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Men! Fight the "seductive succubi eager to harvest us for our resources" with this tasty chicken recipe

Begone, demoness! For I have eaten a delicious low-cost chicken dinner!
Begone, demoness! For I have eaten a delicious low-cost chicken dinner!

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (The PayPal page will say you are donating to Man Boobz.) Thanks!

Several months back, you may recall, A Voice for Men’s master chief chef Paul Elam launched what he claimed would be a weekly cooking column in order to share some of his highly masculine cooking expertise with the half-dozen Men Going Their Own Way who read his site.

Alas, after two columns blathering about the food truths the evil gynocracy is trying to suppress, he managed to post only one recipe for chili powder before abandoning the project and wandering off to yell at women on the internet. I guess we shouldn’t complain too much, for as Elam has pointed out, yelling at women on the internet is the highest form of human rights activism.

But fear not, masculine food eaters! Men hoping to learn how to Go Their Own Way in the kitchen now have a new champion: AVFM’s chief succubi monitor August Løvenskiolds, who has stepped up with a cooking column for manly men that if anything is even more manly than Elam’s efforts in the genre.

First up, a recipe for chicken. As McLøvenskiolds points out, chicken is an inexpensive source of tasty protein, perfect for MGTOWers on a limited budget.

The MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) lifestyle, ideally, involves both a real-world withdrawal of men from women and a reduction in the large excess of productivity by men necessary to support the pampering of women through the state’s taxation of men’s natural high productivity.

Men like me who choose this path may experience a decline in disposable income as we no longer strive to be the stripper pole of cash climbed by needy, seductive succubi eager to harvest us for our resources.

Eating chicken is a perfect way to put those nasty feminazis on notice. Indeed, you can pick up an entire family pack of frozen chicken breasts for “the price of buying some crazy feminist harpy two sour apple martinis.”

So how do you transform this frozen meat into tasty food? McLøvenskiolds starts out with this amazing recipe:

remove from freezer and wrapping, plop onto a pan and place into a 450 degree Fahrenheit (about 230 Celsius) oven for about an hour or less.

While you are waiting, get on Twitter and give hell to any feminists you can find.

At the end of an hour you will find a beautiful, tasty (if a little dry) roasted chicken breast.

While this recipe, along with veggies, cheap wine and dipping sauce, will provide you with a (slightly dry) eating experience that “Caesar would envy two thousand years ago,” McL goes above and beyond with a SECOND recipe for chicken breasts.

You may want to sit down, as this recipe has several steps to it beyond removing the chicken breast from the freezer and cooking it.

I force-thawed the still-bagged chicken breast in a small container under a leaky faucet dripping slowly on top of it. It took about 50 minutes to thaw. Two twitter feminists screamed and blocked me while I was waiting. I then preheated the oven to 400 degrees (about 205 Celsius).

Yes, that’s right. You will be “force-thawing” the chicken breasts and preheating the oven AT THE SAME GODDAMN TIME. Take THAT, femiharpynazis!

After this, you cut open the breast and stuff it with garlic, butter and your herb of choice. And then bake it. Also, you can stuff the chicken with other things if you like. As McL points out, you don’t need to get “affirmative consent” before stuffing the chicken.

Get it, get it? It’s like you’re raping the chicken! Because what kind of MGTOW recipe would this be without a rape joke?

A cheap, delicious meal – costing two to four bucks – and a nightmare for feminists.

Living well is sweet revenge.

Sitting at home by yourself thinking evil thoughts about feminazis while eating a chicken breast that you stuck some stuff into is pretty much the dictionary definition of a life well-lived.

In any case, all this talk of food has inspired me to post a recipe of my own. I call it “Pistachio Surprise.”

  1. Buy a bag of pistachios.
  2. Eat the pistachios.

Serves one.

Next week, I may share my recipes for leftover pizza and/or toast.

And while I’m at it, here are some delicious cheese recipes courtesy of Roz Chast.

Deliciously cheesy!
Deliciously cheesy!


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9 years ago

I’d suggest the MGTOW could also save a lot of money by choking the chicken themselves instead of paying for that service, but I suspect many of them already do.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

@spindrift LOL!

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

@Emmy Rae

It’s the lady version of negging.

Double misandry points for you!

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Having to choke chickens themselves?! What’s next? Flogging dolphins and spanking monkeys? Oh, the horror!!!11!

