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The lovely piece of human garbage that is Roosh Valizadeh recently posted a helpful little list of “6 Warning Signs A Girl Isn’t Worth A Relationship.”
It’s a bit of an ironic list, in that Roosh, a self-described expat “love tourist” who makes his living giving men terrible dating advice, inadvertently provides any “girls” reading his list 6 Clear Warning Signs That Roosh is an Angry Sexual Predator Who Should Be Avoided at All Costs.
Roosh starts by warning his readers about the terrible plague of the music changers.
The first thing I do when get a girl over to my shack is put on some music. Depending on the mood I’m trying to set, I’ll go with something like The Weeknd, Vanessa da Mata, or Michael Jackson. As I’m making drinks, if she goes to the laptop, cuts off my music, then pulls up her own music on YouTube, she’s only getting fucked that night and never again. Even though she wants to play “this one song,” I cut her crap off and put mine back on. I say, “If you wanted to listen to your music you should’ve invited me to your place.”
Anyone that touchy about someone changing his music is not exactly great boyfriend material.
Several more items reveal Roosh to be someone who bristles with rage whenever a woman, in his mind, disrespects him. If a woman texts someone while on a date and doesn’t apologize for it, for example, Roosh feels that “you might as well hand her your balls.”
And then his list gets very dark indeed. TRIGGER WARNING for rape apologia dark.
The Fifth Horseman of the Warning Sign Apocalypse is this: “Asking you to postpone your orgasm so she can gain more pleasure.”
As Roosh sees it,
If you’re about to bust your nut and a girl does tells you “No” or “Wait,” she’s an inconsiderate slut who is now causing you direct harm.
A man’s nut is sacred, and for her to impede that should be criminal. I’m serious.
Backing away now.
One time a girl postponed my nut and then I lost it completely. I couldn’t get it back and I was left with minor groin pain. I never contacted her again.
What a terrible assault on Roosh’s manhood. He once experienced MINOR GROIN PAIN. That evil harlot should be locked up for life for the crime of a dude not having an orgasm once.
If all this seems a bit rapey, well, it gets worse with item #6: “Not urging you to continue pumping even if it’s starting to cause her discomfort,” in which Roosh explains that girlfriend-quality “girls” shouldn’t be permitted to say “stop” after agreeing to let a dude’s penis in.
I’ll tell you what love is: when a girl begs you to keep going even though you know she already came, even though she’s drying up, and even though you know it’s causing her pain.
I suppose it could be “love.” It could also be a rather different emotion known as “fear.” Fear that the angry, woman-hating asshole fucking you, who seems to erupt in rage whenever a woman disagrees with him, will flip out if you ask him to stop. And will keep going regardless.
If she tells you to stop the millisecond after she gets her nut, without you getting yours, I want you to tell her that the point of having sex with women is so a man doesn’t have to use his hand, and that she has performed below the hand.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
That’s why we do all this shit to bang women—to get our nut. If she can’t do that for us, then she’s useless as a living being.
If anyone tries to tell you that the “red pill” is really just about self-improvement for men, ask them to explain this.
If someone shows you an article from A Voice for Men arguing that “rape culture isn’t real,” show them this, and ask why they ran a long-two part interview with Roosh in which the interviewer wrote that Roosh was “a deep thinker,” and “a layered, tempered and earnest guy, who truly wants to help other men in their most basic and primal of life goals,” adding “I got nothing but respect for the guy.”
Roosh, you may recall, has also proposed legalizing rape on private property, which he bizarrely claims will bring an end to rape. I think it’s fairly clear that Roosh has no interest in ending rape. What he wants is for people to stop calling it rape. As he sees it, women saying “no” or “stop” or “get off me” are all an affront to the “sacred nut.” And we can’t have that.
EDIT: Minor edits to clarify a point.
I’m borderline ace, so I don’t have a lot of experience with sex, but I think I’d be willing to go through a little pain to help somebody I actually *cared* about have some pleasure. That said, anybody who cared about me probably wouldn’t want me to do that.
So you’d think some alternative option would be the way to go so that everybody’s satisfied and happy.
But in that scenario you’d have to care about the person you’re with, at least on a basis of “I want to make this person feel good so that this is a great experience for them AND me!” That’s not a super-high bar to vault, unless you’re Roosh and don’t care about anyone but yourself. And if you don’t care that much, why bother with people? Why not just get a sex toy? I don’t get it.
I can’t even imagine how awful he must be in bed. And I don’t want to.
He’s obviously an unreliable narrator of his experiences, and I’d love to hear what really happens from any of the unfortunate women who’ve suffered his presence for a night (or even a few minutes).
Paradoxical Intention: Take a break, but don’t give up!
“One, it wears me out physically. I don’t have the energy to do dating, especially with someone who likes to go hang out at bars and the like.”
