antifeminism gross incompetence gullibility memes memesplaining misogyny MRA straw feminists

Spermjackers, Free Bleeders, and Beard-Hating Feminazis: The United Anti-Feminist Coalition fights the real enemies of men

They might as well be twins!
They might as well be twins!

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (The PayPal page will say you are donating to Man Boobz.) Thanks!

So I’ve discovered a new bunch of antifeminist meme-makers who’ve somehow managed to pull off something close to the spectacular ugliness, incoherence, and just plain wrongness achieved by the meme masters at A Voice for Men.

Let’s give a big round of applause to the graphics whizzes of the United Anti-Feminist Coalition and their lovely Facebook page.

The Godwin-tastic meme at the top of this page —  which gets bonus Godwin Points because Gloria Allred is actually Jewish — may be my favorite of theirs I’ve seen so far, but there are so many other brilliant contributions on their page that I hardly know where to start.

The UAFC meme-makers, like those at AVFM, do love battling straw feminists.

You know, like the straw feminists who HATE MALE FACIAL HAIR!




The Straw Feminists who are always demanding that random dudes make them happy.




And of course the Straw Feminists who demand “women and children first” when it comes to evacuating ships that for some reason don’t have enough lifeboats.




When the UAFC memers aren’t fighting imaginary feminists, they’re railing against imaginary feminist campaigns. Like the “Free Bleeding” campaign,  a phony “feminist” celebration of menstrual blood that was actually concocted by 4chan in an attempt to make feminists look silly.

Well, it’s not feminists who look silly here. Especially given that the kid in the picture below is clearly holding a “Honk if you support Obama” sign with the words “if you support Free Bleeding” photoshopped onto it.




And when they’re not fighting off the specter of “Free Bleeding,” the UAFC is railing against the evils of “spermjacking” with barely comprehensible graphics.




Never mind that men are the ones actually poking holes in condoms; indeed, 16% of women on one recent study had a partner try to sabotage their birth control in an attempt to get them pregnant.

Then there are memes that are just plain incomprehensible:




I mean, I’ve been to Mangina Boot Camp, and it’s nothing like this!



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9 years ago


Maybe MRAs think periods are misandry?

Perhaps their solution is that women stop menstruating altogether by being constantly barefoot and pregnant? (But without requiring any child support).

9 years ago

It makes me happy to see all the stargate stuff in this thread.

You have no idea.

Also, Hathor would kind of be the perfect bad-lady in one of their memes. If, you know, they actually cared about issues facing men and still thought fictional examples were good anecdata.

I mean… yeah. Hathor. Bad snake. Not the cleverest of the snakes, but not the stupidest either. Also, bad brainsnake.

Oh, and LITERALLY controlling people with her girly smells and looks.

MRA nightmare, her.

9 years ago

Perhaps their solution is that women stop menstruating altogether by being constantly barefoot and pregnant? (But without requiring any child support).

I heard a man seriously advocate once that the monthly misery women go through (strike 1: not all women suffer during their periods) is a sign that their body was really designed to be pregnant, which doesn’t have all those nasty period side effects (strike 2: I’m pretty sure you’ll find that an awful lot of women women consider being pregnant, and especially giving birth, to be vastly more uncomfortable and inconvenient than having their period). It’s therefore thoroughly unnatural and bad for a woman to be sexually mature and not getting pregnant all the time (strike 3: women start menstruating long before they are adults, or even in adult bodies. Yer outta here, dude).

Sooooo yeah. For some of them, that is exactly their solution.

9 years ago

Free bleeding? Have any of these people ever washed sheets, blankets, quilt covers, pillowslips? Quilts as well on a bad day, come to think of it. And dealing with stained mattresses. Have pity.

Let alone all of them – for several days in a row – along with half a dozen ruined nighties or pyjamas.

9 years ago

contrapangloss-It’s our pleasure! 😀 Katz Goa’uld comment got me thinking about Stargate. I love that show! <3 Its AWESOME!

