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So I’ve discovered a new bunch of antifeminist meme-makers who’ve somehow managed to pull off something close to the spectacular ugliness, incoherence, and just plain wrongness achieved by the meme masters at A Voice for Men.
Let’s give a big round of applause to the graphics whizzes of the United Anti-Feminist Coalition and their lovely Facebook page.
The Godwin-tastic meme at the top of this page — which gets bonus Godwin Points because Gloria Allred is actually Jewish — may be my favorite of theirs I’ve seen so far, but there are so many other brilliant contributions on their page that I hardly know where to start.
The UAFC meme-makers, like those at AVFM, do love battling straw feminists.
You know, like the straw feminists who HATE MALE FACIAL HAIR!
The Straw Feminists who are always demanding that random dudes make them happy.
And of course the Straw Feminists who demand “women and children first” when it comes to evacuating ships that for some reason don’t have enough lifeboats.
When the UAFC memers aren’t fighting imaginary feminists, they’re railing against imaginary feminist campaigns. Like the “Free Bleeding” campaign, a phony “feminist” celebration of menstrual blood that was actually concocted by 4chan in an attempt to make feminists look silly.
Well, it’s not feminists who look silly here. Especially given that the kid in the picture below is clearly holding a “Honk if you support Obama” sign with the words “if you support Free Bleeding” photoshopped onto it.
And when they’re not fighting off the specter of “Free Bleeding,” the UAFC is railing against the evils of “spermjacking” with barely comprehensible graphics.
Never mind that men are the ones actually poking holes in condoms; indeed, 16% of women on one recent study had a partner try to sabotage their birth control in an attempt to get them pregnant.
Then there are memes that are just plain incomprehensible:
I mean, I’ve been to Mangina Boot Camp, and it’s nothing like this!
“supposed to be not for Sharlet BUT for him”
I think you have figured out the meme. Thanks. Not that it’s an impressive work even when you understand it.
I think the idea is that one angry woman is worse than a million angry men,
I looked at these memes about two hours ago, then I went to pick up my veggie box, fixed dinner for the kids, commented on another thread, and went to wipe up the kitchen. It wasn’t until JUST NOW that I figured out WTF was going on with the free-bleeder one. The sign says “HONK if you,” but the Canada goose must uncharacteristically “WOOF” in order to express his dissent.
I almost want to give them some points for that – a good cartoonist could probably make a disagreeing goose pretty funny – but isn’t a meme supposed to be catchy and inspire instant understanding? This one definitely got stuck in my head, but only because I couldn’t figure out what in the blue pill blazes was going on with that poor little girl and the barking goose.
@freemage, @Falconer, thank you very much for the welcome! I’ve been lurking for a while and it’s nice to step in to such an intelligent and funny online group. I’m especially looking forward to my MOTHERFUCKING SCENTED CANDLES!
“Never mind that men are the ones actually poking holes in condoms;”
And women can do it to, and when they do the man shouldn’t have to pay child support. That doesn’t seem unreasonable does it?
So, you’re saying that children should be punished for their parent’s mistakes? Child support isn’t awarded to benefit the custodial parent. It’s there for the child to make sure his or her needs are met. It’s the better option than having the government pay isn’t it?
I’d say it is better for the government to help pay then taking it from a victim. There was a case where a boy who was a victim of statutory rape had to pay child support and your logic can just as equaly support that as well.
It should be different in the case of rape, but poking holes in a condom isn’t the same thing as raping a child.
It’s also pretty hard to prove intent. How do you separate it from accidental condom failure? What’s to stop every man who doesn’t want to pay child support from claiming this? You might as well just argue that no man should have to pay unless he wants to. I don’t know why you think the government has the resources to take over for every man who doesn’t feel like paying support.
You have a good point, I guess maybe it would be the father’s job to prove the condom was tampered with, I’ll have to think about it. And now I’m picturing a used condom presented as exhibit A in a courtroom. Blech.
“I’m picturing a used condom presented as exhibit A in a courtroom. Blech.”
I’ve seen far worse presented in courtrooms. You do get acclimatised to it.
You feminist loving numnuts are funny really. UAFC is making fun of feminism, for the joke it really is. This movement hasn’t been relevant since there was actually something to fight for. Wage gap is a myth for instance, if you want to make real money, don’t be soo emotional and go into business, there are plenty of examp-les of women billionaires in this world already to prove this point. If a girl is drunk and says yes, but regrets it in the morning, then its rape right? How about when the guy is drunk and says yes, then wakes up to a fat cow next to him? Can he scream rape? Go find something real to fight for, feminism is dying, and we shall make sure that it does shortly.
Alexis sez ‘Don’t be so emotional!’ in the middle of his rage rant. It’s almost adorable.
I just got halfway through my sandwich before noticing that the rest of it (thankfully not the part I ate) was covered in mould, which I’m pukingly phobic of, and woke up the entire apartment block with my screaming… And that was still a more welcome surprise than coming back to this thread to see two different trolls dumping fetid ass on it.
If feminism is a dying joke, why get so worked up about it?
[Alexis had made a ~hilarious joke~ about domestic violence, but I deleted it because I’m a vile misanderer -EmilyGoddess]
Troll Level: Rank Amateur
@Alexis Savi Marinez,
…Dude, joking about violence is not cool. Other than things that are patently ridiculous, of course. For instance, I’d like to cordially invite you to go pet a cactus.
I feel it’s prickly disposition matches yours quite well and it won’t be as saddened by your willful desire to be ridiculous as a person would.
Hey you’re still here! In all seriousness, why come here to tell us feminism is a dying joke? What is your endgame?
I wonder if he realises he’s posting this under his real Facebook account.
I dont have anything to hide on my facebook page. And I wasnt talking about violence Contrasomething 😉
Alexis sez “I wasn’t talking about violence when I said I would beat my wife!”
Oh, really? Hm… Let me scroll up and check.
One would hope that if someone’s going to play the “I totally never said that” game, they’d wait until their posts were more than a half-second scroll away from each-other.
He’ll make some excuse about meaning chess.
I’ll grant our newest little troll one thing: at least his deer aren’t teal!
In everything else, they’re fairly mediocre. Typical half-hearted ‘troll for lulz’ without bothering to be entertaining about it.
Sad, isn’t it?
Pssht, of course not. It’s not like women are people or anything like that.
And, Alexis, if you have to explain that those incomprehensible memes are making fun of feminism, then those memes have failed. And your trolling is obvious and unoriginal. We’ve heard all that shit before.
If I have to explain it to you, then you don’t deserve to understand. 😀