How many dates are you going on a week? If its more than one after careful screening of prospects, that is too much. Do you date people you meet in daily life, or do you use online dating? Men dislike online dating because it does favor women, but if you’re truly looking for that movie buff, online dating is a *very* effective screening machine. It sounds like you’re also looking for an introvert. That kind of person would more likely be found online than working up the courage to ask you out in person.
“Two, there’s always the worry that I’ll run into assholes like this” Actually, I think it’s easy to avoid these types when you are confident in yourself and have boundaries. If you let those guidelines slide, yes, they start coming out of the woodwork. For instance, you don’t accept last minute dates, you don’t let a man make sexual allusions, you don’t initiate contact with him, etc. For your effort, you get him initiating contact with you, treating you with respect, looking forward to spending time with you. A great dating book you might appreciate is called The Rules. There’s even an update called The Rules for Online Dating (I never read it, just applied the original rules). I also liked Dating Without Drama and Why Men Marry Bitches. Good luck in love!
Just remember: love does not hurt. Love does not degrade.
I think that this is the first time I’ve ever seen the The Rules recommended in a feminist space. Did they change a lot in the updated version that was released a few years ago? Because the copy I browsed back when I was in college was a lot of basically a lot of manipulative cat and mouse games; I wasn’t impressed.
Off Topic but Robert Lindsey does it again. He’s reposting “Masculine Feminine Dualities Chart” (all negative for females of course), proudly boasting:
“This is one of my most popular posts.” and “This post made a lot of women mad. They called it sexist and left the blog or got banned. Oh well. I happen to think there is something to this.”
I think there is an element of self destruction, self loathing and a desire for punishment with him. Repeatedly he comes out with an anti-female/gay/trans/etc post. Argues with the females/gay/trans commentators (yes he has had some) and becomes ever more insulting and cruder until they leave (or as I did, get infuriated. and use some of his nasty, offensive langauge right back at him and then get banned).
The recent classic is the ‘…love dick’ stuff. Now he could have made the same argument with a far softer language, like ‘…really enjoy sex’, but he deliberately uses crude, offensive terms to piss people off (particularly females and any normal males) and drive them away.
What he is left with are the most misogynist (and because of other topics) racist people.
I wonder if he talks to people like this in real life, isolating himself as more and more people get fed up with it, leaving him with just a few (and probably pretty creepy) guys to spend time with.
Have some brain bleach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQZZ_jggk7Y
Re: Robert Lindsay:
Yeeeeeeeeeeah. Men’s thinking is objective, women’s is subjective. Sure. Like that whole list is toooootally objective and quantitative and provable.
The list is self-refuting.
@Flying Mouse
Kate Minter is a feMRA married to a particularly nasty MRA and posts nonsense around here on occasion; take anything she says with a grain of salt.
@ Flying Mouse – Looked it up. There have been sequels, but no update. The Rules is as you remember it. Kate Minter is not a feminist, and generally only comes into feminist spaces to bring the wisdom of anti-feminism…by doing things like recommending The Rules.
@M and seraph4377 – I’ve been giving her posts the side-eye for a bit, but wasn’t clued into the backstory. That makes me feel better.
That The Rules are still the same-old, same-old (but with an extra special advice for online reindeer games) does not make me feel better.
@Paradoxical – I would do dating as you feel comfortable and have the energy. I think online dating is great for those who are shy. I wouldn’t expect dates to find you, so try to reach out to people who interest you when you find them.
As for avoiding asshats, I would trust your gut.
Best of luck out there. ????
There’s not many people I hate but I truly hate Roosh. I hate his cold, dead eyes. I hate his sense of entitlement.
The way he brags about rape is so triggering for me. I was pretty much unconscious when I was raped by a friend and wasn’t 100% sure what had happened until I was at a party a couple of weeks later and overheard my rapist bragging about how he fucked me while I was passed out. The guys he was bragging to were laughing about it.
To be honest I’ve found this site really healing because it makes me feel a little safer to know that other people see that behaviour (having sex with passed out people and bragging about it) as detestable. So thanks for being awesome.
Lists like those always amuse me. I usually wind up going through them and finding ‘oh golly jee, I guess I’m a man! Who knew?!’ Obviously virtually every human being in the world splits the difference between any of those extremes (aside from the ‘hot/cold’ aspect. What is this, silly binaries constructed off of a desire for clear cut answers? Oh wait), but I’m not terribly good with expressing emotion and have a crap load of cut throat ambition, which to these wastes of space is only compatible with cis men. And it gives me great pleasure to be the stuff of their nightmares.
ohh my god.
Just saw a talkshow in the ukraine where Roosh was the guest and they talked about sex tourism, his book ”bang ukraine” and also about harassment towards women.
A lady walked by into the studio, claimed( I believe her) that Roosh followed her and harassed her on the street…
A woman said ‘ohh but look at you, you look like a slut! You cant walk around like this..”
These people really think that women who dress like this deserve to be harassed….holy shit.
Ironically this lady (the slut shamer) had almost the same revealing skirt lol xD
It hurted my heart that those people, right after a woman talked about her experience asked ‘but did you behave slutty”?….instead of actually listening to her!!!
and instead of blaming the predator…..