Yep, she's definitely an MRA nightmare. XD I'm actually very surprised that they haven't made some Hathor memes. I mean, she is an evil alien queen who controls peoples minds with her girly pheromones, turns every man she meets in to a slave and demands to be worshiped as a goddess. Not to mention she is a brainsnake who makes many more brainsnakes. Can anyone find a better example of misandry than that? I'm mean, she is THE personification of the classic feminazi! The MRA's could have a field day with her! 😀

9 years ago

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III-LOL! XD Yep, the UAFC memes make just as much sense as those.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

All of the terrible things Hitler said and did to choose from, and they seize on a quote about graven images???

Oh, I get it. They’re trying to make Hitler sound reasonable in comparison to Gloria Allred. Sounds reasonable.

9 years ago

Kootiepatra said

I heard a man seriously advocate once that the monthly misery women go through (strike 1: not all women suffer during their periods) is a sign that their body was really designed to be pregnant, which doesn’t have all those nasty period side effects

I remember seeing that somewhere not all that long ago. Must have been here or Pharyngula if memory serves. Anyway, I have awful periods and I hate them. However, I was pregnant before – and only for like 13-14 weeks – and I would never in a million years want that instead of periods. *shudder* Nor would I want to have to give birth *bigger shudder*.
Sometimes, I wish these dudes could either a. experience what they are talking about before talking about it OR b. just stop having such strong opinions on women’s personal health issues.

9 years ago

Gene Wilder says it best.

9 years ago

Unrelated: Apparently a couple of shitwits pulled a “Prank” where they “Pretended” to hold an MRA protest. I’m not sure how that’s a prank. Seems more like an after-the-fact “BUT IT’S SATIRE!!!1” to me, unless holding a white pride rally or punching somebody in the face is a “Prank” now.

Oh, and according to the MRAs, the fact that one woman knocked the fedora off one of the “Pranksters'” heads and told them to go fuck themselves is proof that all women are evil and that the “Pranksters” are heroes. The other hundred women who just rolled their eyes and kept walking? Totally don’t exist.

9 years ago

one woman knocked the fedora off one of the “Pranksters’” heads and told them to go fuck themselves

It’s a trilby and
Ironic misogyny is still misogyny. I’m glad he was told to go fuck himself.

9 years ago

MRAs do get that they were being mocked, right?
Probably not.

9 years ago


MRAs do get that they were being mocked, right?
Probably not.

No. They don’t. I read some of the comments and they have no idea.

And yet another stereotype is reinforced at the exact moment the landwhale tumblerette feminist couldn’t read the atmosphere and decided to get physical in her confrontation with these bright young gentleman.

They think it’s real, despite the fact that the video says it is a prank from the start and the first comment is from the pranksters saying, “We are not anti-feminists.” At least half the comments are calling the woman fat and talking about how she can’t get laid. Stay classy, gentlemen.

9 years ago

Okay, I’ve read your argument. I’ve anaylsed your pictures And went to fact check. However, no supporting links, no external evidence to support your ‘studies’ and the biggest problem, you don’t seem to understand that neither movement will be able to stabilise equality. So with a hearty “what is the point of it all?” I bid you good morrow.

9 years ago

M. Thanx for sharing this.It was hilarious! I particularly loved the Hitler salute, mocking how anti-feminists call feminists ‘feminazis’. XD

9 years ago

Wow. Every time I think they could not be less self aware.

Lindy West has been mocking assholes for calling her a whale. Comparing women to big beautiful animals as an insult is so dimwitted. We confidently take up space like our bodies are our own and glorious in form and function like a whale! Oh noes!×1600-1495.jpg

Meanwhile, landwhales sound too gentle. I want to be a sandworm!

I want to be Shai-Hulud. I will live in a hellmouth. From beneath you I will devour! RAWR!

9 years ago

she can’t get laid. Stay classy, gentlemen.

😀 Being fat =/= no hot sex with an eager partner. MRAs are so fond of sour grapes. (Not that her imagined sex life or size have any bearing on her ideas or behaviors.)

