rights statements and we haven’t been conquered yet.

Alexis Sabi Martinez
9 years ago

Well I think this conversation, or lack thereof, Has gone off long enough. Unlike people who support the garbage that is new wave feminism, I’d rather not spend days arguing with you all about nothing, the only response I’ve heard is that of a 12 year old, you mad bro for all intents and purposes. I figure you all have tumblr accounts you are going to go rage on about the pathiarkeeey and wage gap and how us men have a culture based on rape. It’s laughable to suggest it. Have fun with telling people they are mad when you don’t like what they have to say. it’s idiocy like that that will result in the much needed death of this antiquated movement, in place for something that actually has relevant arguments.