One woman said (proudly) ”Oh I like to go clubbing and drink…but I NEVER was harassed because I don’t behave like a whore”…..yeah no comment….. its not the fault of the men, boys will be boys…..and these stupid ”sluts” deserve to be touched and harassed! I mean they are totally asking for it!
Another woman said that women who ‘give their vagina to easily away and sleep with many stangers are the REAL problem for all this…seemingly no one complained about roosh talking about how many times he paid women for sex….AAAAAGHHH
Just wanted to share it here so that you can see in what kind of a society roosh feels good.
You can watch this show on youtube, if your heart is strong enough to endure all this victim blaming and slut shaming.
In america people wouldnt be that harsh…. but in the ukraine they really just want to be blame the women
🙁 (Im russian my english isnt really well…)
I’m sorry that happened to you and we are glad that you are here
About Doosh I’m starting think that he hasnt been sleeping with that many women that he boasts too. Maybe he only has been with sex workers? Still a virgin? Or he really did rape somebody? I don’t know but he clearly hasn’t been paying attention to sex Ed and haven’t read enough about the female body.
””a couple of weeks later and overheard my rapist bragging about how he fucked me while I was passed out. The guys he was bragging to were laughing about it.””’
Yeah because boys can do whatever they want, rape a person and still brag about it.
I also heard someone who brag about sleeping with a woman. He openly admit that he made her super drunk,I remember him saying someting like ”hehe she couldnt even talk”
Reminds me of steubenville.
Arent these men ashamed to even brag about their sexuality?…..openly in front of evereyone..?? Not that I think having CONSENSUAL sex is bad…but you don’t really need to brag, its disrespectful.
He’s not a Lex Luthor impersonator! Don’t be so mean, Lea! Lex actually does shit!
Thanks for that, M. I’m glad I read the entire thread before I went to answer her post to me.
That’s what I was doing currently. I don’t have the energy (nor am I in a good place in my life) to consider dating.
I’m not currently going on any dates, because, again, I’m not in a good place in my life, nor do I have the energy to expend on it. If I were to consider dating at the moment, it would have to be online, as I don’t get out much due to job searching and a very nasty mix of anxiety/depression right now.
Yeah, because having to wade through tons of unsolicited dick picks and “Hey, wanna fuck?” messages is totally “favoring women”. Sorry if I don’t see all attention as positive attention. I’d rather get a message like “Hi! I read your profile, and see that you like _____ too! What’s your favorite thing about ______? Mine’s ______!”
And let’s face it, plenty of people won’t bother reading a profile, because they’re too busy messaging every person they think they can get an easy fuck out of.
Here’s something you might be interested in. A guy made a fake dating profile to prove that women had it easier than men when it came to online dating.
Also, I’m not only into cisgendered men, so there’s that. Being pansexual does give me options.
Not really. I know plenty of confident women who have boundaries who still have to put up with assholes on a regular basis both online and off. Most of them ignore anything these women have to say and throw a tantrum when the boundaries are not put down for them.
And constantly having to defend my boundaries (and update my message filters) while they’re being tossed aside by assholes who don’t respect them is irritating, and I don’t have the patience for it at the moment.
I’ll pass on the book recommendations (Why the fuck would I read a book that calls women “bitches” right on the cover?), but thanks for your good wishes.
At least that’s something we can agree on.
Hey Isisdore, I checked out your link to Nairaland, and it looks like Roosh says he developed his little list while he was using his hand in Scandinavia, but he actually plagiarized half the list from a Nigerian forum. That would explain why the English in Roosh’s post sounds a bit stilted to us. I bet Roosh thought no one would ever notice half the content of his post originated from somewhere else. How did you catch that?
I’m stunned… Im posting these to represent my reaction to this
This garbage right here is why men and boys think they could do whatever they want and get away with it is because we let them! Poor woman I hope she will be ok.
I wouldn’t expect them to find me, either. But, unfortunately, reaching out to people sometimes for me is hard, even online. I still try to do my best though.
And thanks for the good wishes. :3
I’m most likely not going to start dating for a while (I have plans to move out of state as soon as I get the money), so I’m going to work on building myself up for a bit first.
Oops, I just looked at the dates on the posts, and it looks like the guy in the Nigerian forum took it from Roosh, Mea culpa Roosh. You are not a plagiarist. A lot of other bad things, but not that.
Yeah I felt also sorry for this woman.
We put the standards for women really high, while for men really low.
Naturallly women will be blamed for whatever men do to them (Except they are covered and in the kitchen)
@NicolaLuna – I am sorry that happened to you. Zen hugs if you want them.
“Naturallly women will be blamed for whatever men do to them (Except they are covered and in the kitchen)”
Actually we are blamed for that too. “Why are you with him?” Does that sound familiar?
Ah, I also failed to compare dates. Foolishness!
I don’t even think the standards for women are standards, since most of them are contradictory with each other and therefore impossible.