Pocket Nerd
9 years ago

Thus Spake ZaraKootiepatra:

I heard a man seriously advocate once that the monthly misery women go through (strike 1: not all women suffer during their periods) is a sign that their body was really designed to be pregnant, which doesn’t have all those nasty period side effects

You should have replied that that the lower back pain men develop as they get older is a obviously a “sign” that they’re really designed to kneel to women. BIOTRUTH! 🙂

Sooooo yeah. For some of them, that is exactly their solution.

I’m fairly certain the ideal MRA-mate is a sort of Schrödinger’s Waifu, who only exists when he desires sexual gratification, a domestic servant, or an incubator for his little Genetically Superior Liquid Gold MRA zergling batter.

Tina S
Tina S
9 years ago

I’mtired of the whole single mother/abortion/child killer thing.

9 years ago

zergling batter.

That made me fall out.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago


Okay, I’ve read your argument. I’ve anaylsed your pictures And went to fact check. However, no supporting links, no external evidence to support your ‘studies’ and the biggest problem, you don’t seem to understand that neither movement will be able to stabilise equality. So with a hearty “what is the point of it all?” I bid you good morrow.

You’re complaining because we didn’t link peer-reviewed studies when discussing the idiocy of these memes? And you think that somehow nullifies their idiocy?

And what do you mean by “stabilise equality”? Is equality rickety and about to fall over?

Someday we’ll get a “neutrality and logic troll” who actually makes sense, and who actually is neutral. This is not that day.

@Falconer You’re welcome! How are they liking the balance bikes? We’re going to get ours out this weekend, now that the snowpack has gone down and the sidewalks are visible.

@because reasons Cat beards! Day: made.

9 years ago

The whole “fat and can’t get laid” argument just goes to show how weak their actual arguments are. Rather than trying to defend their ideology, they immediately jump to ad hominem attacks. That’s the best they’ve got and they will toss the fat label at anyone who pisses them off, regardless of body shape. The woman in the video seemed to be a pretty average size, but these men act like fat is the worst thing a woman could be. They’re trying to make women insecure about our bodies so we will also be insecure about our ideas and then (they hope) we’ll sit down and shut up.

Also, whales are awesome! They’re beautiful and intelligent. I’d take that as a compliment.

9 years ago

Did Shart even read the post? It sounds like he just planned the comment ahead of time and put it in the first place he saw.

The only study mentioned was the one about reproductive coercion. It’s true that it doesn’t link to a study, but it does link to an article that does. Oh, and of course there are MRAs in the comments whining about evil females spermjacking.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago


The whole “fat and can’t get laid” argument just goes to show how weak their actual arguments are.

That’s their ENTIRE argument. They actually think that a person’s value as a human being, their rightness, their merit, the worth of their opinions, all comes down to one thing: whether they’re getting laid.

Since they have no way to know just by looking at a person what their actual sex life is like, they use attractiveness (for women) and toxic alphaness (for men) as proxies to determine whether they’re worthy of respect.

It’s like they never got beyond that junior-high need to rank people. Assessing people based on their “fuckability” is so flimsy, and so riddled with obvious flaws, that they have to resort to some very ugly psychology to keep it propped up in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Take away that argument, and they have nothing left. No wonder they’re fighting so furiously against fat acceptance, body diversity, realistic beauty standards, and other initiatives designed to help women feel good about the bodies they have, and not to depend on men for validation. No wonder non-traditional family structures infuriate them. As more and more women delay, redefine, or opt out of marriage, the “spinster/ugly” argument is fast losing its power. It’s a 1950s argument that doesn’t work in the 21st century.

9 years ago

@buttercup: They love their bikes! The helmets took some getting used to. Now they zoom up and down under our watchful eyes almost as well as they do on their four-wheeled carts.

Still gonna be a while before they can glide.

Unfortunately, while their carts have music chips, the only noise the bikes make is their bells go ding.

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