The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (The PayPal page will say you are donating to Man Boobz.) Thanks!
So I’ve discovered a new bunch of antifeminist meme-makers who’ve somehow managed to pull off something close to the spectacular ugliness, incoherence, and just plain wrongness achieved by the meme masters at A Voice for Men.
Let’s give a big round of applause to the graphics whizzes of the United Anti-Feminist Coalition and their lovely Facebook page.
The Godwin-tastic meme at the top of this page — which gets bonus Godwin Points because Gloria Allred is actually Jewish — may be my favorite of theirs I’ve seen so far, but there are so many other brilliant contributions on their page that I hardly know where to start.
The UAFC meme-makers, like those at AVFM, do love battling straw feminists.
You know, like the straw feminists who HATE MALE FACIAL HAIR!
The Straw Feminists who are always demanding that random dudes make them happy.
And of course the Straw Feminists who demand “women and children first” when it comes to evacuating ships that for some reason don’t have enough lifeboats.
When the UAFC memers aren’t fighting imaginary feminists, they’re railing against imaginary feminist campaigns. Like the “Free Bleeding” campaign, a phony “feminist” celebration of menstrual blood that was actually concocted by 4chan in an attempt to make feminists look silly.
Well, it’s not feminists who look silly here. Especially given that the kid in the picture below is clearly holding a “Honk if you support Obama” sign with the words “if you support Free Bleeding” photoshopped onto it.
And when they’re not fighting off the specter of “Free Bleeding,” the UAFC is railing against the evils of “spermjacking” with barely comprehensible graphics.
Never mind that men are the ones actually poking holes in condoms; indeed, 16% of women on one recent study had a partner try to sabotage their birth control in an attempt to get them pregnant.
Then there are memes that are just plain incomprehensible:
I mean, I’ve been to Mangina Boot Camp, and it’s nothing like this!
toodles and stuff.
Well. That happened.
Have a nice dinner, Alexis. Hope the meat didn’t dry out while you were schooling us so masterfully. As we learned the other day, some cuts – like budget chicken breasts – have a tendency to do that.
Wait a minute…maybe Alexis was recipe testing for an upcoming “Grillin’ and Chillin'” feature on AVfM.
“No one is engaging my arguments!”
…after not actually presenting anything that isn’t a ridiculous cliche and ignoring things that actually do confront some of their cliches.
Come on, kiddo, you can do better!
I’d give that flounce a 2, for the ‘toodles’ because it reminds me of poodles, and I’m a sucker for rhymes.
-2 penalty per flounce stick fail, though. We’ll see!
New wave feminism? I guess feminists today really love rocking out to 80s hits!
… he made arguments at some point?
Ooh, the controversial single “c” spelling. *Now* we can have a debate.
*Boodica. ;P
Please accept my humble sacrifice, O Ravenous Blockquote Mammoth.
(P.S., the first line was quoting isidore13).
I have looked back and still don’t see them, though. Were… we supposed to argue with him about feminism being a dying movement? Because that’s just too ludicrous to be an actual argument but it’s the closest thing I could see.
I’m sure we’re all going to miss your thought-provoking arguments./sarcasm
… also, I need to break this bad habit of calling folks kiddos when they act immature.
Everyone’s my kiddo. Except for my kidlets. Kidlets is reserved for the ones who are still in the single digits.
I figure you all have tumblr accounts you are going to go rage on about the pathiarkeeey and wage gap and how us men have a culture based on rape.
WHO TOLD YOU? I feel so exposed.
Actually I’m not on tumblr but if I was I’d document how anti-feminists have no idea what the term “rape culture” means and include this: “us men have a culture based on rape”. That phrasing is outright bizarre and I’m honestly not quite sure you even know what the term “culture” means.
I’ve apparently lost the ability to successfully use block quotes. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Alexis shouldn’t be so histrionic if he wants to be taken seriously :-/
And, dood, it’s not that your awful sote’s worthy of mention…
…it’s that it’s worthy of mockery :-/
It’s an easy mistake to make, but now you know.
@brooked – WordPress is being fickle tonight. I blockquoted a moment ago, double-checked to make sure I’d closed all my tags, and then still fed the mammoth. It is beyond our ken, much like Alexis’ macho manly man “arguments.”
I guess popping into a random feminist comment section, spitting out rapid-fire MRA talking points, then jumping ship when you aren’t getting the reaction you’re getting is one form of being manly.
