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So I’ve discovered a new bunch of antifeminist meme-makers who’ve somehow managed to pull off something close to the spectacular ugliness, incoherence, and just plain wrongness achieved by the meme masters at A Voice for Men.
Let’s give a big round of applause to the graphics whizzes of the United Anti-Feminist Coalition and their lovely Facebook page.
The Godwin-tastic meme at the top of this page — which gets bonus Godwin Points because Gloria Allred is actually Jewish — may be my favorite of theirs I’ve seen so far, but there are so many other brilliant contributions on their page that I hardly know where to start.
The UAFC meme-makers, like those at AVFM, do love battling straw feminists.
You know, like the straw feminists who HATE MALE FACIAL HAIR!
The Straw Feminists who are always demanding that random dudes make them happy.
And of course the Straw Feminists who demand “women and children first” when it comes to evacuating ships that for some reason don’t have enough lifeboats.
When the UAFC memers aren’t fighting imaginary feminists, they’re railing against imaginary feminist campaigns. Like the “Free Bleeding” campaign, a phony “feminist” celebration of menstrual blood that was actually concocted by 4chan in an attempt to make feminists look silly.
Well, it’s not feminists who look silly here. Especially given that the kid in the picture below is clearly holding a “Honk if you support Obama” sign with the words “if you support Free Bleeding” photoshopped onto it.
And when they’re not fighting off the specter of “Free Bleeding,” the UAFC is railing against the evils of “spermjacking” with barely comprehensible graphics.
Never mind that men are the ones actually poking holes in condoms; indeed, 16% of women on one recent study had a partner try to sabotage their birth control in an attempt to get them pregnant.
Then there are memes that are just plain incomprehensible:
I mean, I’ve been to Mangina Boot Camp, and it’s nothing like this!
So, I actually have a feminist friend named Katie. I grew a beard when she and I were backpacking last summer, and kept it mostly because she said it looked good.
She was obviously just trying to sabotage my chances with the ladies. Misandered again!
Nine months, Shaenon! Hard to believe, even though I’ve lived it myself.
Mine turned two last month.
Oh, thank you to whichever Mammotheer suggested balance bikes over Big Wheels.
Perfectly safe! Finest gnome craftsmanship! Hardly any leaks! Improved iron model (you should have seen the wooden ones — brr!!)! Controls helpfully labeled in large, friendly letters! Explore the crushing ocean depths today!
There are some (a lot?) of women who like to play out traditional gender roles in various ways: some big, some minor. Some women like to have doors held, chairs pulled, and dinners paid. Some men like to do that stuff. I don’t. So… I don’t pursue relationships with women to whom that stuff is super important (feminist women tend to be less likely to be into that stuff). Not that there’s anything wrong with that, just not what I’m looking for.
I’d always thought of this as just looking for someone who was looking for the same kind of relationship as me, but apparently in reality this is an entire gender demanding that I go to my death in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic and I’m being incredibly oppressed.
Sir Bodsworth’s meme makes about 10 times more sense than any of the idiot memes above it.
Also, small nitpick: It’s Canada Goose, not “Canadian goose”. The geese may be named after my country, but they don’t hold passports. They migrate all over with no permission from anyone. The bloody, anserine misandrists…
Hey Manboobzers! Long time reader, first time commentator. I’m loving this blog, the witty and wonderful comments, and the endless parade of entertaining/horrifying butthurt and bitterness and entitlement that’s on display for our amusement/pity/cynicism.
I wanted to contribute in a roundabout way – I’m a sea captain and it always cracks me up to hear the women-and-children-first “laws” used as a straw man against feminism. The “law” (never formally ratified in any nation’s maritime code) was, as previous commentators pointed out, only really applied in two famous cases, the Titanic and the HMS Birkenhead. Historical research may suggest that this practice could actually have been more of an exception than a rule, although evidence is inconclusive. All of that, however, is belaying the more important issue that the ships of the day should have possessed the equipment, manpower and training needed to rescue ALL souls aboard in case of an emergency. Modern ships are now obliged under international law to ensure to the best of their abilities that the choice of “who to save and who to let die” should never have to be made. In the case of the example used in that bizarre meme, the Costa Concordia tragically resulted in 32 casualties (men and women both) which had nothing at all to do with favoritism, misogyny, feminism, butthurt, false rape accusations, tampered birth control or the enforced shaving of beards.