9 years ago


And they had a 6-foot Man Eating Chicken.

Madre de Dios! Es “El Pollo Diablo!”

9 years ago

We’ve all forgotten the obvious chicken recipe.

9 years ago

Wow. Just… wow.

I see estraven already said Good and Cheap, and I second it! Here’s the PDF! It works with my meal plan AND my budget! *thumbs up* Hubby has already used a couple of its recipes and they’re good!

I also put up my husband’s delicious macaroni and cheese recipe. He cheats and uses Annie’s box because it’s his favorite, but this will work with any boxed mac and cheese (though we’ve only done this with powdered cheese packets in them). He also uses vegetables, edamame, and plain whole-fat yogurt. (Ham or bacon also work.)

Cook the pasta as you would normally, and while that’s happening, chop up some veggies! We usually use one leafy green (kale, collard greens, spinach) and something very flavorful (tomatoes, fresh or sun-dried, bell pepper).

You can stir-fry the veg if you want, or if you’re a one-pot kind of man like me and hubby, toss the veg in at the very end of the boiling time. You want them JUST cooked without the nutrients and flavor getting washed out in the water.

While your pasta and veggies are draining in your colander, take the little cheese packet. Now, the box will say you should mix it with milk or butter. Ignore that. It lies. Instead, mix it with however much yogurt you want, salt, pepper, and fresh herbs in your now-empty pot. (Hubby has used bail, rosemary and sage, oregano, and thyme, all successfully.) Whole-fat yogurt is better because it’s creamier and won’t get grainy when the leftover heat from the pot seeps into it.

Your homemade sauce will be done right as your pasta and veg is finished draining. Dump it back into the pot, stir it all together, and OM NOM NOM!

RE: katz

My husband might try your recipe! He’s trying to gently introduce me to more meat. (When my eating disorder was really bad, protein was the first to go, and even now, I mostly get it from dairy and edamame.)

9 years ago

RE: Falconer

From Sneak: OMG Curse of Monkey Island! I LOVE Curse of Monkey Island! It’s because of that game I will always know the Spanish word for chicken! THE DEVIL CHICKEEEEEENNNN!

9 years ago

@Sneak: Look! Over there! It’s a three-eyed monkey!!

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago


OMG, they’re beating the Bishop!

9 years ago

LBT: I love Mac’s recipes!

9 years ago

*three [i][b]headed[/b][/i] monkey.

9 years ago

RE: Falconer

Murray! The demonic talking skull!

RE: katz

Mac is trying to get more into cooking; he feels that he needs a hobby that doesn’t involve me, and so he’s getting more interested. We’re kinda on minimalist kitchen equipment right now due to the moving (which is also why we’ve been so sporadic lately) but he has plans. Great plans.

I am sure my tummy will love them.

9 years ago

Also, as is traditional, here’s the recipe for me and Mac’s vegan chocolate wedding cake! Neither of us are vegan, but it’s SO DELICIOUS we don’t care!

9 years ago

Vegan baked goods are just really good. Super crumbly sometimes, but totally tasty.

9 years ago

This cake is not crumbly, though! It is moist and delicious.

9 years ago

Thanks for the Good and Cheap link–some of these recipes look excellent. Here are some more great recipes for people living on a restricted budget:

I decided to sign up, to support the charity I volunteer with, after I had a look at the meal plans….

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

The cake is a LIE!!!

9 years ago

RE: guest

I love the recipes! Part of why I tend not to like traditional cookbooks is that here at least, they’re really focused on MEAT, which is expensive. There’s a bunch of expensive ingredients I will never use, and often it doesn’t fit my meal plan and get all my food groups in, necessitating making multiple dishes, and it’s intended for more than one body.

It just doesn’t work for me, I mean.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Falconer | March 23, 2015 at 2:09 pm
Madre de Dios! Es “El Pollo Diablo!”

The best part about that video was the Manny Calavera cameo of the skeleton lying on the table. :D

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

LBT, I can’t WAIT to try that version of mac n cheese!

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

@friday jones
That one over there is charming the snake! LOL

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago


9 years ago

@PI: Yes, yes it was. Have you played the remastered game? I’m waiting on my new computer, which should be able to run it, and should be arriving tomorrow.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

@BecauseReason HEH! I thought he was trying to put out a crotch fire with his hand!