Not my kind, but eh, to each their own.
A couple words of advice though, Alexis, if you choose to come back after eating and beating your meat. When talking about men protecting their women from invaders, America is not the greatest example given that us ‘Mericans were the invaders, practically never the other way around.
And if you come back, know that swinging your virtual balls around and bragging about some 50 Shades of Grey style banging you’ve done isn’t going to impress us, it’s just going to make us want to sit back with some popcorn and watch your pathetic strutting.
If you can act like an adult for a few moments and not like a frat boy, maybe some of the more patient among us will be more willing to go through your gish gallop of wrong and explain how things actually work. If not… well, we mock misogyny here, and you’ll just be another clown.
@kirbywarp *claps*
Did someone say “only men fight in wars?” These soldaderas are unimpressed.
Oh boy, chewtoy!
You do realize that people (mostly men) have been saying that feminism is “dying” for the better part of a century, right? During the suffragette movement, many men were chuckling to themselves and going “Aw, look at the cute little wimmens! They’ll tucker themselves out eventually and go back home to make me a sammich.”
Let’s address the rest of this little (unoriginal) Gish Gallop, shall we?
– Feminism is a joke because I don’t think it’s relevant anymore.
What, so because you don’t need antibiotics right now, everyone else should do without? Because your house isn’t currently on fire, everyone should go without fire extinguishers or the service of fire fighters?
Wow. That’s real mature of you. [/sarcasm]
Hate to break it to you chuckles, but just because you (or even other women) don’t think you need it, doesn’t mean that everyone else does, or should, think the same way as you.
– Wage gap is a myth (and I can’t spell “examples” for some reason)!
Not really no. If you’d like, I could provide links (but I think you flounced, so why bother?), and I would like to point out that not only is there a gap between genders, but it gets worse when you look at it by race. :D
“I’m not mad! I just came on to a feminist site to come and yell at you silly wimmens! I’m not mad! I’m eating! I’m NOT MAD!”
And a “joke” about domestic violence. Stay classy.
“Your silly little ladybrainz can’t possibly comprehend! I’m just being funny! I shouldn’t have to explain myself to YOU!”
Ah yes, please tell me “Mr. Manly Man” what it is that I, a woman, want most in life. Please mansplain away what women want, and then proceed to shove your toxic bullshit idea of masculinity down the throats of everyone here. yes, that’s exactly what we needed. [/sarcasm]
– Feminism is degrading to men because it wants us to be women!
No, we just want you to tone down the macho he-man bullshit and realize that you don’t have to be a toxic macho he-man to be considered a man.
Also femininity is not lesser than masculinity. I’d appreciate it if you and men like you would stop using my gender as an insult.
Neg, neg, neg.
No, we still think you’re full of shit and yes, we’re still mocking you.
“You’re ugly and no one wants to fuck you!” is not an insult. Believe it or not, some of us don’t want your peen. Shocking, I know. The truth hurts.
“I don’t know what an ‘idiom’ is and I think that using phrases and words I don’t understand is going to make me sound smart!”
“I TOLD YOU I’M NOT MAD! WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING I’M MAD?! Pointing out the fact that I sound upset is hurting my freeze peach! EVERYWHERE IS AMERICA!”
Yeah, the blood of men (and women) “purchased” this land. Except it wasn’t the blood of white people, you racist fuck.
Yeah, men have had to protect us from other men. How wonderful you are. [/eyeroll].
How dare we wimmens not appreciate you defending us from “conquerers” who…uh…wait, when was the last time America was invaded? When us white people showed up?
“Blah, blah, blah, I totally won this conversation and I’m going to go eat my Cheetos and strut about like a peacock because I totally shat myself and bested those evvvillll feminists! Yay!”
Stick the flounce, you unoriginal man you.
Oh look the troll thinks that men and women have entirely different and separate cultures! Nope, buddy. Rape culture is a part of ALL of our culture, not just men’s. Men and women might have different roles in different cultures, but both genders of the same group share in the same culture.
Well that was an amusing encounter with a Cut-and-Paste troll!
Hopefully he uses comes up with some fresher “talking points” before he visits again. Those ones were distinctly overdone and dry.
So long, Alexis! Don’t let the door hit you on the way…oops, too late.
@Flying Mouse
Thanks for letting me know I’m not the only one having block quote issues because I couldn’t figure out what I did wrong. Weirded me out some.