My lifeboats are available to all, no matter how green their armpit hair.
Bodsworth, outstanding work, as always!
weirwoodtreehugger, on the Valenti thing. What’s so ridiculous about that is that MRAs are always attacking feminists for allegedly focusing only on “first world problems.” Valenti was talking about subsidizing tampons for women in developing countries who are too desperately poor to afford them. She was doing what MRAs accuse feminists of never doing, and they attack her for it.
Bina, you know how you tell a Canadian Goose from a Canada Goose?
One goes “Honk, honk, eh?”
(Silly Alaskan Humor)
In my language the name translates as “Canada’s Goose”. In spite of your implied ownership, I’ve seen the little runaways on our very shores in Finland!
The one with the tacks on the left… What is the egg surrounded by sperm supposed to represent? Just general pregnancy? Do they want to make pregnancy illegal? Or are they saying women are the ones who are using tacks on condoms? Couldn’t they just supply their own condoms? I doubt the women would poke holes while he’s wearing it. And I thought they believed women were the ones stealing used condoms for their precious precious liquid gold. I’m not really sure what the message is there. It conflicts with so many other of their messages.
Semi off topic:
When I stumbled on the Apparatus of Kwalish the first time in the DM guide, my only thought was “I WANT THAT.”
All the players in the game, after they flipped through the DM guide once I assured them it wasn’t spoiler-y, (“but don’t you dare read through the book of the campaign we’re playing!”) all of them came back saying “we want that.”
Totally on topic:
These memes are goddamned comically terrible. I can’t wrap my head around how it’s possible to so badly fail at this so consistently. They should’ve gotten a good meme out just by chance by now.
I’m not sure these memes are visual evidence of the damage all the bullshit rationalizations and mental contortions have done to their ability to engage in basic logical thought, or if they’re a manifestation of the fact that they think things like art and graphic design are bullshit feminine disciplines, and so they should be able to just STEMbrain their way through the design process with their mighty brainy STEMbrains.
Come on you guys, what do you expect, their acronym basically reads as “you a fuck.” I don’t know if this was deliberate, but it sure does aptly describe them.
If you need a palate cleanser of actually good social commentary in physical form, I just found this site:
“I don’t even think THEY understand what they’re trying to say with this crap.” I agree. O.O
Y’know, “Neo-Nazi misogynists threatening to rape and murder women over nonsense that other neo-Nazi misogynists made up” could be the dictionary definition of the MRA “Movement.”
Straw Feministssssssss!
Katz-“I think Hitler’s eyes are only creepy in that picture because they’re obviously shopped and so he looks like a Goa’uld.”
I have been watching Stargate SG1 again and yes, he does look like a Goa’uld! Maybe he was one! O.o Getting himself in a position of power, getting most of the German people to worship him, starting a world war and committing genocide. Sounds like something a Goa’uld would do.
The Gloria Alldred and Adolf Hilter meme. Oh here we go again with the whole ‘feminazi’ thing. Feminism and Gloria Alldred have nothing to do with Adolf Hitler or the Nazis and I have NO idea where they get it from. It’s like they just pull these things from their arse. To paraphrase Lacy Green “Gloria Alldred, American Civil Rights lawyer, protector of women’s rights. Wants equality. Adolf Hitler, Dictator. Killed millions of innocent people.Makes sense….No it doesn’t!” The only thing these two have in common is that they once had a picture taken at a similar angle. To MRAs-you know, just because some idiot once said ‘feminazi’ in a speech, does not mean you have to keep running with it. It’s getting old.
MRA’s getting angry at the ‘woman and children first’ thing. That’s getting old, too. Especially considering that the Titanic sank over 100 years ago, and how that policy was not created by feminists. It was created by men.To MRA’s-ensuring that children and their care givers are protected in the case of an emergency is not sexist, it is just common sense to give children the extra help that they need. Also, men do not come into the world fully grown, you know. Their ARE children of both sexes.
As for the rest, well they are so stupid that the are not worth mentioning
Pff, I don’t respect any GM who labels the controls in an Apparatus of Kwalish. Random lever-pulling is half the fun.
That’s it, that’s my new history theory.
Olive O’Sudden-They are back?! O.O Not the Straw Feministssssssss again!!!! GOD NO!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that comic, by the way. It’s hilarious. 😀
katz-Yep, definitely Aliens. XD
Those evil, evil aliens. 😀